ESO+ Subscription Benefits Suggestions

  • Kalfis
    How about just not sub, instead of asking for more benefits that most of the player base won't have access to.

    Is that really that difficult to understand? It's clear to me that ZoS isn't hurting for cash. They arnt Funcom.

    The subscription model is there literally for the DLC. The extras are just bonuses, that are imo, pretty damn useful in game where XP is incredibly important.

    Edited by Kalfis on October 13, 2015 5:02PM
  • Gidorick
    I don't sub @Kalfis. And you have no idea what ZOS' financials are.... nor do you know what they will be moving forward. Neither do I. What I'm saying is adding benefits will entice more players to sub. Adding benefits won't dissuade those who already sub from subbing... so it would only serve to get more people locked into that $15 a month... now, how is that a bad thing... exactly?

    As someone who has had ESO+ and currently doesn't... I don't really see much of a difference between having ESO+ and not having it.
    Edited by Gidorick on October 13, 2015 5:16PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • kupacmac
    I recently subbed because I was 1400 crowns short to buy IC, but I fully plan on un-subbing after the 30 days. What would it take to convince me to keep the sub going instead? I don't know for sure, but here are some (non P2W) ideas that might keep me paying monthly:
    • Portable bank & guild store NPC with one hour cooldown
    • Portable merchant NPC with one hour cooldown
    • Teleport directly from a wayshrine to any crafting station that I've discovered
    • Turn in writs at any writ drop off location
    • Priority queuing (such as Cyrodiil campaigns)
    • Horse training cooldown reduced to 10 hours
    • 25% reduction in repair costs
    • 25% reduction in re-spec costs (attributes, skills, morphs, CP)
  • vegeta0585b14_ESO
    I just want to be able to turn the 10% xp off. I am NOT subbed and the ONLY reason I am not subbed, as well as my GF and friends who play, are because we dont want the 10% xp gain. You advance fast enough as it is, and we dont like xp forced on us as a "Benefit." TESO talks about options everywhere, but wheres my xp slider / xp toggle? Difficulty slider? sigghhh
  • bryanhaas
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    ESO Subscription Benefits
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition

