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[Patch Notes] Champion Point cap will be set at 501

  • Derra
    Now that i´ve seen the new gear. I don´t think the CP cap will matter at all. Dedicated players will farm the new items sets introduced with orsinium and this will create a powergap far greater than a difference of 300 or even 500cp.

    For PvP this means players with limited time have the choice to either pve until they can compete or go into pvp with subpar gear. Good luck in that solo arenas fellows bc without that maelstrom weapons you´re screwed.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Tyr wrote: »
    Cap is simply too low almost one year after CP patch launced for PC players.

    They are giving longterm players the middle finger, and will 100% guaranteed lose lots of subs and longtimers over this if it goes live.

    Huge fail in other words, and my guild is already talking about other mmos after orsinum AKA "SLEEP MODE PATCH" launches to send all their subs and longtimers away from their game.

    Ridiculous. The 500Cp Cap will affect less than .1% of their player base. a few hundred players at most out of the hundreds of thousands active.

    90% of my friends already have 400+ CPs. The majority of the people I compete against and interacted with daily are in the 400-500+ range and will be capped by Osrinium launch.

    The active player base is not *that* large.

    The more I think about it, the more I realize that players like you and I, Ezareth, are highly undesired and are always going to be hated in this game. Not because of CP, but because we're good players.

    I am not going to argue and indeed have no basis to claim you and those you address with your post are not good players.

    I have highlighted what you have said for another reason.

    In far, far too many peoples' minds, playing many hours a week and having high CPs etc. makes you 'a good player'. This does not automatically follow, what it does is make your toon more powerful. Neither does it make you loyal or more important than a casual player. But many claim precisely this, and your likely more credible claims get grouped in with the ones who make the mistake of thinking time played equates to these things.

    Now I used to be a hardcore MMO player and ran a good raiding guild in WoW, another in Age of Conan etc. These days I have a demanding job, a family and I am generally much more busy than I used to be.

    I have still managed to accrue nearly 400 CPs and all my desired Vet16 gear, and would have more if I hadn't just come back from 4 weeks of holiday in the last two months when I didn't play.

    I would characterise myself as a good player due to my genuine skill, speed of reaction, tactical awareness and those elements of my MMO play experience transferable from previous games.

    The reason why you might be feeling the way you do is because a lot of casuals quite rightly see a game that is increasingly rewarding the amount of time you play, and not how well you play - giving disproportionate amounts of power to people who have the time to spam content, rather than to those who earn it by genuinely getting better at playing.

    In all MMOs - time played makes a difference. In ESO, more than in any other MMO I have ever played (and there have a been a considerable number), spamming content without being particularly clever or skilled can gain you real advantage over your fellow player, and frankly, it's a poisonous way to design a game - it's divisive, and it upsets many people.

    Both the criticised hardcore people like yourself and the neglected and patronised casuals, and everyone in between are set at each others throats by poor game design.

    Something had to give eventually, and this cap (which I think would be better at 600 to start) is the result.

    You aren't 'hated' because you are good players, but because anyone who has thought about it knows that regardless of skill or ability, the worst design elements of the game hand you a serious advantage if you simply log in and play more. There is, I think a justifiable case here, considering the shape of the game at the moment; a perception that even if you aren't genuinely good, you enjoy too much advantage, and that it hasn't been earned the right way.

    That you may well have earned it through ability, and that you have skills which put you a cut above would not be a point of criticism in a game which didn't have the very unbalanced time-online/power-creep metric ESO unfortunately has.

    But it does, and so you get tarred with the same brush.
    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on October 7, 2015 8:45AM
  • Prodigy1971
    Holy cow... with my current 80 CPs I cannot image to have 501 CPs. This must be incredibly powerful...
  • Ultizmo
    Soul Shriven
    A change for the better. Maybe this change will be more inviting to people looking for a new game to play. Oh and not scaring off new players when they learn what champion points are.
    Edited by Ultizmo on October 7, 2015 9:14AM
  • BlackEar
    Enodoc wrote: »
    The averages I posted were calculated from active accounts that have at least 1 VR character. (i.e. - can start earning CP) An account is only considered active if it has been logged into in the past 30 days and played the game for a period of time.
    +1 Insightful for clarifying and therefore validating the sample size. Now if only we knew what the total numbers of "active players" and "active Vet players" actually are... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    Wont change my canceling though since I am what you can call hardcore solo'er and we tend to get a lot of gametime which here equals a lot of CPs.

