Greetings ESO Forum Posters

  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Just reiterating what I've said many times before here, as well as a few others, so please don't bite my head off.

    1) Remove the spear theme from Aedric Spear line and make it more like an actual Battle Cleric type deal. It's annoying as hell to see a character holding a mace, ax, or sword, then suddenly see them charge into something and stab it a hundred times with a giant glowing spear.

    2) Get rid of the Javelin skills as they are, both of them, they're freaking useless. Instead change them into a Melee Damage Over Time for Binding Javelin and make Aurora Javelin into something a Magicka Templar would actually use, like a casted ability that doesn't take three years to hit or increases all friendly damage, something, anything.

    3) Sun Shield and it's morphs need love, as stated multiple times. Please stop nerfing it into the ground. Hell, if you don't want us having Damage Shields, then make it into a toggle that will either (A) Reduce Max Magicka to passively reduce all incoming damage by a small amount or (B) Make it a toggle that reduces Max Stamina to increase all outgoing damage by a small amount.

    4) The charges should be leaps,/teleports, plain and simple, and obviously one should be stamina based, like that should be a no-brainer.

    5) I would suggest making Crescent Sweep's damage slightly higher.

    6) Make Power Of The Light do a DoT as it builds up, OR preferably, make it explode the moment that damage cap is reached, as to not waste time and DPS.

    7) Make Purifying Light heal as an instant AoE to those nearby instead of it being a damn puddle.

    8) Puncturing Sweeps and Biting Jabs: Make these both hit a little harder, like 150% as opposed to the 140% it is now. Also, because spears are lame when you're not holding an actual spear, change the animation.

    9) Burning Light should proc on all attacks, all of them. If not, then I suggest a slight increase to the proc chance.

    10) Spear Shards should have a DoT in it's base form, that way Magicka Templars get not one but two awesome DoTs to use and a support ability. Make it so Blazing simply increases the damage by adding an additional bit of fire damage.

    11) Eclipse is friggun useless across the board, like straight up. Change it to be an honest spell reflect similar to how, you know, Spell Reflects work, or make it something else, like a weapon or spell crit buff, idk.

    12) Change Restoring Spirit so it increases Regen slightly in addition to it's current action. That alone would make Templars love the class again lol

    13) We need a HoT for Restoring Light imho, but that's just my thoughts. My deal is we have an entire tree devoted to healing but still need a damn Resto Staff to actually heal. Now I know this is born from other classes wanting to and needing to heal as well, but gods damn it, if we have an entire tree taken away from us just so we can heal, we better be the best god damn healers around, either through sheer healing power or immense versatility in our healing. My advice is to put in a HoT via one of the existing skills as an extra effect or to completely change one of them up, like Rune Focus or Radiant Aura.

    14) Also, make the passives of Restoring Light more beneficial to Templars as a whole, especially when healing.

    15) And as others have said, make Balanced Warrior Increase Spell Damage too. Not much balanced about a buff that's only good for tanks and melee dps.

    16) Moving away from Templars for a moment, remake Dawnbreaker. Have it give the weapon damage as a base effect, but have it's morphs do one of two things. First, make it like how Overload works, only instead of shooting lightning everywhere like Darth Sidious, you imbue your weapon to deal an additional X amount of holy damage, with 50% more damage to undead and Daedra, with more Ultimate meaning more attacks you can unleash. That would go a long way for melee/stamina builds in general, especially bow users. The other morph of Dawnbreaker can stay the same tbh, nobody uses it much anyway. And speaking of bows btw....

    17) Good god make them hit harder and faster man. Sure in PvP it's one thing, but in PvE bows are fracking GARBAGE man, like come on. Although, to be fair, I like to think that as a Templar, the lack of Bow DPS is more attributed to my class' abilities rather than the weapon itself, so I'll wait on that one.

    18) Make Heavy Armor a little more DPS accessible, just a little. I don't know how you'd do it, but I believe in you.

    19) Back to Templars for just a moment, Solar Flare. This old thing. Yea, know what? Ditch the AoE portion since people use Sweeps for that, and make it a faster cast with the chance to proc an instant hit and/or a much stronger blow on the next cast, or something. Actually, let's go with Solar Flare being the Templar Caster's Wrecking Blow, with a 1.1 second cast, decent flying projectile, and the next attack to the target that ISN'T a DoT getting that good ol` 20% damage boost. Sounds fair, eh?

