lol 20 ebonfarts to nightcap emp v 5 dc 4.20am bst, trueflame and ebonyblade same story except trueflame is spamanas. is the 1 and only bwb zerg guild organized night capping?
Exhibit 1b Location: Chalman gate (it's blue, so.. not a zerg)
Eh guys. NA BWB veteran here (2 years) Was wondering how the BWB community looks like in EU?? Which faction are the zergs and which are the low pop? I`m installing EU to check out on new BWB challengers and was wondering how it looks like over there.
Dral_Shady wrote: »Factions : AD : The ragequiter faction. you can wipe them many times at bridge or at a keep and they will keep coming back but push them back to their last keeps and it often will take forever for them to take it back as I guess many of them just quits. Its also the faction that will most often backstab one of the 2 other factions when they are engaged (nothing bad here to say its a valid strategy guys!!!)
Its VERY important for me to say : Once again its the perspective from an EP player. Other factions might view it entirely differently. ALL 3 factions have GOOD players!!!. BWB EU is a fun and vibrant place dont let our rarely touched thread here fool you. If you decide to join then please please try not to nightcap Even though I know its very much part of the game.
Tillalarrien wrote: »haha you guys on NA BwB got uor thread closed for 900th time and are now forced to homelessly wander other forums?
Tillalarrien wrote: »haha you guys on NA BwB got uor thread closed for 900th time and are now forced to homelessly wander other forums?
I wish we could have more forum drama like in the US topic, I'd be entertained. Would firmly draw the line at the Vamp_Emily diaries though.
I'm well aware that every faction accuses the others of "zerging" and forming "green/purple/orange alliances" but look at last night's map:
AD close to getting emp, AD taking res in DC's backyard to improve their scoring yet still DC (noobs and pros alike) have nothing better to do than farm EP at Chal mine.
Earlier that day, AD went for Drake + BRK while DC was still holding Roe + Brindle.
Still lacking an explanation here. Some age-old EP-grudge (EP hasn't dominated this campaign ever since TG patch) ? Noobs just going where the action is, unaware of the concept of "home keeps"? Both?
Dral_Shady wrote: »EP : The old empire now more or less in ruins . alot of people has left and we gained alot of new people. EPs biggest challenge atm is lack of PUG leadership and lots of smallscale guys.
Dral_Shady wrote: »EP : The old empire now more or less in ruins . alot of people has left and we gained alot of new people. EPs biggest challenge atm is lack of PUG leadership and lots of smallscale guys.
I can't say I spend much, if any, time in this campaign anymore but from what Ive seen EP's biggest challenge has been the same blues nightcapping the whole map over and over for months.
People just stop bothering with a campaign if they have to deal with the same crap every day. Thats all there is to it. Maybe it's recently been different (not like I would know) but the damage is done
Haha Dral, you a bit drama deprived?Dral_Shady wrote: »
I & many other ppl try to say on /zone what we should/could do. It's only suggestions ot resquests and most of the time
I & many other ppl try to say on /zone what we should/could do. It's only suggestions ot resquests and most of the time
Don't forget your whispers about who I "should" duo with. I mean, advice appreciated of course. My friend and I had a long talk about it, and I've decided to delete my sorc and reroll magicka templar, so we can duo magplars.
Thanks again.
Eh guys. NA BWB veteran here (2 years) Was wondering how the BWB community looks like in EU?? Which faction are the zergs and which are the low pop? I`m installing EU to check out on new BWB challengers and was wondering how it looks like over there.
Tillalarrien wrote: »Yeah its the same problem that was on AD a bit ago.. Smaller numbers, no PUG leaders, unorganised randoms most of the day time.
We are trying but honestly I and really mostly everyone in the guild dont have time to run groups 24/7.. So even when organising a raid week with a goal of winning the campaign: in few evening hours we dethrone, push to faregyl ect. I have a feeling that in few hours after we end EP is already pushed back to arrius and its stays like this till next evening, at least it looks that way if you look at scoring.
Add in 2 nightcapped emps in 2 days and AD is 1000 points ahead on our raid week.
Oh well, at least we will continue to have fun wiping them :PHaha Dral, you a bit drama deprived?Dral_Shady wrote: »
graz to vhalk on emp, she one of the best players here and didnt seem like she was even trying...
my 3 emps were by accident too