Septimus_Magna wrote: »Cloak is very good in IC and pvp, no doubt. The last thing I want is a big nerf for Cloak because its the key ability for NBs.
There are multiple counter against Cloak but one counter is not working properly imo. If you hit a cloaked NB with AOE damage he becomes visible but he is able to re-cloak instantly. This removes AOE damage as reliable counter because the duration in which the NB is visible is too short, this makes it impossible to fight NBs without detect pots or radiant mage light.
It would seem fair to give a short (2-3 second) debuff in which Cloak doesnt make the NB invisible when he's un-cloaked by AOE damage. Cost increase is probably not fair for all the stamina NBs so I think this would be a better solution.
You might be doing this wrong, thundering presence + wrecking blow + optional caltrops works amazing. A stamina NB will be forced to dodge and flee, a magicka NB will be forced to shield spam until he runs out of stam or magicka. Stam Sorc is a great hard counter to NB this patch, at least it's been a stand-out for me among stamina builds.
Thundering Presence's range is so pitiful that it seems that I have to be literally standing on top of the NB to break cloak and even then it is only for a split second before he cloaks up again. Why WB? I've started quite a few WB casts on NB only to have them dodge roll and cloak away and it cancels my attack. Caltrops are nice, but only as a defensive tool against Cloak. As I said, I was talking specifically about a NB fleeing and Caltrops cost too much to spam cast it so unless the NB decides to re-enter my caltrop field, it does nothing to prevent them from fleeing. I never had an issue with people being able to guaranteed escape before IC, but now it actually means something because of TV stone mechanic.
Don't tell me what I should use cloak for.
I'm using cloak to avoid attacks and counter with a stun or a heavy attack. ]
]Exactly my point. I mainly solo so I see this several times per play session. Stamblades could do this in 1.6 because of high burst dmg and sharpened trait that was widely abused. Although I understand cloak had issues then Fear had it's own problems where it was unbreakable very often and the animation was a bit slow. Very few NBs could cloak more 2x so if fear didn't bug you had a shot to make the stealthier regret his actions and I'm the guy that /lol at the NBs I use to wreck after a failed gank. I was also the guy that chased sorcs 1.6 and if I caught them more often then not they died.
Post IC dropping Fear was fixed from what I can tell, enter the cloak spammer. It goes like this: NB with high burst, WB or heavy attacks from stealth or not, the so the defender reacts possibly using a heal or pot gets their buffs up if they aren't already gets a good hit on the NB and starts licking his chops" I got you now you turd". Poof NB cloaks and the other guy knows what is coming next, more of the same. Rinse and repeat until I'm out of stamina and magicka. I always have 4 dif pots slotted . Tri health and weapon pwr , invisible/speed and wait for it ...detection pots.
Not all NBs are scumbags that wait till your fighting 3 mobs to jump you but even in a 1v1 the NB 99/100 times gets the first attack. If they start to lose the advantage they cloak 2 feet from your face and if the 8 are watching over you then you may have a detection pot ready but chances are you'll be feared or dragged in to mobs only for the NB to cloak again. At this point the defender has 3 choices. #1 stand there like a fool holding block until the NB attacks again from stealth rinse and repeat until your dead. #2 don't hold block and get your regen and leave your self wide open to the WB from stealth. #3 unsub and log out.
I'm 1 of the few who use Immovable HA skill and Stone fist which is a 3 sec hard CC. It works well if timed right but it's not enough against an average skilled magic built NB with just enough stamina to WB or heavy attack from stealth only to have them cloak over and over and toss in a fear here or there. Bottom line they have the advantage from start to finish and it removes all skill from the equation. Threads like this will continue until this is addressed alongside all the threads about IC Magicka NB build threads and pawnage vids.
The best kind of NB will use cloak for mobility around its target. The range on thundering is a perfect natural counter. I watch stamina builds take advantage of movement speed and shuffle to escape snares and roots, making escape trivial for them. Add in some mobs to cause chaos, sharp turns and it's no worse than cloak for escape.