    20) Lastly, again, REMOVE THE SPEAR THEME DAMN IT! And add in actual spears to the game instead. Again, I don't know how you'd do it, but I believe you all to be a smart enough lot to figure it out.

    I like the spear theme, its in large part why I made my character a Templar. I think if they took that away I'd want to change my character to a Nightblade or a DK and start another Templar. I just wish that Spear+Shield were an actual weapon that I could use. How cool would that be? My other wish would be to make the Jabs skill just smoother and better looking. It could just be that fourth strike that makes it look particularly clunky I don't know, but I agree they could make this animation better. I don't think I'd like to see the spear theme taken away though.

    The other thing I wanted to comment on was your idea for Dawnbreaker. I think that idea is really really really cool. Make it so #1! I would love to get the opportunity to fling around some magical champion version of Meridia's weapon the Dawnbreaker as a power. I absolutely love this idea. In its current state it is a little underwhelming graphically speaking, but being able to swing it around and smack things with it would be awesome.
    Edited by dodgehopper_ESO on December 16, 2015 2:30AM
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • KeplerMG
    Double Post
    Edited by KeplerMG on December 16, 2015 3:33AM
  • KeplerMG
    Hi Eric. I think the major blaring problem in PVP combat right are shields that are based off of magicka. What we have now is players running around with no health and all of their points dumped into magicka doing ridiculous amounts of damage. Why spend points on health when you can just keep your small health pool shielded by an ability that is powered by the same stuff that powers your damage abilities?

    My suggestion is to make all shields scale off of health. Currently, nothing scales off health, and spending points in health does nothing but add dead weight to your character (one extra burst attack). Shields should be a tank ability, and if they were, that would bring back some of the lost desire for tanking in Cyrodiil. But the main point of this is to make it so that the hardest hitters in Cyrodiil aren't also the most well defended. That is a huge imbalance that needs to be addressed.

    Thanks for reading!
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Just reiterating what I've said many times before here, as well as a few others, so please don't bite my head off.

    1) Remove the spear theme from Aedric Spear line and make it more like an actual Battle Cleric type deal. It's annoying as hell to see a character holding a mace, ax, or sword, then suddenly see them charge into something and stab it a hundred times with a giant glowing spear.

    2) Get rid of the Javelin skills as they are, both of them, they're freaking useless. Instead change them into a Melee Damage Over Time for Binding Javelin and make Aurora Javelin into something a Magicka Templar would actually use, like a casted ability that doesn't take three years to hit or increases all friendly damage, something, anything.

    3) Sun Shield and it's morphs need love, as stated multiple times. Please stop nerfing it into the ground. Hell, if you don't want us having Damage Shields, then make it into a toggle that will either (A) Reduce Max Magicka to passively reduce all incoming damage by a small amount or (B) Make it a toggle that reduces Max Stamina to increase all outgoing damage by a small amount.

    4) The charges should be leaps,/teleports, plain and simple, and obviously one should be stamina based, like that should be a no-brainer.

    5) I would suggest making Crescent Sweep's damage slightly higher.

    6) Make Power Of The Light do a DoT as it builds up, OR preferably, make it explode the moment that damage cap is reached, as to not waste time and DPS.

    7) Make Purifying Light heal as an instant AoE to those nearby instead of it being a damn puddle.

    8) Puncturing Sweeps and Biting Jabs: Make these both hit a little harder, like 150% as opposed to the 140% it is now. Also, because spears are lame when you're not holding an actual spear, change the animation.

    9) Burning Light should proc on all attacks, all of them. If not, then I suggest a slight increase to the proc chance.

    10) Spear Shards should have a DoT in it's base form, that way Magicka Templars get not one but two awesome DoTs to use and a support ability. Make it so Blazing simply increases the damage by adding an additional bit of fire damage.

    11) Eclipse is friggun useless across the board, like straight up. Change it to be an honest spell reflect similar to how, you know, Spell Reflects work, or make it something else, like a weapon or spell crit buff, idk.

