DaveMoeDee wrote: »MormondPayne_EP wrote: »FloppyFrank wrote: »Lol at ZOS for moving this thread to alliance war because they don't want people to see how much they've *** up.
Could one of you guys be so kind to enlighten us on why this thread has been moved to alliance war when it clearly isn't only talking about the alliance war and is talking about the game as a whole?
Those three guys tagged here are *** incompetent, sarcastic, arrogant jerk.
They will not enlighten ***. All they will go is continue to /lurk and be a cancer to the community and the game. As far as I am concerned, these people need to be fired.
Fired and never hired again in the industry.
*** ZOS.
Sounds like you have a personal history with them.
Geez, it is amazing how people get so riled up about things like this that they jump to vilifying whoever they can target.
I'm guessing their character can't be as bad as what some reveal about themselves in their forum posts.
Enraged_Tiki_Torch wrote: »
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Good for you Pavlik Morozov! I personally know Mormond Payne as a very good player and tough opponent. I have fought with him and against him. He used to have the patience to run pug groups which is more patience than I have ever had.
So he finally got angry and spouted off. Happens to the best of us. Reporting him helps the community even less as we risk losing one more voice of sanity and one more friend on these forums to the oversensitive policies that have silenced so many.
The way ZOS has treated the PvP community has brought many of us to anger. Instead of being a good little Trotskyite, and blindly following the rules, how about you help the entire PvP community figure out how to channel all of this anger towards something positive and find a way to move forward?
We have lost Ezareth, Teargrants, Braidias, Asgari, Cinn, so many voices. These forums are worse for not having them despite any outbursts that may have happened.
We need a place to let off steam. Maybe it was good that ZOS moved this thread into the alliance war section if this is what it devolved to.
Back on topic please. Don't want to risk an unfair thread lock.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »So lets refocus this thread. Getting back to the point.
Overarching problems in ESO as highlighted in Fengrush's video.
1. ZOS lacks commitment to existing "endgame content" in favor of pushing out new DLC
- Previous Trials (AA, HR and SO) Trials and Trials gear not updated to max level.
- DSA and Master Weapons not updated to max level
- PvP Elite Gear Vendor not updated to max level.
- Fear that one day, Imperial City, Tel Var Vendor, and even the current trial will be outdated when the new CP level cap is instated.
2. PvP Performance, Content and TLC since launch has been mediocre
- PvP performance has been terrible since the lighting/botting/client-server/whatever you want to call it patch.
- Bugs/Exploits take months or even years to be fixed
- No moderation for bad behavior in PvP.
- Knee-jerk balance changes followed by no changes for months.
- No new PvP content since launch except for that PvE grinding moshpit that is the Imperial City
3. Lack of communication with the playerbase.
- Lack of equal representation for the PvP community.
- Most community ambassadors are PvE focused
- Trade guilds and PvE guilds have much more representation in ZOS guild meetings
- Months of silence followed by insincere communication with dodges the issues.
- That AOE caps thread where Wrobel was completely NON-RESPONSIVE and we still haven't received a real answer for why AOE caps are in the game.
- Even now, this thread is being censored off the "general discussion" page and pushed into the dustbin of obscurity that is the Alliance war forums
4. The playerbase feels that ZOS doesn't acknolege or react to their concerns.
- ZOS was warned by PTS testers about how unbalanced the champion system would be after about 300CP, IC launched with full CP.
- ZOS was warned about Dupe Glitch at launch. Launched the game with known dupe glitch anyway
- ZOS was warned about multiple mundus and countless other bugs, exploits, etc. No action. Launch anyway.
- ZOS was repeatedly asked by PTS testers to remove useless or unused traits for PvP vendors. No change.
There. Now we can get back on topic. If you think of any more categories or sub-categories, please let me know.
Well...I'm glad he did report. This thread is gettng so toxic. Some players just need to move on. So does Fengrush. Never seen a more adult child.
But I liked what you said a bit before about the guy only focusing on the negative and never giving praise where praise is due. There have been a lot of good changes to ESO. And to think that the Devs don't care about this game is ridiculous.
krees28b14_ESO wrote: »magnusthorek wrote: »I'm so glad that I'm not the only player who is not "afraid" of speak my mind and point ruthlessly what the hell is going on.
And then, something obscure and not publicly mentioned is changed requiring us to re-accept the TOS (otherwise we can't even login anymore) like if we could even compare to the older text (who is paranoid enough to keep "version control" of TOSs) and we read it carefully just to see that basically the whole Section 6 is a general f*ck off saying exactly what Feng said but with legal speech.
