Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Greetings ESO Forum Posters

  • Tristess
    Soul Shriven
    Sypher wrote: »
    you got kik?

    You wot m8
  • Prospering
    Willing to spend $50 for a sub par arena
  • Wycks
    Kill mindless zergs:

    1. Remove barrier
    2. Remove purge
    3. Remove negate

    Bonus: Fix the cc issues, immunity and bugs in tons of skills.
    The numbers thing is always going to be there, but it’s more down to player skill and there are ways through ability choice to configure a group to be stronger vs. large groups of people. - BRAIN WHEELER - 2012 - LOL
  • Thaumic
    Not class ability, but still combat related - I'd love it if the different weapon types (swords; axes; maces) to have varied attack speed / damage as they have done in previous Elder Scrolls games (as well as many other franchises). I understand it would be more difficult to balance but would add more variety to play styles.

    Cheers :)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff)
  • Yoyuyi999
    1. Stam Whip - DK's lack instant power and variety. I think a stam whip would be the perfect medium between ransack, which hits too low (unless animation canceled) and is instant, and Wrecking Blow which hits hard but is incredibly slow and makes you incredibly vulnerable.

    2. Lower Hardened Wards base shield - The shield right now is way too big. I can spam weave my shield between my attacks, hit 10k frags then just put my shield on and burst someone real quick. At least change it so you cant spam it a ***. Ive seen other suggestions such as make it scale off health or make shields crittable. I think making it scale off health would make it too low, while making shields crittable would screw everyone. Considering an average blazing shield or igneous shield is 3k or less.

    3. A stam frag, wether it works the same way the Mag Frag works now I feel this is needed for a stam sorc. Like others, Stam sorcs lack variety and constant (and unique) form of power. Take a look at your weapon skills and you have ransack and heroic slash which translate into surprise attack or something like a stam whip (Instant fast dps). Flurry, which tranlates into jabs. And finally, Wrecking Blow and Snipe would be like a stam sorcs stam frag. It only makes sense, itd be unique and it would be their source of reliable damage without relying only on weapon abilities.

    Magicka Dragonknight, Yoyuyi
    Stamina Dragonknight, -Jombo
    Magicka Templar, -Dombo
    Magicka Sorceror, -Mombo
    Magicka Nightblade, -Wombo
    Magicka Dragonknight, -Combo




    Former GM of Mighty


  • DividendGamer
    I would like to see more morphs in general, three per skill would be great.

    Damage abilities could gain buffs or debuffs at the expense of damage and vice versa.

    It could be a great way to share different abilities that certain classes don't have access to.

    Giving a way for say, templars to gain fear or an escape skill would be awesome, I don't really like having to be a vampire to get a "decent" escape method with mist form.

    A couple of new skills could add some fun, like a ground targeted shield wall that can protect a group of people in a line, or a pvp version of siege shield that works against all projectiles.

    A fun spell I thought of for templars could be something like: divine intervention: where you teleport next to another player and heal them or take a portion of their damage.

    Magicka Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant
    The Guar Cartel
  • Merlight
    Glad you're here, but class ability improvements aren't going to cut it. You need to improve core combat mechanics. Remove AoE caps, bring back soft-caps on stats (with smooth diminishing returns curve), revisit dynamic ultimate generation.

    edit: link to fixed formula
    Edited by Merlight on November 17, 2015 1:30PM
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Xeven
    Yoyuyi999 wrote: »
    2. Lower Hardened Wards base shield - The shield right now is way too big. I can spam weave my shield between my attacks, hit 10k frags then just put my shield on and burst someone real quick. At least change it so you cant spam it a ***. Ive seen other suggestions such as make it scale off health or make shields crittable. I think making it scale off health would make it too low, while making shields crittable would screw everyone. Considering an average blazing shield or igneous shield is 3k or less.

    I'd tell you to L2P but you are competitive with all the top sorcs in legend, even before you recently added wings to your build. You're also my friend.

    You have vigor and rally, you're wearing impenetrable behind wings, hardy and medium armor resistances. Your effective damage mitigation is just as high as any sorc spamming shields, the only difference is, you can do damage at the same time.

    I strongly disagree and every magicka sorc will... Rolling a sorc does not a magicka sorc make, and you cannot possibly speak from our point of view at the highest levels of play. It's already insanely difficult to deal with well built, well played and aggressive DKs such as yours with a Magicka Sorc.

    GTF off my one remaining viable defensive ability bro. Ask for DK buffs instead.
    Edited by Xeven on November 17, 2015 2:08AM
  • cduff4ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    1. Nightblade cloak is too strong. Need to halt resource regeneration when cloaked or something like that to make it more of an escape or combat initiator, not something to use during combat several times.
    2. Stamina morph for the Templar, focused charge ability. I see aedric as the melee skill line but there is no stamina morph for the charge. Seems strange.
    3. I know you said class skills but the bow needs work. Multiple times a week on reddit, I see people asking for bow builds or ways to use bows because there is a high demand for the ability to use bows. Range on bow abilities should out range gap closers. Maybe increase crit damage on top of critical rating to help up the dps that the bow is extremely lacking.
  • Sentinel
    Some small things-
    Certain skills that have been altered to be a stamina morph still have values that scale upon the magicka side of things, and wont be affected by bonuses that are commonly used by the stamina side. One example is killers blade. Will all of these skills be brushed through to make sure their functionality is equal to their purpose?