    12) Change Restoring Spirit so it increases Regen slightly in addition to it's current action. That alone would make Templars love the class again lol

    13) We need a HoT for Restoring Light imho, but that's just my thoughts. My deal is we have an entire tree devoted to healing but still need a damn Resto Staff to actually heal. Now I know this is born from other classes wanting to and needing to heal as well, but gods damn it, if we have an entire tree taken away from us just so we can heal, we better be the best god damn healers around, either through sheer healing power or immense versatility in our healing. My advice is to put in a HoT via one of the existing skills as an extra effect or to completely change one of them up, like Rune Focus or Radiant Aura.

    14) Also, make the passives of Restoring Light more beneficial to Templars as a whole, especially when healing.

    15) And as others have said, make Balanced Warrior Increase Spell Damage too. Not much balanced about a buff that's only good for tanks and melee dps.

    16) Moving away from Templars for a moment, remake Dawnbreaker. Have it give the weapon damage as a base effect, but have it's morphs do one of two things. First, make it like how Overload works, only instead of shooting lightning everywhere like Darth Sidious, you imbue your weapon to deal an additional X amount of holy damage, with 50% more damage to undead and Daedra, with more Ultimate meaning more attacks you can unleash. That would go a long way for melee/stamina builds in general, especially bow users. The other morph of Dawnbreaker can stay the same tbh, nobody uses it much anyway. And speaking of bows btw....

    17) Good god make them hit harder and faster man. Sure in PvP it's one thing, but in PvE bows are fracking GARBAGE man, like come on. Although, to be fair, I like to think that as a Templar, the lack of Bow DPS is more attributed to my class' abilities rather than the weapon itself, so I'll wait on that one.

    18) Make Heavy Armor a little more DPS accessible, just a little. I don't know how you'd do it, but I believe in you.

    19) Back to Templars for just a moment, Solar Flare. This old thing. Yea, know what? Ditch the AoE portion since people use Sweeps for that, and make it a faster cast with the chance to proc an instant hit and/or a much stronger blow on the next cast, or something. Actually, let's go with Solar Flare being the Templar Caster's Wrecking Blow, with a 1.1 second cast, decent flying projectile, and the next attack to the target that ISN'T a DoT getting that good ol` 20% damage boost. Sounds fair, eh?

    20) Lastly, again, REMOVE THE SPEAR THEME DAMN IT! And add in actual spears to the game instead. Again, I don't know how you'd do it, but I believe you all to be a smart enough lot to figure it out.

    I like the spear theme, its in large part why I made my character a Templar. I think if they took that away I'd want to change my character to a Nightblade or a DK and start another Templar. I just wish that Spear+Shield were an actual weapon that I could use. How cool would that be? My other wish would be to make the Jabs skill just smoother and better looking. It could just be that fourth strike that makes it look particularly clunky I don't know, but I agree they could make this animation better. I don't think I'd like to see the spear theme taken away though.

    The other thing I wanted to comment on was your idea for Dawnbreaker. I think that idea is really really really cool. Make it so #1! I would love to get the opportunity to fling around some magical champion version of Meridia's weapon the Dawnbreaker as a power. I absolutely love this idea. In its current state it is a little underwhelming graphically speaking, but being able to swing it around and smack things with it would be awesome.

    My big thing is that it doesn't make sense to suddenly summon a large glowing spear when you had a sword and shield or an ax equipped, or a bow even. It also doesn't make sense to keep spears, even if only as spells, attached, to one specific class. They should be their own weapons, allowing for any and every player to use a spear and be their own whatever-the-hell that want to be.

    Dragon Knight? Don't you mean Dragoon?

    Sorcerer? I think you meant to say Storm Rider.

    Night Blade? I only see a Reaper here.

    Templar? More like Cleric of Desna.

    Also Dawnbreaker wouldn't actually be using Dawnbreaker, it's be the character borrowing power from it/Meridia herself and then blasting people in the face with it. Hell, you could even do this to a Templar Ultimate and it'd still make sense.
    Edited by Khivas_Carrick on December 17, 2015 3:38PM
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Uberkull
    KeplerMG wrote: »
    Hi Eric. I think the major blaring problem in PVP combat right are shields that are based off of magicka. What we have now is players running around with no health and all of their points dumped into magicka doing ridiculous amounts of damage. Why spend points on health when you can just keep your small health pool shielded by an ability that is powered by the same stuff that powers your damage abilities?

