Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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Scourge XB1 EU

  • Brrrofski
    Yeh, us DC never lag out. Like ever. I totally didn't lag out yesterday as one of 4 DC defending a keep against 20+ EP. I definitely didn't lag out. Even with all 4 blues there. Such zerg!

    This is my point. "This alliance does this, that alliance does that." Every alliance zergs. If yo udon't, someone in your alliance does. Every alliance has bad players who can't do a thing without numbers. All alliances have those idiots which choose to siege at the worst possible side.

    The whole team green thing going on in this thread is ridiculous. It's pure paranoia. You get certain groups that ignore what their alliance do. A group of Yellows decide they want a threeway so turn up at a blue vs red fight. Nothing is planned. They just do. Yellows and Blues not fighting is completely false. We push each other as much as we can.
    HugoSDN wrote: »
    I'm talking about what I see, not saying that every Reds are brainless and cant figure what to do with siege weap, but most of the time when a keep is sieged by 10 red weapons, there are 50 reds near the keep. On AD side, 10 siege weapons is most of the time 3 players trying a surprise attack.
    Btw i must admit that I dont really play against reds except when they try to push for emp.

    I really hope that other alliances find a way to fight against TKL nightcapping. As an european DC player, playing during daytime, i'm bored to see that we already have 1k points more than the other alliances. It's not challenging anymore.

    Like on Sunday morning. I cam on at like 9am. We were taking scrolls etc. Want down there. We took the scroll. Waited a while. Killed reds at chalman. Waited a while. Fought reds. Waited a while.... It was totally boring. It often gets to the point where nobody is doing nothing.

    IC needs to be given a real reason to fight there and we need battlegrounds. Lag in scourge is unreal.
  • Brrrofski
    RabNebula wrote: »
    quote="Bosov;2980256"]At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Newsflash, nobody is picking on reds.

    Everyone fights everyone. Open the map and look further than the three keeps you're at and you'd see. I've spent way more time fighting yellows on this game than EP. By a lot.

    Like 2 months ago we were defending out three home keeps every day, all night from 6-11pm.

    It happens. Sometimes factions split up. Sometimes the main guild will push one way, so others think "we'll try and help and push the other faction while they do that".

    Also, people need to realise that not everyone gives a *** about the campaign. Some people juts log on for three hours, want a fight so go to busy areas, have a fight then log off. They don't care beyond that. That makes up a lot of the population I'd say.
    Edited by Brrrofski on May 16, 2016 2:24PM
  • MightyBantam34
    Must say even though I prefer fighting reds . Some of my best fights have been against yellows made friends on both sides but when I see them I still try to kill them makes it fun . In all my time of pvp I've never seen yellows and blues fighting side by side.
  • Silky_Shokz
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Also, people need to realise that not everyone gives a *** about the campaign. Some people juts log on for three hours, want a fight so go to busy areas, have a fight then log off. They don't care beyond that. That makes up a lot of the population I'd say.


    I'm in that bracket. I haven't once complained about DC winning the campaign, just the way that they conduct themselves at times. TKL have done a good job of tarnishing all blue players with the same brush. As they have the largest numbers on DC, naturally people will refer to their players the most.

    I still have friends on DC and I have friends on AD, I don't attack them as we have mutual respect (unless skrapz is bored, in which case there's not much point in me putting up a fight anyway :D )
  • WassyLad
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Yellow Zerg is even worse in haderus.

    It's the randoms that push arrius 24/7 most of the good players in scourge have gone to haderus due to being sick of the lag.

    As for you speaking to ad guilds and them saying they refuse to push blue I don't know who on earth you spoke to. I couldn't name 1 ad pvp zerging guild if I tried.

    It's like I've said 1000 times before reds are just as bad as yellow for pushing each other when they have nothing to gain

  • Silky_Shokz
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Yeh, us DC never lag out. Like ever. I totally didn't lag out yesterday as one of 4 DC defending a keep against 20+ EP. I definitely didn't lag out. Even with all 4 blues there. Such zerg!

