Greetings ESO Forum Posters

  • Corpsage
    My Templar Wishlist:

    1. Something that hits HARD that isn't Radiant Oppression.
    2. A better CC ability.
    3. Some kind of Ultimate ability comparable to Overload where maybe the Templar's weapons become charged with the Suns power dramatically increasing light/heavy attack damage.

    Corpsage The Blackened - V16 Altmer Templar DC
    Corpsage The Bane - V16 Imperial Templar DC
    Corpsage The Decimator - V16 Dunmer Night Blade DC
    Corpse Guevara - 32 Dunmer Dragon Knight DC
    Corpsage The Iniquitous - 27 Orc Night Blade DC
    The Lord Corpsage - 5 Altmer Sorcerer DC
    We are the many who is One
  • Jowrik
    Posting this from someone on reddit:
    Not restricting to class abilities. You can't. The base blocks/fundamentals of the game need work before you can try to balance things or it's a waste and are undermined by the base problems. I know he won't probably see or read this. Saying it anyway.

    * Weapons

    The premise of ranged vs melee is nice in theory, but does not work in this game. Since any class can use any weapon and class ranged attacks are not restricted by weapon type, the balance sought in ranged vs melee is lost. Which, also causes balance issues because of different classes having varying amounts of ranged and melee attacks. I don't want less diversity, just actual balance.

    Destruction staves. The attacks and the staves themselves are lackluster in utility and damage. With them being the only magic based weapons, they provide the worst magic damage and utility.

    Game could use some more weapons as well.

    * Shields.

    Stacking. What each is based on in a post lack of soft cap world. Immunity to damage types. Resistances. So much to do there. The descriptions for shields reflect almost none of these. They don't seem balanced around any of these either. Feels like a lot of "unintended....but let's roll with it! How about that DLC???".

    * Attacks.

    Animation canceling. Why leave it then balance attacks around animation times. If you wanted it like that, might as well remove all DoTs and attacks to be instant.

    Why do the strongest attacks have cc and empowers which do nothing but promote spamming them. Add in animation canceling and you have the mess we have where it's more like rockem sockem robots with button mashing and macros. No setup. No real combinations.
    Edited by Jowrik on November 17, 2015 12:03PM
    Nightblade - Khajiit - Rha'Viir
    PC - EU - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Latter
    Paulington wrote: »
    Hey Eric! Welcome to the forums, glad to have you here.

    #1: Power Overload. This ability currently gives -3% damage over base Overload when it really should give +3%, it's been like this a while and I made a thread on it but I can't see anyone actually looking at it currently.

    #2: Bound Aegis. Please make this an ability you can hide. It's essential as a Sorcerer DPS and so I have this lovely armour that I can't see. I can hide it with costumes but that's not enough.

    #3: Negate Magic. This ability is now mostly useless in PvE because every ability you want to negate is not negatable. Please make it consistent and actually negate magic in some way or replace the ultimate with something useful. It is fantastic in PvP, sure, but as it currently stands Sorcerers have one viable ultimate in PvE and that's a little upsetting.

    I am sure there are more, especially other classes, but I just wanted to post and pick my top three. :).

    Hide helmet and use the vosh thingy ceremonial helm, it basicly hides bound armor ;)
    * vMoL Hardmode completed
    * vMoL Nodeath completed
    * #1 v16 vSO clear

    Check out my builds on Tamriel Foundry!
    Magicka Templar DD -

  • Docmandu
    PvP player point of view...

    Assault: Retreating Maneuver

    Have it actually allow you to retreat.. currently it does nothing in helping you retreat from a fight or stay away from a zerg ball. Mostly due to the famous gap closer stun/root causing any gap closer to halt you, giving the zerg ball ample time to mow you down.

    Templar: Biting jabs

    It gives a bonus to crit chance, but with so many players having damage shields, the bonus is totally negated since you can't crit a damage shield.

    Templar: Crescent Sweep

    Rework or buff this skill. There currently is absolutely no reason to pick this skill over Flawless Dawnbreaker, which does more damage and buffs weapon damage in the process.

