Greetings ESO Forum Posters

  • SirDopey
    Awesome to have you here!

    Here are my top 3 class ability requests:

    1. A stamina morph of crystal shard that is melee range, with other spells and weapon feats having a chance to make the next cast instant, cheaper and deal bonus damage. I think this would be an elegant way to give Stamina Sorcerers the melee range ability we have been craving, while maintaining ability's signature Sorcerer feel.

    2. Refreshing Path should have a more potent healing component or apply a snare to enemies that are inside the AoE.

    3. Dragon Blood healing needs to be increased significantly.

    Stam morph of crystal shards just doesn't seem lore friendly, I mean, stamina generating a big ball of lightening....
    NA PC | AD
    xx Doc Holliday xx
  • SanTii.92
    First off HOLY *** he is a real person!

    So many things to point out and complaints to be made I do not even know where to start.

    Here is a good one, Is there a reason that with every patch in this game you are deteriorating small scale pvp. Also, with every patch the games performance in Cyro has gotten worse and worse. Was this a goal of yours?

    You make statements like "I’m a long time reader, first time poster. For a long time, my plan was to spend every second of the day working, then reading the forums after work." . Is this factual? Do you actually read what we discuss? ( What work have you actually put into this game. I personally only spend my time in Cyro so I can understand not a constant stream of updates and fixes but some of the stuff that has been in game since beta and release are still commonly occurring. I can understand if its a lack of resources or manpower in making new things for the game however, everything you implement is just broken. The game has simply gotten worse and everything you implement into the game has made ESO a lesser version of itself. Take your latest patching of the Vet Maelstrom Arena. You patch it to fix the mechanic of the shield not being created quick enough to avoid the screams on the Behemoth boss stage 7. However in trying to "fix" this mechanic you in fact broke it entirely. How is this even possible? Do you not even test the changes you make or are you just using the PC playerbase as your playtesters for console release?

    Why do you make your first epic appearance into the forums to announce something so irrelevant as a visual effect for bleeding statuses?

    Since you claim to READ these forums regularly, how about you spend about 10 minutes of your day and wander into the PvP section of these here forums.

    Can you quit the game please?
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • Efficient
    This can't actually be Wrobel, this is more than likely Wheeler or Gina posing as him to keep our mouths shut.

    @Wrobel Can you please provide some of your insights into why AoE Caps were implemented in the first place? How is it possible that they are still in the game if you have been reading the forums for all of these years? What are your thoughts on the many many threads on AoE caps? I personally would love to know why they were implemented even after the entire community protested against this decision.

    I can only hope this forum account is for the better, unfortunately a lot of people stopped playing the game already. While a forum account is a start, i think actual changes are going to make a bigger difference.


  • RobertOfPotatoland
    One more- somebody's probably already said this, but magicka sorcs need some serious work. For the damage they do they should be glass cannons, yet their shields turn them in to tanks. Maybe no magicka regen while wards are active?
  • RoamingRiverElk
    • Remove AOE caps
    • Dynamic ultimate generation
    • Reinstate softcaps
    • Cap Purge to 4 allies affected. Cap Barrier to 6 allies affected. Cap Rapid Maneuver to 6 allies affected.
    • Remove the silence/root from gap closers
    • Reduce the dodge roll timer by 1 second
    • Have ALL item sets in the game drop as v16 with reasonable traits throughout the game - some in trials, some in PvP, some in Cyrodiil chests, etc. Including, but not limited to: Healer, Warlock, Alteration, Morag Tong. No Bind on Pickup, except for Undaunted pieces and Master's weapons.

    • 50% stamina regen when blocking for DKs when they have Flame Lash and Inhale slotted (i.e. buffs magicka DK survivability - if a stamina dk does that, they have to sacrifice two slots on their bar for it)
    • Dragon Blood needs to be unaffected by the battle spirit debuff
    • Give DKs a general -20% ultimate cost reduction passive if dynamic ultimate generation isn't reintroduced
    • DK standard needs to cost 200 ultimate, not 250
    • Increase number of reflected projectiles to 8
    • Increase the strength of Obsidian Shield

    • Keep Hardened Ward as it is
    • Buff Negate, no one uses it in PvP
    • Remove cooldown from Surge

    • Unnerf Eclipse (allow to use on multiple targets at the same time)
    • Allow stamina templars to benefit from the healing passive too, not just magicka ones
    • Increase the strength of Sun Shield

    Edited by RoamingRiverElk on November 17, 2015 4:55AM
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • Recremen
    Oh man, super exciting! Welcome to the forums, buddy.