And we can't even sell our game we paid for because we're not allowed to transfer our accounts to someone else. I spent more than 300$ in the game due exchange rates in my country and I'm not the real owner of its licenses. That's unreal!
Company keeps screwing the game, from performance and down to mechanics and content, patch after patch, and I can't get a refund because... oh wait! It's also in the freaking TOS >:(
Not saying I do not have some feeling towards Feng one way or the other. But, YOU were the one that agreed to the ToS so that is your own fault. If you are unhappy then cut your losses and play another game. Remember that companies respond to money. Take yours somewhere else and see what happens. Eso will either thrive or fold. But why stick around if the game makes you so unhappy?
I might watch the video later for a laugh. I can already tell it's going to be very negative in nature. I hope some of you get warnings or bans for you abusive comments towards zos.
So much QQ here. Some people taking this game far too seriously. It is a game after all. I fully agree Alliance war pvp is a complete mess full of lag and fps drops and a bore/Zerg fest. But thankfully we have IC and dueling guilds for small scale pvp which is still great. And we also have arenas on the way. Yes no ETA. Aside from a couple bugs like unbreakable cc and group members being invisible, I don't run into anything that bothers me with small scale pvp and ic is definitely not dead. I bought Theives guild dlc for the camel(haha) I haven't even been to the new zone. Too busy having fun elsewhere and making gold to upgrade my new set item peices (transmutation). I scored 2x arcane willpower rings yesterday. 200k yus.
I might watch the video later for a laugh. I can already tell it's going to be very negative in nature. I hope some of you get warnings or bans for you abusive comments towards zos.
So much QQ here. Some people taking this game far too seriously. It is a game after all. I fully agree Alliance war pvp is a complete mess full of lag and fps drops and a bore/Zerg fest. But thankfully we have IC and dueling guilds for small scale pvp which is still great. And we also have arenas on the way. Yes no ETA. Aside from a couple bugs like unbreakable cc and group members being invisible, I don't run into anything that bothers me with small scale pvp and ic is definitely not dead. I bought Theives guild dlc for the camel(haha) I haven't even been to the new zone. Too busy having fun elsewhere and making gold to upgrade my new set item peices (transmutation). I scored 2x arcane willpower rings yesterday. 200k yus.
Reported this thread for being in the wrong section -- it is focused on the general health of the game and is cluttering up the Alliance War section.
Suggested it be moved to General Discussion, where it is more applicable.
Enraged_Tiki_Torch wrote: »
Well...I'm glad he did report. This thread is gettng so toxic. Some players just need to move on. So does Fengrush. Never seen a more adult child.
But I liked what you said a bit before about the guy only focusing on the negative and never giving praise where praise is due. There have been a lot of good changes to ESO. And to think that the Devs don't care about this game is ridiculous.
There are a lot of good changes and no the developers are the last to blame in a lot of cases. Fengrush is not a bad guy, he is frustrated like a lot of people but the way he delivers his message (like in the video) is doing nothing positive. After watching his video I begin to think like Mormond which can boil over and the result is either someone quiting or they are forced to quit. I don't want that.
"He makes a couple of points. I'm willing to grant you that. But it's completely lost in his own sense of self importance and childish ranting.
"Yes, PVP is far from perfect I am certainly willing to admit that. But this balance that you speak of is a myth. In any MMO with PVP that I have ever played there's been more powerful classes, there's been imbalances, there's been discrepancies between abilities. And this is still going on in long running MMO's like World of Warcraft. Go ahead. Go to their forums and look. Even this many years into their game, players are shouting for class balances. "
( LOL mon, wow is most balanced pvp game ever.There always be whinies and some OP classes but they fix it asap and most important is they listen to the comunity)
"Performance wise in Cyrodiil? Yep, clearly there's a lot of issues. But how can you be so absolutely abd completely sure that if they removed AOE caps that this would magically fix the problem? You can't be. So, if they tried it and it didn't improve the stability and performance in Cyrodiil, then what?"
( we are sure because we already play non lag no aoe cap cyro (then no skill crybabies come out and all go to hell)
"You say that MMO's don't cater exclusively to casuals. This again is very true. In fact, a lot of MMO's have a lot of competitive stuff in their gameplay with PVP like battlegrounds and arenas. ESO doesn't. It's likely going to have Arenas before the year is out, but I'm willing to bet that the biggest chunk of the population of this game is here for Elder Scrolls. Not to be some sort of hardcore experience. Because this game does not and indeed has never promised or promoted itself as a hardcore experience game. In point of fact, in a recent interview, Matt Firor refers to the game as an online RPG as opposed to an MMO. Elder Scrolls has always and will always be about the journey and the stories. Not hardcore PVP experiences".
