Templar Skills Bugged/made useless - IGNORED

  • Father
    Actually templar is the least nerfed class in the game... cause there is nothing OP about it. the only good skill in PVP was blazing shield and the perma CC jabs.

    anything else?? no..dull animations crappy ultimates and channeled abilities with cooldown LoL.
    I know ppl cry about NB for over a year now..but seriously compared to templars NB was and still one of the OP classes in terms of dmg and resources :p
  • Lettigall
    Father wrote: »
    Actually templar is the least nerfed class in the game... cause there is nothing OP about it. the only good skill in PVP was blazing shield and the perma CC jabs.

    anything else?? no..dull animations crappy ultimates and channeled abilities with cooldown LoL.
    I know ppl cry about NB for over a year now..but seriously compared to templars NB was and still one of the OP classes in terms of dmg and resources :p

    Templars got huge nerfhammer in beta. Templars went from OP to weakest, it's most nerfed class actually.
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • NadiusMaximus

    Sure! We do actually have a few Templar fixes tentatively going into Monday's patch. The first is for Focused Charge and not being able to use other abilities for a few seconds after casting that ability, and also the FX getting stuck on you. We're also trying to get the fix for Eclipse triggering your GCD each time it reflected another ability. We're still waiting for verification that these are fixed and good to go for 2.0.6, but things are looking good so far.
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Lettigall wrote: »

    Templars got huge nerfhammer in beta. Templars went from OP to weakest, it's most nerfed class actually.

    They nerfed Biting jabs twice in Beta. Though still good skill, but could have been better >.>

    Pre 1.6 :
    Increased crit chance on low health targets
    + 110% inc dmg on first target.

    1.6.0 PTS:
    170% inc dmg on first target
    no more increased crit chance on low health targets.

    1.6.2 PTS:
    140% inc dmg on first target
    Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback srsly.
    still no inc crit chance on low health targets.

    140% inc dmg on first target
    Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback

    Wouldnt surprise me if they nerf it again just to *** Templars even more.
    Edited by Alcast on May 8, 2015 10:43AM
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  • technohic
    Alcast wrote: »

    They nerfed Biting jabs twice in Beta. Though still good skill, but could have been better >.>

    Pre 1.6 :
    Increased crit chance on low health targets
    + 110% inc dmg on first target.

    1.6.0 PTS:
    170% inc dmg on first target
    no more increased crit chance on low health targets.

    1.6.2 PTS:
    140% inc dmg on first target
    Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback srsly.
    still no inc crit chance on low health targets.

    140% inc dmg on first target
    Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback

    Wouldnt surprise me if they nerf it again just to *** Templars even more.

    That of course it 1.6 on test center where they nerfed it, not beta. Actual beta, there was nerfs. Restoring Spirit passive used to restore magicka when an ability was cast. So even a cheap stam ability would restore magicka. I'm sure it could have been OP in its form as we all figured out ways to make decent play out of Templar but they completely changed it and really left templar somewhat untouched since.

    I am trying to think what they have done for Templar since launch after that and all I can think of is they made it to where you can regen magicka while blazing shield is up and everything else I can think of seems like it has looked promising but winds up backhanding us at the same time. Like raising the damage on jabs to the main target while removing the low health bonus, then nerfing the damage once they decide they don't like it. Taking blinding flashes away to give us radiant destruction. Guess it had to fit the templar cast and channel. They had hoped to give us burst but it was so *** OP in its initial form, its had to been toned down and some will still argue its OP; so where does that leave us? They just keep doing these fixes, but then realize they messed it up so have to do something to take it back a little while ignoring that they originally took something away from us justifying it with doing the change to begin with.

    I'm not sure anything will ever change. It's been like this from before launch with all the classes. DKs were super strong and have been on a slow and steady nerf ever since launch. NBs and Sorcs, even though always having tools; always wanted to be on the level of pre-nerf DK and have been heading that way. NBs rightfully upset about their broken abilities for a long time ans sorcs? Well, they have always been upset about something. Mainly to PvE DPS now and lack of Stamina morphs.
  • Rook_Master
    Templar has been nerfed a lot, actually.

    In the beginning Jabs and Charge were broken because of bot farming. The GCD on Jabs was fixed after that, but Templar charge has been crap for a long time, and only now is starting to become viable again.