    And on another note....

    Discussion about total removal of AoE caps?
    (Other similar topics are: Re-implementing dynamic ult gen, & revised soft caps)
  • Gunphu
    1) Sorc shield stacking is unreal. Its still the best damage mitigation, burst damage class and has arguably the best mobility in the game. Make it so Hardened Ward specifically CAN be crit or cannot stack with healing ward.

    2) Dark flare should behave similar to crystal frag. It should have a chance to insta cast and travel way way faster. It should not have the increased damage that crystal frag gets but maybe a snare.

    3) Templars need a higher burst dmg class ultimate. They have the worst damage ultimates! Basically radial sweep needs reworked. A good change would be to increase all your damage by 20% to targets affected for 6 seconds , similar to Incapacitating Strike. This would apply to both morphs.
  • Uberkull
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    My god..............



    This wins the thread. You son of a ***.

    I can solve AOE caps without touching AOE caps. Small scale objective pvp. AOE cap is 6, make 6v6, 4v4, 2v2, 1v1....keep reading...

    PvP revived
    - Revive IC. Revamp the districts by removing the mobs and turning them into 4v4 battle ground objective pvp.
    - Each district is a pvp mode.
    >Capture the Flag
    >Control points. Kills and holding most control areas gains points. 2000pts wins match.
    >Domination. Kills gain points. Kill to win. 2000pts wins match.

    Rewards are AP, TV stones, gold. Create new pvp based gear that can be purchased with AP and stones.

    You're welcome, now your DLC isn't obsolete anymore and you bring small scale pvp to ESO.

    Edited by Uberkull on November 17, 2015 2:41AM
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ twitch.tv/uberkull ஜ▬▬▬
  • DeanTheCat
    Hello @Wrobel

    Nice to see that you have finally decided to step foot in web based Cyrodiil. You asked for suggested changes, and here are my suggestions :)

    1) Restore miss chance as a valid stat. Abilities like Blinding Flashes, Sparks and Cinder Storm will go a long way in improving the survivabilty of melee based stamina fighters which do not have the luxury of damage shields to soak up damage for them. If we cannot absorb damage, perhaps we can avoid it with evasion + miss chance? (Also, sparks really fit the theme of dirty melee for Dual Wield very well)

    2) Change damage shields to function more like bonus health. Damage shields currently Negate three styles of builds, that of being uncrittable, undottable and not receiving the caster's Armor value, which gives damage shields an effective 25-35% damage mitigation, due to negating all crits and bleeds. This value scales up the more the attacker is invested into crit. 25-35% mitigation is incidentally more mitigation then mosr heavy Armor builds have after factoring in Armor Penetration. Allow damage shields to inhert the Armor value of the user, to make Armor a valid stat to invest in for shield users.

    3) Change shieldbreaker to deal bonus damage to shielded targets instead of unresistable damage on light attack. Shieldbreaker in it's current form encourages it's wearers to stand back at range and plink away with a weighted Bow rather then actually using abilities. Bonus damage against shielded targets will aid the wearer in ripping apart shields, while not turning it into an I win button against shield builds.

    4) Replace the empower on Wrecking Blow with Major Fracture, and add a range check to the end of the animation. Wrecking Blow is dealing far too much damage for too little risk, and encourages spamming of just Wrecking Blow and nothing else due to empower. A change to Major Fracture will give an Armor debuff to the two hander line (Which currently lacks one) as well as encouraging the use of other abilities into the mix. In addition, the complete lack of a range check at the end of the Wrecking Blow has resulted in 15+m Wrecking Blows as long as the target is within 7m after 0.4 seconds have passed since the start of the channel. The lack of a range check at the end ensures that the Wrecking Blow will connect. This also applies to the Base ability uppercut and it's other morph dizzying swing.

    5) Lower the damage of abilities from the One Handed and Shield line while increasing it's protective qualities. This weapon line is meant to be a defensive choice, but instead it's being used as the go-to Offensive weapon of choice in Cyrodiil (Mainly due to Low Slash and Puncture). In addition, due to the changes to stamina regeneration while blocking, users of the weapon line are gimped when trying to use the defensive properties of the line. This can be remedied by making a change to the "Fortress" passive to reduce block costs for the first 1.5/3 seconds of blocking, to encourage timed blocks instead of just simply holding block.

    6) Allow the Destruction Staff passive penetrating magic to apply to all sources of magic damage, as well as slightly increasing the bonus that the passive gives. This will allow the destruction staff to be the weapon of choice by Offensive magi who are seeking to bypass enemy spell resistance.