    It is funny that Orcinium seems to cater to serious solo players.... except that the cap will keep them off playing it he he.
    You won't lose those CPs though, you just won't be able to use them all for a while.

    Correction. It will keep HIM from playing. Not solo players in general.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

    Achievement hunter:

    Visit my profile page to find out about which achievement I am currently hunting.

    Check out Anemonean's thieving guide!
  • BlackEar
    I still believe the best solution is to simply disable it in PVP.
    Bjorn Blackbear - Master Angler - Collector - Black Market Mogul - Ebonheart Pact - Exterminatus - EU.

    Achievement hunter:

    Visit my profile page to find out about which achievement I am currently hunting.

    Check out Anemonean's thieving guide!
  • Sausage
    Derra wrote: »
    Now that i´ve seen the new gear. I don´t think the CP cap will matter at all. Dedicated players will farm the new items sets introduced with orsinium and this will create a powergap far greater than a difference of 300 or even 500cp.

    For PvP this means players with limited time have the choice to either pve until they can compete or go into pvp with subpar gear. Good luck in that solo arenas fellows bc without that maelstrom weapons you´re screwed.

    There has been powergap between gears always, compare some green vr4 stuff to legendary vr16. People jumped on CP as it was the great evil, what it wasnt. I think this game must have minor-gear advantage, or people wont grind gears and minor-gear advantage doesnt play so big role in mass PVP. New catch-up system is more psychological than anything else.
    Edited by Sausage on October 7, 2015 10:07AM
  • Enodoc
    I'm putting this here for myself to use later, and I'm hoping it does what I think it will do, but if anyone feels like investigating before I get around to it, feel free.
    /script d(GetChampionXPInRank(GetPlayerChampionPointsEarned()))
    /script for i=1,600 do d(i .. GetChampionXPInRank(i)) end
    Edited by Enodoc on October 7, 2015 10:11AM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Vatana
    Soul Shriven
    Me and my husband play this game from the early access. We have been subscribing the game since then just to support the game we like and the effort of staff being spent to improve it.

    We play together (20 % party exp bonus) with ESO PLUS (10% exp bonus) with Rings of mara (20% exp bonus) and with exp potions/ scrolls (50% bonus). We both have 4 VR16 characters with undaunted guild max and in Cadwell gold,2 of them with PvP rank 1 5+. My sum of /played of these 4 characters is 123 days.
    Right now I have 532 CP and my husband has 650 CP. As CP cap is going to be 501 CP, there is no progression for us for several next months and we will not have access to part of our CP.

    Can anyone explain me why are we going to be punished for supporting and playing this game because someone, who started playing it year and a half later cries to have disadvantage?

    We were given ESO PLUS exp bonus and crowns for exp potions just to get spittled into face by a CP cap? That must be a joke!

    Is like if you were punished for being in work and working too much and too well.

    I was billed for my ESO PLUS membership for few next months just day before Pach notes for Orsinium went out. Now I want my money back, as I will not be able to use my progress made on my account or progress any further.

    There are a lot of players above 500 CP and I believe many of them feel the same as I do and many of them are, or used to be ESO PLUS members. I do not care about messy statistics which proves nothing of the reality ingame. If you want real numbers, look at the active guilds (both pvp and pve oriented) which keeps only active members and make a statistics of them.

  • Sausage
    Vatana wrote: »
    Me and my husband play this game from the early access. We have been subscribing the game since then just to support the game we like and the effort of staff being spent to improve it.