    Not saying it doesn't happen to blue players at all. Just saying it as I see it and how AD players have said the same thing to me. I'm yet to have lag when fighting AD, yet the game is almost unplayable when I come up against a TKL group. Take it however you want, but that is an honest account.
  • WassyLad
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Yeh, us DC never lag out. Like ever. I totally didn't lag out yesterday as one of 4 DC defending a keep against 20+ EP. I definitely didn't lag out. Even with all 4 blues there. Such zerg!

    Not saying it doesn't happen to blue players at all. Just saying it as I see it and how AD players have said the same thing to me. I'm yet to have lag when fighting AD, yet the game is almost unplayable when I come up against a TKL group. Take it however you want, but that is an honest account.

    I have the occasional lag out against reds but honestly almost every keep fight vs blues I lag out spawn back in dead. Sometimes our whole group gets lagged out spawns in dead with the keep taken it sucks :(
  • MightyBantam34
    Maybe just maybe you don't have as much lag against reds is because most of there player base is in imperial city
  • RabNebula
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    quote="Bosov;2980256"]At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Newsflash, nobody is picking on reds.

    Everyone fights everyone. Open the map and look further than the three keeps you're at and you'd see. I've spent way more time fighting yellows on this game than EP. By a lot.

    Like 2 months ago we were defending out three home keeps every day, all night from 6-11pm.

    It happens. Sometimes factions split up. Sometimes the main guild will push one way, so others think "we'll try and help and push the other faction while they do that".

    Also, people need to realise that not everyone gives a *** about the campaign. Some people juts log on for three hours, want a fight so go to busy areas, have a fight then log off. They don't care beyond that. That makes up a lot of the population I'd say.


    Really thats where you're starting that response? Then following it by ignoring around 90% of whats been said about EP players seeing groups of blue and yellow inside each others keeps then standing around with each other in the post death screen. Standing around outside Arrius together not fighting each other on a number of occassions.

    "Open the map and look further than the 3 keeps youre at."

    How much have I spoken about riding down into AD territory to find they have less than 10 players defending their home keeps as DC stroll through them freely? During prime times too! That last time was at about 7pm on a Friday night. How much have I spoken about Roebeck constantly being blue for hours at a time and whenever you look at the map there is not so much as crossed swords or a resource being taken off it for long periods considering its so close to AD's home? Its ridiculous that Roebeck is blue for so long at times during prime time without challenge. So yeh I look past the 3 keeps I'm at. I look at the entire map almost every moment there is downtime to see whats happening. Im not sure how you could possibly imply otherwise.
    WassyLad wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Yellow Zerg is even worse in haderus.

    It's the randoms that push arrius 24/7 most of the good players in scourge have gone to haderus due to being sick of the lag.

    As for you speaking to ad guilds and them saying they refuse to push blue I don't know who on earth you spoke to. I couldn't name 1 ad pvp zerging guild if I tried.

    It's like I've said 1000 times before reds are just as bad as yellow for pushing each other when they have nothing to gain

    The yellow zerg may be bad in Haderus but when the majority of EP guilds are talking about switching then Im sure that wont be an issue for them, especially as DC on there seem to have a low pop most of the time. It wouldnt be that difficult to break up the zerg of 1 alliance. I'm not for switching but I can understand why a good chunk of the main EP guilds are considering it.

    I didnt speak to the AD guilds directly. I dont have any way of doing that. It was players I know from years of gaming with them before ESO even came out so can be trusted when they say they have spoken to the other AD guild leaders to try and work out why AD dont push Roebeck. But also they dont need to be zerging guilds to be of significance in the battle. EP have no zerg guilds at all. Thats because zerging is boring and causes the lag fest.