    7) Change healing ward to instead of having 300% bonus ward strength on low health targets to 100%, but increase the heal granted when the ward expires by 250%. A healing ward Spammer cannot be executed, and this change will allow enemies to have a chance of executing the caster, but rewarding the caster with an even larger heal should the caster be able to protect the ward till it expires.

    8) Change annulment to absorb only half of incoming magic damage instead of 100%, while retaining the current ward strength. Annulment is blatantly overpowered against magicka builds, and is the main reason physical damage is preferred in Cyrodiil due to not having to deal with the horror that is annulment. This change will allow the ward to last longer, and reduces it's effectiveness while not rendering it useless.

    9) Turn Proximity Detonation into a high damage delayed DoT with a cast time like flaming oil, while keeping Inevitable Detonation as it currently is. Proximity Detonation is currently the best single target magicka based nuke there is. This ability should only be effective against groups, and not against single targets. Example: "Cast time: 1.5 seconds. After channel is over, inflicts all nearby enemies with a DoT, dealing 2a damage over 6 seconds. Ticks come in at every 2 seconds". "a" being the current damage of Proximity Detonation.

    10) Remove the execute component of Steel Tornado, and increase the execution damage of Whirling Blades. Steel Tornado is a huge AoE execute with the highest range of any PBAoE in the game, along with it's low cost and high Base damage has resulted in players spamming this in any situation, from large group fights to 1v1 battles. Removing the execute component and buffing the execute component of the other morph will encourage more variety in morph choices, as well as balancing Steel Tornado.

    11) Decrease Camouflaged Hunter damage from stealth, and reduce Dawnbreaker bonus damage on Daedra and undead to 40% from the current 60%. Camo Hunter is the main reason why instagibs from stealth is possible, and Dawnbreaker can instakill players with a single hit out of stealth. Being a vampire or a werewolf should have it's penalties, but being a prime target for instakills is a bit over the top.

    12) Buff Templar's "Restoring Spirit" passive. They have a ton of resource issues with expensive skills as it is, and they need all the help they can get.

    I know this list is rather long, so I'll stop here. I hope that you would consider the suggestions posted as I feel the changes would make for a more varied environment rather then the static and stale meta we have today.
    Dean the Cat
    Somewhat Insane Puddicat
    EU-PC Megaserver; Ebonheart Pact, Alliance Rank 34
    This one hails from far Singapore, excuse this one for his high pings. He also apologizes for any formatting/spelling errors, as he tends to answer using a mobile device.

    Insanity is the price of Knowledge. Herma-Mora and Sheogorath, this one bows before thee.

    This one does not advocate for any class to be nerfed. There are far deeper underlying issues then a simple "Class Imbalance". The Champion System is the problem. Not classes.

    Please read this before creating yet another nerf thread.

    My guides:
  • HeroOfNone
    ok, the Top 3, and keep in mind this is for a DK

    1. Changing elemental affinity - The ability to change between fire, frost, lightning, poison, or magic damage on all or some of DK abilities.

    Currently, DK's are highly invested in fire damage, and while there are several sets that synergize with that, we're stuck with a lot of monsters & players that are strong against it because of the way they spend their champion points. With the new Orsinium DLC we're also seeing new sets that are more biased toward cold and lightning, but we possess few ways to utilize this without frost or lightning staves. this also creates a poor decision for us in stamina and magicka builds where we have to split our apprentice tree for our stamina abilities to have them do more damage but we can't utilize last stand or exploiter in the ritual tree if we're a magicka build.

    Now, this is potentially game breaking, I realize, and other classes should have the opportunity. At the same time DKs are the most underpowered, and implemented this one just this class to start with limited capabilities would help vet out a magic affinity swap for other classes.

    2. An ability to generate more Ultimate quicker on attacks or being hit

    I'm trying to take a different approach than most that just want execute whips and high damage and trying to make things unique with the DK's to regenerate resources with ultimates. While we have a good time when we can use them, the loss of dynamic ultimate generation has hurt us in both damage and zerg busting. restructuring abilities so we can gain ultimate for their use on hit (say unstable flame, burning breath, etc.) or when an ability wears off/removes (shatter shield morph, reflective scale, talons); would help synergize the earthen heart tree and weapon skills with ultimate generation to allow for something close, but not quite close to dynamic ultimate generation. I could say just give us ultimate back when abilities crit, but the RNG to that has led to some broken builds in the past. I'm being purposefully ambiguous though to allow your team the leeway to come up with something balanced here, just focus on how to give more ultimate to the DK.

    3. Elder Dragon - replace this with something better, maybe all damaging draconic power abilities draw out health from all nearby enemies when activated

    This would buff talons, volatile armor, and inhale, plus give reason to slot GDB/CB with it to increase the leach effect.

    There are a tone of other things that can be done, but I would really like to see some new and innovative solutions to the dragon night to revitalize it again. A lot of folks keep saying to bring it back to 1.4-1.5 standards, when sustain was the name of the game, or to add in more damage abilities (whip), but I'd like to see something unique that improves all the game play, I don't simply want to return to the way things were.