(Elder Scrolls has always and will always be about the journey and the stories eh. Ok i`m not a hardcore player but i already did all quests and exploration LONG ago.Now all i have is pvp and he`s lagy and unbalanced and zos dont show they care( and i tell you why) When you ty to balance pvp you listen what one of the "best" pvp payers sugest. You cant close your eyes and do what you want only to show who`s boss. If you care only about casuals and pve just say it. dont milk pvp comunity with empty promises)
"I do completely agree that patches should not be released that broken and full of bugs"
(read "milk drinking" above)
Now, we all know that the PVP community around here are the most vocal.
(if you die at last boss because your skills sucks or bcause of low frame rate or dcd you will be vocal too)
"There's having passion for a game, and there's sitting and ranting for nearly 30 minutes. If a game caused me this much stress, I would just get the heck out of dodge and find another game."
(this is called hope. that's why we come back here to see if there are good changes. unfortunately everything we see is rushed contents and "dont give a frick" what one of the backbone players think will be beter for the game (and i dont mean just Fengrush) Now you will say- why zos would listen to one or 2 or even 3 ppl.Becasuse my friend every one of this players have bigger wiev base than zos life and if you don know what this means i have nothing more to say.)
(I was one of the few "vocals" in the forums (with sugestion and warnings. because we seen this happens in so many games and we DONT want it happens in the one we love the most) and what we get / we get cut of fom FB page/with no explanation. Yes stil love the game. yes i`m stil subbed and no i dont play anymore/ exept login to feed horse) But worse thing is, every time i log i check my friend list (mostly casual pvers) and there are ppl who didnt log from a long time/ and i mean ppl who are members since beta and stil subbed. To not log when new exp is up, even just to see whats new .... you get it.)
"But this - this is not helping the game either. If you're going to threaten to leave, then either go and find another game that suits you better, or at least have some decency to give actual and constructive feedback rather than creating a song and dance about it all like you deserve some kind of preferential treatment above all other people who play this game.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »"He makes a couple of points. I'm willing to grant you that. But it's completely lost in his own sense of self importance and childish ranting.
"Yes, PVP is far from perfect I am certainly willing to admit that. But this balance that you speak of is a myth. In any MMO with PVP that I have ever played there's been more powerful classes, there's been imbalances, there's been discrepancies between abilities. And this is still going on in long running MMO's like World of Warcraft. Go ahead. Go to their forums and look. Even this many years into their game, players are shouting for class balances. "
( LOL mon, wow i most balanced pvp game ever.There always be whinies and some OP classes but they fix it asap and most important is they listen to the comunity)
"Performance wise in Cyrodiil? Yep, clearly there's a lot of issues. But how can you be so absolutely abd completely sure that if they removed AOE caps that this would magically fix the problem? You can't be. So, if they tried it and it didn't improve the stability and performance in Cyrodiil, then what?"
( we are sure because we already play non lag no aoe cap cyro (then no skill crybabies come out and all go to hell)
"You say that MMO's don't cater exclusively to casuals. This again is very true. In fact, a lot of MMO's have a lot of competitive stuff in their gameplay with PVP like battlegrounds and arenas. ESO doesn't. It's likely going to have Arenas before the year is out, but I'm willing to bet that the biggest chunk of the population of this game is here for Elder Scrolls. Not to be some sort of hardcore experience. Because this game does not and indeed has never promised or promoted itself as a hardcore experience game. In point of fact, in a recent interview, Matt Firor refers to the game as an online RPG as opposed to an MMO. Elder Scrolls has always and will always be about the journey and the stories. Not hardcore PVP experiences".
(Elder Scrolls has always and will always be about the journey and the stories eh. Ok i`m not a hardcore player but i already did all quests and exploration LONG ago.Now all i have is pvp and he`s lagy and unbalanced and zos dont show they care( and i tell you why) When you ty to balance pvp you listen what one of the "best" pvp payers sugest. You cant close your eyes and do what you want only to show who`s boss. If you care only about casuals and pve just say it. dont milk pvp comunity with empty promises)
"I do completely agree that patches should not be released that broken and full of bugs"
(read "milk drinking" above)
Now, we all know that the PVP community around here are the most vocal.
(if you die at last boss because your skills sucks or bcause of low frame rate or dcd you will be vocal too)
"There's having passion for a game, and there's sitting and ranting for nearly 30 minutes. If a game caused me this much stress, I would just get the heck out of dodge and find another game."
(this is called hope. that's why we come back here to see if there are good changes. unfortunately everything we see is rushed contents and "don give a frick" what one of the backbone players think will be beter for the game (and i dont mean just Fengrush) Now you will say- why zos would listen to one or 2 or even 3 ppl.Becasuse my friend every one of this players have bigger wiev base than zos life and if you don know what this means i have nothing more to say.)