    Every alliance has its moments of bunching up into a bit of a zerg from time to time but DC are the only one I know of with a guild dedicated to it quite like TKL do through the night.
    Edited by RabNebula on May 16, 2016 6:46PM
  • Brrrofski
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    quote="Bosov;2980256"]At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Newsflash, nobody is picking on reds.

    Everyone fights everyone. Open the map and look further than the three keeps you're at and you'd see. I've spent way more time fighting yellows on this game than EP. By a lot.

    Like 2 months ago we were defending out three home keeps every day, all night from 6-11pm.

    It happens. Sometimes factions split up. Sometimes the main guild will push one way, so others think "we'll try and help and push the other faction while they do that".

    Also, people need to realise that not everyone gives a *** about the campaign. Some people juts log on for three hours, want a fight so go to busy areas, have a fight then log off. They don't care beyond that. That makes up a lot of the population I'd say.


    Really thats where you're starting that response? Then following it by ignoring around 90% of whats been said about EP players seeing groups of blue and yellow inside each others keeps then standing around with each other in the post death screen. Standing around outside Arrius together not fighting each other on a number of occassions.

    "Open the map and look further than the 3 keeps youre at."

    How much have I spoken about riding down into AD territory to find they have less than 10 players defending their home keeps as DC stroll through them freely? During prime times too! That last time was at about 7pm on a Friday night. How much have I spoken about Roebeck constantly being blue for hours at a time and whenever you look at the map there is not so much as crossed swords or a resource being taken off it for long periods considering its so close to AD's home? Its ridiculous that Roebeck is blue for so long at times during prime time without challenge. So yeh I look past the 3 keeps I'm at. I look at the entire map almost every moment there is downtime to see whats happening. Im not sure how you could possibly imply otherwise.
    WassyLad wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Yellow Zerg is even worse in haderus.

    It's the randoms that push arrius 24/7 most of the good players in scourge have gone to haderus due to being sick of the lag.

    As for you speaking to ad guilds and them saying they refuse to push blue I don't know who on earth you spoke to. I couldn't name 1 ad pvp zerging guild if I tried.

    It's like I've said 1000 times before reds are just as bad as yellow for pushing each other when they have nothing to gain

    The yellow zerg may be bad in Haderus but when the majority of EP guilds are talking about switching then Im sure that wont be an issue for them, especially as DC on there seem to have a low pop most of the time. It wouldnt be that difficult to break up the zerg of 1 alliance. I'm not for switching but I can understand why a good chunk of the main EP guilds are considering it.

    I didnt speak to the AD guilds directly. I dont have any way of doing that. It was players I know from years of gaming with them before ESO even came out so can be trusted when they say they have spoken to the other AD guild leaders to try and work out why AD dont push Roebeck. But also they dont need to be zerging guilds to be of significance in the battle. EP have no zerg guilds at all. Thats because zerging is boring and causes the lag fest.

    Every alliance has its moments of bunching up into a bit of a zerg from time to time but DC are the only one I know of with a guild dedicated to it quite like TKL do through the night.

    I've never been in a blue keep and seen yellows standing around doing nord dance emotes. One or two individuals might, but to say yellows and Blues all team up to fight reds is totally incorrect.

    King's legion kick people who swap alliances from all accords, so it can't be them with yellow friends. I've never seen it in keeps either so I don't know where you've got that from...
  • RabNebula
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    quote="Bosov;2980256"]At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Newsflash, nobody is picking on reds.

    Everyone fights everyone. Open the map and look further than the three keeps you're at and you'd see. I've spent way more time fighting yellows on this game than EP. By a lot.

    Like 2 months ago we were defending out three home keeps every day, all night from 6-11pm.

    It happens. Sometimes factions split up. Sometimes the main guild will push one way, so others think "we'll try and help and push the other faction while they do that".

    Also, people need to realise that not everyone gives a *** about the campaign. Some people juts log on for three hours, want a fight so go to busy areas, have a fight then log off. They don't care beyond that. That makes up a lot of the population I'd say.


