Well it´s not fair if others do it but a valid tactic when doing it yourself - you have to understand the difference here - nightblades have always been and are still a very weak class in dire need of buffs and help.
Yeah bro, cloak is the most counterable ability in the game.
We can talk penalties once they remove detect pots, mark target and AOE removing cloak
Oh and sorcs are still bolt escaping like crazy... The lower damage gives them more than enough time to escape, even better than a nb, and there is no counter to bolt escape, unlike cloak which has many counters
And another bad Nightblade checks into this thread.
Yeah bro, cloak is the most counterable ability in the game.
We can talk penalties once they remove detect pots, mark target and AOE removing cloak
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »Oh look how many sorc are posting to nerf NB cloak(strange enough most of them are from the shieldbrealer QQ thread),cloak is finally working and now should be nerfed,if you use a counter maybe just MAYBE you will stop cry about a skill that is fine,things like "magelight is not good enough"is like to say gap closer is not enough to counter bolt some time they works other don't,to add a penality some counter need to be removed first.
Lava_Croft wrote: »So once both classes with escape skills have their escape skills made harder to spam, I guess it's about time to look forward onto how we are going to nerf Breath of Life spam?
I think it should have the same diminshing returns as other strong defensive skills. It is nearly impossible to catch a good NB spamming this ability. The real issue there is that the escape mechanic is really cheap (no increasing cost or something) and has a very high success rate. This means that every NB who is engaging a fight has a garanteed reset for the fight.
For example if someone is just better with his character and would win 75% of the fights it does not matter because the NB will always escape and speculate for the 25% where the oponent makes mistakes.
But i also think that the cloak must have a stamina morph then, too not hurt stamina builds badly. With meaningful diminishing return the duration could maybe also be buffed again, because such a change would also mean a rebalance.
Your signature says it all.
Actually cloak is working differently from bolt escape.
I personally think it would be way better to halt magica regen while you´re not visible to any other player while in cloak. Cloak by design needs to be spammed in certain situations to even get it to work. Also there is no way of telling if someone is using a detect potion.
If it were to work like streak you´d pretty much be able to shut it down 100% as a defensive skill. Therefor i´d tie the penatly to the skill actually working (only when your character is hidden).
SuraklinPrime wrote: »
Some hints (at least from a stamblade POV, can't speak for the mageblades):
- Cloak does not get a NB very far away in 2.9 secs (not 3.5 as per the misinformation being posted), if you can make a smart guess on the direction then drop an AOE and reveal them.
- We're going to be trying to get out of sight while cloaked, look for walls, rocks or other bits of scenery where we might be out of LoS chances are that's where we went.
- What skill did we hit with? If they were stamina based then we're probably only going to be able to throw 2, 3, maybe 4, cloaks @3.6k magicka a pop before drying up on magicka, that gives us limited range and if you can break a couple of cloaks then we're probably going to be standing in the open with few resources left waiting for you and your friends to slap us around.
I don't moan about streak because while it is frustrating to have a sorc escape that is the way it goes - you can't expect everyone to simply sit still and die for your pleasure. Equally I'm not going to ask for nerfs to roots that drain my stamina in new found ways since roll costs went mental. And I'm not going to ask for changes to templar skills that allow them to heal through burst in PvP. I'll adapt and win or I'll do my best to escape without dying - and I'll save my complaints for skills that are actually broken (I'm not silly enough to mention the one I mean and get a warning but you know what I mean 2 handed players).
"I came in with a Wreeecking Blooow!"
nordickittyhawk wrote: »
1).... if it is impossible for you too catch a Nb ... your bad. im so sorry but its true over 15 ways to stop em u cant use one
2) give it a stam pool.... yeah because lets make it so they need to take double stam when dodging or need to block by giving them less stam.
As a magicka nb myself i just either use sap essence or detect pots. I dont even use mark. I really don't see the issue people are having?
There are sooooo many things that wilk break my cloak. Hell somtimes it will break for what seems like no reason. And yes if i'm permacloaking its because im trying to get away dont complain about me NOT killing you.
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
People are just mad if a NB can escape from them,calling you Noob L2P and other BS if you say that cloak can be countered
Like "LOL ALL NB DEFENDING CLOAK" anyways as stamina NB im not focused on cloak and still not finding it hard to counter every class have something that work against cloak,a magika NB can be annoying yes like other class Bolting sorc is annoying too(but stealth as made always bad player cry),if a nerf come to cloak they will just pass to nerf another ability
Lava_Croft wrote: »So once both classes with escape skills have their escape skills made harder to spam, I guess it's about time to look forward onto how we are going to nerf Breath of Life spam?
leepalmer95 wrote: »
As if a sorc can ever get away with bolt, bolt is 15m, your gap closers are 22, bolt = easy kill because they run out of magicka while your dmging then constantly from gap closers.
Cloak is a different story altogther, you cloak your gone, no one knows where you are, yes they can spam aoe and hope they hit you but with the speed some nb's go they likely won't. You can also be chasing a nb and he'll run to a group of mobs and cloak through them and you'll end up getting the aggro because zos decided to drop packs of mobs every 5 feet and give 1 class the ability to not get aggro.
Lava_Croft wrote: »So once both classes with escape skills have their escape skills made harder to spam, I guess it's about time to look forward onto how we are going to nerf Breath of Life spam?
Actually cloak is working differently from bolt escape.
I personally think it would be way better to halt magica regen while you´re not visible to any other player while in cloak. Cloak by design needs to be spammed in certain situations to even get it to work. Also there is no way of telling if someone is using a detect potion.
If it were to work like streak you´d pretty much be able to shut it down 100% as a defensive skill. Therefor i´d tie the penatly to the skill actually working (only when your character is hidden).
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »
No is not if bolt is was so easy to counter was not nerfed,there is no potion that stop you skill working,magelight is not stopping you from bolting,aoe don't stop you from bolting Bolt work always,cloak in the other hand get countered by many thing that people refuse to use because reason,if you want to add a penality to cloak im fine (if is not too big to destroy the skill for every stamina nb)but some counter need to be removed.
every time i read one of your post about sorc is like the class is dead,countered by everything and easily killable in a CC
Master_Kas wrote: »
This guy claims he play stamina dk but defends sorcerers on every chance he gets