    The current plan for subscription benefits for ESO is a good start. We can all agree that we do NOT want Pay-to-Win benefits (well… no more than we already have) many of the subscriptions below have quite a few Pay-to-Win benefits, SWOTR seeming to be the most egregious.
    Age of Conan Subscription Benefits
    • Full access to Character Classes
    • Full access to Adventure Zones
    • Full access to Dungeons
    • Full access to Raids
    • Full access to Sieges
    • Full access to Bank Space
    • Full access to Guilds
    • Full access to Alternative Advancement
    • Full access to Mount Training
    • Full access to offliine levels
    • Full access to Veteran gain
    • 8 Character slots (normally 2)
    • 10% Item Shop Discount
    Archage Subscription Benefits
    • Work Ethic Bonus: Double your Labor Point regeneration to 10/5 min!
    • Deep Sleeper Bonus: Earn Labor Points (5/5 min) even while you’re offline.
    • Max Labor Bonus: Increase your maximum Labor Points to 5,000.
    • Bonus Experience: Get a 10% bonus to all Experience gained through questing, combat, and labor usage.
    • Loyalty Tokens: Get 5 Loyalty Tokens when you log in each day. Redeem them for special items at the in-game Loyalty Store!
    • Bonus Credits: Receive 10% bonus credits with the purchase of any Credit Pack.
    • Land Ownership: Claim and own a piece of Erenor by placing farms and houses!
    • Auction House Listing: Get full access to listing and selling items on the Auction House.
    • Patron Queue: Receive priority queuing when entering the game.
    DCUO Subscription Benefits
    • Access to all DLC Packs
    • 150 Free Replay Badges Monthly
    • Unlimited Prometheum Lockbox Unlocks
    • Unlimited in-game currency
    • More Inventory Slots
    • Free daily Vault Access
    • Form a League
    • 14 Additional character slots
    • 20 Broker slots
    • 36 Additional Bank slots
    • Trade items and cash
    Everquest 2 Subscription Benefits
    • Additional 5 character slots ($50 Value)
    • Early access to select new content releases
    • Double ALL alternative currency earned in-game
    • 15% more coin
    • 10% bonus mount speed
    • Member-only items at in-game Loyalty Merchants
    • Access to all spell tiers
    • Get 5 free Legends of Norrath trading card game packs per month ($15 Value + Loot)
    • Full access to in-game broker
    • Unlimited Chat channel access
    • Full access to in-game mail
    • Full Guild Functionality
    • Preferred Status with Customer Service
    LOTRO Subscription Benefits
    • Mailbox Field Access
    • Custom character portrait frame
    • Access All Character Trait Slots
    • Daily +100% XP*
    • 500 Turbine Points per month
    • Free weekly Gold Hobbit Present
    • Access All Quest Packs and Skirmishes*
    • Access All Monster Classes
    • Unlimited Chat
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • No Currency Cap
    • Additional Inventory Slots
    • Maximum Auction House Listings
    Rift Subscription Benefits
    • FAVOR & PRESTIGE: 40% boosts to PvP XP and reputation gain.
    • MOUNTED COMMAND: Travel faster with +10% Mount Speed, +25% faster mounting, and -5% chance to be dismounted.
    • BONUS TOKENS:40% boost to RIFT currencies like Plaques of Achievement (dungeons), Marks of Ascension (raids), Craftsman Marks, and more!
    • PATRON SUMMONS: Instant access to your Banker, Guild Banker, and Trainer.
    • BONUS EXPERIENCE: 40% XP boost helps you level faster to 60 and beyond…or toggle it off if you’d rather take it slow!
    • EXTRA CURRENCY: Earn +15% currency (always on).
    • MARVELOUS LUCK: Get rewarded with an increased chance for Marvelous loot from Supply Crates!
    • BONUS LOOT: Get a free Greenscale’s Supply Crate each week.
    • ARTIFACT TRACKING: Reveal artifacts on your minimap for 30 minutes each day!
    • EXTRA DAILY QUESTS: Get +10 to your Daily Quest limit!
    • LOYALTY: Earn more veteran rewards the longer you subscribe.
    • NOTORIETY: 40% boost to PvE reputation gain.
    • PRIORITY QUEUE: Move to the front of the line when your shard is full.
    • STORE DISCOUNT: Get 10% off all purchases made with Credits in the RIFT Store.
    • PATRON FAST PASS: Teleport on the go without a Porticulum (no matter where you are!) once every 30 mins.
    • WEEKLY BONUS CHARGES: +3 Bonus Reward Charges for Random Dungeons and Warfronts each week.
    • PATRON’S RADIANCE: Let your inner nature shine with a special cosmetic ability reserved for Patrons!
    The Secret World Subscription Benefits
    • The Time Accelerator. This clickable item increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour and has a 23 hour cool-down. This item can only be used by Members and Grand Masters.
    • $10 worth of Bonus Points given out every month which can be used towards any product in the Item Store of The Secret World (bonus points are valid for 6 months).
    • Membership Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month).
    • 10% discount to everything in the Item Store including Content Packs (discounts to the Item Store do not stack with other offers).
    • Early Access to any new DLC (usually 3 days before non-members get access)
    Star Wars the Old Republic Subscription Benefits
    • Story Content
    • Sprint
    • Emergency Fleet Pass
    • Crew Skills
    • Game Login
    • Bank/Cargo Hold
    • Credit Cap
    • Chat
    • Mail
    • Secure Trading
    • Galactic Trade Network
    • Respecialization
    • Character Creation
    • Operations
    • Warzones
    • Flashpoints
    • Space Missions
    • Inventory
    • QUick Travel
    • Mounts
    • Revive
    • Item Equipping
    • Commendations Cap
    • Guilds
    • Vendors
    • Expereince Rate
    • Experience Rate: Rest XP
    • Valor Rate
    • GUI: Quickbars
    • Items:Event Rewards
    • Items: Mod Removal
    • Items: Augment Slots
    • Customer Service Support

    There are MANY benefits here that should NEVER be held behind the ESO Plus Subscription like the ability to sprint, additional command slots or GUI advantages. ESO Plus will include an overall 10% XP gain bonus while some other games offer a 100% bonus XP gain for a short period of time each day, which is too much.

    Looking at the list from other games I think there are few benefits that ESO Plus could include to make the program more enticing for new and old players alike
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period: Current Benefit
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting research Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition Current Benefit
    • 10% Public Crown Store discount: This would entice players to buy more as subscribers!
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time If DLC pack 1 costs $45 require players be subscribed for a TOTAL of 4 non-consecutive months to own this DLC. If DLC pack 2 costs $30, require players be subscribed for an additional 3 months (7) to own this DLC. The total cost of the months subscribed should be MORE than the cost of the DLC. Players shouldn't lose access to these owned DLC if they unsubscribe.
    • Able to join up to 10 Guilds Players who subscribe should be able to join more guilds than those who do not. The additional guilds should be under the "subscriber guilds" and should be clear as to which the player will loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • +4 Additional Character slots Players should have access to an additional 4 character slots, which they loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning: Subscribers should be at the front of the line to get into the game and to move from one area to another.
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. In a special subscriber-only area of the crown store players will still have to buy items with Crowns but the 10% Subscriber discount should NOT apply to these items. ALL players should be able to view the Subscriber Crown Store, but only Subscribers should be able to buy from it. Additionally, this could include the following 3 features.
      • 1 month early access to all Costumes and Mounts: Giving a month's early access to Costumes and Mounts will do a lot to make subscriptions desirable. Subscribers who buy these items early will not get the 10% crown store discount.
      • 5 day early access to all DLC expansions: Giving 5 days early access will entice players who feel like they must play the newest content right away won't be able to resist subscribing!
      • Longer access to limited time items: ZOS could add limited sale items to the ESO+ section of the crown store one week early... and take them out one week later.
      • More frequent Limited Item Rotation: If ZOS is planning to have a specific item only available one time a year in the Crown Store, it could be available one additional time per year in the ESO+ section of the crown store.
      • Ability to purchase the Pledge of Mara: Only in the Subscriber Crown Store should the Pledge of Mara be able to be purchased.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Maps: Each month, Subscribers should get at least 1 map (1 in each faction would be nice) that leads players to treasures. These treasures could include special subscriber items.