    Thanks for your time.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    Thanks for posting and updating us!

    I would love to see improvements to the pets from Daedric Summoning:

    1. Since the damage boost has been removed from the ward, please make it so that pets will auto-attack whichever enemy you have cursed. This would make them much more useful in PvP and even PvE if you could get them to focus on one target.

    2. Make some or all of the pets attack less often but hit harder. Or, at the very least, tell us in the tooltip how much damage the Storm Atronach is ACTUALLY doing.

    3. Come up with new ways to make the pets do more damage or become more useful in PvP

    Thanks for all your hard work on this awesome game!!
    Edited by Peel_Ya_Cap_517 on November 17, 2015 2:44AM
    N64 NA EP
  • Rust_in_Peace
    Purge - It needs some kind of penalty or limitation. It's just too powerful and is part of the reason siege is so worthless; especially when trying to counter a zerg in pvp.

    Barrier - Similar problems to purge. It's a very powerful spell that zergs stack one after the other and the problems with AOE caps, etc. just compound everything and buff zergs even further.

    Guard - Utterly useless toggle skill that needs to be completely redesigned.
  • Yoyuyi999
    Xeven wrote: »
    Yoyuyi999 wrote: »
    2. Lower Hardened Wards base shield - The shield right now is way too big. I can spam weave my shield between my attacks, hit 10k frags then just put my shield on and burst someone real quick. At least change it so you cant spam it a ***. Ive seen other suggestions such as make it scale off health or make shields crittable. I think making it scale off health would make it too low, while making shields crittable would screw everyone. Considering an average blazing shield or igneous shield is 3k or less.

    I'd tell you to L2P but you are competitive with all the top sorcs in legend, even before you recently added wings to your build. You're also my friend.

    You have vigor and rally, you're wearing impenetrable behind wings, hardy and medium armor resistances. Your effective damage mitigation is just as high as any sorc spamming shields, the only difference is, you can do damage at the same time.

    I strongly disagree and every magicka sorc will... Rolling a sorc does not a magicka sorc make, and you cannot possibly speak from our point of view at the highest levels of play. It's already insanely difficult to deal with well built, well played and aggressive DKs such as yours with a Magicka Sorc.

    GTF off my one remaining viable defensive ability bro. Ask for DK buffs instead.

    My first time as sorc ever. All I had to do was keep Hardened Ward up. I killed King Richard onstream twice. I've beaten Jordaen and @imsamyourdead (a friend of mine) stam dk's. It was difficult, ill give you that. But it was a clear feat. Plus just look at sorc v sorc fights compared to all other fights. My defense is nothing compared to yours. Thats a straight up 10k uncrittable extra healthbar you get. While I get a 6k heal from vigor overtime (Keep in mind you cant heal over full health). And you can easily cast Hardened multiple times then BOOM, one frag changes the tide. Especially when it smacks me with insane damage. I'm not saying make Hardened useless, make it so its just a bit lower. Like a 6k shield at 30k magicka. A DK doesnt even get a 5k igneous at 30k hp lmao. And you have other options to heal. Everyone is facetanking a majority of the time except sorcs. You can take some damage before needing to heal. My Magicka NB, was wrecking in duels, there were only a few people I could not beat (its also v7 keep in mind) and in OpenWorld I destroy with it in constant 1vXes. Your probably going to say I have cloak, thats something I rarely use. Ask almost anyone I've dueled on Legend with it. I literally cloak like once in a bluemoon. I use Healing ward to keep my hp up and Combat prayer for my instant heal.

    Magicka Dragonknight, Yoyuyi
    Stamina Dragonknight, -Jombo
    Magicka Templar, -Dombo
    Magicka Sorceror, -Mombo
    Magicka Nightblade, -Wombo
    Magicka Dragonknight, -Combo




    Former GM of Mighty


  • FriedEggSandwich
    1. Either remove the cooldown from crit/power surge, or allow curse and mines crits to proc the surge heal.
    2. Address the disparity between staves and dual wield for casters; melee skills should do more damage than ranged but melee weapons shouldn't buff ranged skills. Not asking for a destro buff but rather an incentive to carry one, or a deincentive for a caster to dual wield.
    3. Pvp yourself on a live server once or twice a week at prime time and draw some of your own conclusions.