    My suggestion is to make all shields scale off of health. Currently, nothing scales off health, and spending points in health does nothing but add dead weight to your character (one extra burst attack). Shields should be a tank ability, and if they were, that would bring back some of the lost desire for tanking in Cyrodiil. But the main point of this is to make it so that the hardest hitters in Cyrodiil aren't also the most well defended. That is a huge imbalance that needs to be addressed.

    Thanks for reading!

    No. You are taking a huge risk by running a full shield build on a sorc. Since Magicka is your primary DPS pool also, you have to manage the pool and re-apply the shields every 7-20 seconds(depending on which ones). Have poor magicka recovery, your not going to sustain DPS. Get caught by a NB without your shields up, you are one shot dead.

    Basically if you know how to counter shields, you can easily kill a shield build. The player with a shield build is managing DPS and shield up time during a fight, it's a risk build, it's fine.

    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • KeplerMG
    uberkull wrote: »
    KeplerMG wrote: »
    Hi Eric. I think the major blaring problem in PVP combat right are shields that are based off of magicka. What we have now is players running around with no health and all of their points dumped into magicka doing ridiculous amounts of damage. Why spend points on health when you can just keep your small health pool shielded by an ability that is powered by the same stuff that powers your damage abilities?

    My suggestion is to make all shields scale off of health. Currently, nothing scales off health, and spending points in health does nothing but add dead weight to your character (one extra burst attack). Shields should be a tank ability, and if they were, that would bring back some of the lost desire for tanking in Cyrodiil. But the main point of this is to make it so that the hardest hitters in Cyrodiil aren't also the most well defended. That is a huge imbalance that needs to be addressed.

    Thanks for reading!

    No. You are taking a huge risk by running a full shield build on a sorc. Since Magicka is your primary DPS pool also, you have to manage the pool and re-apply the shields every 7-20 seconds(depending on which ones). Have poor magicka recovery, your not going to sustain DPS. Get caught by a NB without your shields up, you are one shot dead.

    Basically if you know how to counter shields, you can easily kill a shield build. The player with a shield build is managing DPS and shield up time during a fight, it's a risk build, it's fine.

    Yet everyone doing it. All I see in Cyrodiil and IC are sorcerers and magicka nightblades going around one-two shotting everything with their entire health bar shielded. The margin of imbalance is almost wide enough to have to turn your head.
  • Essiaga
    uberkull wrote: »
    My suggestion is to make all shields scale off of health. Currently, nothing scales off health, and spending points in health does nothing but add dead weight to your character (one extra burst attack). Shields should be a tank ability, and if they were, that would bring back some of the lost desire for tanking in Cyrodiil. But the main point of this is to make it so that the hardest hitters in Cyrodiil aren't also the most well defended.

    All shields aside from Sorc's Hardened Ward and Annulment are based on Health. Including Templar and DK class shields. I don't think shields are a Tank exclusive ability. I think its actually a magicka builds ability as well due to the lack of stamina needed for blocking, dodge roll, CC break, etc. If you base them ALL off health then stam build would potentially use shields as well depending what % of health.

    If it were based off only health then casters would have a shield and you'd be crippling the magicka Sorc. As a templar who's shield stinks I don't want that for anyone. Templar and DK shields are a magicka sink (based on health) due to the battle spirit nerf to shields with out a cost reductions. They are not large enough to absorb even 1 average attack.
  • Essiaga
    KeplerMG wrote: »
    Get caught by a NB without your shields up, you are one shot dead.

    I KNOW!!! Poor Templars and DK.

    6 second shields based on health compared to 20 second shield based on magicka (and 8% magicka buff on Bound Aegis).
  • Ffastyl
    Essiaga wrote: »
    If it were based off only health then casters would have a shield and you'd be crippling the magicka Sorc. As a templar who's shield stinks I don't want that for anyone. Templar and DK shields are a magicka sink (based on health) due to the battle spirit nerf to shields with out a cost reductions. They are not large enough to absorb even 1 average attack.