    As far as "top 3 most desired class ability improvements" goes, my input is biased as I only play a DK with any frequency, but I'd be happy to add some input!

    First, and absolutely foremost, let's talk about Molten Weapons. It's easily one of my favorite buffs and has a lot of potential, but it's incredibly unwieldy. One morph lets you keep it up indefinitely as long as you keep heavy attacking (a clear PvE choice), the other morph is a decent execute (a clear PvP choice), but morphing it in one direction pretty much precludes you from using it in the other setting outside a few underperforming edge cases. Your Business Intelligence team would probably be able to shed more light on this, but it's been my experience that there's a huge amount of overlap between PvP and PvE players, so this is a very limiting choice! Most abilities that see use in PvE and PvP seem to have been well-engineered to be useful in either setting, such as by trading damage for interrupt, either of which has its uses in PvE and PvP.

    The reason the timer-refresh morph isn't as good in PvP is because heavy attacks aren't strong enough on their own to bother slotting an ability that's going to increase them by only 40%, whereas the execute version can be absolutely critical for gankers, and in group play has been invaluable for finishing off healers or tanky types that spam CC. The reason the execute version ins't great for PvE is because it only lasts for 9.6 seconds, so you're only getting a few heavy attacks off before needing to refresh the buff. That means a huge DPS loss from not getting an extra animation-cancelled skill in, which is not sufficiently compensated by the extra heavy attack damage by any build I've seen.

    I propose a slight redesign. Longer buff duration for either morph (like, much longer, old version used to be close to a minute if I recall correctly). Execute version doesn't need to be touched beyond that. The other version would need a different bonus at that point, however. A buff after a successful heavy attack, debuff on heavy attack, CC of some variety on heavy attack, there's really all kinds of options. Just something to make heavy attacks worth the huge amount of time and risk of trying to execute them. You like heavy attacks, I like heavy attacks, let's make this happen!

    Next, I'd like to talk about Dark Talons. Like all radial AoE, it is risky to bother with it while you are solo in PvP, but it is singularly spammable while with a group and generally broke as hell. But there's no stamina morph for it. How can we permit such a clutch ability and not let stamina-heavy builds go to town with it as well?? For real though, neither morph does something so categorically game-changing that magicka builds would miss it in PvP, so letting stam DK have an option for this would help diversify builds immensely and give us something to use against large groups other than Steel Tornado.

    Finally, I'd like to talk about Burning Breath. I can't speak for the magicka morph, but the stamina morph severely underperforms compared to other skills. Let's compare it to Steel Tornado, since that's pretty much the baseline for being a good stamina skill. I also bring up this skill because it is representative of the problem with similar abilities. The only significant advantage Burning Breath has over Steel Tornado is that it costs 3/4 as much stamina. This is in a meta where resource management is not overly difficult except in edge cases, so this is not an especially strong advantage. Tornado has better range, better initial damage, is an execute, and is radial instead of a frontal cone. An AoE execute is far better than a DoT in most cases since dots can't be stacked and, if I recall correctly, only gets applied to a single target. Combine this with the range and ease-of-use + better coverage of a radial AoE, and you end up with a major DPS loss if you try to use the frontal cone attack, even once as an opener.

    This is a problem with other frontal cone AoE attacks such as Cleave from the Two-Handed skill line. Small, direction-sensitive area plus DoT-focused damage is just a much weaker gambit in PvP, though it might be nice in PvE, I'm really not sure. In either case, it is my opinion that conal attacks need to be categorically more powerful than radial attacks considering their difficulty to use and much smaller area. Given typical distribution of enemies over the battlefield, these types of attacks need more punch to be considered worth the trade-off in terms of enemies hit.

    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to post, I hope this input is helpful!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Preyfar
    My biggest complaint is this: while my builds are successful, generally my builds come down to spamming a single ability. If I'm two handed, I get stuck with Wrecking Blow. If I'm a Templar, I've got Jabs/Sweeps. I'd love for other abilities to have the same sort of function.