    Good to see interest in the opinions of the playerbase from devs.
    PC | EU
  • Xeven
    Yoyuyi999 wrote: »
    My first time as sorc ever. All I had to do was keep Hardened Ward up. I killed King Richard onstream twice. I've beaten Jordaen and @imsamyourdead (a friend of mine) stam dk's. It was difficult, ill give you that. But it was a clear feat. Plus just look at sorc v sorc fights compared to all other fights. My defense is nothing compared to yours. Thats a straight up 10k uncrittable extra healthbar you get. While I get a 6k heal from vigor overtime (Keep in mind you cant heal over full health). And you can easily cast Hardened multiple times then BOOM, one frag changes the tide. Especially when it smacks me with insane damage. I'm not saying make Hardened useless, make it so its just a bit lower. Like a 6k shield at 30k magicka. A DK doesnt even get a 5k igneous at 30k hp lmao. And you have other options to heal. Everyone is facetanking a majority of the time except sorcs. You can take some damage before needing to heal. My Magicka NB, was wrecking in duels, there were only a few people I could not beat (its also v7 keep in mind) and in OpenWorld I destroy with it in constant 1vXes. Your probably going to say I have cloak, thats something I rarely use. Ask almost anyone I've dueled on Legend with it. I literally cloak like once in a bluemoon. I use Healing ward to keep my hp up and Combat prayer for my instant heal.
    No I've made my points and you've made yours, which I respect. I will just say that you can kill me and I can kill you. Either way the fight is difficult for both of us, and that's exactly how it should be IMO.

    Edited by Xeven on November 17, 2015 2:27AM
  • AFrostWolf
    1. CC Immunity. This is a general combat fix. It should not be possible to Chain Stun a player in PvP. There are many abilities that are guilty of this. The CC immunity just needs to be longer. At least a good 30 seconds to compensate for Skill Spam and Lag.
    2. Buff's to DK's. General again but I feel very weak playing my DK as anything other than a meat shield.
    3. AOE caps. I know this is a hot button issue for players. I don't think they should be gone. I think it needs to be adjusted though. How about an increase from 6-12 for now. Then adjust it as needed until a proper solution can happen. Include a Cap on AOE Heals/purge along with a status check. Full health players shouldn't be getting healed over Dying players.
    Edited by AFrostWolf on November 17, 2015 2:31AM
  • TomCarterESO
    Greetings Eric,

    You may know me as TCarter98 from TwitchTV.

    Deadric Prey (Deadric Curse Morph) - As you may know, Sorcerer pet builds are NOT used very often within the PvP community, and not terribly often in PvE either. Most people, if not everyone, choose the opposite morph to Deadric Prey which is named, Velocious Curse. My idea is that to make Sorcerer even more Stamina friendly, you could remove Deadric Prey, and replace it with a Stamina Morph for Deadric Curse. This would further balance out the Sorcerer Class between Magicka & Stamina and give players more reasons to play both.

    Veteran Rank 16 Dark Elf Templar
  • Gilliamtherogue
    Welcome to the Dark Side Mr. Wrobel! I hope your stay here in this scary place ends with more good than bad!
    As a nightblade since day 1 I have quite a bit I'd like to discuss about the class, and some insight on the other classes I've played, but as you asked, I'll only list my top 3- and they will be pertaining to the more Stamina based Nightblade. As a world record holder in many categories for this game I'd like to first mention that my desires for the class are not to just benifit me and my play style, but hopefully all nightblades.

    1. Conserve the game play essence of the Nightblade in combat. Stealth play is what drew me to this class, I've played all sorts of Rogue-y types between the games I've played, including WoW for the past 11 years before this game stole my heart. The element of stealth, assassiny, and subterfuge make for one of the most interesting game play roles in my opinion and right now the only way we can employ that game play is through sneak attacks, which take up less than 1% of PvE combat (the start of the pull, and some bosses are even immune to sneak attacks as they have something called True Sight). Shadowcloak attempts to try and give us that answer, but fails short outside of PvP, and is only really truly utilize by more Magicka based nightblades. Currently the first assassination passive is mute in places like trials and Maelstrom, as well as many other bosses in dungeons. The easiest way to change this while also improving Nightblade's ability to play to this style is to change it to something like a buff that begins after being crouched for a certain amount of time, and persists after the attack that would remove you from stealth. There are countless ways to go about this, but I found this to be a simple and elegant idea.

    2. Improving the versatility of the Nightblade via it's own kit. Right now Nightblades have a lot of powerful passives and abilities spread through it's kit, which is great, however a lot of them pertain to only one spectrum of play; the caster blade. The Shadow and Siphoning tree at the moment both fall heavy in favor to usage of the caster blade, as many of these abilities only scale with magicka (siphoning more so). Even with the abilities that have stamina option, the magicka morphs end up dealing much higher damage due to the way they scale with their respective stats (Max magicka and Max spell damage AND spell penetration vs Stamina/wep damage/armor pen) in the end game. Right now most of my bars are loaded with 1-2 assassination abitilies, as they are definitely the most fleshed out for versatility between play styles, but I only have 1 shadow/siphoning ability at a time, mainly being Surprise Attack and Siphoning Attacks. If desired, I could write a much longer and more detailed list of suggestions going through each ability.

