[–]ZOS_RichLambert [score hidden] an hour ago
No we aren't raising the VR cap before we remove them.
As for the removal... we're still working on that. We will have more info to share with everyone next year, once we've worked out and finalized things.
There will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
TequilaFire wrote: »Incoming Max level 1000 CP characters in the Crown store.
Seems to be the way of things. smh
When the walls fall down...
https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3thlqh/welcome_to_the_elder_scrolls_online_orsinium_aua/cx69emfThere will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
TequilaFire wrote: »Incoming Max level 1000 CP characters in the Crown store.
Seems to be the way of things. smh
When the walls fall down...
TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3thlqh/welcome_to_the_elder_scrolls_online_orsinium_aua/cx69emfThere will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
We've known this since Paul Sage said it in Summer of 2014...
So there might still be new tiers of materials introduced in future updates.ZOS_eWrobel wrote:There will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
Shadesofkin wrote: »TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
No. Bad forum user.
Some of us genuinely believe that the game will be healthier without Veteran Ranks, that certain parts of content will become viable as a source of entertainment again. Having a different opinion based on our own findings is not the same thing as being grossly generalized into some sort of shadow generation of people.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »Your existing gear will be meh and you will have to craft, farm, grind, buy, or whatever is necessary to get competitive endgame gear. And new players will still see a mountain of XP in front of them, post Level 50, before they can do endgame content.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »new players will still see a mountain of XP in front of them, post Level 50, before they can do endgame content.
TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/3thlqh/welcome_to_the_elder_scrolls_online_orsinium_aua/cx69emfThere will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »A little context here before this gets too out of hand…
- We’re still working on the system – nothing is finalized. (which is why we’re not really talking much about it yet)
- The intention is that once you hit 50, champion points take over. Veteran Ranks are completely removed.
- When Veteran Ranks are removed, we will convert any Veteran Ranks on your highest character into CP.
- To get a rough idea of balance - think of 10CP = 1 VR. (so 160 CP will roughly = VR16)
Additional Details:
- We’re planning on giving 2.5 CP for every VR level you’ve earned on your highest level character. (40 for a VR16 character)
- When the conversion happens, any player with CP less than their old veteran rank * 10 will instead be given enough CP such that their total is VR * 10. For example: A player is VR14 with 75 CP, they will be given 65 CP (140-75) instead of 40, so that they can still equip any gear they may have.
- We will make sure the 16 attribute picks you got from VR1 to VR16 will carry over. (current plan is an achievement that goes up in 10 CP increments until 160)
Keep in mind that none of the stuff above is 100% locked in. We're still implementing the feature - things are subject to change. It's important that everyone understands they are not suddenly going to have to have 501 CP in order to equip the top level gear. We will introduce new gear, with higher CP requirements sometime in the future, but we won't be making huge jumps. (i.e. - we won't go from 160 to 400 suddenly)
Once we finalize the system and lock in more of the details, we will discuss things in more detail and answer questions.
TequilaFire wrote: »Shadesofkin wrote: »TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
No. Bad forum user.
Some of us genuinely believe that the game will be healthier without Veteran Ranks, that certain parts of content will become viable as a source of entertainment again. Having a different opinion based on our own findings is not the same thing as being grossly generalized into some sort of shadow generation of people.
I disagree and my opinion is just as valid as yours.
I am not alone in this opinion however.
How having a different opinion equates to a bad forum user is poor argument on your part.
Rust_in_Peace wrote: »TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
There's no reason for them to do this.
I have a feeling that once they get rid of VR ranks that it's going to be a lot easier to reach max level. they want people to play the new DLC even if they aren't max level and have PVE battle leveling now for the new zone and dungeons. Why would they encourage people to play that kind of content when they aren't max level? If they were setting things up for selling max level characters wouldn't they have done the opposite? Wouldn't they have gated the content and raised the VR cap again?
Rust_in_Peace wrote: »TequilaFire wrote: »Because the people that want instant gratification seem to be winning.
So logical next step is instant max character.
I certainly am not a hater of this game, just lazy people.
There's no reason for them to do this.
I have a feeling that once they get rid of VR ranks that it's going to be a lot easier to reach max level. they want people to play the new DLC even if they aren't max level and have PVE battle leveling now for the new zone and dungeons. Why would they encourage people to play that kind of content when they aren't max level? If they were setting things up for selling max level characters wouldn't they have done the opposite? Wouldn't they have gated the content and raised the VR cap again?
It's actually interesting that you bring up the concept of max "level". Is it really max level? To be honest, this is just throwing ideas around, but since CP impacts a lvl 1 as much as a max "level" toon, can we call it max level? Im level 500! woot!
It does have a fun feel to it, But I sort of see CP as a threshold. you hit 50, levels no longer exist. It will probably feel even easier to move away from the "level" concept once they start scaling more areas. Makes you wonder if eventually (if it all meshes well), they will do away with "levels" completely...rewarding skill points instead of experience, or stuff like that.
Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Won't this just create even more disparity between the have's and have-not's?
There will also be gear scaling and gear will require you to have X champion points. Better items will require more champion points.
Rust_in_Peace wrote: »Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Won't this just create even more disparity between the have's and have-not's?
Not necessarily. With the catch up system it will basically create a sort of horizontal progression system rather than a typical vertical one. By the end of each "season" ie; the time between when the CP caps are raised, if you're playing the game with any regularity you should have caught up to the minimum CP to equip certain gear. In the meantime the gear you're using will still be suitable to do any content out there. If the future of progression for this game is going to be anything like the current track record; old set bonuses will still be perfectly viable, but new ones open up new builds and possibilities.