    And something more general, shields are currently too strong. They provide so much more than a health buffer.. they give you crit immunity, dot immunity, bleed immunity, even stun/knockback immunity from destro staff.. and fact that they can be stacked to unrealistic values covering more than the actual player's health pool. (which is mostly a sorc shield stacking issue)
    Edited by Docmandu on November 17, 2015 11:52AM
  • Cinbri
    1.Buff Restoring Focus for hold-your-ground playstyle.
    2.Add stamina return to Honor the Dead to make morph viable for solo templars as there is almost no flat resource return abilities in templar inventory.
    3.Completely overhaul templar ultimates, especially Sweep.
  • redspecter23
    1. A DK execute ability please. Molten Armaments does not count.
    2. A DK stamina morph that is not a dot. Open up a few more build options please.
    3. Equalize shield abilities a bit. Not necessarily asking for a nerf to sorc shields but increasing duration and/or effect size on some other shields to at least be a bit more comparable.
  • Rune_Relic
    Hello Eric @Wrobel . Its a pleasure to finally see you on the forum.
    I think most will wish you a warm welcome.

    These are my main issues with ESO in its current state and some solutions/suggestions.

    1. Stuns.
    Need to be consistant in operation for all skills so that you dont need the latest secret manual for each individual nuance of each skill of each class with a stun.
    Immunity must work without fail to prevent "permanent stunlock" by individuals or groups or bugs.
    I suggest stunnable/stunned/immune status where stuns can only apply in the "stunnable" state and cant stack or chain.

    2. Lag - Power scales with numbers.

    a. This needs diminishing returns applied to damage/mitigation/health.
    In this way solo and small groups can have the greatest effect on the battle field.
    Such a mechanic discourages zerging/balling and encourages small group play.
    b. It requires that AoE mitigation, AoE immunity and AoE healing only works on "group members" and not "globally".
    Without locking defensive AoE to group members cant scale AoE effect by numbers.
    This should also drastically minimise the number of players that need AoE heals,mitigation,immunity calculations to be applied
    and hence server load is reduced via less calls and less tracking.

    3. Lag - Server vs Client calls.
    Light and heavy attack animations work regardless of lag... the hit and miss scenario.
    Skill animations have to wait for server response... the feedback loop for interface, animation, damage and cost is erratic
    Not only is this inconsistant, it effects the fluidity of gameplay in a very negative way.
    All animation must work as light and heavy attacks do, where the animation is client side without delay.
    The hit, damage, cost calulations must still remain on the server though.
    This way we get instantaneous and fluid animations in combat....but they will be assumed to "miss" unless the server applies a cost.
    Perhaps timestamping each attack and having a finite lifetime for the server to do the calc.
    (dropping expired hits and relieving pressure on the servers damage calc stack).
    In this way, we behave the same as TTL on TCP packets where they are simply dropped and prevent network saturation issues.
    Obviously the most current hits are more relevant than hits which took place 5 minutes ago.
    This is not a gameplay fluidity problem anymore as we have assumed a miss by default... so no cost was applied to player resources.
    This can also eliminate DDOS attacks that rely on filling your buffers.

    [NB. You can internally and dynamically alter the lifetime variable and how much load the server endures.
    eg. Lifetime of 0s would mean all damage calls are dropped and everything misses and server load is effectively 0 with 1,000,000s of players.
    Yet all animations and combat continues without any delay regardless as you have removed the dependancy between animations and calculations.
    Exploit - faster client network attacks may get through and slower client network attacks may miss, so minimum lifetime must allow for the slowest network speeds]
    Edited by Rune_Relic on November 17, 2015 12:19PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Grumwulf
    I'd like 2h to have more depth to it. Often it feels like the best thing to do is just spam wreckinig blow. I wish there was more cleave or AoE to 2h, maybe if carve had a bigger better bleed it would feel better. A morph of upper cut that takes away the knockdown but changes the ability to a sweeping attack that does extra damage to every thing with a bleed on it. That would feel satisfying I think.

    One thing I have struggled with is making an orc who wields two axes. Almost all the animations in the dual wield tree favour daggers. They stab or throw out daggers. Only the first one looks good with axes. I know this might seem like a minor thing but it does annoy me as dual axe wielding orc is quite iconic I think. I've got no idea how you can fix this without spoiling how dual wielding daggers look. Well maybe you could do something with blade cloak. It's already annoying to have a magical type ability like this in a stamina weapon. Or the ability where you throw a dagger might be throw a weapon and the animation might change depending on what you are wielding in your right hand...