(I was one of the few "vocals" in the forums (with sugestion and warnings. because we seen this happens in so many games and we DNT want it happens in the one we love the most) and what we get / we get cut of fom FB page/with no explanation. Yes stil love the game. yes i`m stil subbed and no i dont play anymore/ exept login to feed horse) But worse thing is, every time i log i check my friend list (mostly casual pvers) and there are ppl who didnt log from a long time/ and i mean ppl who are members since beta and stil subbed. To not log when new exp is up, even just to see whats new .... you get it.)
"But this - this is not helping the game either. If you're going to threaten to leave, then either go and find another game that suits you better, or at least have some decency to give actual and constructive feedback rather than creating a song and dance about it all like you deserve some kind of preferential treatment above all other people who play this game.
(RLY?! a song and dance? Do you even know how many feedbacks Feng, King Richard, Sypher and Lefty already gave ???)
Waste of words. Good luck all
Not My Video. Just thought some more more people should see it.
FENG RUSH Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0qKzzZV1yf_nnrPQc2YcWA
FENG RUSH Twitch: https://twitch.tv/fengrush/profilehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33iczl2PxE
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »I'm definitely glad this video is getting the publicity it deserves, many people need to understand even if they're enjoying the content now just wait till you finish your content whether it be getting certain levels or questing. There's literally nothing else to it afterwards, you can PvP but the balances are terrible and with thieves guild patch it practically ruined stam builds since people wanted physical damage resistance when they can far cast from safe locations.
Magicka classes can still block cast while regaining magicka versus how stamina users get 0% stam regen. How is that fair? Have you fought someone block casting you while as a stamina user; to put it short it's frustrating. You may say o just CC them yup I use fossilize all day but as a stam DK I only have so many resources at my disposal.
gw2only1b14_ESO wrote: »Not My Video. Just thought some more more people should see it.
FENG RUSH Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0qKzzZV1yf_nnrPQc2YcWA
FENG RUSH Twitch: https://twitch.tv/fengrush/profilehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33iczl2PxE
Ok Feng it might be your approach suggest :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJpwR5SFES0
But its the face of MMos its the sign of the times The Gamer of today compared to the Commodore users/early Apple Zork players ect is leaps and bounds more evolved do to the growth of the computer/internet there will never be "a perfect game " there will just be games that will be fun and will be entertaining.
If you want challenges might have to unplug and go :
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Do you honestly believe the state of the game is fine? Are you delusional? Walk into cyrodil at prime time on trueflame and then try and say that sentence again
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Do you honestly believe the state of the game is fine? Are you delusional? Walk into cyrodil at prime time on trueflame and then try and say that sentence again
Problem is: The state of the game is fine for 95% of their playersbase. If dedicated pvpers even represent 5% of the playerbase.
DaveMoeDee wrote: »
Do you honestly believe the state of the game is fine? Are you delusional? Walk into cyrodil at prime time on trueflame and then try and say that sentence again
Problem is: The state of the game is fine for 95% of their playersbase. If dedicated pvpers even represent 5% of the playerbase.
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »I'm definitely glad this video is getting the publicity it deserves, many people need to understand even if they're enjoying the content now just wait till you finish your content whether it be getting certain levels or questing. There's literally nothing else to it afterwards, you can PvP but the balances are terrible and with thieves guild patch it practically ruined stam builds since people wanted physical damage resistance when they can far cast from safe locations.
Magicka classes can still block cast while regaining magicka versus how stamina users get 0% stam regen. How is that fair? Have you fought someone block casting you while as a stamina user; to put it short it's frustrating. You may say o just CC them yup I use fossilize all day but as a stam DK I only have so many resources at my disposal.
gw2only1b14_ESO wrote: »Not My Video. Just thought some more more people should see it.
FENG RUSH Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0qKzzZV1yf_nnrPQc2YcWA
FENG RUSH Twitch: https://twitch.tv/fengrush/profilehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33iczl2PxE
Ok Feng it might be your approach suggest :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJpwR5SFES0
But its the face of MMos its the sign of the times The Gamer of today compared to the Commodore users/early Apple Zork players ect is leaps and bounds more evolved do to the growth of the computer/internet there will never be "a perfect game " there will just be games that will be fun and will be entertaining.
If you want challenges might have to unplug and go :
Well if you have very low standards and enjoy mediocrity then thats your view. But some people want things to improve and get better and so they will voice their opinions and issues.
Are you aware of the concept of "feedback" or "reviews"? Have you ever used an internet forum before?