    Here's my three:
    1) Flurry - It just doesn't do a lot of damage, especially compared to skills like Wrecking Blow or Surprise Attack. Dual Wield doesn't have a single "heavy" damage dealer. It CAN do damage, but needs more oomph.
    2) Sun Shield - This skill is near worthless as it is. I get a shield that lasts 6 seconds, vanishes in a single hit and does minimal damage when it pops. I feel like I spend more time on shield's cast than I do actually using it.
    3) Weapon Animations - Give skills various animations. If we have to spam the same attacks over and over, at least try to keep it visually fresh with some alternative animations so things remain visually interesting.
    Edited by Preyfar on November 17, 2015 6:12AM
  • DaGhostDS
    One of the main thing i would like changed :

    All class skill scale upon your highest main stat (Stamina or Magicka), this would give more choice and depth to build.
  • NoMoreChillies
    Bring back Stamina regen while blocking please

    Give Templars the Vosh Rakh Sky jump as Ultimate
    Change Templars Channeled Focus to group wide aura (like Diablo2 paladin auras)

    Sorc pets: Give options to change the skins of the pets to Tamriel animals (Bear, Senche, Harpie, Golbins etc) Especially the Twighlight. That thing flies infront of my screen all the time. Let me change it to a Goblin that heals me and opens chests for me and doesnt block my view.

    One hand and shield: Power Bash - make it AOE stun.

    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • Lava_Croft
    Ask for 3 class abilities.

    ESO PvP community shows off their reading skills.

    Good first impression, folks.
  • MurrayJnr
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Eric.

    1. Wrecking Blow
    LOS checks and range checks. It's not nice being hit with this anywhere on the map by someone who might as well be in the tamriel equivalent of Uzbekistan.

    2. Consuming Darkness
    Once the pride and joy of many nightblades has become a forgotten relic of the past. I'd love to see this ability back up to around the 20 second duration.

    3. Negate
    Also used to be awesome. Can't tell if it's rubbish or doesn't work.

    And finally some general points.

    Stamina Morphs
    Personally I don't like the way stamina morphs were introduced for class abilities. The morphs were supposed to be a way to customize our character builds but its hardly customization if we're forced into a specific morph. Truth be told that when it was introduced and even now it feels like a lazy bandaid solution. I would like to see all the class skills morphs revert back to being magicka and each class receive a 4th skill tree with exclusively stamina base abilities with stamina morphs. DK's could have a base stamina single target high damage ability like whip, but without ruining magic whip and also having the choice of morph for the ability. It doesn't have to be this solution as there have been several other similar ideas I think would work like 3rd morph options but I really think that with the stam morph option changes that have been made and the request for stam crystal frag etc., it's ruined one of the best aspects of the game.

    DK's & class identity
    I primarily play a nightblade. Every now and then I miss the class based shield I had access to on my sorc but then i remember I have cloak and fear which i missed while streaking around with that hardened ward. Class identity is brilliant and has been one of the strong points of the class system. Difficult to balance but fun when it is. I really hope DK's don't have an execute added to their arsenal just as I hope us nightblades never get a damage shield. DK's have always been the tankiest class able to take a lot of damage but with changes to the class and combat system they are depressingly weakened. I'd love to see DK's have their survivability returned to the place it was in 1.5 without giving them class based options to play like another class. Keep DK's and all classes unique and balance the classes by buffing the unique aspect of the class, not by making them all the same.

    CC immunity is a lie
    Often cc immunity doesn’t apply after cc breaking. The stamina is removed from the stamina pool but hard cc seem to be undeterred by supposed immunity. The mini stun off gab closers make this even more annoying.

    Should not apply the major buffs. It's weird and makes no sense for temporary consumable buffs to be doing the same thing as abilities. They should be reverted to how they used to work.

    PVP damage reduction
    Not too sure on this one. I had the issue in 1.6 that with the Australian 350+ ping, i could be hit from stealth with lethal arrow, light attack, poison injection, light attack, poison to my death before my screen displayed the first attack hitting. The comments I got from other players was literally L2P. 10/10 great pvp advice. Gonna to walk from nickel to ash holding block the whole way/s. So on one hand I'm glad that no longer happens and pvp feels more competitive now than it did in 1.6 but on the other hand it feels tedious and clunky in comparison. Realistically the only idea I've come up with to deal with this is to join the #bringbacksoftcaps campaign. Sorry this wasn't really a suggestion. It was mostly an observation.

    Ultimate Generation
    I liked it how it was.
    Edited by MurrayJnr on November 17, 2015 5:48AM
  • Faulgor
    Wrobel wrote: »
    I’m a long time reader, first time poster.