    We play together (20 % party exp bonus) with ESO PLUS (10% exp bonus) with Rings of mara (20% exp bonus) and with exp potions/ scrolls (50% bonus). We both have 4 VR16 characters with undaunted guild max and in Cadwell gold,2 of them with PvP rank 1 5+. My sum of /played of these 4 characters is 123 days.
    Right now I have 532 CP and my husband has 650 CP. As CP cap is going to be 501 CP, there is no progression for us for several next months and we will not have access to part of our CP.

    Can anyone explain me why are we going to be punished for supporting and playing this game because someone, who started playing it year and a half later cries to have disadvantage?

    We were given ESO PLUS exp bonus and crowns for exp potions just to get spittled into face by a CP cap? That must be a joke!

    Is like if you were punished for being in work and working too much and too well.

    I was billed for my ESO PLUS membership for few next months just day before Pach notes for Orsinium went out. Now I want my money back, as I will not be able to use my progress made on my account or progress any further.

    There are a lot of players above 500 CP and I believe many of them feel the same as I do and many of them are, or used to be ESO PLUS members. I do not care about messy statistics which proves nothing of the reality ingame. If you want real numbers, look at the active guilds (both pvp and pve oriented) which keeps only active members and make a statistics of them.

    These kind of players needs to be rewarded with gold, what Ive said. Slowly this game is starting to get gold-sinks so gold is important. I spent myself about 1 mill when IC was launched, new materials and craft set. Reward people with gold, and it depends on how far you're beyond the cap and also reward people with gold who reach the cap fastest, like whoever is first to the cap, he gets 1 mill gold. Gold is useful but not OP, so people wouldnt whine too much I think.
    Edited by Sausage on October 7, 2015 11:52AM
  • FireCowCommando
    Vatana wrote: »
    Me and my husband play this game from the early access. We have been subscribing the game since then just to support the game we like and the effort of staff being spent to improve it.

    We play together (20 % party exp bonus) with ESO PLUS (10% exp bonus) with Rings of mara (20% exp bonus) and with exp potions/ scrolls (50% bonus). We both have 4 VR16 characters with undaunted guild max and in Cadwell gold,2 of them with PvP rank 1 5+. My sum of /played of these 4 characters is 123 days.
    Right now I have 532 CP and my husband has 650 CP. As CP cap is going to be 501 CP, there is no progression for us for several next months and we will not have access to part of our CP.

    Can anyone explain me why are we going to be punished for supporting and playing this game because someone, who started playing it year and a half later cries to have disadvantage?

    We were given ESO PLUS exp bonus and crowns for exp potions just to get spittled into face by a CP cap? That must be a joke!

    Is like if you were punished for being in work and working too much and too well.

    I was billed for my ESO PLUS membership for few next months just day before Pach notes for Orsinium went out. Now I want my money back, as I will not be able to use my progress made on my account or progress any further.

    There are a lot of players above 500 CP and I believe many of them feel the same as I do and many of them are, or used to be ESO PLUS members. I do not care about messy statistics which proves nothing of the reality ingame. If you want real numbers, look at the active guilds (both pvp and pve oriented) which keeps only active members and make a statistics of them.

    Thank you for your post, and i find the contents of it completely reasonable and agreeable.

