Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »I understand that, now that you've gone buy-to-play and gotten rid of your subscription service, you are going to have to use other methods in order to garner enough money to make this game profitable.
I wish you didn't have to do it, Zenimax, but I understand that it is only one part of your plan to fulfill so many of your customers other, more important wish ... to play for free.
Good luck, ZOS, and don't worry. You're not bothering me. I expected that you'd have to do this when you capitulated to all the losers who thought F2P and B2P was superior to sub-based gaming.
I'll try and keep my sub running just to give you a little extra support, and let you know without a doubt that you are appreciated.
Some might say it wrecks the immersion.
- How would you like it if you go to watch the new star wars movie coming out and in middle of a light sabre fight across the screen you see "POPCORN NOW HALF OFF COME N GET IT" in 5 different languages.
Some people don't like force fed advertising.
- Even if you "ignore" it as you say, just seeing it, or hearing it, causes our brain's neurons to fire and imprint the perceived message - kind of like when you hear a jingle and it sticks in your head. Some people don't want this garbage in their heads and are sick of getting it day in and day out.
Warning: Tin foil hat time
NEOrevarine, here's a little bit of the red pill for you, understand that companies market their products in order to survive and this is a -vital- function for their livelihood. Advertising and marketing has come a long way. These days it's not just about a catchy song in an ad, marketing involves science, math, psychology, sociology, statistics, and even biology. All designed to penetrate our shells and tell us what we need to spend money on. Some might call it a form of control, barraging us from all angles. Instead of being born and feeding machines electricity like in the matrix, contemporary analogy is that we, since the time we are conceived, we are seen as by companies as kind of like cows that can be milked over and over again in order to feed companies money they need to survive until the day we die and owe hospitals and funeral homes money even after we are dead. Not all companies are like this, there are some that are "socially responsible" here and there, but far from the norm.
I play this game as my form of taking the blue pill. Last thing I want to see in my matrix is a reminder of what the real world is about.
Anyways, that's just me, maybe others can offer some insight as to why this seemingly trivial text pop up is so distressing.
Nice to find someone in the forum who think that way
It's as simple as that.
The community forced a model and now are not satisfied, ironic ...
Anyway, it's good to see that there are those who understand the why of things and continue to give its support.
Nice to find someone in the forum who think that way
It's as simple as that.
The community forced a model and now are not satisfied, ironic ...
Anyway, it's good to see that there are those who understand the why of things and continue to give its support.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
how did the community force the model?
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
TD5160_ESO wrote: »
Don't speak for everyone. I am not disappointed at all. Seriously, this fan base has some the most entitled group of fans I have met. Not all, but definitely a lot.
I would like to clearly state I am by no means "entitled". I thought that was obvious from some of my responses throughout this post.
The point is NOT about the advertising. I understand, as do the vast majority, that Advertising is now something ZoS have to do to promote the in-store items to justify their existence. Granted a shame as they could have kept it Sub Based, but the powers that be (investors) have insisted a larger return and thus this is the action.
What I DO disagree with, is HOW they have done it. And this is what almost everyone is saying. Almost everyone in this thread will agree we need to support ZoS in keeping the game alive. However, it's the WAY they are doing it.
A small amount of community discussion would have meant this would have never happened and a solution would have been found without "Bright yellow text across the front of your screen". Something better. Simpler. Yet still getting the same, arguably more, advertising for people to go buy the Senche.
This is the point of this thread. It's about the HOW it's been done. Not that it is.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
@ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »
IF you watched the forums for the past year plus (including into beta), than you'd understand just how often and loudly it was requested or threatened that the game had to be free-to-play.
It doesn't take a rocket scientest to know that a subscription model wouldn't have worked as well on consoles. But to say that the community, as a general whole, didn't push and force this issue into ZOS's face? That would be provably wrong.
TD5160_ESO wrote: »
Don't speak for everyone. I am not disappointed at all. Seriously, this fanbase has some the most entitled group of fans I have met. Not all, but definitely a lot.
pugyourself wrote: »
Most people who were calling for F2P did so with the caveat that"a game with this many bugs and so little new content should be F2P". They didn't just say, "hey this awesome game has no bugs and I can't keep up with all the new content but it should be F2P". They were essentially begging ZOS to fix the bugs and add new content...they were not wanting an F2P game.
At the very least, subs should be able to opt-out of cross-screen ads.
pugyourself wrote: »
Most people who were calling for F2P did so with the caveat that"a game with this many bugs and so little new content should be F2P". They didn't just say, "hey this awesome game has no bugs and I can't keep up with all the new content but it should be F2P". They were essentially begging ZOS to fix the bugs and add new content...they were not wanting an F2P game.
At the very least, subs should be able to opt-out of cross-screen ads.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.