phreatophile wrote: »Use the addon called "No, thank you". Best way to deal with this garbage. Also helps with scroll drop/pickup spam and the "random guild member has completed whatever" spam also.
Minimize all that crud to the chat box.
Aaahh, that's why I didn't see this, I'm using the same addon^^
phreatophile wrote: »Use the addon called "No, thank you". Best way to deal with this garbage. Also helps with scroll drop/pickup spam and the "random guild member has completed whatever" spam also.
Minimize all that crud to the chat box.
Aaahh, that's why I didn't see this, I'm using the same addon^^
I've just installed it.
A great shame really, but if it stops the intrusion, then it can only be a good thing.
And the real irony on all of this, is that before this add, I was about to spend $$ on crowns to get it
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
LEGENDARYYY wrote: »Just put the god damn ads in loading screens or something. I don't want huge yellow letters all over my screen on a daily basis. Seriously, why does a game I've payed so much for and still subscribe to, look like a virus infected android application?????
It's a message. Holy cow, guys - have you never played a game where the 'buy now' icon is constantly on the screen and immovable as in other games?
Why on earth would ZOS put their customer ahead of their profit margins when their customers will flip their spit over literally anything?
I think you are missing the point. It's not the fact they are advertising. It's an accepted practice that we all knew would happen. They need to make money, 99% of all people agree with it - including me.
It's HOW they have done it. No thought about genuinely making it a seamless process, something where people will go "ok, I understand, no problem". Instead, it's like watching a movie then a ruddy great sign comes up and says "Hey, go buy some popcorn".
Slippery slope which will help no-one
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
Saying "Stay Classy" and follow up with "I'm quitting" I LOVE IT!!!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
So you splash it during the initial loading screen when we log on. You know all those really really really cool concept art loading screens we have in the game? That's untapped advertising space. I'm loading and doing absolutely nothing else in the game but starting at a screen with useless hints on it instead of an advertising message or hell even the image of what's up for sale or "coming soon" or "limited time only". Has it occurred to ZOS that a loading screen has a surprising analog to television commercials?
I simply refuse to accept that the best idea that industry professionals who make games FOR A LIVING could come up with was multi lingual server messages...
You guys allergic to money or something?
It's kinda odd, I'm playing many hours pretty much everyday but I have seen this message not even once.
Edit: my current sub expires in 12 days, not sure if this makes any difference.
Also canceled My sub .. good job zenimax for not listening the 80% disagree poll
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »
I feel sad that there are so many people out there who have no experience with gaming before the micro-transaction/monetization craze, and that now think this it is normal.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »I just have to ask:
What is it about these messages that makes people so angry? Why is it this particular form of messaging that you find so hard to ignore? Or are we really just looking for reasons to complain about a completely innocuous practice?
It's a message. Holy cow, guys - have you never played a game where the 'buy now' icon is constantly on the screen and immovable as in other games?
Why on earth would ZOS put their customer ahead of their profit margins when their customers will flip their spit over literally anything?
nerevarine1138 wrote: »I just have to ask:
What is it about these messages that makes people so angry? Why is it this particular form of messaging that you find so hard to ignore? Or are we really just looking for reasons to complain about a completely innocuous practice?
Alternatively - there are players like myself who are old enough, experienced enough and have played games since the year dot, who understand that the survivability of a game in the contemporary MMO era rely on their own adaptation to competitive market strain.
In summary - this is how it is guys - like it or lump it. The only variances are whether the company decides to shove this right down your throat, or reminds you that there is a cash-shop in the background behind all this pompous player entitlement.