    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    Bad idea gating stuff behind a paywall will *** people off, myself included. Even though I do subscribe, more benefits is cool an additional discount in the crown store is also good but needing to sub for more char. slots and guild slots is a bad idea. I think everyone should get 12 slots btw 1 of each class in each faction (I know you get to visit all eventually) having 8 is just kinda odd 12 just makes more sense.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

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  • FuzzyDuck79
    Kalfis wrote: »
    How about just not sub, instead of asking for more benefits that most of the player base won't have access to.

    Is that really that difficult to understand? It's clear to me that ZoS isn't hurting for cash. They arnt Funcom.

    The subscription model is there literally for the DLC. The extras are just bonuses, that are imo, pretty damn useful in game where XP is incredibly important.

    Indeed. Sub is there so you can access the dlc without paying the whole price to buy it. The extras seem quite useless imo. Paying for cosmetics, things you can acquire in game and a 10% xp boost... is it really worth it?
  • Aneima
    Sorry dude but ZoS will do what they want to do when they want to do it. You have made so many charts, suggestions and revisited old threads all pointing to "your" ideas of what "you" think is best for the game.

    I'm sure ZoS has a game plan for the long term. If they didn't then this game would be closing servers down not adding dlcs.

    Give up all ready, play the game, let ZoS do what they do and quit working so hard to get a attaboy or a pat on the back bro.
  • Gidorick
    I see it as a sort of fan fiction @Aneima. I ENJOY the what if, the conceptualizing, the charts. I do it because it's fun to me. I know ZOS isn't paying attention. I gave up on that last year. I'm here for fun. What are you here for?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • neosavior
    Soul Shriven
    They should give subscribers the ability to kill guards
  • Gidorick
    neosavior wrote: »
    They should give subscribers the ability to kill guards

    LOL... nice.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Elsonso
    neosavior wrote: »
    They should give subscribers the ability to kill guards

    Any guards, or are we going to limit it to the guards in ESO?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
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  • mcilroy
    I think its fine the way it is but I used to pay for FFXIV and I liked the fact each time to subscribe you get "Veteran Rewards" I liked that idea
    gamertag - MartyBoiiiii

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  • phbell
    Kalfis wrote: »
    How about just not sub, instead of asking for more benefits that most of the player base won't have access to.

    Is that really that difficult to understand? It's clear to me that ZoS isn't hurting for cash. They arnt Funcom.

    The subscription model is there literally for the DLC. The extras are just bonuses, that are imo, pretty damn useful in game where XP is incredibly important.

    Not true. As mentioned in the OP subscriptions only provide access to DLC while active. If the subsciption is cancelled then the DLC has to be purchased to continue. Under that premise it is cheaper to skip the subscription and just buy the DLC.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I don't sub @Kalfis. And you have no idea what ZOS' financials are.... nor do you know what they will be moving forward. Neither do I. What I'm saying is adding benefits will entice more players to sub. Adding benefits won't dissuade those who already sub from subbing... so it would only serve to get more people locked into that $15 a month... now, how is that a bad thing... exactly?

    As someone who has had ESO+ and currently doesn't... I don't really see much of a difference between having ESO+ and not having it.

    Agreed. The benefits of subscribing have eroded to nearly zero. In fact, unless ZOS comes up with new reasons to subscribe it makes more financial sense to just pay as you go. And this comes from a current subscriber (for the moment).
  • Gidorick
    phbell wrote: »
    Agreed. The benefits of subscribing have eroded to nearly zero. In fact, unless ZOS comes up with new reasons to subscribe it makes more financial sense to just pay as you go. And this comes from a current subscriber (for the moment).

    If all you're interested in is dlc, Imperial City + Wrothgar costs 5500 crowns. A 5500 crown pack costs $40, or... less than 3 months of ESO+, which would get you 4500 crowns.

    If you wanted to sub and use the "free crowns" to buy the dlc, youd pay $60 for 4 months of subbing.

    The point is, the benefits aren't worth it to sub every month. Especially not month to month.

    They ARE adding crafting bags at some point. I sincerely hope they're similar to how I suggest here:
    Edited by Gidorick on October 15, 2015 8:21PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • phbell
    @Gidorick - (I didn't quote all our dialog to conserve on digital space)

    I have never had a problem paying for what I use; especially where digital property rights are concerned. So when this game went F2P I keep up my subscription. Not so much for the Crowns (I usually spend them on Repair Kits) but for the accelerated Researching, XP and CP gains. Now ESO is capping CP and the value of subscription falls. I can buy the 2 DLC's for about $40-$50 (whatever the cost) and have license to use them without limit, or I can rent them for $77 per 6 months. Hardly brain taxing math here.