    And if Hardened Ward were changed to cover 100% Max Health instead of being based off Max Magicka? When people think "based off Health" they think Templar and Dragonknight Shields, which scale for anywhere from 5% to 30% Max Health. But if Hardened Ward were to scale off Health too, does it really need to scale to a similar percentage?
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • pelennor_fields
    1. You need to seriously reconsider the "it's just espionage in war" stance for people playing multiple alliances. I am in Scourge on PS4 and it has been completely ruined by about 20 players. Farming AP, emperorship trading, and general unsportsmanlike conduct have reached an astounding level. I would have to go on a unending personal religious mission to undo the mess they have made of the campaign.... The people with AD and EP accounts are literally taking turns at emperorship and not even repairing keeps they are trading them so fast. I guess you are aiming to placate people with toons in multiple factions but you are going to put the nail in the coffin re: Cyrodiil with opening the floodgates on this. Alliance loyalty should either give perks or otherwise people should be forced to a single alliance and given the option to transfer all their toons to a chosen alliance. I can't even defend a keep properly because one of my own alliance is standing on the ground next to enemy siege to tell the two guys i'm sneaking up behind them.

    2. Buff Templars... All their teeth are pulled, they have no escape, no functioning CC... Blah... Please show some love.

    3. Ditto on Dragonknights... Stamina morphs, class ability and passive revamp. I understand they used to be OP.. But have since been nerfed into oblivion. Sorcs and NB are really strong right now.. Instead of nerfing either of those classes just show Templars and Dragonknights a little bit of love.
    Edited by pelennor_fields on December 23, 2015 7:03AM
  • shugg
    Fix nb agony please , its a rubbish skill no one uses, suggestion make it a medium damage dot , one morph does more damage and lasts longer ( maybe cannot be removed) the other a morph that puts a shield on the caster for 50% of damage caused like the heavy attack from ice staffs. Call it a blood shield, it would be good for nb tanks and add a little deffence to NB
    Edited by shugg on December 23, 2015 3:02PM
  • Miwerton
    Now returning to Eso after a good while off it (insert multidute of reasons here). And still not seeing much of an improvment, or any to be honest. So here is a little list of things which if done might actually improve eso

    1. Dont listen to people who only play one class, and will do whatever they can to have it theyre way.
    2. Use a good dosing of benefit of doubt and think a descions trough, and then dwell on them.
    3. Create more usefull sets, so far a wast majority of them are nothing but small collectibles, with few uses.
    4. Do what can be done to not make gameplay rewarding copypasting playstyles.
    5. And last, actually try to play the various styles and look at what can done, to either not make it the most used style or making it more desirable to use that style.

    That is all, but i may as well be saying this into the abyss, but the abyss is looking the other direction.
    And Geck for fallout 4 is soon comming so at least I will be enjoying the good work of the modder community ( which is more or less what have made ES and Fallout great(er)).
    Edited by Miwerton on December 29, 2015 2:11PM
  • ankhor8
    Junkogen wrote: »
    Junkogen wrote: »
    ankhor8 wrote: »
    Junkogen wrote: »
    1. Argonian racial passives. They need either 6% max magicka or max stamina in addition to the 6% max health. Max stats are what matter in a soft cap free game design. Right now they have the most marginally useful passives. For instance, races with max magicka not only have more magicka but also more powerful spells. Therefore, races with max magicka can heal better because their spells are stronger. The Argonian racial passives are a travesty. They look like they could be useful, but they're far inferior to other racials that have much more utility.

    Look around at builds. Nobody recommends Argonians for anything. That should trouble you guys, but it doesn't. Time and again, Argonian players have been ignored. Swim speed? Marginally useful. A racial linked to a consumable? Tripots are powerful enough. Not only that, but no other racial costs so much to maintain. It's ridiculous. Healing received? Again, marginally useful. Racials that give max stat bonuses increase healing done and healing received. You see, the Argonian passives are smoke and mirrors, like someone took a dump in a box and dressed it up with wrapping paper and a bow. Fact is it's still crap.

    Please stop ignoring us. We're tired of feeling like we're handicapped playing as Argonians. You changed the game by removing soft caps then you ninja nerfed the Argonian Nightblade synergy. You didn't even have the decency to put it in the patch notes. You all acted like it never existed and left us with inferiority that continues to this day. You've changed the Nords, Khajiit, Bosmer, and Orc passives to make them more useful, but, for some reason, you've kept the Argonian passives as is. Adding a couple percentage points doesn't make them better. They're still hindered by how limiting they are. How come you guys won't acknowledge what the entire player base knows: Argonians got the shaft.