    Really thats where you're starting that response? Then following it by ignoring around 90% of whats been said about EP players seeing groups of blue and yellow inside each others keeps then standing around with each other in the post death screen. Standing around outside Arrius together not fighting each other on a number of occassions.

    "Open the map and look further than the 3 keeps youre at."

    How much have I spoken about riding down into AD territory to find they have less than 10 players defending their home keeps as DC stroll through them freely? During prime times too! That last time was at about 7pm on a Friday night. How much have I spoken about Roebeck constantly being blue for hours at a time and whenever you look at the map there is not so much as crossed swords or a resource being taken off it for long periods considering its so close to AD's home? Its ridiculous that Roebeck is blue for so long at times during prime time without challenge. So yeh I look past the 3 keeps I'm at. I look at the entire map almost every moment there is downtime to see whats happening. Im not sure how you could possibly imply otherwise.
    WassyLad wrote: »
    RabNebula wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    At this moment blues are taking all scrolls and still have emp from the night before. Blues have 3 bars online, yellows and reds both have just 1 bar.... must be fun!

    Its in a bad state at the moment and its a shame that AD aren't doing the situation or themselves any favours. Rather than helping tackle the real problem of TKL they zerg on EP when last night I pushed my guild from taking back Arrius all the way to almost taking Ash. AD? They decided at that point to flag Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus and zerg on EP with no push on Roebeck at all.

    I've arranged a meet with a few guilds on EP tonight. It seems we have 2 options:

    1. Leave Scourge with all the EP guilds and go to Haderus.
    2. Push on AD and DDOS our way through their keeps. Make them lag and crash and have a miserable time by shutting them down so that they either leave the campaign, quit pvp all together or do the right thing and get organised to start fighting properly.

    Neither of those options are desirable as they will just be pushing ESO's pvp 1 step closer to a slow and disappointing death. So I am working on a 3rd idea but right now its not really clear enough to say it will work.

    At the moment the only real clear but almost impossible way to tackle TKLnightcap zergs is for EP and AD to arrange a ceasefire during the day of no guilds crossing the Alessia bridge. Then start to shut down DC during the day and pin them to their gates, splitting the day points in half and keeping DC locked down. In time that would break the overblown egos of DC thinking theyre the bees knees because they would have to fight in smaller groups and when that happens they will get wiped because they just dont have experience in fighting outnumbered 4 to 1.

    If AD fought DC at the same time EP do then they would have no problem with crashes and zergs because DC would be in the position EP are in where we have to play smart and with a lot of coordination to push forward on both fronts. As it is, AD only zerg 1 way. They are causing the lag and crashes for themselves by refusing to split on to 2 fronts. Though DC dont help, crashes and lag have got little to do with DC (though their initials might suggest otherwise). Its that the AD tide rolls up with probably 70+ on a regular basis and they only push to Arrius. That many players concentrated in 1 area busting out of forward camps all the time too is going to cause lag issues. AD are causing most of their own issues. They are the reason they fell so far into 3rd last campaign and are doing the same this campaign. Blind stubborness is ADs big issue at the moment.

    Yellow Zerg is even worse in haderus.

    It's the randoms that push arrius 24/7 most of the good players in scourge have gone to haderus due to being sick of the lag.

    As for you speaking to ad guilds and them saying they refuse to push blue I don't know who on earth you spoke to. I couldn't name 1 ad pvp zerging guild if I tried.

    It's like I've said 1000 times before reds are just as bad as yellow for pushing each other when they have nothing to gain

    The yellow zerg may be bad in Haderus but when the majority of EP guilds are talking about switching then Im sure that wont be an issue for them, especially as DC on there seem to have a low pop most of the time. It wouldnt be that difficult to break up the zerg of 1 alliance. I'm not for switching but I can understand why a good chunk of the main EP guilds are considering it.