    Welcome! Did you have your fishy stick yet?


    Now, concerning class skills ...

    The troubling thing I noticed with class balance in Maelstrom Arena / other solo content is that 4 builds have the ability to heal themselves whilst attacking and others do not. This creates a huge advantage for those builds that is difficult to overcome for other builds with different means.
    Magicka Templar: Puncturing Sweeps
    Magicka Nightblade: Sap Essence / Strife
    Magicka Sorcerer: Power Surge
    Stamina Sorcerer: Critical Surge

    In addition, shields have been a major factor for class balance since the beginning, with Conjured Ward easily overshadowing all (it also takes away from TES Sorcerer's usual affinity for Heavy Armor, as there is no reason to use anything but light with such a strong shield). This is largely due to the fact that it is the only shield that scales with Magicka as well as having a very long duration compared to say, Sun Shield. While personally, I'd like to see the whole mechanic of shields changed to something more akin to previous TES games (which was a fixed damage reduction instead of a second healthbar), I understand that such a big change to the meta is unlikely. Still, there should be some parity between class shields, or the shields available to all classes.

    Another issue are class passives, especially those that give a bonus to a certain stat, often regardless of skills used - attribute, attribute recovery, damage, spell cost, critical chance, etc. I feel these are easily the most valuable passives to have, and Dragonknights fall short here. Not only that, but all of their passives are defensive in nature.
    Templar passives largely favor Stamina builds in this regard, and could use an improvement that helps all builds - possibly by adjusting Restoring Spirit. Sorcerers and Nightblades feel well-rounded at the moment.
    Sorcerer: Unholy Knowledge, Power Stone, Daedric Protection, Capacitor, Expert Mage
    Templar: Piercing Spear, Spear Wall, Balanced Warrior, Restoring Spirit
    Nightblade: Pressure Points, Hemorrhage, Refreshing Shadows, Dark Vigor, Magicka Flood
    Dragonknight: Iron Skin, Elder Dragon, Scaled Armor

    These are not my 3 top class skills I'd like to see changed, but my top 3 issues with classes at the moment. Regardless, while I'm not very fond of the class system personally, I don't think your goal can be to make them all as similar as possible to avoid imbalances. So, my advice would be to address the things you have already planned, including some of the most valuable feedback given here, and then focus on creating more options for all classes through spellcrafting. Nerfing the currently strong aspects of classes, such as self-heals on attack and shields, is not a lot of fun for anyone, and introducing similar options for all classes seems like the best way for ESO's character system to improve things for all players.

    TL;DR: Work on Spellcrafting to give classes the option to cover their weaknesses with more non-class skills.
    Edited by Faulgor on November 17, 2015 5:45AM
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • helltiger
    Remove AoE damage from game.
    PvP improvements
  • Acts

    Sorc Shields -

    Make Sorc shields Critable. I really only play Sorc and Even I understand its OP for not being Critable, It negates So many builds and aspects of PVP.
    Now in doing so, Making Shields Critable I believe they should get a small Buff. This is due to crit builds actually pushing High numbers already. Only 1-3k higher then what they are. ( Mine are 11k With 38k Max mag )

    All Shields -
    All Shields should Give Major and Minor Shield buff.

    Annulment and its Morphs should all be Major Buffs
    Conjured Ward and its Morphs should be Major Buffs.
    Healing ward and its Morphs should be Major Buffs.

    This will End Shield stacking.
    From my understanding all other shields are not that great so they should be Minor Shields.

    If Shields were to get Major and minor Buffs to get rid of shield stacking. Shield Breaker needs to go. There will be no reason for this set to be a thing. Rename and redo the 5P of it. Done and done.

    * This is all based on the current game and battle spirit *

    My 2Cents.

    AD VR16 Sorc - Act of Rage : Retired
    AD VR16 NB - Acts in Shadows
    AD VR16 DK - Bixx Low : Retired

    EP VR16 Sorc - Acts of Dominancy

    DC VR16 Templar - Acts of Rejuvenation
    DC VR16 NB- Acts of Ferocity
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    For some reason i afraid that improvement class skills means nerfing templar skills :|

    It would definitely follow the pattern.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • Fecius
    Hi, @Wrobel , nice to see you here.

    As a Sorc main I love this class and I feel it's mostly ok now at least as a strong Magica Based class.