    So - I am with you. ZOS will need to revisit the benefits for subscription if they are to keep my subscription$$$ coming in. Otherwise I just pay as I go and actually save money. Nothing personal.

    While I think your suggestions in the OP are over-the-top, I think they are all interesting ideas. Personally, I would settle for the crafting bags, a house, and/or the ability to craft jewelry.
  • Ashaerien
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    ESO Subscription Benefits
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition

    The current plan for subscription benefits for ESO is a good start. We can all agree that we do NOT want Pay-to-Win benefits (well… no more than we already have) many of the subscriptions below have quite a few Pay-to-Win benefits, SWOTR seeming to be the most egregious.
    Age of Conan Subscription Benefits
    • Full access to Character Classes
    • Full access to Adventure Zones
    • Full access to Dungeons
    • Full access to Raids
    • Full access to Sieges
    • Full access to Bank Space
    • Full access to Guilds
    • Full access to Alternative Advancement
    • Full access to Mount Training
    • Full access to offliine levels
    • Full access to Veteran gain
    • 8 Character slots (normally 2)
    • 10% Item Shop Discount
    Archage Subscription Benefits
    • Work Ethic Bonus: Double your Labor Point regeneration to 10/5 min!
    • Deep Sleeper Bonus: Earn Labor Points (5/5 min) even while you’re offline.
    • Max Labor Bonus: Increase your maximum Labor Points to 5,000.
    • Bonus Experience: Get a 10% bonus to all Experience gained through questing, combat, and labor usage.
    • Loyalty Tokens: Get 5 Loyalty Tokens when you log in each day. Redeem them for special items at the in-game Loyalty Store!
    • Bonus Credits: Receive 10% bonus credits with the purchase of any Credit Pack.
    • Land Ownership: Claim and own a piece of Erenor by placing farms and houses!
    • Auction House Listing: Get full access to listing and selling items on the Auction House.
    • Patron Queue: Receive priority queuing when entering the game.
    DCUO Subscription Benefits
    • Access to all DLC Packs
    • 150 Free Replay Badges Monthly
    • Unlimited Prometheum Lockbox Unlocks
    • Unlimited in-game currency
    • More Inventory Slots
    • Free daily Vault Access
    • Form a League
    • 14 Additional character slots
    • 20 Broker slots
    • 36 Additional Bank slots
    • Trade items and cash
    Everquest 2 Subscription Benefits
    • Additional 5 character slots ($50 Value)
    • Early access to select new content releases
    • Double ALL alternative currency earned in-game
    • 15% more coin
    • 10% bonus mount speed
    • Member-only items at in-game Loyalty Merchants
    • Access to all spell tiers
    • Get 5 free Legends of Norrath trading card game packs per month ($15 Value + Loot)
    • Full access to in-game broker
    • Unlimited Chat channel access
    • Full access to in-game mail
    • Full Guild Functionality
    • Preferred Status with Customer Service
    LOTRO Subscription Benefits
    • Mailbox Field Access
    • Custom character portrait frame
    • Access All Character Trait Slots
    • Daily +100% XP*
    • 500 Turbine Points per month
    • Free weekly Gold Hobbit Present
    • Access All Quest Packs and Skirmishes*
    • Access All Monster Classes
    • Unlimited Chat
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • No Currency Cap
    • Additional Inventory Slots
    • Maximum Auction House Listings
    Rift Subscription Benefits
    • FAVOR & PRESTIGE: 40% boosts to PvP XP and reputation gain.
    • MOUNTED COMMAND: Travel faster with +10% Mount Speed, +25% faster mounting, and -5% chance to be dismounted.
    • BONUS TOKENS:40% boost to RIFT currencies like Plaques of Achievement (dungeons), Marks of Ascension (raids), Craftsman Marks, and more!
    • PATRON SUMMONS: Instant access to your Banker, Guild Banker, and Trainer.
    • BONUS EXPERIENCE: 40% XP boost helps you level faster to 60 and beyond…or toggle it off if you’d rather take it slow!
    • EXTRA CURRENCY: Earn +15% currency (always on).
    • MARVELOUS LUCK: Get rewarded with an increased chance for Marvelous loot from Supply Crates!
    • BONUS LOOT: Get a free Greenscale’s Supply Crate each week.
    • ARTIFACT TRACKING: Reveal artifacts on your minimap for 30 minutes each day!
    • EXTRA DAILY QUESTS: Get +10 to your Daily Quest limit!
    • LOYALTY: Earn more veteran rewards the longer you subscribe.
    • NOTORIETY: 40% boost to PvE reputation gain.
    • PRIORITY QUEUE: Move to the front of the line when your shard is full.
    • STORE DISCOUNT: Get 10% off all purchases made with Credits in the RIFT Store.
    • PATRON FAST PASS: Teleport on the go without a Porticulum (no matter where you are!) once every 30 mins.
    • WEEKLY BONUS CHARGES: +3 Bonus Reward Charges for Random Dungeons and Warfronts each week.
    • PATRON’S RADIANCE: Let your inner nature shine with a special cosmetic ability reserved for Patrons!
    The Secret World Subscription Benefits
    • The Time Accelerator. This clickable item increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour and has a 23 hour cool-down. This item can only be used by Members and Grand Masters.
    • $10 worth of Bonus Points given out every month which can be used towards any product in the Item Store of The Secret World (bonus points are valid for 6 months).
    • Membership Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month).
    • 10% discount to everything in the Item Store including Content Packs (discounts to the Item Store do not stack with other offers).
    • Early Access to any new DLC (usually 3 days before non-members get access)
    Star Wars the Old Republic Subscription Benefits
    • Story Content
    • Sprint
    • Emergency Fleet Pass
    • Crew Skills
    • Game Login
    • Bank/Cargo Hold
    • Credit Cap
    • Chat
    • Mail
    • Secure Trading
    • Galactic Trade Network
    • Respecialization
    • Character Creation
    • Operations
    • Warzones
    • Flashpoints
    • Space Missions
    • Inventory
    • QUick Travel
    • Mounts
    • Revive
    • Item Equipping
    • Commendations Cap
    • Guilds
    • Vendors
    • Expereince Rate
    • Experience Rate: Rest XP
    • Valor Rate
    • GUI: Quickbars
    • Items:Event Rewards
    • Items: Mod Removal
    • Items: Augment Slots
    • Customer Service Support