    There is an ability sorcs have where it has a 35% to proc for an instant half price cast. I like this mechanic. There should be more of this kind of thing in the game. The combat gets stale if you are just pressing one ability because that ability is so good you don't need anything else. Putting bleeds so you can wrench the wounds open, or watching for procs that do big damage is more fun. More fun that doing 'extra' things like renewing buffs. Renewing a buff every 10-30 seconds is boring because you can't really feel it doing anything.
  • Ruben
    This thread would be the perfect place for you to share your top 3 most desired class ability improvements. The more detailed and specific your feedback, the more helpful it will be.

    I'll use those 3 for the DK, which is my favorite class:

    1.- Give DKs a spammable stamina skill. Maybe a completely new one, maybe add a stamina morph to the Whip.
    My DK's skill bars are actually "weapon skills + DK buffs/DoTs", I'd love it if I could change Wrecking Blow for a class skill that's faster and does similar dps (faster = hitting not so hard, of course).

    2.- Give DKs an execute. Like all other classes in the game, I guess.
    If I didn't use a two handed sword I wouldn't have an execute. Magicka DKs have no execute at all. Requiring a heavy attack to get bonus damage is not an execute, it's a waste of time.

    3.- Make Fragmented Shield a Stamina morph, giving you more shield with stamina and weapon damage.
    The undaunted shield is not good enough. Obsidian shield is 100% useless as Stamina users. I wouldn't even mind if it didn't shield allies anymore in the stamina morph, we need a decent shield even if we don't use Brawler (or there is only 1 enemy, or we want a shield to start the combat, or we need a shield to survive a strong DoT...).
    DK Stamina DPS
    DK Magicka DPS
    DK Tank
    Templar Healer
    Sorcerer Stamina DPS
    Nightblade Magicka DPS
    Nightblade Stamina DPS
  • Lettigall
    Let's talk about numbers. Number of sorcs on both EU and NA servers that have completed vMaelstrom arena are 178+(no telling how many completed it but without getting top 100). NBs 157+ and now the fun part DKs(49) and templars(90) together 139.

    Does it seems balanced for 2 classes combined to fall behind both sorcs and NBs? Unfortunately these leaderboards don't show on what build- stam or magicka it was completed and trust me it would show even more unbalance!

    And now about PvP, I'm gonna let you guess which 2 classes dominate in Cyrodiil...
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • EgoRush
    1. Templar - Eclipse: this currently can only target a single person and is now rarely, if ever, used. Return it to being able to target multiple people. Or better yet, replace it with Blinding Flashes (the skill Radiant Oppression replaced).
    2. Dragonknight - Molten Whip: give it a stamina morph so stamina DKs can actually have a spammable class skill (this is needed for Sorcerer too actually. Nightblade and Templar both have spammable stamina class skills).
    3. Undaunted - Blood Altar: does anyone even use this? A morph that replenishes stamina would be amazing and further eliminate the Templar bias to healing (this is coming from a Templar healer btw...).
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor (PvE -, Chimaira (PvE)
    Character: Oriantha (Templar Healer), Zelda's Inferno (Dragonknight Tank), The Lumen Sage (Stamina Sorcerer DD), The Umbra Witch (Magicka Nightblade DD), Flirts-With-Boys (Stamina Nightblade DD), Oriantha Ellesidil (Magicka Sorcerer DD/healer), Wariantha (Magicka Warden in the making)

    Current vMA score (Templar): Pending return to game
    World Record for all trials pre-Thieves Guild
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj clear
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj speed run clear
    Returning to the game for Morrowind
  • aqua995.steb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    Lotus Fan - make the magicka version be able to cast without a target , so it can be used to keep your distance


    Mage's Fury - Don't make it an execute ability. Remove the explosion and at least double the initial DMG of that spell.

    Keep Enless Fury as it is , with low initial DMG , a high DMG execute and the Magicka recovery.

    Mage's Wrath - Bounces up to 3 additional targets and damaging them.
  • Helluin
    1) Nightblade Assination: all fine as skills but for Incapacitating Strike that could be improved (ranged instead of stun for example).
    I'd change just two passive skills here:
    A) Executioner: what granted doesn't fit the name, it could grant higher critical chances or critical dmg or another effect on low healths targets otherwise more dmg on an incapacitated target; if you prefer keep it as it is, please balance it considering Destruction Expert (Destruction staff) so restoring more magicka or 50% magicka and 50% stamina
    B ) Hemorrhage: a class tree more designed as assassin shouldn't do the same of Templar's Piercing Spear (Aedric Spear), so improve critical damage by 5% or add a bleed effect or add also Minor Prophecy upon critical hit; btw, greats news about bleed (blood, oil, slime, etc.)