    Well, I do think that the Summons are mostly useless but I'm OK not using them at all.

    It whould be nice if I could hide Bound Armor, but it's not about combat or whatever.
    Edited by Fecius on November 17, 2015 7:21AM
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • Kartalin
    1. Make gap closing abilities use CC which can be broken and give the target CC immunity for four(?) seconds. This prevents the Ambush spam that locks players into place. Even as an Ambush user I feel like that would be better for the game.

    2. Zerg staples such as Purge and Barrier which don't adhere to the AOE cap: either limit them to 6 or remove AOE caps entirely. As it is, zergballgroups can easily buff their defenses on a regular basis with just a few players running these abilities.

    3. AP gains scale way too much for large groups, as mentioned in Sypher's excellent post. Decreasing this scaling may help solve some of the issues we see in PVP with massive groups rolling over people and still earning good AP.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Sublime
  • Shunravi
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Huggalump
    1: Stam sorc direct damage ability. Prefered instant cast, either ranged or melee

    2: Damage shields to be dottable and crittable, but then re-balanced so their still equally strong as they are now. Shields should do what they say... shield. They shouldn't negate massive gameplay elements.

    3: Magicka Nightblade cloak spamming needs to be looked at.

    Thanks <3

    EDIT: oh my god, and remove AOE caps and hire Fengrush.
    Edited by Huggalump on November 17, 2015 7:43AM
  • Xexpo
    sAnn92 wrote: »
    First off HOLY *** he is a real person!

    So many things to point out and complaints to be made I do not even know where to start.

    Here is a good one, Is there a reason that with every patch in this game you are deteriorating small scale pvp. Also, with every patch the games performance in Cyro has gotten worse and worse. Was this a goal of yours?

    You make statements like "I’m a long time reader, first time poster. For a long time, my plan was to spend every second of the day working, then reading the forums after work." . Is this factual? Do you actually read what we discuss? ( What work have you actually put into this game. I personally only spend my time in Cyro so I can understand not a constant stream of updates and fixes but some of the stuff that has been in game since beta and release are still commonly occurring. I can understand if its a lack of resources or manpower in making new things for the game however, everything you implement is just broken. The game has simply gotten worse and everything you implement into the game has made ESO a lesser version of itself. Take your latest patching of the Vet Maelstrom Arena. You patch it to fix the mechanic of the shield not being created quick enough to avoid the screams on the Behemoth boss stage 7. However in trying to "fix" this mechanic you in fact broke it entirely. How is this even possible? Do you not even test the changes you make or are you just using the PC playerbase as your playtesters for console release?

    Why do you make your first epic appearance into the forums to announce something so irrelevant as a visual effect for bleeding statuses?

    Since you claim to READ these forums regularly, how about you spend about 10 minutes of your day and wander into the PvP section of these here forums.

    Can you quit the game please?

    Can you?

    Tuggles may not be 100% on point with every word there but, he clearly cares about the game.
    I would rather a keep one tuggles than a hundred of you.
    Take your troll elsweyr
    Kiki Dickson ~~~ Dixmanian Devil ~~~ Cornelius Buckshank Jr.
    Histy-Fitz ~~~ Boozemer ~~~ Chace X'expo
    Lluvia De'Fuego ~~~ Shakes Spear
    Macro and Cheese NA/PC
  • Jeckll
    My top 3 class improvements for Nightblades

    1) Killer's Blade, Power Extraction and the Sprectral Bow of Relentless Focus should deal physical damage instead of Magic.
    2) I dont need a Stamina Morph of Ambush, but I'd like to have one for Path of Darkness (Healing for Magicka, more Damage for Stamina) or Summon Shade (Archer (maybe redo it to a caster) for Magicka, 2 melee guys for Stamina)
    3) The following morphs are WAY worse than their counterparts: Incapacitation Strike, Soul Siphon, Manifestation of Terror, Malefic Wreath, Debilitate, Leeching Strikes
    Jeckll has quit the game. Thanks for the great time.
  • iamalejandro_ESO
    Nightblade's Mark Target
    -Back in the day, it was a high risk, high reward ability that basically did pure damage (75% armor/spell resistance reduction I believe) while making you equally as vulnerable to the target. I had the wonderful time paring that with lots of spell penetration and bursty abilities. Personally, I loved how it was because it allowed me to stealthily take out that one seemingly invincible DK that was wrecking my group. The invincibility of some builds has only shifted to new abilities, but the ability to delete those characters with careful planning and skill (aka waiting till they stop spamming aoe & getting behind) has been crippled due to the removal of the flat % reduction in armor/spell resistance. The assassin who can take out the biggest threat was the playstyle I enjoyed and it is also the playstyle which has been basically removed. I'm not sure what the exact change should be, but I loved how it was High Reward (To be) & with High Risk (or not to be). Maybe one morph keeps it how it is to make it viable for pve and the other is more risky but amazing for pvp.