    There are MANY benefits here that should NEVER be held behind the ESO Plus Subscription like the ability to sprint, additional command slots or GUI advantages. ESO Plus will include an overall 10% XP gain bonus while some other games offer a 100% bonus XP gain for a short period of time each day, which is too much.

    Looking at the list from other games I think there are few benefits that ESO Plus could include to make the program more enticing for new and old players alike
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period: Current Benefit
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting research Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition Current Benefit
    • 10% Public Crown Store discount: This would entice players to buy more as subscribers!
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time If DLC pack 1 costs $45 require players be subscribed for a TOTAL of 4 non-consecutive months to own this DLC. If DLC pack 2 costs $30, require players be subscribed for an additional 3 months (7) to own this DLC. The total cost of the months subscribed should be MORE than the cost of the DLC. Players shouldn't lose access to these owned DLC if they unsubscribe.
    • Able to join up to 10 Guilds Players who subscribe should be able to join more guilds than those who do not. The additional guilds should be under the "subscriber guilds" and should be clear as to which the player will loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • +4 Additional Character slots Players should have access to an additional 4 character slots, which they loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning: Subscribers should be at the front of the line to get into the game and to move from one area to another.
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. In a special subscriber-only area of the crown store players will still have to buy items with Crowns but the 10% Subscriber discount should NOT apply to these items. ALL players should be able to view the Subscriber Crown Store, but only Subscribers should be able to buy from it. Additionally, this could include the following 3 features.
      • 1 month early access to all Costumes and Mounts: Giving a month's early access to Costumes and Mounts will do a lot to make subscriptions desirable. Subscribers who buy these items early will not get the 10% crown store discount.
      • 5 day early access to all DLC expansions: Giving 5 days early access will entice players who feel like they must play the newest content right away won't be able to resist subscribing!
      • Longer access to limited time items: ZOS could add limited sale items to the ESO+ section of the crown store one week early... and take them out one week later.
      • More frequent Limited Item Rotation: If ZOS is planning to have a specific item only available one time a year in the Crown Store, it could be available one additional time per year in the ESO+ section of the crown store.
      • Ability to purchase the Pledge of Mara: Only in the Subscriber Crown Store should the Pledge of Mara be able to be purchased.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Maps: Each month, Subscribers should get at least 1 map (1 in each faction would be nice) that leads players to treasures. These treasures could include special subscriber items.

    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Raash wrote: »
    Hey there, folks. This thread is deviating into an off topic debate over the semantics of the word "subscription," rather than discussing the topic at hand (the suggestions outlined in the original post). Please steer the discussion back on topic. Thanks! :)

    Ok fair enough. I say no to all those suggestions. It would be unfair in a B2P game. The End.

    Yeah right, why have a sub model at all then? Just to be funny?
  • Gidorick
    Raash wrote: »
    Hey there, folks. This thread is deviating into an off topic debate over the semantics of the word "subscription," rather than discussing the topic at hand (the suggestions outlined in the original post). Please steer the discussion back on topic. Thanks! :)

    Ok fair enough. I say no to all those suggestions. It would be unfair in a B2P game. The End.

    Yeah right, why have a sub model at all then? Just to be funny?

    Right. The way subs are now I don't know why we even have them. I suspect it's too appease those who liked the subs. I would actually sub if it meant I would get "rental access" to ALL no-consumable items in the crown store that's released dieting my subscription.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Rayste
    Kalfis wrote: »
    How about just not sub, instead of asking for more benefits that most of the player base won't have access to.

    Is that really that difficult to understand? It's clear to me that ZoS isn't hurting for cash. They arnt Funcom.

