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Scourge XB1 EU

  • Badgerbeast
    Reds are garbage yellows just cry all the time im just here laugh at u so please proceed with ur convo like i was never here
  • WassyLad
    Reds are garbage yellows just cry all the time im just here laugh at u so please proceed with ur convo like i was never here

    Where was your nightcap last night mate?
    You give yourself a day off after doing it for the past 30 days? ;)
  • Bosov
    Ignore them Badger, just tank and taunt their hatefull messages :(
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • Badgerbeast
    I do have a life and a job i useily come on after six to nine pm my time just to keep up on ap for pvp rank but not really in to playing much cuzz if u guys dont get to win ul keep crying about it on the forums
  • RabNebula
    I do have a life and a job i useily come on after six to nine pm my time just to keep up on ap for pvp rank but not really in to playing much cuzz if u guys dont get to win ul keep crying about it on the forums

    Pssshhh. Ridiculous statement of the day award. Also Missed The Point Totally Award too! Congrats.

    It has nothing to do with not winning. It's that when you guys feel this desperate need to zerg through the night or call on your ADs to come help you defend a keep when your backs against the wall its really scummy play. It's not just your fault. If Zenimax had any common sense then they'd put measures in place along the lines of stopping score evaluations once any alliance hits 0 pop bars. But in the mean time a little sportmans conduct wouldnt go a miss.

    It gets tiresome fighting greens where theres 20 of each colour standing in amongst each other and yet they work together to fight EP. It gets irritating when you attack a blue keep and theres AD sat in there defending it or vice versa. It gets stupid when you're attacking a DC keep defended by TKL and then 10 mins into the siege suddenly a big group of AD turns up behind you headed by a guy who you killed on DC not long before and when you wipe because you're effectively then fighting a double zerg and you go back to that keep from a forward camp then you find the big ol AD group that just jumped you from behind is just standing around not attacking DC. Then the worst thing is nightcapping, its just uneccessary especially when DC got 5k points up from doing it and then carried on doing it.

    Saturdays are prime time for pvp and EP took emp again on a saturday at 5pm when the campaigns max pop. Sometimes at this time AD cause a few problems here and there. Then DC during prime time if they arent working with AD to hold up Arrius Lumber then they are pushed all the way back because half the best DC players are really AD players. Sadly the AD players dont have bigger picture strategies down and they end up becoming DC puppets. I hope that last one changes this month and AD do something to stop DC shutting them down in 3rd by playing so dirty.
  • WassyLad
    I do have a life and a job i useily come on after six to nine pm my time just to keep up on ap for pvp rank but not really in to playing much cuzz if u guys dont get to win ul keep crying about it on the forums

    You'd do that for us? You're a big softie at heart badger <3
  • DjSolJAH
    I applaud yellows for their insane keep defense all day yesterday at roebeck. We swept your home keeps all day but could t get you guys to budge. Yellows were running the dream team group with emp all day. The AP must've been real for those defensive ticks
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Badgerbeast
    The only yellows i know that have blues are bosov and wassy lad so dont know who or wat ur talking about rebnula no one is helping anyone if anything blues were helping reds try and dethrone the yellows lstnight so quit making *** up u squid
  • WassyLad
    DjSolJAH wrote: »
    I applaud yellows for their insane keep defense all day yesterday at roebeck. We swept your home keeps all day but could t get you guys to budge. Yellows were running the dream team group with emp all day. The AP must've been real for those defensive ticks

    I'm sick of the sight of roebeck now mate haha probably got over 100k in ticks all together
  • Badgerbeast
    how i know this is becuase any tkl memebers go to yellows and reds we kick them from guild ask bosov and wassylad there is no friend ship between the two they are no longer members and get t baged everytime we kill them so before u ramble on about ur lies please do some homework cuzz ur full of it and no one has even heard of u ur not a solo player like sykes or scraps u dont run groups were are u kingscrest wayshrine holding it down wats ur pvp rank recruit lol
  • WassyLad
    how i know this is becuase any tkl memebers go to yellows and reds we kick them from guild ask bosov and wassylad there is no friend ship between the two they are no longer members and get t baged everytime we kill them so before u ramble on about ur lies please do some homework cuzz ur full of it and no one has even heard of u ur not a solo player like sykes or scraps u dont run groups were are u kingscrest wayshrine holding it down wats ur pvp rank recruit lol

    You don't teabag me badger you blow kisses and say I'm sorry about that you don't have to keep up tough appearances you little cutie
  • pod88kk
    Hey badger looks like I killed you and you're other badger buddies a few times tonight before you got the rest of tkl to come and ask for assistance. *Rekt by a mag dk with no bloodspawn how embarrassing*

