A lot of people got stuck even after last patch. Check reddit.
A couple of guildmates got this bug too. So it's still not fully fixed.
Actually to get fast response from devs and bug get fixed you need to include words "PvE" and "Dragonknight" in topic!
Example:Title: I'm Dragonknight and this skill doesn't work in PvE!
Text: Playing DK encounterd that one of skills doesn't work properly in PvE and PvP. Repentance from Templar Restoring Light skill line doesn't scale with Mending passive from the same skill line!
It's guaranteed that someone from ZOS at least gonna read your thread! It's important to not include "PvP" in title, if you don't want your thread go to ignore list!
Animal_Mother wrote: »
It's been done. All ZOS does is lock the thread and tell off the OP.
Aedric Spear
Focused Charge: It is no longer possible to become stuck in the charge pose after triggering this ability.
Patch Notes 2.0.8
Well, it's still bugged : I got stuck with a giant spear in my hand today again. Instead of running, the character was standing. But the effect of the bug is the same : no way to trigger skills for many long seconds.
A trick that works to take away several different "stuck" bugs = you go on the crown store, and you hit the magnifying glass to previsualize a costume. it worked for the templar charge "stuck" bug and also for the bug where you are attached to one place and cannot move, and for the bug where you cannot dismount from your horse.
Tell all your console buddies how slow and buggy Templar is. The class is insanely crippled. NB's had it bad, but nothing like this.burdocklightbringercub18_ESO wrote: »PLEASE FIX TEMPLAR BEFORE CONSOLE RELEASE - ITS MY MAIN CHARACTER.
darkknightfkb16_ESO wrote: »
Just happened right now, so they may have reduced how often you get stuck but not eliminated it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! We're going to go through a lot of the concerns from this thread and give you all some updates this week. We'll do our best to hit each topic, and appreciate your feedback and reports since the last update we gave you. Just to set expectations, tomorrow's patch is very small, and there are no Templar fixes included (this actually goes for every class). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll touch base sometime tomorrow.
Actually to get fast response from devs and bug get fixed you need to include words "PvE" and "Dragonknight" in topic!
Example:Title: I'm Dragonknight and this skill doesn't work in PvE!
Text: Playing DK encounterd that one of skills doesn't work properly in PvE and PvP. Repentance from Templar Restoring Light skill line doesn't scale with Mending passive from the same skill line!
It's guaranteed that someone from ZOS at least gonna read your thread! It's important to not include "PvP" in title, if you don't want your thread go to ignore list!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! We're going to go through a lot of the concerns from this thread and give you all some updates this week. We'll do our best to hit each topic, and appreciate your feedback and reports since the last update we gave you. Just to set expectations, tomorrow's patch is very small, and there are no Templar fixes included (this actually goes for every class). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll touch base sometime tomorrow.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! We're going to go through a lot of the concerns from this thread and give you all some updates this week. We'll do our best to hit each topic, and appreciate your feedback and reports since the last update we gave you. Just to set expectations, tomorrow's patch is very small, and there are no Templar fixes included (this actually goes for every class). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll touch base sometime tomorrow.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! We're going to go through a lot of the concerns from this thread and give you all some updates this week. We'll do our best to hit each topic, and appreciate your feedback and reports since the last update we gave you. Just to set expectations, tomorrow's patch is very small, and there are no Templar fixes included (this actually goes for every class). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll touch base sometime tomorrow.
darkknightfkb16_ESO wrote: »
Believe it when I see it.
That had nothing to do with it, it was just a coincidence.nagarjunna wrote: »It is somewhat ironic that within a few posts mentioning a 'DK issue' we get a response.
Is it just me or am I somewhat cynical and paranoid here?
There are a number of Sorcerer changes going into the next major update (including making stamina sorcs more viable), but don't have any solid info at the moment.
Thanks for the update, and I hate sounding like a broken record player in saying this but, can sorcerer's expect some sort of update on the potential changes?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »That had nothing to do with it, it was just a coincidence.
There are a number of Sorcerer changes going into the next major update (including making stamina sorcs more viable), but don't have any solid info at the moment.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »There are a number of Sorcerer changes going into the next major update (including making stamina sorcs more viable), but don't have any solid info at the moment.