    However the developers no longer want to continue supporting players who spend time in the game on a daily basis.
    Edited by FireCowCommando on October 7, 2015 11:50AM
  • Sausage
    I think this game could be so much simplier if after each season there was just CP-reset. Why it needs to go beyond 501. All excessive CP is given to you by the end of the season for next season. Also I'd imagine they could create MUUUCH better CP-system, something what is actually fun to grind, not some endless boredom.
    Edited by Sausage on October 7, 2015 12:12PM
  • ADarklore
    I find it funny- sarcastically speaking- that players who LIVE on ESO cannot find just playing the game to be reward enough. These people cannot understand that new players coming in see other players with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of CP and having a huge advantage to be insurmountable for them because they don't LIVE on the game... and instead, they give up and quit. When players quit, guess what, income for the game stops, income for the game stops, ESO comes to an end... and then, for those players who live on the game whining about a CP cap... now THEY have no game because they ruined it for everyone else. Also, those who live on the game and have high CP, those players are the MINORITY here yet they are helping to ruin the game for the majority because of their outrageous advantage given by high CP. The reality is, if these high CP minority players left the game, the game would continue... if the MAJORITY of low CP players left the game, the game would end. ZOS knows this, they have the data and know how many players have high CP and how many don't... and clearly those who don't far outweigh those who do.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Etaniel
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I find it funny- sarcastically speaking- that players who LIVE on ESO cannot find just playing the game to be reward enough. These people cannot understand that new players coming in see other players with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of CP and having a huge advantage to be insurmountable for them because they don't LIVE on the game... and instead, they give up and quit. When players quit, guess what, income for the game stops, income for the game stops, ESO comes to an end... and then, for those players who live on the game whining about a CP cap... now THEY have no game because they ruined it for everyone else. Also, those who live on the game and have high CP, those players are the MINORITY here yet they are helping to ruin the game for the majority because of their outrageous advantage given by high CP. The reality is, if these high CP minority players left the game, the game would continue... if the MAJORITY of low CP players left the game, the game would end. ZOS knows this, they have the data and know how many players have high CP and how many don't... and clearly those who don't far outweigh those who do.

    Rofl, someone who gets scared by the CP advantage veterans have, is going to get scared by the gear grind anyways.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • ADarklore
    Not really... in an MMO, gear grind is expected, but having a group of players so outrageously dominant because of CP isn't expected... hence the numerous complaints about the advantage being seen, and we're not talking just regular veterans, we're talking HIGH END CP veterans. I personally could care less because I don't PvP anyway, but psychologically speaking, I can understand how this would be frustrating to newer players and especially the MAJORITY casual player. As it is now, there is very little incentive for a new/casual player to keep playing because they know as their CP grows, so does the CP of those who have outrageous amounts of CP. At least with a CAP, they know that there is a means that they can catch up, which gives them incentive to keep going.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • BRogueNZ
    bad news, good news.

    looky over here tis new dlc, think twice before you rage quit or die from sheer boredom

    I think the cap should have been 100 at least then I may feel competitive In pvp
    Guess I'll never know that I'm just plain old a bad

    Actually I know already but its still fun enough even when I'm being bad at it.

    Edited by BRogueNZ on October 7, 2015 1:04PM
  • Tankqull
    Etaniel wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I find it funny- sarcastically speaking- that players who LIVE on ESO cannot find just playing the game to be reward enough. These people cannot understand that new players coming in see other players with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of CP and having a huge advantage to be insurmountable for them because they don't LIVE on the game... and instead, they give up and quit. When players quit, guess what, income for the game stops, income for the game stops, ESO comes to an end... and then, for those players who live on the game whining about a CP cap... now THEY have no game because they ruined it for everyone else. Also, those who live on the game and have high CP, those players are the MINORITY here yet they are helping to ruin the game for the majority because of their outrageous advantage given by high CP. The reality is, if these high CP minority players left the game, the game would continue... if the MAJORITY of low CP players left the game, the game would end. ZOS knows this, they have the data and know how many players have high CP and how many don't... and clearly those who don't far outweigh those who do.

    Rofl, someone who gets scared by the CP advantage veterans have, is going to get scared by the gear grind anyways.

    a gear grind is sth known from every other game/mmo a prity much endless CP grind wich will be for sure expended at some point like the paragon system of diablo is not - while the paragon lvls do not compete with the paragon lvls of other chars CP do.
    with orsinium the grind is even lessend as why bothering with vWGT for achieving the horrible accessable overwhelmed set when you can simply build yourself a julianos providing better stats(stamina builds never where that forced into items beside maybe molag kena). the sewers are easily farmable on every class to gain the jewlery and it is a alot less time consuming to get competitive gear wise than CP wise.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

    Ezareth wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Mystikkal wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Since @ZOS_Alex completely neutered a PVP oriented discussion and closed our CP thread in order to funnel us back to "The Barrens Forum" that is General, I'm going to rip my most poignant points from the Alliance War forum.