    Also looks like the green alliance is back in a big way now, yellows not wanting to be last again and the mczerg, sorry I mean, blues not wanting to give up those night caps
  • Badgerbeast
    lol sure u did and we were out numbered dethroned u and took emp with 14 man group get a grip mate
  • Badgerbeast
    There were hella reds and yellows night caped yeah right there were alot of ppl on so go cry to ur mommy i aint buying ur cry baby storys
  • Badgerbeast
    Yellow just took ur keeps from behind and we dethroned u thats pvp get used to it thats wat happens wen u have emp noob
  • Badgerbeast
    Thats not us working together thats just common sence
  • RabNebula
    Thats not us working together thats just common sence

    It happens all the time at Arrius and there are certainly more than 2 blues with AD characters. It is often the case that there are groups of AD and DC standing in among each other and not attacking each other. It happened at Chalman last week. It happens at Arrius a fair amount and then there are a lot of times where EP will be attacking Aleswell or Gmist and suddenly a big group of AD roll in (some who have definitely been on Blue characters a little earlier) when they have no keeps even remotely close, they fight with DC against EP and then you'll sometimes just see them jumping up and down and dancing with DC players just after. A couple of times I've even broken in to AD and DC keeps and theres been groups of the opposite alliance in there defending it with siege set up pointing at the breach and then you'll see them standing next to the people fixing the wall without getting attacked. The extra barring campaigns for 1 side by filling another alliance with your players happens. You can't deny it because its something many people have witnessed multiple times.

    Zeni would be doing a good thing by stopping alliance switching within 1 campaign. Or making it so all your characters are set to 1 alliance and you switch alliances using crowns. They'd probably need to bring in a non alliance assigned dueling arena in that case but it would make a massive improvement to the pvp in so many ways.
  • Badgerbeast
    Im all for not switching alliances i hate that crap ppl swaping characters to steal scrolls my crew are only blue we make sure we kick traitors those blues doing that at arries arent with tkl that i cant promise
  • Badgerbeast
    This is the list of blues turned rouge mortal assasin , mloveday , st3phx, irish teddy, bosov , wassy lad, scraps,ally more ,immortal hearts and there are a few more but they are not with tkl or do were plan attacks or cheap tricks with them we ussually push on yellows cuzz reds arent much of a fight unless they have emp we leave them for are randoms but lately its backwards yellows are free cheese and reds putting up the fight its just cuzz ppl swaping alliences
  • Badgerbeast
    And i mean can promise not tkl
  • HugoSDN
    Lol.. It doesn't exist. There is no green alliance. As someone said before, on a previous thread, some players have respect for some others even though they're in another alliance. That's why they sometimes don't attack each other. But apart from this case, yellows and blues are ennemies.
    Having one yellow character and 5 blue characters, I can confirm that as long as you're a yellow, most of the blues jump on you as soon as they see you, so the green alliance doesn't existe even with rerolls.
    Ppl having rerolls doesn't mean that they switch to help their own alliance. Sometimes they just dont want to fight against teammates they just played with. That's why you can sometimes see blue rerolls hiting Reds.
    You guys gotta stop all this drama, and stop believing your alliance is the best and other are just full of crap.
    XB1 EU - Daggerfall Covenant - Azura's Star

    Stam DK - VR16
    Magicka Templar - VR16
    Magicka Sorcer - VR3
    Stam NB - VR16

    Xbox GT - HugoSDN
  • RabNebula
    This is the list of blues turned rouge mortal assasin , mloveday , st3phx, irish teddy, bosov , wassy lad, scraps,ally more ,immortal hearts and there are a few more but they are not with tkl or do were plan attacks or cheap tricks with them we ussually push on yellows cuzz reds arent much of a fight unless they have emp we leave them for are randoms but lately its backwards yellows are free cheese and reds putting up the fight its just cuzz ppl swaping alliences

    Reds putting up a fight isnt people swapping alliances. Reds were organised in Scourge before the CP point change when we stopped Scourge being an AD buff campaign and took it off them. Reds putting up a fight now is more that we started to use the randoms at Arrius lumbermill as a defence and never bother to look back there because its basically a perma defence zerg that will rarely lose Arrius. It just means the organised reds are free to push on the aggressive. AD on the other hand have a massive hard on for Arrius and will just spend all day running up there and getting wiped over and over with no real strategy. Because theyre all there (at times there are probably 100+) then DC constantly have a free run at the AD keeps as those AD players will not go back to defend for anything. Having a bunch of green AD's plus the Arrius or bust attitude without any real understanding of the bigger picture is what will keep AD in 3rd.