Sweet. Here are some problems from previous page in case you miss. And I added couple notes in them with a "//" symbol(dunno if its the right one lol) plus some additions at the end of the post. Sorry about long post.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys! We're going to go through a lot of the concerns from this thread and give you all some updates this week. We'll do our best to hit each topic, and appreciate your feedback and reports since the last update we gave you. Just to set expectations, tomorrow's patch is very small, and there are no Templar fixes included (this actually goes for every class). Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll touch base sometime tomorrow.
BugCollector wrote: »Refreshing memory...
- Puncturing Strikes CC imunity //welp.. I guess we all agree on this, it is stupid. Either remove the knockback and give root/snare or give full stun, not just half a second knockback. OR just remove the immunity completely. Idk what to do else.
- Focused Charge getting stuck and global cooldown //well done here, i appreciate the effort, but it still happens sometimes
- Sun Fire slow projectile speed // +casting animation needs to be improved. It feels little bit clunky when you weave light attacks with it. Unstable flame animation is good example for this. It is much more smooth than sun fire. Also projectiles from Reflective Light are missing target when LOS is lost.
- Solar Flare slow projectile speed and Dark Flare no chance to instant cast //similar to Crystal Fragments. Remove the AoE heal debuff if necessary.
- Rushed Ceremony animation delay
- Healing Ritual no chance to instant cast //or just remove this skill, it has no use in its current state. Put Blinding Light here
Hear our plea!
Animal_Mother wrote: »missed a couple Bug...
- Solar Barrage has a global cooldown and grants empower, but empower does not apply to AoEs //GCD is slightly reduced tho I appreciate the effort but there is still something wrong with it, it still feels clunky when you spam. DMG is too low also
- You can not get benefit from Focused Healing passive if you rapidly cast Purifying Ritual + Breath of Life. You have to wait until the first HOT tick to get that passive work which is 2 seconds // this is extremely annoying and it should have high priority imo
- Standing in Extended Ritual or Channeled Focus does not give you any healing bonus to Repentance (Focus Healing passive).
- Repentance doesn't scale with Mending passive. // It does also scale with only magicka. Make it scale with highest pool (stamina or magicka)
- Templar instant casts with long animations can be interrupted. // Honestly I personally didn't noticed that yet.
- Eclipse // well done here
- Focused Charge again //again well done here. I appreciate the effort, but it still happens sometimes.
- Purifying Light doesn't always create the healing pool. The healing pool disappears as soon as the mob has died. //Mostly that healing pool is so little and cant be noticable unless you have some kind of addon. And if I recall correctly, it doesn't have any animation either.
- Restoring Spirit passive pales in comparison to Refreshing Shadows, Power Stone, Capacitor, Unholy Knowledge. // I personally want it become pre-release form again.
- Not just Templars but unable to mount after healing someone still in combat - this one has existed since beta. // Arrgh fix this already
I'm sure there's more. I believe it's getting harder to find a Templar ability that works correctly - maybe Spear Shards? // lol no.
- If Templar role is to be healing, we need more synergy with Restoration staff tree.
- If Templar role is to be tanking, we need an AoE CC
- If Templar role is to be dps, we need an escape.
How about just rolling Templar back to 1.5?
You forgot one more bug that exist since 1.6: addition projectiles from Reflective Light are missing target when lost LOS.
P.S. Don't even dare to remove healing debuff from Dark Flare.
Increasing projectile speed would be enough for increasing dps. I remeber 1.5 when heal depression wasn't screwed and how 1 dark flare could change th course of battle. However with all what happened in 1.6 chance insta cast and heal depression will make it good once again.BugCollector wrote: »
If it gets a chance to instant cast, why not? Atleast you'll be actually hitting targets with it then.
Increasing projectile speed would be enough for increasing dps. I remeber 1.5 when heal depression wasn't screwed and how 1 dark flare could change th course of battle. However with all what happened in 1.6 chance insta cast and heal depression will make it good once again.
Dark Flare mainly purpose as support dd skill (at least before zos ruined main skill - jabs), even with empower buff up it not hitting as hard as crytal fragments; skill will be killed in the same moment when it will loose aoe heal depression and won't get something sagnificant like removal of cast time.BugCollector wrote: »
Yes, but in order to not become overpowered, it should lose the aoe heal debuff, but keep the single target debuff, whilst also losing the empower buff.
So.... Dark Flare: chance to instant cast with single target heal debuff, minus the empower buff.