    The subscription model is there literally for the DLC. The extras are just bonuses, that are imo, pretty damn useful in game where XP is incredibly important.

    This seems logical, but supporting the game on a monthly basis is something that should be rewarded. The rewards in place may be sufficient if it retains enough subs. If not, the bonus will probably be boosted in the near future. Time will tell.
    The Teach - AD Templar
  • Gidorick
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    ESO Subscription Benefits
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition

    The current plan for subscription benefits for ESO is a good start. We can all agree that we do NOT want Pay-to-Win benefits (well… no more than we already have) many of the subscriptions below have quite a few Pay-to-Win benefits, SWOTR seeming to be the most egregious.
    Age of Conan Subscription Benefits
    • Full access to Character Classes
    • Full access to Adventure Zones
    • Full access to Dungeons
    • Full access to Raids
    • Full access to Sieges
    • Full access to Bank Space
    • Full access to Guilds
    • Full access to Alternative Advancement
    • Full access to Mount Training
    • Full access to offliine levels
    • Full access to Veteran gain
    • 8 Character slots (normally 2)
    • 10% Item Shop Discount
    Archage Subscription Benefits
    • Work Ethic Bonus: Double your Labor Point regeneration to 10/5 min!
    • Deep Sleeper Bonus: Earn Labor Points (5/5 min) even while you’re offline.
    • Max Labor Bonus: Increase your maximum Labor Points to 5,000.
    • Bonus Experience: Get a 10% bonus to all Experience gained through questing, combat, and labor usage.
    • Loyalty Tokens: Get 5 Loyalty Tokens when you log in each day. Redeem them for special items at the in-game Loyalty Store!
    • Bonus Credits: Receive 10% bonus credits with the purchase of any Credit Pack.
    • Land Ownership: Claim and own a piece of Erenor by placing farms and houses!
    • Auction House Listing: Get full access to listing and selling items on the Auction House.
    • Patron Queue: Receive priority queuing when entering the game.
    DCUO Subscription Benefits
    • Access to all DLC Packs
    • 150 Free Replay Badges Monthly
    • Unlimited Prometheum Lockbox Unlocks
    • Unlimited in-game currency
    • More Inventory Slots
    • Free daily Vault Access
    • Form a League
    • 14 Additional character slots
    • 20 Broker slots
    • 36 Additional Bank slots
    • Trade items and cash
    Everquest 2 Subscription Benefits
    • Additional 5 character slots ($50 Value)
    • Early access to select new content releases
    • Double ALL alternative currency earned in-game
    • 15% more coin
    • 10% bonus mount speed
    • Member-only items at in-game Loyalty Merchants
    • Access to all spell tiers
    • Get 5 free Legends of Norrath trading card game packs per month ($15 Value + Loot)
    • Full access to in-game broker
    • Unlimited Chat channel access
    • Full access to in-game mail
    • Full Guild Functionality
    • Preferred Status with Customer Service
    LOTRO Subscription Benefits
    • Mailbox Field Access
    • Custom character portrait frame
    • Access All Character Trait Slots
    • Daily +100% XP*
    • 500 Turbine Points per month
    • Free weekly Gold Hobbit Present
    • Access All Quest Packs and Skirmishes*
    • Access All Monster Classes
    • Unlimited Chat
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • No Currency Cap
    • Additional Inventory Slots
    • Maximum Auction House Listings
    Rift Subscription Benefits
    • FAVOR & PRESTIGE: 40% boosts to PvP XP and reputation gain.
    • MOUNTED COMMAND: Travel faster with +10% Mount Speed, +25% faster mounting, and -5% chance to be dismounted.
    • BONUS TOKENS:40% boost to RIFT currencies like Plaques of Achievement (dungeons), Marks of Ascension (raids), Craftsman Marks, and more!
    • PATRON SUMMONS: Instant access to your Banker, Guild Banker, and Trainer.
    • BONUS EXPERIENCE: 40% XP boost helps you level faster to 60 and beyond…or toggle it off if you’d rather take it slow!
    • EXTRA CURRENCY: Earn +15% currency (always on).
    • MARVELOUS LUCK: Get rewarded with an increased chance for Marvelous loot from Supply Crates!
    • BONUS LOOT: Get a free Greenscale’s Supply Crate each week.
    • ARTIFACT TRACKING: Reveal artifacts on your minimap for 30 minutes each day!
    • EXTRA DAILY QUESTS: Get +10 to your Daily Quest limit!
    • LOYALTY: Earn more veteran rewards the longer you subscribe.
    • NOTORIETY: 40% boost to PvE reputation gain.
    • PRIORITY QUEUE: Move to the front of the line when your shard is full.
    • STORE DISCOUNT: Get 10% off all purchases made with Credits in the RIFT Store.
    • PATRON FAST PASS: Teleport on the go without a Porticulum (no matter where you are!) once every 30 mins.
    • WEEKLY BONUS CHARGES: +3 Bonus Reward Charges for Random Dungeons and Warfronts each week.
    • PATRON’S RADIANCE: Let your inner nature shine with a special cosmetic ability reserved for Patrons!
    The Secret World Subscription Benefits
    • The Time Accelerator. This clickable item increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour and has a 23 hour cool-down. This item can only be used by Members and Grand Masters.
    • $10 worth of Bonus Points given out every month which can be used towards any product in the Item Store of The Secret World (bonus points are valid for 6 months).
    • Membership Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month).
    • 10% discount to everything in the Item Store including Content Packs (discounts to the Item Store do not stack with other offers).
    • Early Access to any new DLC (usually 3 days before non-members get access)
    Star Wars the Old Republic Subscription Benefits
    • Story Content
    • Sprint
    • Emergency Fleet Pass
    • Crew Skills
    • Game Login
    • Bank/Cargo Hold
    • Credit Cap
    • Chat
    • Mail
    • Secure Trading
    • Galactic Trade Network
    • Respecialization
    • Character Creation
    • Operations
    • Warzones
    • Flashpoints
    • Space Missions
    • Inventory
    • QUick Travel
    • Mounts
    • Revive
    • Item Equipping
    • Commendations Cap
    • Guilds
    • Vendors
    • Expereince Rate
    • Experience Rate: Rest XP
    • Valor Rate
    • GUI: Quickbars
    • Items:Event Rewards
    • Items: Mod Removal
    • Items: Augment Slots
    • Customer Service Support