Cloak becomes a problem only when a good NB is using it to control your fight. And caltrops doesn't cost too much for a properly setup stam build for spamming reasons. Thundering prevents a NB from juking through you, and caltrops covers a wider net. The combinations of both of these allows WB the time it needs to work.
My post was specifically talking about NB being able to escape so please quote someone else if you want to discuss how to counter a NB actively using cloak to engage its target. I know very well that caltrops is a nice coverage for preventing a NB from attacking you. I disagree completely that movement buff and shuffle is just as good as cloak for escaping.
There are many stam players out there flying in the face of this statement. The grass always seems greener on the other side, especially when you're unable to see the benefits to the side you're currently on.
Movement speed plus the ability to negate snares, underrated. It doesn't matter if you're visible, if no one can stop you or catch you.
Do you realize that you are saying exactly what I want you to say? You don't know how to deal with cloak. So, instead of looking for a way to deal with it, you come here crying "Nerf!!! Nerf!!!
The game changed, that's all. It is hight time you used those forgotten skills that nobody used some weeks ago.
This is the post where Rylana cuts through the nightblades posting in defense of their OP skills BS.
Now, are we done with the BS, or do I need to post some more about how underpowered the poor nightblade class has always been. Sabre Ali is right, cloak needs a limiter put in place on it.
I'm not sure where you got the impression that I don't know how to deal with cloak, but I've been playing a magicka nightblade for over a year now so I know how powerful the ability is; how to best use it, and how to counter it. Don't let that stop you misinterpreting my posts because your replies just continue to highlight your foolishness.
Stamina builds cant cloak more then a few times before mana is depleted, they should be real careful not to nerf this in a way that ruins even that little cloak use that they have.
Magicka nbs however can spam this endlessly, and that might be a problem.
Stamina builds cant cloak more then a few times before mana is depleted, they should be real careful not to nerf this in a way that ruins even that little cloak use that they have.
Magicka nbs however can spam this endlessly, and that might be a problem.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
You didn't read the OP's post, did you? The OP is a NB.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
Actually it depends how you build and on your number of CP points. With Willows Path set and drinks (popular combo nowadays), you can hit over 1.5k magicka regen easily and with enough points to plump into Magician you can reduce the cost a lot.
I've seen stamblades Cloak more times than I can Streak as a Magicka Sorc. The ones that go full damage spec obviously can cloak less but that's on them.
If you build full damage stamina sorc you'd be lucky if you managed to get a 2nd cast out of bolt escape. I see no-one getting oversensitive about that. And they shouldn't really since it was your choice to go full damage stamina. It's only reasonable that you can't expect to be able to get more than a couple of casts out of such a strong magicka skill.
You shouldn't be able to have your pie and eat it too.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Cloak is very good in IC and pvp, no doubt. The last thing I want is a big nerf for Cloak because its the key ability for NBs.
There are multiple counter against Cloak but one counter is not working properly imo. If you hit a cloaked NB with AOE damage he becomes visible but he is able to re-cloak instantly. This removes AOE damage as reliable counter because the duration in which the NB is visible is too short, this makes it impossible to fight NBs without detect pots or radiant mage light.
It would seem fair to give a short (2-3 second) debuff in which Cloak doesnt make the NB invisible when he's un-cloaked by AOE damage. Cost increase is probably not fair for all the stamina NBs so I think this would be a better solution.
I don't often agree with what you post, but this is the exception.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback. We are looking at several options to limit the number of times Shadow Cloak can be cast in a row. However, unlike Bolt Escape, there are multiple ways of countering Shadow Cloak so we want to be very careful with any change we ultimately make. One of the possibilities we're exploring is reducing your Magicka regeneration while Shadow Cloak is active.
Any change we make will be in a future update, though we don't have a solid time frame at this time.
I play a Sorc and I can safely say that shadow cloak does NOT need a nerf. There are detect pots, binds and DoT's that all solve the problem. The actual problem is the people, like the OP, who want 1 build that counters everything in the game. If you continually go around nerfing everything, you'll eventually ruin the game. As you said, there are already ways to counter shadow cloak, if people prefer to use health/Stamina/Magicka pots, that's their decision and they sacrifice a way to detect cloaked NB's, or stealthed enemies...