    But, Jabs was also nerfed again with the CC immunity being added at the end of the pathetic knockback.

    Restoring Aura was nerfed below the ground from 80% health and stamina regen to 20%! They cut they skill down to 1/4 of its previous value.

    Blazing Shield took an indirect nerf as a result of the overall max health reduction of 1.6. Pre-1.6, it was actually on par with Hardened Ward.

    Honestly, they had to give Templars RD in 1.6, or else we would have just been completely broken.

  • Imdrefan
    Restoring spirit was OP and neededtuning, but it was a complete gutting of the passive and it was downhill from there with the templar class.

    I would,like others in this thread, bring attention to repentance not getting the restoring light passive focused healing. In PvE repentance is amazing on trash mobs. In PvP it is very very useful but not getting the bonus from the passive is frustrating.
    Drefan - VR14 AD Templar
    Dark Flare to the Face
  • glak
    Imdrefan wrote: »
    Restoring spirit was OP and neededtuning, but it was a complete gutting of the passive and it was downhill from there with the templar class.

    I would,like others in this thread, bring attention to repentance not getting the restoring light passive focused healing. In PvE repentance is amazing on trash mobs. In PvP it is very very useful but not getting the bonus from the passive is frustrating.
    ZoS increased Templar ability costs just about every patch leading up to the Restoring Spirit nerf. Restoring Spirit is what they should have nerfed in the first place, or remove all the Templar ability cost increases prior. Clearly they didn't want the classic Cleric's weapon usage gaining mana in ESO

    Konkel seems to have been the first & last class champion for Templar. The 1.6 nerf train was about to gun for Templar when he left. Does Templar have a class dev, or is it a fifth wheel just like in the ESO trailers?

    At any rate, ZOS sees the writing on the console wall. Templar is one of few black eyes for console launch at this point, making the slowness of a controller feel even more sluggish.
  • nagarjunna
    And so it goes...

    I keep trying different things and really with everything broken it is hard to enjoy!

    The lack of care, attention or anything else in the templar skill set is obvious! Coupled with the complete lack of comms it really makes things tough.
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Mephiston87
    -No escapes
    -No real resource management
    -No effective CC
    -Passives are a joke
    -Most abilities are either totally bugged or bugged in a small way.

  • BugCollector
    -No escapes
    -No real resource management
    -No effective CC
    -Passives are a joke
    -Most abilities are either totally bugged or bugged in a small way.


    So true!
    May knowledge guide you to enlightenment
  • technohic
    I wouldn't mind the CC immunity being applied to jabs if it would do something extra, like disorient or set off balance and cause block to go down a couple seconds.
  • Cinbri
    Cinbri wrote: »
    The simple question that indicates desperate situation and noone can't answer on - why in 1.6 almost every single defensive templar mechnic was nerfed (Rushed Ceremony - nerfed; Aura - nerfed; Restoring Focus - nerfed; Mending - nerfed; Blazing Shield - nerfed; AOE CC[Blinding Light] - nerfed :p )?

  • Bars
    come on guys Zo$ said we could dps now with the best of them they would not lie 2 us lmao
    ps I knoiw I cant but I am not l33t
  • glak
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Bars wrote: »
    come on guys Zo$ said we could dps now with the best of them they would not lie 2 us lmao
    ps I knoiw I cant but I am not l33t
  • danno8
    glak wrote: »

    They made that statement before they:

    -nerfed puncturing jabs from 170% back down to 140%
    -nerfed RD back down to earth, without compensation elsewhere

    End result was dps (magika at least) worst again.
  • technohic
    So; lets try this again? From today's patch notes

    Aedric Spear
    Focused Charge: It is no longer possible to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.
  • Ley
    technohic wrote: »
    So; lets try this again? From today's patch notes

    You beat me to it.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Joy_Division
    technohic wrote: »
    So; lets try this again? From today's patch notes

    Aedric Spear
    Focused Charge: It is no longer possible [!] to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.

    I have full and complete confidence in my ability to be stuck in the charge pose :smiley:
    Edited by Joy_Division on May 11, 2015 2:27PM
  • technohic
    It it doesn't work this time; I say they should just give up on getting rid of it and just make it to where if it happens, we move at the same speed as the charge animation and take 0 damage so we can use it as an escape.

