Just like "thank you" and "#### you" are the same, right? They're both messages, the words were just different.
Just like "thank you" and "#### you" are the same, right? They're both messages, the words were just different.
Because advertising is the same as saying _____ you?
No use in resorting to hyperbole to indicate you don't like it.
Because advertising is the same as saying _____ you?
No use in resorting to hyperbole to indicate you don't like it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
I am a subscriber (although it is due to expire and I won't be renewing) and I saw it.
Sure, but a lot of the complaints seem to be about the prominent yellow text and the interruption in game play. Just seems a little fickle.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
nerevarine1138 wrote: »I just have to ask:
What is it about these messages that makes people so angry? Why is it this particular form of messaging that you find so hard to ignore? Or are we really just looking for reasons to complain about a completely innocuous practice?
I haven't read the whole thread sorry, but I just wanted to say messages like that should be reserved for important announcements regarding the game/server, like unplanned maintenance or the like. Personally I have not seen these messages, but I would be slightly annoyed if I did.
If you want to get the word out about a product or special, use the mail system. That way the user can delete the message or read it if they care to.
djnapstyb14_ESO wrote: »Whatever. The game is dope. It has kept me engrossed for over a year and I still want to play every day. Even with its problems and sure we need new content soon, it's still way better than all the other games.
First complained about the subscription model until finally changed. Then they began to complain about Crown Store. Now complain of an advertisement promoting the average income to finance the game. It seems that what we seek to eliminate is no subscription, no shop, no pop ups but the game itself. They resent an occasional announcement that only seeks to promote source of income for a model that was requested by those who today are still complaining.
Stop messing the game and the forum with repeated and meaningless themes that clearly do not seek more than weaken the common opinion and hinder any attempt to finance this video game.
Rather than a post with alarmist titles and evidently intended to cause sensationalism make a positive contribution proving the alleged interest on the video game, otherwise reveal that only want is to harm the game and the community.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
sheggorathb16_ESO wrote: »Wow, I didnt realise people were this angry about adverts... So much for the multi-millions worth industry that nobody apparently wants.... And unlike tv were I have to sit through literally 15 minutes of the same adverts, often advertising the same channel and even the programme I was just watching, here its only a few seconds. Or you can even block it with an addon like I do with internet adverts. Heck you probably wasted more timing complaining about it and not being immersed than if you had just ignored it. By the way whoever was angry about utube adverts, get adblocker on chrome, I watch utube all night without any adverts. Advertising is just advertising, its sadly an accepted practise everyone has come to expect. I cant see this as being as intrusive as it could be... I've seen much much worse... And besides the main reason I'd imagine its happening is so no idiot can come and complain they didnt know about the deal and then cry about missing the leopard. Why you all have decided to 'punish' ESO by threatening to stop your subs is beyond me... it seems childish. Just because it flashed a message across your screen for a few minutes you want to give up the in game boost, the crowns, and access to upcoming DLC? Its throwing a tantrum and trying to force the parent to pay attention so that the brat gets its way, or like the old saying, cutting off your nose to spite the face. If you really want a say just calmly express your dislike maturely and move on. They do listen to their players, thats why you got the message in the first place, because they have to try and sell these things instead of living off a sub. Just do what I do with the insane amount of marketing I get exposed to and ignore it. It'll go away after this weekend anyway. I dont think its the start of Vegas style advertising... Thats just insanely paranoid. And thats coming from me.... Stop expecting the worse to happen, or you'll only see the bad and completely miss the good.
It's her job to defend this, what can she do?grimsfield wrote: »I really can't imagine a worse answer. Its like you've completely ignored everything everyone has been saying and just continued to state your advertisement. It's almost as bad as the initial response ZoS sends us when we submit a ticket.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
For Dog's sake man, people have different opinions. Some were opposed to the sub, some weren't. It's not a hive mind here, despite your odd comments about 'weakening the common opinion' which seem to indicate you wish it were.
I think in particular people who paid a sub and continue to do so even when they didn't have to have to are fairly justified in being upset about in-game advertising.
TD5160_ESO wrote: »
Don't speak for everyone. I am not disappointed at all. Seriously, this fanbase has some the most entitled group of fans I have met. Not all, but definitely a lot.