    Argonians have traditionally been portrayed as sneak thieves, worshippers of Sithis. Why not make them the best magicka-based assassins? There are so many stamina-based races, but only 3 magicka races. The factions are imbalanced. The only two stealth races are in the same faction. Two "tanky" races and the 3rd best magicka race are in the Ebonheart Pact. DC is the only faction that looks somewhat balanced. 4% damage increase to Orcs and you leave Argonians as is? Orcs have 6% boost to stamina and health, 4% damage increase, increased speed, increased regen? Are you guys absolutely batcrap crazy? It makes me think that you don't know how your own game works. Max stamina and magicka not only give more uses to abilities it also makes them stronger by how damage is calculated in this game.

    Please stop ignoring Argonians players. We're not just whining for no reason. We have a legitimate gripe and we'd like you to acknowledge it and actually do something substantive to fix our racial passives. You've done it for every other race. Now do it for us. Please.

    Thank you.

    Greetings Marsh Kin @Junkogen
    I respect your strong enthusiasm towards the improvement of our people attributes, yet remember we are a regenerative healing based species. Our attributes are best focused around these truths. Of course percentages may be increased and buffs added, the fact is all may petition for that. Comparing others to us is unsuggested because all may do that based on personal desires for character improvement. We are unique and have a niche. It's up to use to wisely utilize our unique stats. I am still learning and applying, defeating and dying.
    I am confident, that we will be the dominant type once we apply our environment, inventory tools, skills and weapons in that correct mix of personal pleasure and accurate combat mechanics.
    In short, I respect your strong want for us to improve, I encourage you to trust we have what we need and will improve by wise application.
    Stay Moist

    I disagree strongly. Our passives are absolute kwama poo. You must tell your build if you think it is better than the rest. If you wish to keep it secret then pm me. I just don't see how you can think what we have is anywhere near what the other races have.

    I know you're trying to reassure me, but it's having the opposite effect. It irritates me because they read feedback like yours and think everything is okay. It's not.

    Also, why do Argonians have to be built around health regeneration? No other races are built around their special racial ability from Skyrim. Do khajiits have night vision? Do Bosmer have an animal affinity? No. In fact, a lot of the passives are departures from previous games because they would suck in an MMO. So why do Argonians have to be soul tethered to one ability from Skyrim? They don't. What Argonians have now is not competitive in this MMO. What works in a single player game does not work here. My suggestions are 110% compatible with lore and would actually make Argonians of some use.

    Didn't you have a forum thread that suggested health regeneration that was increased based upon injury level? I thought that was a really cool idea @Junkogen. I love my Argonian, I just wish he had Stealthy and better regeneration. Actually in my view they should have the absolute best regeneration. I find it ironic that Nords, Orcs and Khajiit outdo them in this front, and I find it sad that bosmer and khajiit are empirically more sneaky. My Argonian NB build has changed so much since the beginning of the game, but I will say if I use the right self heals he actually does maintain a pretty strong regeneration rate. I agree with you though that Argonian balancing really isn't done yet.

    I have never advocated for more regen. I loathe the idea and curse the histskin ability from Skyrim for ruining Argonians in ESO. Actually, they say Argonians are supposed to be regeneration-centered but then give them no regen. They just gave them passives that make no sense. They screwed up Argonians so hard and show no signs of fixing them. It'll be a hot day in Coldharbor before they admit they messed up.

    We agree on some sort of stealth bonus but I envision them as magicka-based assassins. Make them the best magicka NB. They're perfect for it.

    You shared your dislikes, I shared my likes. I experience pleasure and accomplishment in Tamriel exprience. May you acquire what you seek for.
    Battle harsh like the Marsh and assist like the Hist
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • Jar_Ek
    I am only going to cover sorcerer changes. That said my top 3 would be:
    1. Provide a stamina direct damage morph for either crystal shard or one for mages fury. These have been lots of suggestions regarding this.
    2. Make pets scales with stamina or magicka.
    3. Change dark deal so that it can be animation cancelled or provides a better return or provides a regeneration buff.