    2) Shadow: all fine but for two less used skills like Shadowy Disguise and Manifestation of Terror.
    The first one could grant an additional buff or longer buff.
    Another solution that could help hybrid builds and solve some PvP issues: Dark Cloak and Shadowy Disguise get the same functionality to remove dots, one morph makes the following Assassination, Shadow and Siphoning skill always dealing physical dmg and costs X% of max magicka, the other one makes the following Assassination, Shadow and Siphoning skill always dealing magic dmg and costs X% of max magicka.
    Making these skills cost X% of max magicka would limit the spam of the magicka Nightblades, while it wouldn't screw completely the skill for a stamina Nightblade.
    Instead of an increased cost upon use, like other ones suggested, this would help with the PvP issues but it wouldn't penalize stamina nightblades who can't use already Dark Cloak/Shadowy Disguise a lot.
    On top of it, this would help stamina nightblades using poison, disease and magic damage and stamina nightblades like @Jeckll focused on physical damage (infact I wouldn't like the skills you asked in your first point changed into physical but I don't even ask Ambush and Surprise Attack changed into magic damage; imho this solution can satisfy all and also address the magicka cloak spam).
    Manifestation of Terror can become ranged like it is for Lightweight Trap.

    3) Siphoning: all fine but it would be great to see something able to leech X stamina and/or magicka from target giving these to your character.
    More than a passive, that would be OP, this mechanic could be added to Leeching Strikes or a morph of Agony or Cripple.
    In case of a morph of Agony or Cripple, one of those could become a stamina morph.

    Power Extraction: increase radius, dmg or make it work like Sap Essence. Considering how it is Steel Tornado, a stamina NB using DW has no choice.

    Catalyst: this passive could add something more than just being triggered using potions; maybe 50% of what it was this passive before 1.6 can be an option otherwise something always active like a minor buff in addition.
    Another option can be increase the duration of Siphoning abilities.
    One last interesting option can be this: if the effect of Agony or Cripple is removed, deal X damage or recover X stat.

    But for class skills, I'd like to see this:

    1) Toggled skills could become 15-30 minutes buffs, so they require just a slot on one bar.
    Expert Hunter and morphs, even if not toggle skills, could become one of these buffs reducing accordingly the damage dealt by X%.

    2) The damage of AoE skills is too much when compared to single target skills.
    To avoid to rebalance all PvE contents or make an unwanted nerf in PvE, the PvP debuff of 50% dmg can be increased to 75% for AoE skills and remain 50% for single target ones.
    This would make PvP more interesting, AoE more balanced and hopefully help with performances in Cyrodiil.

    3) Targeting system: reverse the changement of 1.7, giving back a reticulate and a proper targeting.
    This changement just further helped zerg and blobbing in PvP.

    4) Hybrid builds since 1.6 are a lot less competitive than pure magicka and stamina builds removing a special feeling that TES games always had and the "play as you want" is no more what it was. Already in 1.5 and previous patches hybrid builds were less competitive but still interesting, the removal of softcaps, ultimates and some skills scaling on max stat instead of a common pool, some mechanics changed and so on ruined these builds completely.
    Do something for this gameplay would be great.
    One first option can be make light/heavy attacks scaling on a common pool or max stats (so at least hybrid builds can reach their goal in another way), then change the weapon passives to fit both stamina and magicka gameplay (not just few of those).
    For example some passive skills of bow could work both as magicka and stamina, Elemental Force of Destruction staff could work also with other effects, etc.
    Skills morphed into magicka or stamina could both consider max stat or a common pool and consume that resource, this would give the chance to decide which morph you prefer according to the functionality and not to the resource used.
    For example a stamina nightbladed based on poison, disease and magic damage could then use Concealed Weapon since Surprise Attack does physical damage.

    5) Bow, WW, Poison and Disease damage - add a melee poison/disease/magic: considering the resistances from Champion System but still being stamina skills, the poison and disease damage skills should do more dmg or have an higher penetration.
    Also there is no poison/disease/magic stamina dmg skill to be used in melee but for one NB's ultimate and one finisher, make a DW or 2H morph deal this kind of damage would open interesting possibilities and create diversification amongst builds.
    Edited by Helluin on November 18, 2015 7:17AM
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • SantieClaws
    Dear Mr Wrobels (or may Santie call you Mr Eric?)