    3. Improving Nightblade ultimates, mainly Soul Harvest. At the moment, Nightblades have 3 great ultimates overall, but very few usable for universal situations as a stamina based character, unlike most other classes (Banner for DK's, Overload for Sorcs, Nova for Temps). Soul Harvest at release was a simply amazing ultimate with lots of unique points to it's use. The ability to scale it up by conserving ultimate made it really unique, and I wish that aspect would come back. Instead of making it increase the damage as much as it used to, I'd much rather see the Damage buff and Healing debuff get a timer extension based on how much Ultimate you use when you cast it (Cap for old Soul Harvest was 275 if I recall, for a bonus of 300% damage?) I like Soul Harvest's small cost for execute, but I feel punished so much by having it as my only ultimate, and often default to Meteor due to it being much stronger offensively.
    -Consuming Darkness- this base ability is in dire need of reworking. The damage reduction is awesome, although it doesn't feel very unique (everyone but sorcs has this somewhere on their ultimate in some form). The base ability then only has that, and a very weak and unwanted synergy for healing at low health. Since it gives damage reduction, most of the time you won't even have the ability to use the synergy! It's counter intuitive. Then we move to the morphs; Bolstering which doubles the damage reduction for the caster, or Veil of Blades. Veil of Blades is the option 9 times out of 10 because it actually you know.. Deals damage! Non offensive ultimates quickly fell out of favor due to their inability to justify their casts. When you cast an ultimate, you want to see the tide of battle turn, and most of the time casting defensive ultimates just didn't do that. Veil retains the defensive capabilities for group play, while add great damage. Still, it is weaker than Meteor so it is often skipped unless groups need the mitigation.
    -Soul Tether- this ability is pretty awesome, it feels cool to cast, it deals some decent up front damage, and it offers sustain. The stunning morph of this that leeches health is pretty vital in vMA for me, and some PvP situations. But in group PvE, it's hardly used. Mobs immunity to stun, it's shorter radius, and it's overall lack of damage compared to Meteor makes it pretty hard to use in trials/4mans. It's a really solid ultimate and I can't really see changing it much, but maybe someone on your team has a cool idea? The healing morph of this is fantastic, although hardly used. I know there are a lot of siphoning support healers out there that absolutely love this heal (and it sure is strong) so I can't really bash on this one, other than it takes a pretty large power loss by removing the stun on enemies.
    - Overall the biggest changes in my opinions should be to Bolstering/Veil and Soul Harvest/Incapacitating Strike. An option to make them deal physical instead of magic damage (Veil of BLADES, Soul Harvest... You feel me?) would also make them much more desirable.

    I know this was a big read, and I could always say more, but I feel like these are my top 3 at the moment. Cheers, and once again, welcome!
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

    Guides and other fun videos at https://youtube.com/c/gilliamtherogue
  • CyrusArya
    My main suggestion is to not entertain anyone asking for nerfs. Those are politically motivated and biased posts that serve selfish agendas. As someone who plays 3 out of 4 classes fully geared @ max level, I can objectively say this: no class is so powerful or unbalanced atm that one of its critical/class defining abilities needs to be cut in half as some people have suggested here. Those people frankly don't know what they are talking about and are speaking from a place of vendetta, not informed logic or valid experience. Among players of equal skill, every class is competitive with one another. That being said, templar and DK could use minor buffs to be brought up to par with Sorc and NB. As for my personal suggestions:

    1.) Give Stamina DK and Sorceror a high damage single target ability so that they don't have to rely on the same weapon skills to do any kind of viable damage.

    2.) Magicka DK needs help. The main concern is that they do too little damage. The class needs a proper execute, a proper gap closer, and lava whip could do with a buff in damage to be competitive with the hallmark damage skills of other classes. As it stands, lava whip is just not good enough in PvP.

    Also, please consider letting dragon blood by-pass the changes to battle spirit. Allow it to return 33% missing health even after the nerf to healing. This skill is not like other heals and shouldn't be affected the same way.

    3.) Templars Ultimates are utter garbage in PvP. I look at the 3 other classes and their baller ultis like DragonLeap, Soul Harvest, Soul Tether, Atro, Overload, etc and see that they have at least 1 class ulti that can be viable in any build for that class. In comparison, not a single templar ultimate is noteworthy, and they are all outclassed by ultis available to all such as dawnbreaker, meteor, and batswarm. I don't think that's fair, Templars should have at least one 'game changing' ulti like all the other classes enjoy. Also, the templar charge is still broken and needs to be fixed ASAP.

    Edited for typos.
    Edited by CyrusArya on November 17, 2015 3:18AM
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • xEcthelionx

    1. Chains should not have a high/low issue. And should not apply CC immunity.
    2. Dragon blood should actually be viable considering we have no other heal/regen is only from battle roar
    3. Molten Weapons should not be solely on fully charged heavy attacks b/c w/magicka they are too easily avoidable
    4. Flame lash should have a stamina morph that does the same thing
    5. Igneous shield should scale off of your highest stat pool not just your max health
    6. Battle roar should scale off of your highest stat pool and recover all pools, not just one because we have such low regen as a class AND ultimate generation has been nerfed significantly
    7. Inhale should not be affected by healing debuffs because it is a life steal
  • Remdale

    Let me start off by saying that I love the work you've done so far in improving the classes!

    My perspective is that of a PvP'er and Templar since beta, who still wants to be playing this game years from now.