    Also even though you guys might deny the green situation. Its a very common thing to happen. I've seen it plenty of times so its not just hear'say. But in a way it forces the reds to be more organised

    Really deluded thing to say that Red's arent good unless they have emp. Reds take emp during the primetime on weekends consistently. They have to be good to get to that point what with it being when the campaign is at it's busiest. On the other side of things, DC take emp because TKL have to zerg it through the night when nobody else is on. I've not seen DC take emp during the day or early evening on weekends. It just doesnt happen on a regular basis. EP claimed emp on the weekends the past 3 or 4 weeks.
    Edited by RabNebula on May 15, 2016 10:53AM
  • Badgerbeast
    Not all reds are crap there are a few that can play but out of 100 u have 20 good thats my perspective yellows out of 100 they have 15 good blues out of 100 we have 35 the only reason u guys get emp same with yellow during a prime time is when one alliance push us back to gladmist then the other allience goes behind them and take it but if its us verse another no help from other alliance u wouldint get nothing thats just my perspective
  • Badgerbeast
    Lets just be honest a blue 24 man group will always win verse a yellow or red 24 man group in a open field battle thats with just fighting no seige
  • RabNebula
    Lets just be honest a blue 24 man group will always win verse a yellow or red 24 man group in a open field battle thats with just fighting no seige

    Oh shut up! You're either the blindest most arrogant blue ever or just a troll. Theres rarely 24 man blue groups around for 1 because they would be too scared to run with what they see as a small amount :smiley: Its usually around 45+ against 15 red and time and time again those zergs have been wiped off Chalman by a smaller red force. Theres never been a time we've not been outnumbered by DC in part because they zerg and also because AD mostly zerg on Arrius.

    I think people sometimes need to recognise the different types of strong players. From my experiences it seems to me they can be generalised into 3 types of good player. Theres the strong individuals with exceedingly good combat skills. Theres the average combat players who can hold their own but are really really good at analysing the bigger picture and commanding the battle with really good people management skills. Then theres a few who can do quite well at both. There are much more than 20 out of 100, from each of those types and it could be easily argued theyre all equally as good for the alliance.

    I would say AD have fewer strong leaders than the other 2 alliances it seems. Thats evident as AD so often just let DC stroll through all their keeps in minutes because they omly charge headlessly over and over at Arrius. When that happens I've been down to check it out and with just a group of 15 we had more players in AD territory than I saw AD. It shows AD need stronger leading pvp guilds with a better view of the bigger tactics. They currently barely have any leaders with a defensive understanding for the campaign or any understanding that you need to direct your forces into more than 1 point on the map.

    Then DC just zerg through the night to cap keeps and make up their points on the evals. When they try to do it during the prime time, you'll see them zerg, wipe, zerg, wipe and then for a 3rd time zerg, wipe. After that they just disappear off the campaign or into IC having gained nothing of strategic value for DC in the process.

    EP are always tied up with 2 fronts zerging on them. DC will often go through long periods of not pushing past Roebeck while AD will go hours without so much as a crossed swords ping up outside that keep. Then EP are having to hold Arrius and push either front with half the forces of what DC and AD have available on those battlefronts yet EP still hold their own well against it and even take the emp during prime time on a lot of occasions. You cannot say DC have 15% stronger players than EP. Just absolutely nothing to back that up when you take in the full picture of the actual state of the battle.
    Edited by RabNebula on May 15, 2016 5:51PM
  • Badgerbeast
    No ones bin tien u up today yellows are pushed were u at now not taking nothin
  • RabNebula
    No ones bin tien u up today yellows are pushed were u at now not taking nothin

    When I brought my guys on there was all the AD at Blue Road. No fighting at Roebeck even though its DC who have emp. DC were full blown zerging with at least 50 blues on Arrius. I took my group from Arrius up to Ash and AD were still pushing for Blue Road and trying to cut Arrius.
  • Badgerbeast
    We go nack and fourth fighting both no one is picking on u
  • RabNebula
    We go nack and fourth fighting both no one is picking on u

    Clearly not true because its the same old situation as ever with AD just ignoring Roebeck. Blues not pushing past it. All of AD zerging on Sejanus. Also seen a group of blues and yellows fighting together at blue road again. Deny it if you like but it would be the ignorant thing to do. You just need to see the common patterns in the map to see how the combat always goes.
  • Badgerbeast
    Yellow get put down when they come to roebeck they go for reds cuzz its easy ap compared to fighting us not our fualt u guys arent both pushing on us when we have emp thats ur guys stupidity
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