    This one is pleased (although also sleepy and hungry) that you have been shown how to post on the forums. Santie understands the hairless ones sometimes have trouble with these things. Although also maybe Santie has recently been spending too much time around Nords and Orcs...

    Santie is fairly happy with life although she could do with more yarn - even if she might have to borrow the yarn from the wardrobes and drawers of others. Also it would be nice if Santie could one day mail on things she finds in wardrobes to her many friends. This way she would not have to buy so many Fishmas presents for her friends. It is nice to mail things to friends sometimes yes?

    Santie likes to fish and wonders if there might be room for occasional random loot to turn up on the end of her fishing line now and again? Unpredictability is the enemy of boredom said someone once whom Santie was not listening to properly.

    Anyway nice to meet you Mr Eric and may bright moons light your travels

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Remdale
    I left a wall of text earlier, but okay: top 3 class ability improvements I would like to see! Basically: More COOL stuff! :-D

    For Templar! Have one for each of the 3 branches for you. :-)

    1) First and foremost! I think all Templars felt a bit envious at the Vosh Rakh jump move. Flashy and awesome. Very cool move. Templars want something like that! Seriously, if you gave Templars something that cool.....

    SO! 1) Charge

    PLEASE replace this skill with something more like it! NB's, Sorcs and DK's all have their own unique kind of gap closer, and while I think DK's Chains could use some love (namely, my suggestion for it is for one morph to be very short range AoE, yes, AoE! instead of Empower. Now THAT would be cool and go with DK moves), I would like to see Templars have a neat one too. Please, let one morph be Stamina or at least be attractive to Stam builds for a magicka sink. Done by making the ability more about its utility and less about its damage.

    There's several reasons why I think you should rebuild this skill with something cooler. For one, it still feels clunky with a bit of a delay. For another, the Explosive morph is just not used and inferior. Lastly, no stamina build would choose to use this over a stamina weapon charge, even if it means slotting another weapon's charge or not having one. And, uh, more abilities that make you say "cool!" in the game please! ;)

    Why not make it with the same mechanics as the DK Leap Ult? Other MMO's have charge mechanics that are more like leaps. It's a much more fun mechanic IMHO :).

    Other possibilities could include a charge or port to a teammate that helps them or repells enemies. Giving a speed buff after the charge. Making the mechanic more like the running charge you give to NPC's where they charge over a projected path instead of to a fixed target and damage or CC anyone in their path or have it terminate at the first enemy it encounters.

    But I really like that Vosh Rahk move. :)

    2) Solar Flare

    Turn the Solar Barrage morph into something very attractive to both Stamina and Magicka users! My suggestion:

    Remove Empower from Solar Barrage, and replace it with.... an AoE CC! Yes, Templars have long longed for a CC that isn't single target to help with tanking, healing, or more versatility in PvP. You can give it to them here!

    The possibilities are many. An AoE knockback with a snare and a DoT? A good duration ground-based AoE that deals fire damage and snares or a short duration one that spreads from the center? A short range, short duration conal wave of fire? A channeled AoE that gives great utility or damage in a ground effect? Well, whatever it is, it would need to have a utility or CC aspect to be attractive to stamina users too. Don't make me reroll magicka! :)

    3) Healing Ritual

    Honestly, even though I ended up as Stamina this ability is what made me choose Templar. It's just cool. Because it's cool, I wish it could be used more. I rarely see it.

    Lingering Ritual morph always struck me as a bit odd and out of place. Ritual of Rebirth still a bit too long of cast time in my opinion but I'll make this about Lingering Ritual.

    My suggestion is to replace the Lingering Ritual morph (or better yet make the reduced cast time baseline and give two neat morphs, but if that's not balanced....) with something that gives some very solid utility while healing. The strength of the heal could be tweaked to be weaker to be in balance with the utility if you make it something nice. :-) Some ideas:

    While channeling allies could take less damage, gain a HoT for the duration, have their regeneration increased, gain a speed buff while in the radius, be immune to negative status effects, etc!

    Finally, I haven't covered this in any of my 3 abilities, but it would just be really dang nice as stated by others in this thread if Stamina Templars could gain some kind of while balanced, more tangible bonus from being, you know, the kind of healing class. ;)
  • Uberkull
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Folks, I know it's hard since Wroobler is here now, but if we try to stick to the 3 (and some comments;) class skills Wroobler asks for, it will be both easier for him to read this thread as well as come back to this thread or any other threads he might create in the future.