    Fundamentally -

    I would like to see all the classes be able to do somewhat competitive magicka DPS in PvE and not have to use the Destro Staff rotation as their clutch.

    I would like to see more class magicka abilities be more attractive to stamina builds. I don't mean more Stamina morphs or weakening their magicka potential, I just mean little changes that could fit them into stamina builds more attractively. Purifying Ritual is a great example, as it is a perfectly good magicka ability and great for stamina builds in PvP.

    Templars -

    In my experience if there's one thing Templars feel left out on it's mobility. We see Sorcs flashing around, NB's teleporting around, DK's yanking (okay, not so much) stuff around. I understand that may be part of your balance equation, but please, give Templars something to make us feel a little more fluid. We do have the charge, but no stamina build would use it, even DW, maybe you could change that, but even the charge is much less fluid than the alternatives. If you care to make Templars more fun, something to do with mobility would IMHO be the best way to do so!

    Sweep Ult: Very often I will use this and see the swing should connect with my target but it does not, due to latency or whatever with the quite short range. It's very annoying!

    And, Biting Jabs: I know, I know. But many Templars feel that as short as the CC is, that it's more a con than a pro and feel compelled to slot another CC ability and try use it before Jabs just to get a proper CC duration for the immunity timer. It can be frustrating.

    Bow -

    Archers need love too! We want to be able to be in a DPS role in a dungeon and deal enough damage to fulfill our role.

    Heals -

    It's a good thing to make players feel in control, right? It's something I've always liked about ESO. The one thing that has always annoyed me and run counter to this is that I can't choose to heal myself over a random joe in my proximity! Take the Templar single target heal. I think several times to try using the morph that returns magicka to fill the magicka gap in my stamina build. I can't cast it many times, and then it heals someone else for some paltry amount instead of the boost that I need. Nowhere in this game do I feel more frustrated at lack of control and clunkiness than in that scenario.

    AoE & PvP -

    I'm passionate about this one, so forgive me. I know you're ability design and not PvP. But the way the abilities are designed shapes and defines PvP. Success in PvP being defined by who can stack the most numbers the most effectively into a ball and spam their abilities the hardest is not a fun mechanic, it HAS to be bad for the server, and yet it defines PvP. The new abilities are great, but what's keeping it the meta is nothing other than certain AoE abilities being too easy to use repeatedly over too wide an area at too high of damage and too low of cost. Steel Tornado, AKA SpinToWin, Impulse, etc. I realize that would be extremely hard and unlikely to address at this point, and potentially make many people rage and negatively impact PvE if not done right. It's a tough issue. But for the future of PvP, I have to ask. The only solutions I can see is either the same solution you applied to dodging and Sorc teleport, or perhaps them slowing you down as you use them, but I am not the design dev, you are. :) If you could work with the PvP dev on this to come up with a solution that makes PvP more dynamic and fun and less defined by frustrating mechanics it would be the best thing for PvP, and I do believe it is tied somewhat to AoE ability design, so please consider. Also, some AoE abilities are widely regarded as needing some love - actually, the very ones that would counter the zerg ball in PvP. Wall of Elements, Volley, etc.

    Counters -

    I think most people would say that you shouldn't have to have certain gear or a certain ability or potion on your bar just to counter one class. Sorc shields and NB cloak come to mind. The fact that damage shields can't be crit is just absolutely contradictory to the way the game encourages DPS roles to build themselves. NB's constantly removing anything put on them as they restealth is extremely frustrating and is the source what makes cloak feel so OP from the other end. I know, NB's need their DoT removal, don't hate, but really - who takes that other morph of cloak? The one is too strong and the other too weak IMHO.

    On the subject of shields, does it still reduce stamina and shield strength the full amount if you block while shielded? That seems a little backwards and leads people to doing silly things like forcing themselves to not block while shielded. Seems like blocking could work better with shields than that.

    I love ESO and love playing with all the abilities and possibilities it has to offer. These are just the issues I've found that I humbly submit. :)
    Edited by Remdale on November 17, 2015 3:53AM
  • Sleep724
    -Heavy Armor passives
    -Power Slam, from S&B bar. Would really love to use this skill more often but its not that great at all to use currently. Maybe increase the damage of it and/or reduce the cost.
    -Restoring Light. How about at least one stamina morph in this tree, maybe honor the dead?
  • Usara
    So dear Mr Wrobel, here is what I want for Christmas...

    Sorcerer :

    - Dark Deal takes out of block. Why, oh why ? As a PvE Sorc tank, it makes me feel at the mercy of my templar healer. On some bosses where breaking block is out of the question, pots are my only friends : DK's have their Battle Roar and Mountain Blessing passives, NB have their Siphoning Attacks, Templars can repent themselves if the healer is too slow/too far... All of theses are passives or skills/buffs usable in block.
    I don't know much about PvP, but could this really be a huge issue if Dark Deal was usable in block ?