    Those are my top 3. My 4th would be make daedric tomb stamina or magicka scaled and my 5th would be to rework the daedric summoning passives so they provide more benefit if you have no pets summoned.

    However what I would suggest as an overall class change would be:
    Implement 3 morphs per class skill, 2x magicka and 1x stamina.. with one magicka morph being clearly utility/support usable by either stamina or magicka if possible.

    As an example, daedric caltrops could be a lower damage minefield with a longer duration root and a slow with a lower cost and daedric tomb a stamina morph (illustrative purposes only).
  • Ffastyl
    Jar_Ek wrote: »
    However what I would suggest as an overall class change would be:
    Implement 3 morphs per class skill, 2x magicka and 1x stamina.. with one magicka morph being clearly utility/support usable by either stamina or magicka if possible.

    As an example, daedric caltrops could be a lower damage minefield with a longer duration root and a slow with a lower cost and daedric tomb a stamina morph (illustrative purposes only).

    What I find to be the best utility morphs regardless of resource focus are the ones that work based on percentages (independent of Max Magicka and Spell Damage i.e. Restoring Aura, Dragon Blood, Channeled Focus, Sun Shield) and the ones that deal CC with no or little damage associated (i.e. Fossilize, Blazing Spear).
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • KenaPKK
    Honestly, at this point, we need only a few things for combat to be ok. Then, the focus can be on fixing lag, which is the main issue for PvP.

    I speak from a solely PvP perspective.

    1. Reduce the mitigation given by Hardy, and then implement a physical damage mitigation star.

    2. Fix the bugs with Camo Hunter and Wrecking Blow. Currently, CH can proc twice from a single stealth gank, doing twice the intended damage. WB has multiple reproducable bugs, including double hits in one animation, overlapping a heavy attack 100% with the animation (still), and striking through block.

    3. reduce sorc Hardened Ward and Harness Magicka, and increase other class shields for DKs and Templars.

    4. Reconciliation between abilities that cost and scale on stamina but deal magic damage with CP.

    5. Complete removal of AoE caps. You'll need to watch the scaling on Prox Det while doing this. Prox Det is poor design in a largescale PvP game, and it's currently holding you back from having a health AoE environment.

    These are where the priority needs to be, period.
    Legion XIII
    Excellence without elitism
    Premier small scale PvP

    NA/PC original dueling and general PvP community guild
    Now the hub of competitive dueling and the joined PvP communities of NA and EU/PC

    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

    [MEGATHREAD] Feedback Threads for Class Reps

    Class Representative Feedback Discords:
    Nightblade Discussion:

    Dragonknight Discussion:

    Sorcerer Discussion:

    Templar Discussion:

    Warden Discussion:

    General Healing Discussion:


    Werewolf Discussion:

    Vampire Discussion:
  • timidobserver

    With all of our light based skills, you'd think one of them would detect stealth.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Bashev
    Bashev wrote: »
    I really would like to see some changes in Green Dragon Blood:
    1) the skill should not be effected by the battle spirit reduced healing
    2) Major Fortitude should be changed with flat amount of health recovery (scales with magicka and spell damage) min 100 health recovery and max 800 health recovery.
    3) Major Endurance should be changed with - restore X stamina every 2 seconds (scales with max magicka and spell damage) min 100 stamina and max 800 stamina.

    This change should increase severely the magicka DKs survivability in PvP.
    Because I can!
  • Cody
    Make dragon blood independent of the battle spirit heal de-buff. Why, some of you may be asking? Make a mana DK and try to use dragon blood; it will barely do any healing at all and is one of the reasons the mana DK has low survivability. If it were not for reflective scales, sorcerers would tear mana DKs apart:(
    Edited by Cody on January 22, 2016 9:09AM
  • Talemire
    Hey Eric, it's cool to have you around, even though I already know you've been reading forum posts since before your post here. You've been great about delivering when it comes to hot topics, known issues, and major player concerns, so it hasn't the least bit gone unnoticed.