    I didnt speak to the AD guilds directly. I dont have any way of doing that. It was players I know from years of gaming with them before ESO even came out so can be trusted when they say they have spoken to the other AD guild leaders to try and work out why AD dont push Roebeck. But also they dont need to be zerging guilds to be of significance in the battle. EP have no zerg guilds at all. Thats because zerging is boring and causes the lag fest.

    Every alliance has its moments of bunching up into a bit of a zerg from time to time but DC are the only one I know of with a guild dedicated to it quite like TKL do through the night.

    I've never been in a blue keep and seen yellows standing around doing nord dance emotes. One or two individuals might, but to say yellows and Blues all team up to fight reds is totally incorrect.

    King's legion kick people who swap alliances from all accords, so it can't be them with yellow friends. I've never seen it in keeps either so I don't know where you've got that from...

    I got it from seeing it. I'm not the only one either. Theres a lot of people who bring it up whenever they see it happen. If you were on the other end you would probably witness it more often. It depends where you spend most of your time and when youre on but it certainly happens a lot. You may not do it but cannot deny that others dont.

    You cant deny the Blue Road and Arrius zergs from AD while ignoring Roebeck for hours on end either. The whole of last night, AD hardly challenged Roebeck. While my guild had steamrolled all the way from Arrius to Ash the yellows pushed up to Arrius, Blue Road and Sejanus at the same time and not even a crossed sword between AD and DC at Roebeck to push to topple emp. They're either total wusses and are scared of a slight boost from the emp bonus ortheres AD guilds who act in blind stubborness, attacking only EP and the alliance as a whole is lacking enough people with strong tactical awareness to consistently be able to push the campaign in the right way. That AD are miles behind in 3rd again suggests maybe its a bit of both.
    Edited by RabNebula on May 16, 2016 8:44PM
  • Bosov
    Just leave Kings Legion! Try some small scale and you come a much better player! As a ue i used to run around in blue armor and had no clue what i did and needed the zerg just like current kings legion zergs :( i changed to yellow and now im op as f*ck. Without aoe caps ill wreck kings legion zerg by myself!!!! Yes really omg yes

    I would even rek badger, most OP tank eu/na
    Edited by Bosov on May 16, 2016 8:31PM
    Xbox One - EU - GT : Bosov
    PC - EU - @Bosov91

    ESO Highight :

  • MightyBantam34
    Ermmm think I actually see more yellows and reds together but I don't really care , I'll fight what's in front of me and try enjoy the game. And if the lag gets too bad jump to haderus to break up yellows and reds Zerg lines
  • Brrrofski
    Bosov wrote: »
    Just leave Kings Legion! Try some small scale and you come a much better player! As a ue i used to run around in blue armor and had no clue what i did and needed the zerg just like current kings legion zergs :( i changed to yellow and now im op as f*ck. Without aoe caps ill wreck kings legion zerg by myself!!!! Yes really omg yes

    I would even rek badger, most OP tank eu/na

    The only person from Kings is badger. I don't run with them and neither does bantam.
  • DjSolJAH
    Prolly cause they make arrogant, long drawn out comments, in guild chat all the time. What sensible player would tolerate such behavior

    Source: the last 3 pages
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Badgerbeast
    Ahh bosov u think im most o,p tank i actually like ur mag dk if my stam dk doesint get that better after next patch i might switch to dark elf mag dk
  • WassyLad
    Your mighty reds who never do anything wrong are currently pushing on alessia whilst blues have emp and yellow have pushed up to ash. Good job EP
  • RabNebula
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Your mighty reds who never do anything wrong are currently pushing on alessia whilst blues have emp and yellow have pushed up to ash. Good job EP

    Ha yeh I know the randoms can be really stupid or maybe theyre just giving AD a taste of their own medicine for once. If I were on I would be taking my guys up north for sure. The other main pvp guilds likely would be too.
  • DjSolJAH
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Your mighty reds who never do anything wrong are currently pushing on alessia whilst blues have emp and yellow have pushed up to ash. Good job EP

    Been poking around at blues home keeps all day. Reds refuse to push north. The amount of unorganized reds is staggering.
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • WassyLad
    DjSolJAH wrote: »
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Your mighty reds who never do anything wrong are currently pushing on alessia whilst blues have emp and yellow have pushed up to ash. Good job EP

    Been poking around at blues home keeps all day. Reds refuse to push north. The amount of unorganized reds is staggering.

