Actually templar is the least nerfed class in the game... cause there is nothing OP about it. the only good skill in PVP was blazing shield and the perma CC jabs.
anything else?? no..dull animations crappy ultimates and channeled abilities with cooldown LoL.
I know ppl cry about NB for over a year now..but seriously compared to templars NB was and still one of the OP classes in terms of dmg and resources
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Sure! We do actually have a few Templar fixes tentatively going into Monday's patch. The first is for Focused Charge and not being able to use other abilities for a few seconds after casting that ability, and also the FX getting stuck on you. We're also trying to get the fix for Eclipse triggering your GCD each time it reflected another ability. We're still waiting for verification that these are fixed and good to go for 2.0.6, but things are looking good so far.
Templars got huge nerfhammer in beta. Templars went from OP to weakest, it's most nerfed class actually.
They nerfed Biting jabs twice in Beta. Though still good skill, but could have been better >.>
Pre 1.6 :
Increased crit chance on low health targets
+ 110% inc dmg on first target.
1.6.0 PTS:
170% inc dmg on first target
no more increased crit chance on low health targets.
1.6.2 PTS:
140% inc dmg on first target
Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback srsly.
still no inc crit chance on low health targets.
140% inc dmg on first target
Jabs grants enemy CC immunity for a freaking knockback
Wouldnt surprise me if they nerf it again just to *** Templars even more.
ZoS increased Templar ability costs just about every patch leading up to the Restoring Spirit nerf. Restoring Spirit is what they should have nerfed in the first place, or remove all the Templar ability cost increases prior. Clearly they didn't want the classic Cleric's weapon usage gaining mana in ESORestoring spirit was OP and neededtuning, but it was a complete gutting of the passive and it was downhill from there with the templar class.
I would,like others in this thread, bring attention to repentance not getting the restoring light passive focused healing. In PvE repentance is amazing on trash mobs. In PvP it is very very useful but not getting the bonus from the passive is frustrating.
Mephiston87 wrote: »-No escapes
-No real resource management
-No effective CC
-Passives are a joke
-Most abilities are either totally bugged or bugged in a small way.
The simple question that indicates desperate situation and noone can't answer on - why in 1.6 almost every single defensive templar mechnic was nerfed (Rushed Ceremony - nerfed; Aura - nerfed; Restoring Focus - nerfed; Mending - nerfed; Blazing Shield - nerfed; AOE CC[Blinding Light] - nerfed)?
come on guys Zo$ said we could dps now with the best of them they would not lie 2 us lmao
ps I knoiw I cant but I am not l33t
Aedric Spear
Focused Charge: It is no longer possible to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.
So; lets try this again? From today's patch notes
Aedric Spear
Focused Charge: It is no longer possible [!] to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.
darkknightfkb16_ESO wrote: »ZOS_GaryA
After speaking with some other folks, the GCD on this ability is currently working as designed, and there are not plans to remove it at this time. That said, we have sent this feedback along to the right folks. We also encourage everyone to submit their feedback using /feedback in the game.
Please keep us up to date if you run into the bug with Toppling Charge getting stuck after 2.0.8. Thanks for your patience everyone!
What does Templar have to give up to let the GCD be removed by design? Lower damage? Reduced CC time? Throw us a bone here, no Templar wants GCDs!
That is offensive, the stamina based shield charge has no GCD. I honestly feel offended and ignored. If they add class change to crown store i would change in a hearblink. My other highest toon is lvl 3 (not veteran 3) i have no time or will to lvl it up. If Templar skills are't fixed soon and brought up to other class lvls. I'll take my low monthly subscription and leave game.
After speaking with some other folks, the GCD on this ability is currently working as designed, and there are not plans to remove it at this time. That said, we have sent this feedback along to the right folks. We also encourage everyone to submit their feedback using /feedback in the game.
Please keep us up to date if you run into the bug with Toppling Charge getting stuck after 2.0.8. Thanks for your patience everyone!