It's about time BwB had a decent player as emp huh?
It's been baddie after baddie until the last week..
It's about time BwB had a decent player as emp huh?
It's been baddie after baddie until the last week..
Dral_Shady wrote: »
It's about time BwB had a decent player as emp huh?
It's been baddie after baddie until the last week..
And some Sleep during their coronation
Just a thing about "nightcap".
There is no more defenders on morning and afternoon than at night.
So, a castle is defended as much at 10 am than 5:00
there is no more defenders on morning and afternoon than at night. So, a castle is defended as much at 10 am than 5:00.
Tillalarrien wrote: »So if you are Australian player kindly:
-Go to NA if you want to PvP and you live in a zone 12 hours behind central EU - you wont find PvP here, im sorry.
That hardly solves anything for them. Central Australia is 8 hours ahead of central Europe, and 15 hours ahead of central NA. They're 8-9 hours off either way.
Tillalarrien wrote: »
Ep has owned the campaign until this day. And DC nightcaped last day with 0% fairplay only to win the campaign and i'm pretty sure the actual DC emp doesnt care about it.