You know, a company will only advertise if it works. So my suggestion would be to unsub and/or not buy the things they are spruiking. If they saw a sudden drop in subs each time that yellow text appeared, they would get the message. Then you can re-sub when they stop this behaviour. This is your real power as a customer, and has far more influence than complaining about it on a forum.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »
I actually disagree with this. They are more likely to respond to public outcry, in my opinion, than waiting three months for marketing to come back with metrics which someone may or may not relate to the cost of tea in China.
I deal with marketing experts all day long. Oftentimes, they have no fricking clue what's happening on the customers end.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I like how the OP flashed the German advertisement. Brings back fond memories of release when the wyrd elementals only spoke in German during the wyrd tree quest (N/A server). It was adding to the immersion ... until ZOS changed the dialogue to English ... matching it to the English text.
Welcome to the world of F2P/B2P everyone. Some of us warned what would happen if we went away from subs but NOOoooooooo..everyone just has to have everything "free". Well this is your answer to free. There is no free ride. This is just the start so enjoy Neverwinter Scrolls Online. Who wants casino boxes? Coming soon to a cash shop near you.
Neverwinter is coming.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Welcome to the world of F2P/B2P everyone. Some of us warned what would happen if we went away from subs but NOOoooooooo..everyone just has to have everything "free". Well this is your answer to free. There is no free ride. This is just the start so enjoy Neverwinter Scrolls Online. Who wants casino boxes? Coming soon to a cash shop near you.
Neverwinter is coming.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »I love how they do this crap on the weekend, or right close to the end of the workday on Friday (and then lock all threads except one). Stay classy. Or not. You lost my sub because of this. Proof:
One other factor/perspective in all this.
I expect cheesy stuff like this if I were to play a game like facebook mafia wars or farmville or what have you. Over the last few years tons of these catchy mainstream cheese games have popped up everywhere. Free to play! But you can get stronger allies for $4.99! And this concept, "microtransaction", has shown up in games that aren't cheesy, but big production titles like Diablo or the hordes that have gone this way.
Elder scrolls goes way back before all that crap. When the game was about being awesome. Sure it was about making money too, which naturally came from an awesome game. But not to the extent we are seeing in ESO:Farmville. It's big money. Video games used to be a niche thing, but now that it has grown so big and it's not just for nerds and geeks anymore it has the attention of big business, which is only in it for more money, more power.
Kind of like the internet. It used to be some little academic project, slowly grew, and after big business got into it, we got cookies that learn about us, we get "tailored" ads, we got email services that read our emails for marketing purposes, we get email spam every day, and on and on....
Just kinda sad TES is now in this boat.
I was reallllllly looking forward to Fallout Online. Fallout series was one of my all time favs. But if Zeni has anything to do with it, no way.
It's her job to defend this, what can she do?
[Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
Elijah_Crow wrote: »Wow. Just wow. The Audacity to believe you can dictate to ZOS how they can and cannot market.
This...this is your complaint? You group are lucky they have more patience than I or I would have just ended your ability to play the game for approaching this with the kind of attitude the OP displayed.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »ZOS, I think you should test for a weekend once an hour at least.
You are continuing to work hard to advance the game, and we appreciate the hard work. When your existing community has an outcry, it's good to pay attention, but not always best to take it to heart. Remember many of them have their own best interests in mind, and not necessarily what is good for the survival of the game.
Do what you need to be successful as long as it doesn't significantly effect gameplay. This in my opinion is at most a minor annoyance for some and a pleasant reminder for others. If you can find a happy medium then great.
I will continue to renew my subscription and I just subscribed my brothers account as he has started playing again.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »Wow. Just wow. The Audacity to believe you can dictate to ZOS how they can and cannot market.
This...this is your complaint? You group are lucky they have more patience than I or I would have just ended your ability to play the game for approaching this with the kind of attitude the OP displayed.
Only ads I care to check are on the launcher. I can tolerate it as text in the chat (periodically). Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing what's on sale buying going to some writ board. That's ok too.
None of those are immersion breaking or distracting from the actual gameplay experience.
And boy, wouldn't it be great if those who did find it annoying had their choices respected?
Hmm. Fascinating concept.
And this does impact gameplay. Directly so - it's a distraction and an immersion. I can't think of a better example of something impacting gameplay short of actual performance issues.
Oh, wait. Those haven't been fixed yet, have they?
Ugh, how nauseatingly sycophantic. You're a marketers wet dream. ZOS is a business, and like any business they need to please their customers. If they acted as arrogantly as you suggest they should, ignoring customer feedback because those peasants weren't grateful enough, they'd go out of business very quickly.