    I hope he might create other threads for subjects like weapon, guild and AvA skills.

    Oh please. Color inside the lines. Look both ways before you cross the road. Drink your milk.

    What? ZOS has the reading comprehension of a 1st grader? He said he reads forums after work, so there is some great bed time reading for him. We only have waited two years for someone other than a mod to post here, so players are spewing their saved thoughts.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Remdale
    Let's keep this thread positive please..... that is, if you really want Wrobel to read this thread and earnestly consider our suggestions.

    I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm at work I like anything to make it more enjoyable. And when I'm at home I want to do something fun or relaxing.

    Wrobel is human too. I think. So. :)
  • Gilvoth
    hi eric

    shade - i constantly use the teleport to shade morph and i love him but he does WAY too little damage, please buff and increase the shade damage output amount.
    also: he should last alot longer then 20 seconds, he disapiers way too quickly, he should last atleast 5 minutes and please make it so i can cast him without a target.

    rapid manuvers - the rapid manuvers should NOT pull me out of stealth, currently it pulls me out of stealth and i hate that.
    it should NOT last so short amount of time - it should last about 5 minutes or longer once cast untill i cast damage on some one. and like others have said
    :rapid manuvers should do just that - rapidly manuver me out of a fight, and allow me escape and fast travel times alot longer then 8 seconds, should be more like 10 minutes or atleast 5 minutes"

    Lotusfan - should be able to be cast WITHOUT a target, AND, just like bolt escape should allow me to STUNN anyone in its path.
    Edited by Gilvoth on November 17, 2015 1:43PM
  • JaJaLuka
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    My god..............



    @FENGRUSH omg, who's the fat man? For some strange and unknown reason, I want more...
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • JaJaLuka
    Oh and to Eric, please at least make NB ambush ability have a minimum cast distance, that lock down caused by other players spamming is extremely irritating.
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • DisgracefulMind
    Welcome to the forums! A lot of players have been waiting a long, long time to see you here.

    As per your request, these would perhaps be my top three things for the combat team to look at:

    1. The pause/lockup after casting Toppling Charge is extremely frustrating, would love to see this ability get some real love.

    2. Dragon's Blood and its morphs are near useless in Cyrodiil now. I think with the game evolving, it's time to really rework this skill and either allow a flat percentage heal, or at least fix it in Cyrodiil. Right now it's useless in PvP.

    3. Molten Armaments should be changed into an actual execute. No one heavy attacks consistently, thus making this skill almost useless (there are scattered people here and there that use this, but for the majority of players who are playing DK, we don't bother). Every single class is immensely powerful, and every class has been given an execute - besides the Dragonknight. I think it's time to rethink that.

    Those are the three glaringly obvious things that I'd love to see improved, but I will sit here and say that I think the combat team needs to really focus on showing the Dragonknight class some love, overall. Especially with the release of the solo Arena, the disparity between DKs and the other classes is quite obvious. Rework the class, fix it, give it back some of its glory, but keep it balanced. No one is asking for permaulti/permablock DK back, it wouldn't even meld with the game mechanics now anyways, we just want the DK to not also be nearly destroyed.

    Anyways, again, welcome. Hope to see some good responses from you on the forums from now on. (:
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • LegendaryChef
    Finally..... Welcome.

    1. I don't know what was done to streak but the delay at the end of it if there is any sort of gradient makes it even harder to escape than the actual stacking nerd itself.

    2. I know it's not a class ability but please make wall of elements useful again and actually allow us to melt our foes!

    3. AOE caps removed.
    Zzoro/Elliot Brown/Baldy ~Kitesquad/Noricum~
    PC EU.
    Spider mount was the only good part about morrowind release.
  • Reverb
    Wow. Just, holy hell, wow. I didn't think I'd see the day. Welcome. Stock up on Xanax if you plan to stay long ;)
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • cduff4ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    1. There are too many vampires. I think this should be altered a bit to appeal to a more niche group of players. This is Elder Scrolls, not twilight. Maybe add some more active abilities like a gap closer or execute and award passives on a "per vampire ability" basis like the mages guild skill line.
    2. Templar mobility or at least escapability, my god is this a joke. Sorcs and nightblades run off all the time but templars and DKs have to just sit and take it. Maybe templars can have a giant blinding light that is extremely resource intensive but blinds all players for 2 seconds so they can try to escape. I think this would stick with the templar class theme.
    3. Sorc shield stacking... ridiculous. Can there hardened ward not be stackable, be much more expensive to use, or last for a much shorter period of time? How are sorcerers tankier than tanks? They can spam those wards for days and even in pvp they can basically double their health with a ward.
  • Rust_in_Peace
    JaJaLuka wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    My god..............



