Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »
if its just useing a counter then streak would not have been nerfed if it was JUST use a gap closer to follow the sorc, at least with streak u chould see where the sorc is goving, a NB spamming cloak u cant see where he is running to
JUST using a gap closer obviously wasn't enough of a counter. The sorcerer only needed to bolt twice to be out of range of any gap closers, the first bolt CC-ed everyone around the sorc so only those blocking a the time of first streak even had a chance to use the gap closer fast enough, if the sorc was streaking in an opposite direction to where his would-be chaser was facing then it was impossible to use gap closer fast enough (pressing a button twice is faster than rotating camera, reacquiring target, and pressing a button), and if there was any lag present, then the sorc was out of range before the gap closer activated even if everything else went perfectly.
Basically, all stars had to be aligned for streak to be countered by a gap closer. Compare that to negating cloak with a caltrop field, which works flawlessly everytime, not to mention how many other counters to cloak there are.
Jprip88b16_ESO wrote: »
If just useing a detect potion or caltrop was enough people would not be here now would they?
What a wonderful example of circular logic. Make a nerf X thread, then justify why X needs to be nerfed by the mere existence of the thread.
And it fails when the enemy you are fighting uses one of the many counters that cloak has and streak doesn't.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
So so so much bias, I'm loving it
Streak has counters too: ranged dmg or gap closers. Or in fact bombard/talons/encase as you can only streak the way you are facing.
None of what you listed causes streak to consume magicka and then do nothing, like caltrops, magelight, mark, or flare do to cloak. So please, tell me more about counters.
None of what you listed causes streak to consume magicka and then do nothing, like caltrops, magelight, mark, or flare do to cloak.
When i can drink a potion and your streak fails if you try to use it to get away from me for 15 seconds, then we can start comparing bolt escape to cloak.
Doesn't dark cloak still purge 4 dots on cast, even if you are kicked out of cloak instantly?
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
You are either trolling or you don't know your own class very well.
Cloak doesn't do nothing when you stand on caltrops. You might fail to go invisible but it will purge your DoTs from siege or remove a Meteor mark from you etc. You can still cross a breach filled with caltrops and oil by spamming cloak knowing it will purge your oil DoTs from you.
Cloak always has a use even if the invisibility itself is countered. So yeah, tell me more indeed....
Yeah that's a great consolation. "I tried to cloak to evade that incoming zerg and the cloak failed, so now i'm dead, but hey, at least i got all the non-existing DOTs on me cured before i got stomped into the ground"
Yeah that's a great consolation. "I tried to cloak to evade that incoming zerg and the cloak failed, so now i'm dead, but hey, at least i got all the non-existing DOTs on me cured before i got stomped into the ground"
NBs are the only class who can disengage at will. Yes, when it comes to PvP this makes the class OP.
If you do not consider being the only class that can "choose" not to die as being OP, i'm sorry but you are delusional.
Either give all classes a disengage method, or remove this one from the NB. Even sorcs (mostly) lost theirs with the nerfs to BE.
Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
Lava_Croft wrote: »At least this thread is a good showcase of ZOS' target audience and what this means for the direction of ESO.
Yeah damn those people spamming Cloak, it's not fair while I spam the abilities that keep me alive! Spam BoL, spam Ward, spam whatever Dragon Knights have left.In the IC world where death means you actually lose something, cloak must be nerfed. My cloak counter on my stam sorc is thundering presence and detect pots and still any competent NB can guaranteed get away as they please. Also don't overlook the ability to perma cloak for both stam and magicka NB through the mob infested areas with ease.
In the IC world where death means you actually lose something, cloak must be nerfed. My cloak counter on my stam sorc is thundering presence and detect pots and still any competent NB can guaranteed get away as they please. Also don't overlook the ability to perma cloak for both stam and magicka NB through the mob infested areas with ease.
You do realize that being able to disappear & reset the fight at will is doing something? Good nightblades use cloak to set their opponent up for killing attacks. Bad nightblades use it only to run away. If you were to go through this thread (and others like it) you can identify the good nightblades from the bad by how they use the skill.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Yeah damn those people spamming Cloak, it's not fair while I spam the abilities that keep me alive! Spam BoL, spam Ward, spam whatever Dragon Knights have left.
Cloak is my main form of defense and it's used to trigger the Shadow Barrier passive. Want something to be done about Cloak spam? Fine. Then also do something about spamming heals and shields.
You should not have directed that at the Magicka Nightblade who doesn't care about Cracked Wood City and spends his days in Cyrodiil.
You should not have directed that at the stam sorc because I don't spam any defensive skills. Cloak is a guaranteed escape if you are a competent NB and if you can't see the imbalance in that then I don't know what to tell you. Before IC, escapes were a nuisance, but now they equal tangible benefits, i.e. keeping your TV stones.
In the IC world where death means you actually lose something, cloak must be nerfed. My cloak counter on my stam sorc is thundering presence and detect pots and still any competent NB can guaranteed get away as they please. Also don't overlook the ability to perma cloak for both stam and magicka NB through the mob infested areas with ease.