    Anyways, that's all I got. I can't think of 2 other changes to get me to love the game more, just got the one suggestion to make me want to pvp seriously again.
    Edited by iamalejandro_ESO on November 17, 2015 7:59AM
  • Winterpsy
    Guard from the PvP skills - It's completely broken. Sometimes it works as intended, sometimes, my fellows being shot out from the protection zone, while I have full stamina.
    It is very costly, draining stamina like a beast. When activated, no matter how high stam regen you have, even if it says you still have like 500 remaining after activating the skill the stamina continues to deplete.

    Dont let a ruined skill sitting there like that. Most others just need tinkering, but this needs a doctor, because it's in coma.
    Big fat Nord Dragon knight with a huge hammer. - Tank
    Stealthy argonian witch templar - Healer (lowbie)
  • indorilwitch
    in non-vet pvp: REMOVE champion points COMPLETELY, its a beginners stage where champion points(reward for high lvl players) should not be used to dominate new players that DONT have ANY champion points.
  • Bashev
    Efficient wrote: »
    This can't actually be Wrobel, this is more than likely Wheeler or Gina posing as him to keep our mouths shut.

    @Wrobel Can you please provide some of your insights into why AoE Caps were implemented in the first place? How is it possible that they are still in the game if you have been reading the forums for all of these years? What are your thoughts on the many many threads on AoE caps? I personally would love to know why they were implemented even after the entire community protested against this decision.

    I can only hope this forum account is for the better, unfortunately a lot of people stopped playing the game already. While a forum account is a start, i think actual changes are going to make a bigger difference.


    @Efficient I can tell you why the AoE caps were implemented. They were implemented because the ultimate generation was dynamic. For every target you hit you generate ultimate.

    I cannot tell you why they didnt remove them after they changed the ultimate generation.
    Because I can!
  • MrGrimey
    I'm fine with class balance outside of a very few minor issues...

    What really needs to be worked on is game mechanics that favor zergs, Cyrodiil PvP and making Imperial City the PvP DLC that was promised at the beginning.

    Also, Snares are way too much in PvP right now, it makes a solo player nearly impossible to excape a slow moving zerg
  • Personofsecrets
    1. Stamina regeneration while blocking nerf.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Lava_Croft
    Folks, I know it's hard since Wroobler is here now, but if we try to stick to the 3 (and some comments;) class skills Wroobler asks for, it will be both easier for him to read this thread as well as come back to this thread or any other threads he might create in the future.

    I hope he might create other threads for subjects like weapon, guild and AvA skills.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Hi Mr. Wrobel, welcome to the forums ! And keep in mind that the ESO community is generally quite nice, so is the forum community even though sometimes you might wonder if it is truly the case...

    I would like abilities to be trustable and reliable. I mean, that they do what they're supposed to do. I understand that some types of enemies will enjoy specific immunities and that's ok, but at the moment there are simply too many exceptions, it's not "readable" and many abilities don't work on bosses without any particular reasons except that "they're bosses". I'd like to see some consistency here. Most of the time we don't even know if something is intentionally not working or simply bugged.

    Let's take the Molag Kena fight for instance. Before last week's patch we used to be able to counter her thunder with two abilities, one of them being negate magic (makes sense, imho that was no exploit) and the other one being another ability that had nothing to do with it (imho clearly a bug/exploit).
    Why on Nirn did you make negate inefficient in this fight, while leaving the other (imho "exploit") ability still working ?

    I'm not much of a theorycrafter but I like to think by myself about my own skill bars to vary and optimize my playstyle, but at the moment it's hard to do because most abilities don't do what they're supposed to do as per tooltip, and immunities are applied in some very obscure way. So I just follow some template cookie cutter builds made and tested by others, and this is not very satisfying.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on November 17, 2015 10:43AM
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