    @FENGRUSH omg, who's the fat man? For some strange and unknown reason, I want more...

    That's Fengrush's father, Chris Farley. RIP.
    JaJaLuka wrote: »
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    My god..............



    @FENGRUSH omg, who's the fat man? For some strange and unknown reason, I want more...

    Chris Farley - a legend.
  • Marcusito

    1. Increase the timers on Flappy Wings and Empowering weapons, lots of other buffs and shields last so much longer. Maybe for Empowering weapons shorten the heavy attack instead. I have to constantly keep these up.
    2. A stamina based Inferno, take off the fireball proc, as it pulls you out of stealth. Something that would buff weapon damage or crit for stamina builds, or just add fire damage to weapon attacks.
    3. Something with some more burst for magicka builds. Maybe I just couldn't get it to work in pvp but I found whip underwhelming.
  • Darlgon
    I have a simple question:

    Why do you hate tanks?

    Do you realize that exactly ZERO of the item sets for IC AND ZERO of the dropped sets in Wrothgar have shields in them? (that I have seen) Not those panzy magic shields.. the ones you hold in your hand. Players have to make thier own, and your fracking cost of materials, (at 400 gold per mat at current market) is 56K for a shield, NOT part of a set.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Marcusito
    1. There are too many vampires. I think this should be altered a bit to appeal to a more niche group of players. This is Elder Scrolls, not twilight. Maybe add some more active abilities like a gap closer or execute and award passives on a "per vampire ability" basis like the mages guild skill line.
    2. Templar mobility or at least escapability, my god is this a joke. Sorcs and nightblades run off all the time but templars and DKs have to just sit and take it. Maybe templars can have a giant blinding light that is extremely resource intensive but blinds all players for 2 seconds so they can try to escape. I think this would stick with the templar class theme.
    3. Sorc shield stacking... ridiculous. Can there hardened ward not be stackable, be much more expensive to use, or last for a much shorter period of time? How are sorcerers tankier than tanks? They can spam those wards for days and even in pvp they can basically double their health with a ward.

    1. I personally like all the vamps in pvp because I flat destroy 90% of them.
    2. Rapids and invisibility pots is what I use.
    3. I'd be happy if shields took crit damage.

    Good points
  • nans_biscuits
    Shadow Image
    - I don't think this ability should need a target to cast. If no target is around you should be able to place it down as use as normal. It will act as a sort of sentry turret so that the first enemy to enter its zone of attack will be targeted untill they die or get too far away. If targeted on an enemy, like it has to be at the moment, it will act the same as it did before.
    - I would also increase the duration and range.
    - Right now this is a cool and unique ability, however I feel the duration is too short, the range is too short and I feel it needs the option to be cast and used even when no target is around on top of being able to use it as it is now.

    Magicka Detonation
    - I feel like this abilities single target damage is too high. I would reduce it for both morphs.
    - The proximity detonation morph should have no cap on the damage increase for hitting multiple targets, if 30 players are standing so close together to be all hit by a proxy det they should all die by it. Maybe then players would spread out.
    - The above change should only effect the proximity detonation morph, because walking in to a big group of players is extremely dangerous, therefore those who risk it should be rewarded if they succeed.
    - If this change was to apply to the ranged morph 'Inevitable detonation' it would make the morph too overpowered as this ability can be cast from range without being in harms way of the enemy, so inevitable det would stay the same and proxy would not have a damage increase cap.
    - Right now I feel this ability is being used more against single targets as it is highly effective, it should only be highly effective against groups of players.

    Duel Wield
    Steel Tornado
    - Currently this skill outputs to much damage and has too big of a radius/range.
    - I would change the range on both morphs to be the same (less than steel tornado but maybe a bit larger than the other morph)
    - I would reduce the damage on both morphs, whilst leaving the execute effect on this morph (steel tornado) and removing it from the other morph.
    - Then players would have to choose from a stamina regen morph or an execute morph, both would have the same range.

    Thanks for reading
    Edited by nans_biscuits on November 17, 2015 3:09PM
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