    A V14 player at the launch of 1.6 that earned 100K experience a day would be sitting at 286 CPs right now. Most active skilled players earn 100K exp in about a half hour of PvPing or doing PvE content (or 10 minutes of grinding).

    When Osrinium is launched on November 2nd, every original V14 as of 1.6 who has averaged 410,000 Experience per day will already be at cap. For me this is 2 hours of PvP a day without grinding and without experience pots.

    I have 430 CPs. I took a month off the game and lost a good bit of enlightened CPs. The vast majority of my CPs came exclusively from PvP. The majority of my friends are far beyond my CPs and most of my guildies have at least as many CPs.

    The entire premise of the CP system was to give the MOST active players who have already done everything in the game some small sense of accomplishment for doing things in the game. If you think back to every RPG game you've ever played like Skyrim for example you'll find that once you did everything and stopped improving your character you likely quit playing the game.

    The CP system was meant to give hardcore players something to work towards. Now when the next patch hits what interest will we have in running our friends through a Vet dungeon? We'll acquire the best Gear in Osrinium in 2 or 3 weeks and then what will there be to do for the next 3-4 months while waiting on the next content? Why would we even bother subscribing to the game any more? We all have max crafters, max CPs, and a boatload of Crowns to buy the next 3-4 DLC packs if we choose.

    I actually quit the game for 3 months at the end of 1.5 because the game was stale and boring. PvP hadn't changed in a year and I'd already done everything. I was Emperor for almost a month and had my fill of every aspect of PvP. I came back for 1.6 because it brought a fundamental change to the game. No softcaps and the CP system. I've always loved the concept of CPs....but I hated the implementation of them. There are many ways out there they could have headed the current issue of CPs off at the pass but they chose to address the problem too late. So now we're dealing with yet another ZoS bandaid.

    I'm not going to say whether or not I'll quit, because I always try and test something before I pass judgement but it's really not looking good. I'd say the probability is extremely high since I'll be at CP cap by launch I'll play the content for a week until Starcraft II and Fallout 4 comes out and then play the hell out of those until I'm bored. Whether or not I come back will highly depend on ZoS's future changes but if you've ever played an MMO seriously you know that the addiction is the primary reason that people keep playing them. Taking a long break is the easiest way to break that addiction, and if the game itself has nothing to draw you back you don't come back.


    501 cap is simply too low for PC players, and the whole cap system is going to force dedicated players to quit and lose interest in the game (i already stopped my subscription now because of this change, and I feel less interest in playing knowing what is incoming)

    Pretty much this.. I logged on tonight and was pretty unmotivated.. hearing that from a lot of the core players. This was a great business decision.. have your most dedicated players play the game the way you design it and then stick it to them. I don't really have the desire to play atm. I know I'm not going to, but it makes me want to get a refund on my subscription.. I subscribed in large part for the 10% xp bonus... Can't we just decrease the power of the system and increase diminishing returns? You can always give new players a starting number of CP later on and then you can make the system more powerful. This is so simple, im confused on why it's confusing for ZOS to do right?

    What makes you more dedicated than another player? Your champion point number? Please...Other players have been playing just as long as you in the game but have been playing their way. How many fishing hours do you have? How many alts have you leveled? How many quests have you completed? How many achievements have you earned? How many writs have you done? How many crafting researched traits do you have? How many crafting recipes do you know? Do you have all the collectibles? How many mage books and skyshards have you collected? See, these examples are things that someone probably has a lot more in game time invested in than you and the "core" gamers, which mostly only means grinders; Aka high champion points. These other in game activities don't offer the same kind of champion points that AoE grinding in Cyrodil does. Why should the many PC players that support the cap system in this forum be unheard? Just because they aren't a "core" grinder or botter...

    You're simply wrong.

    I've done all that (except fishing because its like watching paint dry). Done the Achievement thing, I do writs on *three* alts daily, have max crafting, know every recipe have more gold than I can spend have ever magebook etc.

    No grinding or botting here.

    Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you get to put negative labels on others to explain away your inefficiencies. I know literally dozens of people in the 400-500+ CP range and I'm practically a recluse as far as MMOs go. I know a good dozen players who grind but 80-90% of the people in my "CP Bracket" don't. They just play the game as they've played it since day one and the majority of them are skilled players.

    Oh you know dozens of people that are over the champion point cap huh? Did you even look at Richard Lamberts data mining reports?

    I don't need to look at Rich Lamberts report because I've been playing with most of them since launch and they're no different than me. Many of my friends have been posting in this thread. I know many others who read the forums by usually dont post.

    I could go down my friends list right now amd set Champion point notes. Over 50% of my guild is over 400 CPs and we're not some Overachiever guild or anything....just a solid PvP guild.

    There are a few guys I'm friends with who have played off and off who are under the cap like Sabre Ali and Araxleon, but the guys who have been active playing since the launch of the CP system are all well over 400 CPs. By next month we'll all be at 500 or higher. It's really not that difficult....

    And like many people said, you and your "dozens" of guildmates are considered the 2% of hard core players. The majority is what the ZOS looks at and is what keeps this game afloat. The fact that you said you don't need to look at Richard Lamberts (who is the creative director) champion point reports is beyond absurd. Sorry, but I am going to have to take the games creative director numbers over your friends list.

    You're consistently making very poor arguments. I'm well aware of who Rich Lambert is, you're throwing his name around like you're old pals. No I don't need to look at his "reports". An average based upon a large number of players who started the game when it became BTP doesn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. It's not surprising in interesting to me in any way.

    My primary concern is for the players who are subscribers, who were already had a *max* Veteran character when the Champion system was launched. Statistics about *those* players would be far more interesting to me and I bet you'd find out of those players I am probably barely in the top quartile.

    I simply stated "I know literally dozens of people in the 400-500+ CP range and I'm practically a recluse as far as MMOs go." to which you expressed and continue to express incredulity. Players with 400-500 CPs right now are not all that uncommon. Just step into Cyrodiil and you'll see them all over.

    Whether my friends are in the top 2% of players is irrelevant. I'd say they are in the top 10% if I had to put them in a percentile. They're all very active players who have spent hundreds of dollars on this game to date and have supported it since Beta. They're the guys who are on PTS right now (along with me) testing this game. When ZoS holds townhall meetings with people to discuss issues and get feedback they are the type of players ZoS is paying attention to. We're not the largest group of players but you'll find that we are the highest spend players in the game per individual and the most loyal and dedicated to game itself (since we also have the largest investment in both time and money in the game).

    The comments by you and other people in this thread that marginalizes our opinions because we're just a relatively small percentage of the player base is pretty ignorant. Active and hardcore gamers are the bread and butter of the gaming industry.

    And the fact that you are marginalizing every hardcore gamer as someone who shares the same opinion about the champion cap as your own and ignoring the reason why I am bringing up Richard Lamberts name in the first place ( the fact that he took the time to respond to this forum post with a champion point numbers report his team has data mined to help clear up arguments from people like you) and the fact you are refusing to take a look at this report from the Elder Scrolls Online freakin game creative director is pretty ignorant as well.

    Im not ignoring the data - but it is terrible to solely base numbers off 1 thing without an explanation.

    For example, youre saying the average on PC is 93, and were using that as a basis. My friend just returned to the game 2 weeks ago after not playing for about 8 months. He logged in and by doing so he was at 120 CP? So hes already above the average, yet he will struggle in the CP department against most players doing what we do. Because 93 is not an accurate picture to paint over end game veterans. In fact, its a terrible number to even think about.

    All it means is there is potentially a lot of new players, which is a good thing. The focus there should be giving those new players that much steeper of a catchup mechanic, and not giving any active player absolutely nothing to think about anymore when it comes to CP.

    Grinders are another story, but if you think people in the 400-500 CP range at grinding, you are mistaken entirely.
  • Salmonoid
    I've been playing around with how I'd like mine set out and I have to say I think it works quite well.