    Undaunted :

    - All the skills could use a revamp actually :)
    Blood Altar has been mentioned numerous times above already, but I'd like to talk about Inner Fire and its morph too : one morph magicka, one stamina could seem nice at first, but considering the only other taunt (Puncture and its morph) is exclusively stamina, keeping the magicka Inner Fire is a good choice for many people, even stamina based tanks. Alternative is good. Problem is : the magicka morph of Inner Fire. Do you know that most tanks don't even morph it anymore ? Because morphing it actually makes the useless synergy even more annoying than it is already (since the morph gives the synergy more chance to proc). This synergy tends to take priority over others, more useful (Liquid Lightning, Mystic Orb, Nova, Spear Shards) and sometimes, even over certain boss mechanics (Yes, i'm talking about Flesh Sculptor's puddles). Either modifying the synergy, or the morph, could improve that morph usefulness.

    Fighter's Guild :

    - I was going to talk about Skilled Tracker, but maybe this passive is indeed usefull in PvP to keep WW players in check ^^
    But Bounty Hunter ? What's the point of this passive, especially the "hardest" to get, since it's the last one. Couldn't it be merged with intimidation and make the last Fighter Guild passive a *real* fighter passive ? Like maybe the weapon damage passive effect of Flawless Dawnbreaker, freeing stamina DD's from a ultimate ? And thus, making Dawnbreaker a *real* choice of ultimate against Deadra/undeads/vampires, and not just because it's a must have in any stamina based DD spec ?

    Thank you Santa :)
    Edited by Usara on November 17, 2015 3:17AM
    What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I’m stranded somewhere without any pants.

    Usara v531 - Usara2 v322 - Escouade Sauvage - PC - EU - EP

    Usara Den Thasnet - Retainer of House Hlaalu (Dunmer Templar, heal)
    Livia Augustus - Deserter of the Imperial 7th Legion (Imperial DK, tank)
    Aspen Vael - Battlemage of King Casimir III (Breton Sorcerer, tank/dd magicka)
    Caris Vael - Missing Student of the Mage Guild of Shornhelm (Breton NB, dd magicka, vampire)
    Eugene Fitzherbert - Wanted con artist hiding in Wayrest (Imperial Templar, tank/dd magicka)

    Chante-avec-les-escargots - House Hlaalu snail breeder (Argonian NB, tank)
    Ryl Serandas - Mournhold Ordinator (Dunmer DK, dd magicka)
    Dar'Aiean - House Hlaalu Smuggler (Khajiit NB, dd stamina)
    Ferinwe - Alteration Instructor of the Mage Guild of Ebonheart (Altmer Sorcerer, dd magicka, retired)
    Torafhilde Frostdottir - Winterhold Cryomancer (Nord Sorcerer, dd magicka)
    Senecar - Daedra hunter, former Thalmor corps (Altmer Templar, dd magicka)
    Ondres Hlaalu - House Hlaalu Skooma Trader (Dunmer NB, dd magicka)
  • MisterBigglesworth
    I'm not going to give you anything specific, I'll just say this:

    Please PLEASE recognize the limitations of your game's engine as well as the server technology available to you and COMPLETELY GUT AND REDESIGN your entire combat system and itemization in order to conform to those limitations.

    In other words: stop biting off more than you can chew.
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • Anhedonie
    Welcome to the forums, Eric!

    1) Molten Armaments (base spell Molten Weapons) - make this an execute ability WITHOUT anything related to heavy attack.
    2) Igneous Shield (base spell Obsidian Shield) - amount of damage absorbed is pathetic. Shield needs to be stronger.
    3) Molten Whip (base spell Lava Whip) - change the secondary effect to something like "ardent flame abilities deal 15% more damage while Molten Whip is slotted". Right now bonus spell damage is laughable.
    Edited by Anhedonie on November 17, 2015 3:23AM
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Lava_Croft
    Welcome, Wroobler! As Wheebler might have told you, we aren't as bad a bunch as it might seem sometimes.

    Shadow Image:
    Currently you will teleport back to any Shadow Image that is closest, be it enemy, friendly or your own. Please make it so you can only teleport back to your own Shadow Image. This will also fix the problem of people using Shadow Image to get entire groups into keeps without forcing entry. Secondly, Shadow Image's attacks do not adhere to any LoS checks, which obviously is undesired behaviour.

    Crippling Grasp (and DoTs in general)
    Improve their overall usefulness. Too easy to avoid, too easy to get rid of, too low damage.

    Assassin's Will
    This ability simply does way too much damage, certainly in combination with other skills. You get the buffs from having Grim Focus active already, so Assassin's Will should not have to (nearly) instakill people.

    Magical damage is too easy to counter, Physical damage is too hard to counter.
    Damage in general, even with the damage nerf, is still through the roof.
    Fix all the blatantly broken gameplay mechanics like CC-break, CC-immunity, healthbars fall damage, etc.

    I'd have more but you only want three, probably to try and keep your sanity while reading this thread. Good luck!

    [Yes, I'm a Nightblade and I asked for two 'nerfs']

    Edited by Lava_Croft on November 17, 2015 3:37AM
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