    I was only poking fun at the fact rabs always ranting about the mindless zerg of yellows pushing red for no reason haha. Was annoying though mindless Zerg defending alessia meant the blue Zerg steamrolled us back to our home keeps
  • RabNebula
    WassyLad wrote: »
    DjSolJAH wrote: »
    WassyLad wrote: »
    Your mighty reds who never do anything wrong are currently pushing on alessia whilst blues have emp and yellow have pushed up to ash. Good job EP

    Been poking around at blues home keeps all day. Reds refuse to push north. The amount of unorganized reds is staggering.

    I was only poking fun at the fact rabs always ranting about the mindless zerg of yellows pushing red for no reason haha. Was annoying though mindless Zerg defending alessia meant the blue Zerg steamrolled us back to our home keeps

    Ha well yeh its about time someone said something about AD doing it as much as they do. I'm not surprised EP randos did it back for once.

    Though a mindless zerg defending Alessia shouldnt mean the blues steam roll AD back to their home keeps unless AD are focused far too much on trying to crack through Alessia and not enough on dealing with the real forward pushing threat of blues. If the reds weren't defending at Alessia, it would have been at Blue Road or Arrius and DC still would have steamrolled through the AD keeps. It happens all the time that AD dont have any balance between their forces and leave nothing on the western front.
  • Dalglish
    Funny how blues think reds and yellows are free AP when both yellows and reds dominate the leaderboards while hardly ever grabbing emp away from DC; kinda points to the fact blues are the easier to farm (or just zerging the map 24/7).
    Victrix EU - EP & AD -
    Xbox EU - DalglishUK
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    We've removed a few posts that were off-topic, insulting, and not contributing to the discussion. We know we've said this before...avoid personal attacks, folks. Keep it civil and constructive.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • MightyBantam34
    My first early morning play on elder scrolls in a while ohhhh look what it has become yellows and reds in there little ceasefire ( FYI red s your playing right into the yellows hands why be a ***) oh while I'm having a little rant if you come across me and I'm fighting 1vx try not to be THAT GUY!! You know rd
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Some interesting comments and points overall :) GJ guys

    As EP, I do agree that sometimes it feels like we get pushed by AD and DC on Scourge, but I can't believe that people care about it. You just have more pugs to kill. More potential AP.

    Every time I see TKL pushing keeps - I just go behind them and try to cut reinforcements, but now with Forward Camps, this strategy is not the best for contribution to the war, but it is less lag and more 1x1; 1x2 fights.

    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • RabNebula
    My first early morning play on elder scrolls in a while ohhhh look what it has become yellows and reds in there little ceasefire ( FYI red s your playing right into the yellows hands why be a ***) oh while I'm having a little rant if you come across me and I'm fighting 1vx try not to be THAT GUY!! You know rd

    Haha I've not been on a few days. Has the ceasefire idea I mentioned actually happened? :smiley: It's what DC deserve to be on the end of.
  • Badgerbeast
    That 24 v 24 sounds really good we will have to set some ground rules no siege no tents no emp no scrolls
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    We've removed a few more posts that were off-topic and not constructive. Say it with me folks: keep it civil and constructive!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Silky_Shokz
    ZOS_DaryaK wrote: »
    We've removed a few more posts that were off-topic and not constructive. Say it with me folks: keep it civil and constructive!

    Dammit :D:D

    Fair play @ZOS_DaryaK your right on top of this thread now :D

    I still stand by my badger gif though :p
  • DjSolJAH
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
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