    It's going to allow for more competition in the long run and makes for more interesting character customization, as you don't simply dumb extra CPs in "win more" slots once you have all of your must haves.
    Australian - PS4 NA
    VR16 WoodElf Nightblade

    It's not the peel, it's the nana.
  • ADarklore
    Think of it this way, MOST MMOs have a level cap... and that cap is increased with each DLC release. In the meantime, between DLCs, new players have a chance to catch up and reach that cap before the next DLC. As it is now, there is absolutely NO WAY a new player, or even a casual player, can catch up to those with over 1000+ CP... it creates a permanent imbalance in the game which only serves to drive new players out of the game because there is no incentive to continue playing when there is no way they'd ever reach those at the top.

    With the new CP change, it brings ESO in line with other MMOs that have some form of cap which allows other players the ability to catch up to those at the top, yet also promotes growth by increasing the cap with each DLC release.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    Question to Rich Lamber: What is the average cp value of players who have spend money on ESO plus or the crown store in the past month?
  • OGLezard
    Question to Rich Lamber: What is the average cp value of players who have spend money on ESO plus or the crown store in the past month?

    you have to tag @ZOS_RichLambert or he wont ever see it @nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
  • Saturn
    I've just recently passed 400, but I play pretty much every single day without grinding so I am actually fine with this. Plus I am tired of people with twice my number of cps having an upper hand in PvP solely because grinding.. it's stupid. Further, the leaderboards will no longer be super skewed because one group has an average cp score of 800 and is just beating everyone else because of it.

    I think the CP cap is good, the intention with the Champion Points was to have a progression system that lasts for years, but there are already players who are over 50% of the way there, which is just insanity. All the people who want balance for ESO should be celebrating this, it is a fair system and 501 champion points are a lot. Lastly I think it is good there is a catch-up system so that people won't feel so left behind if they don't play every single day.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Etaniel
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I find it funny- sarcastically speaking- that players who LIVE on ESO cannot find just playing the game to be reward enough. These people cannot understand that new players coming in see other players with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of CP and having a huge advantage to be insurmountable for them because they don't LIVE on the game... and instead, they give up and quit. When players quit, guess what, income for the game stops, income for the game stops, ESO comes to an end... and then, for those players who live on the game whining about a CP cap... now THEY have no game because they ruined it for everyone else. Also, those who live on the game and have high CP, those players are the MINORITY here yet they are helping to ruin the game for the majority because of their outrageous advantage given by high CP. The reality is, if these high CP minority players left the game, the game would continue... if the MAJORITY of low CP players left the game, the game would end. ZOS knows this, they have the data and know how many players have high CP and how many don't... and clearly those who don't far outweigh those who do.

    Rofl, someone who gets scared by the CP advantage veterans have, is going to get scared by the gear grind anyways.

    a gear grind is sth known from every other game/mmo a prity much endless CP grind wich will be for sure expended at some point like the paragon system of diablo is not - while the paragon lvls do not compete with the paragon lvls of other chars CP do.
    with orsinium the grind is even lessend as why bothering with vWGT for achieving the horrible accessable overwhelmed set when you can simply build yourself a julianos providing better stats(stamina builds never where that forced into items beside maybe molag kena). the sewers are easily farmable on every class to gain the jewlery and it is a alot less time consuming to get competitive gear wise than CP wise.
    Please tell me though, as a new player, how do you get enough gold to buy yourself the outrageous 80k prismatic glyphs, tempers etc?
    Saturn wrote: »
    I've just recently passed 400, but I play pretty much every single day without grinding so I am actually fine with this. Plus I am tired of people with twice my number of cps having an upper hand in PvP solely because grinding.. it's stupid. Further, the leaderboards will no longer be super skewed because one group has an average cp score of 800 and is just beating everyone else because of it.

    I think the CP cap is good, the intention with the Champion Points was to have a progression system that lasts for years, but there are already players who are over 50% of the way there, which is just insanity. All the people who want balance for ESO should be celebrating this, it is a fair system and 501 champion points are a lot. Lastly I think it is good there is a catch-up system so that people won't feel so left behind if they don't play every single day.