    There are MANY benefits here that should NEVER be held behind the ESO Plus Subscription like the ability to sprint, additional command slots or GUI advantages. ESO Plus will include an overall 10% XP gain bonus while some other games offer a 100% bonus XP gain for a short period of time each day, which is too much.

    Looking at the list from other games I think there are few benefits that ESO Plus could include to make the program more enticing for new and old players alike
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period: Current Benefit
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting research Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain Current Benefit
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition Current Benefit
    • 10% Public Crown Store discount: This would entice players to buy more as subscribers!
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time If DLC pack 1 costs $45 require players be subscribed for a TOTAL of 4 non-consecutive months to own this DLC. If DLC pack 2 costs $30, require players be subscribed for an additional 3 months (7) to own this DLC. The total cost of the months subscribed should be MORE than the cost of the DLC. Players shouldn't lose access to these owned DLC if they unsubscribe.
    • Able to join up to 10 Guilds Players who subscribe should be able to join more guilds than those who do not. The additional guilds should be under the "subscriber guilds" and should be clear as to which the player will loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • +4 Additional Character slots Players should have access to an additional 4 character slots, which they loose access to if they unsubscribe.
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning: Subscribers should be at the front of the line to get into the game and to move from one area to another.
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. In a special subscriber-only area of the crown store players will still have to buy items with Crowns but the 10% Subscriber discount should NOT apply to these items. ALL players should be able to view the Subscriber Crown Store, but only Subscribers should be able to buy from it. Additionally, this could include the following 3 features.
      • 1 month early access to all Costumes and Mounts: Giving a month's early access to Costumes and Mounts will do a lot to make subscriptions desirable. Subscribers who buy these items early will not get the 10% crown store discount.
      • 5 day early access to all DLC expansions: Giving 5 days early access will entice players who feel like they must play the newest content right away won't be able to resist subscribing!
      • Longer access to limited time items: ZOS could add limited sale items to the ESO+ section of the crown store one week early... and take them out one week later.
      • More frequent Limited Item Rotation: If ZOS is planning to have a specific item only available one time a year in the Crown Store, it could be available one additional time per year in the ESO+ section of the crown store.
      • Ability to purchase the Pledge of Mara: Only in the Subscriber Crown Store should the Pledge of Mara be able to be purchased.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Maps: Each month, Subscribers should get at least 1 map (1 in each faction would be nice) that leads players to treasures. These treasures could include special subscriber items.

    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.

    That's fair @Ashaerien. I get how early access could be considered pay to win, but no one has made the effort to explain how 10 guilds would be. :confused:
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Rayste wrote: »
    Kalfis wrote: »
    How about just not sub, instead of asking for more benefits that most of the player base won't have access to.

    Is that really that difficult to understand? It's clear to me that ZoS isn't hurting for cash. They arnt Funcom.

    The subscription model is there literally for the DLC. The extras are just bonuses, that are imo, pretty damn useful in game where XP is incredibly important.

    This seems logical, but supporting the game on a monthly basis is something that should be rewarded. The rewards in place may be sufficient if it retains enough subs. If not, the bonus will probably be boosted in the near future. Time will tell.

    It seems like they're just going to piecemeal additions to try to entice players to sub (crafting bags) instead of making a meaningful set of benefits at once.

    It's kind of like how someone starving appreciates and is thankful for bread, cheese and water. Or more accurately, someone living on bread, cheese and water would be thankful for old canned meat. :lol:
    Edited by Gidorick on October 15, 2015 10:21PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Ashaerien
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.