    Take this as a grain of salt as it's just my two cents (realizing that not many people may agree with me), but a few things have stuck with me regarding combat mechanics that I could only ask that you look into. I'll start with the major point then move on to the one of much less importance:

    1) I feel like combat would feel much smoother if our basic attacks and abilities were on a completely separate internal cooldown. As combat has gotten smoother over the months since launch due to better basic attacks, faster weapon swap, and more responsive everything, as a player since launch, I certainly see the room and potential to take the smoothness and flow of combat one step further by doing this. This would also flush all the noise about animation canceling, ability canceling, macros, shields, etc, straight down the toilet. No one will have any excuse to violate, challenge, or attempt to redefine the ToS any longer. I can admit that there is still some "clunk" left in the combat system to be ironed out, and allowing the usage of both basic attacks and ability casting simultaneously would do the trick and put everyone on a much more level playing field (more skill and coordination required on the player's part).

    2) Siphoning Attacks - Consider changing its duration from 15s to 20s so it's more in-line with our other buffs. The 5+ second duration gap is very noticeable in rotations.

    3) Ok, fine, I had a third one... There are ranged, melee, 1h, and 2h weapon options for stamina builds, but only ranged 2h weapon options for magicka builds. I think there is plenty of room for development/implementation and creativity to bring in both 1h weapon options and melee weapon options (wands, magic weapons, etc) for magicka builds.

    4) ...This stuff always comes to me after the fact.. Provide an option to allow abilities to execute upon key press instead of key release.

    Thanks for all your hard work, man!
    Edited by Talemire on January 30, 2016 4:37PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    So what happened ?
  • SirAndy
    So what happened ?
    We've been Wrobeled ...
  • eso_lags
    @Wrobel Hello, heres a question for you, can we just get rid of cloak in pvp already? i know i know, but hear me out. It has no place in pvp. Its a skill that makes it to easy for proc blades to win.. Even with detect pots they will just roll and run til they wear off. This is nonsense, shadow image is more skillful and, imo, stronger when you learn to play good with it. Cloak is easy mode, and its to easy for groups of proc blades to always win with no counter play. Now i mained a nightblade for around a year, i love SNB's, but the skill needs to go. Teleportation should be good enough..

    I call it as i see it.. I have no trouble criticizing a class i like / main. I main a stam sorc now and have for the last year and id also say that dark deal needs a nerf. Heavy armor proc stam sorcs survive on this and even if you run venom arrow ( the interrupt morph of poison arrow ) and spam it at someone, they can still get dark deals in every other / every 2 times ( ive tested this with someone ).

    Now regarding NB's again, I know a lot of people wont like hearing this, and say whatever, but just think about it. On a class that has stealth damage, in a game with stealth damage and in a game where proc sets rule and do huge damage, is it really neccesary to have a skill that lets you go invisible for an extremely long amount of time? minutes even? While in combat? Im not familiar with any other mmos that have this.. Ive seen mag dks have trouble with this, even though they are the kings of keeping people in place, the night blades roll until they can cloak. Just something to think about.

    And heres one more thought. I dont have much of an issue with nb's in 1v1s, even the proc ones, but if everyone hates people kiting/hiding behind stuff in duels then why is it acceptable to cloak in duels? I dont kite in duels nor do i even mind cloaking in duels as much as in open world, but it just seems hypocritical. And dont forget those special nightblades that cloak and hide behind stuff in duels lmao.

    Oh and please fix dawnbreaker, if you dont know its getting dodge rolled and missing 60%+ of the time (rip my stam sorc </3).
  • WhiteMage
    I think this thread deserved to get necro'ed, tbh, based off reading only the first post. I hope it is still true that he reads the forum and would like to see more postings.
    The generally amicable yet sporadically salty magplar that may or may not have 1vXed you in Sotha Sil. Who knows?
  •  Czirne
    It would be lovely if you could collect some hard data from battlegrounds, see how some sets are overperforming (cough, proc, cough) and balance game.
    There is plenty of mmos with much more completely different classes that are more balanced than ESO, and that is sad, considering majority of skills in eso is available for all and there is only 15 skills + morphs, ultimates and few passives that make each class uniquie - and yet balance has been one of the worst in recent mmo market.
    Edited by Czirne on June 18, 2017 7:51AM
    I believe in lagless Cyrodiil!
  • Sarato
    Ik you do combat design but the getting prosperous and training every time I use the chests are getting old man... could you speak to someone who deals with that lol
    Take me drunk, I'm home. Fav song: Pony - Ginuwine
  • Vrany69
    Welcome Stiffler!
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