    You know that enlightenment stacking was made so that you wouldn't have to play every single day right?
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • ADarklore
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Please tell me though, as a new player, how do you get enough gold to buy yourself the outrageous 80k prismatic glyphs, tempers etc?

    A new player doesn't NEED these type of items until they've progressed much higher. Gold is easy to come by through questing, the higher level the quest, the more gold you receive; if you don't want to put in the work, then you shouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear progression comes in TIME, which is what an MMO is about... a game that is played over time.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Etaniel
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Please tell me though, as a new player, how do you get enough gold to buy yourself the outrageous 80k prismatic glyphs, tempers etc?

    A new player doesn't NEED these type of items until they've progressed much higher. Gold is easy to come by through questing, the higher level the quest, the more gold you receive; if you don't want to put in the work, then you shouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear progression comes in TIME, which is what an MMO is about... a game that is played over time.

    Thank you, that is exactly my point for CP : you don't want to put the work in, you shouldn't be playing an MMO !
    And it's not even about putting work to get CP, by just plying the game regularly with enlightenment stacking, the average CP per active player should be well above 93.
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • ADarklore
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Thank you, that is exactly my point for CP : you don't want to put the work in, you shouldn't be playing an MMO !
    And it's not even about putting work to get CP, by just plying the game regularly with enlightenment stacking, the average CP per active player should be well above 93.

    The point I'm making is that the game, just like other MMOs, needs to have a means by which players are capped in order to allow other players to "see the light at the end of the tunnel" which as it is right now, there is no such mechanism. Unless CP is capped, nobody could ever catch the top players, ever. There is a difference between putting work in, and fighting a losing battle.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Jura23
    ADarklore wrote: »

    The point I'm making is that the game, just like other MMOs, needs to have a means by which players are capped in order to allow other players to "see the light at the end of the tunnel" which as it is right now, there is no such mechanism. Unless CP is capped, nobody could ever catch the top players, ever. There is a difference between putting work in, and fighting a losing battle.

    Not ever dude. Once they hit 3600, they stop running away with those points and other ppl can start catching up. B)
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • LordSemaj
    Etaniel wrote: »
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    Please tell me though, as a new player, how do you get enough gold to buy yourself the outrageous 80k prismatic glyphs, tempers etc?

    A new player doesn't NEED these type of items until they've progressed much higher. Gold is easy to come by through questing, the higher level the quest, the more gold you receive; if you don't want to put in the work, then you shouldn't be playing an MMO. Gear progression comes in TIME, which is what an MMO is about... a game that is played over time.

    Thank you, that is exactly my point for CP : you don't want to put the work in, you shouldn't be playing an MMO !
    And it's not even about putting work to get CP, by just plying the game regularly with enlightenment stacking, the average CP per active player should be well above 93.

    You conveniently neglect a single fact that is common throughout gear grind games. :smile:

    Gear resets regularly. New raid tiers, new expansions, whatever. No one is required to farm V10 through V15 gear. They can jump immediately into the V16 market.

    Wouldn't it be amazing to jump immediately into the 2000+ cp range? Yeah, not happening.

    CP is a time investment over the course of the game's entire lifespan. Gear grinds are a time investment that lasts only a few months before resetting and starting over.
  • ennuid
    I wondered what would happen if they took all the champ experience people have earned so far (not champ levels) and applied it to the new experience curve that has been datamined. Here's what I got:


    Anybody under level 536 at launch would gain points (most people would pick up 100+), and someone with 2200 points would be reduced to 823. This is a small enough difference that they could let everyone use all of the champion points they've earned against the new experience curve. Instead of a hard "no progression past this point" cap, 501 would be a soft cap: a 3x experience penalty for people playing more than 5 hours a day. Call it unenlightenment.

    It would be much easier to get to 501 in the new system, and there's not nearly as much difference between 501 and 823, so starting players would have an achievable goal. Nobody would lose anything that they've earned (it's still the same total champ experience), and everyone would continue to have a reason to play and get more champ points.

    What do you think?
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