    Was playing around with it trying to break it the other day and found if I ran far enough and let an enemy get that one hit they insist on before they turn around and head back to their spawn, leaving combat removes it. So; just go with it and call it a feature. Add to the tooltip "Chance to grant gods hands. The gods decide you should not fight this battle and should flee; blessing you with speed and protection to escape."
  • Francescolg
    Regarding this topic, ZOS should google for the word "empty signifier".. (Laclau&Mouffe)
  • Sacher_LB
    After Patch 2.0.8, running around Ghatwood charging everything i see using Toppling Charge, have not encountered an animation bug after 100+ tries. Ping was 200+, which is normal for me.
  • LameoveR
    "To make changes work you need to start a new game." ©
    Edited by LameoveR on May 11, 2015 3:14PM
  • AriBoh
    After speaking with some other folks, the GCD on this ability is currently working as designed, and there are not plans to remove it at this time. That said, we have sent this feedback along to the right folks. We also encourage everyone to submit their feedback using /feedback in the game.

    Please keep us up to date if you run into the bug with Toppling Charge getting stuck after 2.0.8. Thanks for your patience everyone!

    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • Saft
    After speaking with some other folks, the GCD on this ability is currently working as designed, and there are not plans to remove it at this time. That said, we have sent this feedback along to the right folks. We also encourage everyone to submit their feedback using /feedback in the game.

    Please keep us up to date if you run into the bug with Toppling Charge getting stuck after 2.0.8. Thanks for your patience everyone!


    That is offensive, the stamina based shield charge has no GCD. I honestly feel offended and ignored. If they add class change to crown store i would change in a hearblink. My other highest toon is lvl 3 (not veteran 3) i have no time or will to lvl it up. If Templar skills are't fixed soon and brought up to other class lvls. I'll take my low monthly subscription and leave game.

  • glak
    Saft wrote: »

    That is offensive, the stamina based shield charge has no GCD. I honestly feel offended and ignored. If they add class change to crown store i would change in a hearblink. My other highest toon is lvl 3 (not veteran 3) i have no time or will to lvl it up. If Templar skills are't fixed soon and brought up to other class lvls. I'll take my low monthly subscription and leave game.
    What does Templar have to give up to let the GCD be removed by design? Lower damage? Reduced CC time? Throw us a bone here, no Templar wants GCDs!
  • technohic
    So; has anyone been testing the charge really hard? I would like to make it more of a focus on my build but just can't if it has a chance of being a self death sentence with no chance to escape.
  • AriBoh
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GaryA

    This is not cool, we have now be lied to a number of times, you've had sufficient feedback. Give us a straight answer - Is there supposed to be a cooldown? Is it a bug? Will you remove it? Will you ever stop lying to your customers on matters as simple as game mechanics?
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • publicradioheadub17_ESO
    Another week passes, another attempted fix. Oh, and confirmed nerf 'working as intended'.

    2 out of 10... templars are screwed.

    Cluster fug
  • likewow777
    Aedric Spear
    • Focused Charge: It is no longer possible to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.

    Bold claim, especially given the history. You really should let us decide whether it is "no longer possible".

    On to what I really want to say:
    ZOS_GaryA wrote: »
    After speaking with some other folks, the GCD on this ability is currently working as designed, and there are not plans to remove it at this time. That said, we have sent this feedback along to the right folks. We also encourage everyone to submit their feedback using /feedback in the game.

    Please keep us up to date if you run into the bug with Toppling Charge getting stuck after 2.0.8. Thanks for your patience everyone!

    I'm rather disappointed by the constant back and forth regarding Focused Charge. I think it's probably safe to say, though, that when the GCD was called a bug, it was a lie, perhaps to stifle our outcries. But I suspect it was to give ZOS time to gather the guts to dare utter the phrase "working as designed".

    Now that you've done so, I say to you: Congratulations!. You are now grownups, able to admit point-blank to the faces of players who have been begging you to remove an unnecessary GCD for a year that it was always supposed to be this way.

    Word of advice, since you are new to adulthood: you are better served telling the truth, rather than giving your customers the run-around.

    Sidenote: The heavy sarcasm and my own ire at the situation aside, I have a feeling their decision to leave the GCD in has to do with Bolt Escape.
    Edited by likewow777 on May 11, 2015 10:38PM
    "War doesn't build character, it reveals it."
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