    That's fair @Ashaerien. I get how early access could be considered pay to win, but no one has made the effort to explain how 10 guilds would be. :confused:

    10 guilds would be a little unfair. Extra bank space for someone, advantages in raffles and guild stores. Advantages for traders to be in the hot-spot guilds in Rawl'kha, for example, giving them way more income than average traders.
  • i3ig_Gun
    ESO+ Isn't worth the money...

    Unless they are releasing content every month, your 15$ is going to what?


    EXP Bonuses?

    Both of which are truely not needed.

    If you (sub) and a friend (non-sub) quested at the same pace, at the end of Cadwells gold you would end up roughly 1 or 2 levels away from the non sub.

    Which can easily be grinded out, like every other level can be.
    GT: i3ig Gun
    Legion of Many - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Gidorick
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.

    That's fair @Ashaerien. I get how early access could be considered pay to win, but no one has made the effort to explain how 10 guilds would be. :confused:

    10 guilds would be a little unfair. Extra bank space for someone, advantages in raffles and guild stores. Advantages for traders to be in the hot-spot guilds in Rawl'kha, for example, giving them way more income than average traders.

    But it's not like those guilds would be subscriber only guilds. The simple fact that a subscribing player would have more OPTIONS as to which guild they want to sell in would be unfair? Why? They would still have to put the effort in to sell in those guilds.... which are all guilds that someone who wasn't a subscriber would be able to join, they would just have to be a little more selective in their decisions.

    the only way a player can get more income is to sell more, it doesn't matter how many guilds they're in. To make more money in those 5 extra guilds they would have to sell more. making more money isn't a given, it's an assumption. The amount of player can make isn't based off of how many guilds they are in, it's based off the effort they put into crafting and selling.

    I'm still not understanding where the unfair part happens. Is it simply because that player would have more options? If that's the case, I'm sorry, that's a bit petulant.

    Edited by Gidorick on October 15, 2015 11:02PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Ashaerien
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.

    That's fair @Ashaerien. I get how early access could be considered pay to win, but no one has made the effort to explain how 10 guilds would be. :confused:

    10 guilds would be a little unfair. Extra bank space for someone, advantages in raffles and guild stores. Advantages for traders to be in the hot-spot guilds in Rawl'kha, for example, giving them way more income than average traders.

    But it's not like those guilds would be subscriber only guilds. The simple fact that a subscribing player would have more OPTIONS as to which guild they want to sell in would be unfair? Why? They would still have to put the effort in to sell in those guilds.... which are all guilds that someone who wasn't a subscriber would be able to join, they would just have to be a little more selective in their decisions.

    the only way a player can get more income is to sell more, it doesn't matter how many guilds they're in. To make more money in those 5 extra guilds they would have to sell more. making more money isn't a given, it's an assumption. The amount of player can make isn't based off of how many guilds they are in, it's based off the effort they put into crafting and selling.

    I'm still not understanding where the unfair part happens. Is it simply because that player would have more options? If that's the case, I'm sorry, that's a bit petulant.

    No, the amount of money a player can make can definitely be based off of how many guilds they're in. If they're in 2 in Rawl'kha, they have a better chance to make money than a store in the wilderness would.

    Saying that someone has more options isn't petulant at all -- yes. it opens up more opportunity but you don't want to make it "unfair" for other players, which is how some can interpret it.

  • Gidorick
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ashaerien wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    So sorry for the long quote. But, just because you're a subscriber, you shouldn't be able to get special treatment. That's how the stigma of "pay to win" spreads throughout players. In my opinion, subscribing should only get you cosmetic items and consumables that aren't necessarily overpowered, and are still available as a similar item in game. A subscriber yes, should give you a boost to something but it shouldn't give you a huge advantage over players (10 guilds, early access...). Just my thoughts.

    That's fair @Ashaerien. I get how early access could be considered pay to win, but no one has made the effort to explain how 10 guilds would be. :confused:

    10 guilds would be a little unfair. Extra bank space for someone, advantages in raffles and guild stores. Advantages for traders to be in the hot-spot guilds in Rawl'kha, for example, giving them way more income than average traders.

    But it's not like those guilds would be subscriber only guilds. The simple fact that a subscribing player would have more OPTIONS as to which guild they want to sell in would be unfair? Why? They would still have to put the effort in to sell in those guilds.... which are all guilds that someone who wasn't a subscriber would be able to join, they would just have to be a little more selective in their decisions.

    the only way a player can get more income is to sell more, it doesn't matter how many guilds they're in. To make more money in those 5 extra guilds they would have to sell more. making more money isn't a given, it's an assumption. The amount of player can make isn't based off of how many guilds they are in, it's based off the effort they put into crafting and selling.

    I'm still not understanding where the unfair part happens. Is it simply because that player would have more options? If that's the case, I'm sorry, that's a bit petulant.

    No, the amount of money a player can make can definitely be based off of how many guilds they're in. If they're in 2 in Rawl'kha, they have a better chance to make money than a store in the wilderness would.

    Saying that someone has more options isn't petulant at all -- yes. it opens up more opportunity but you don't want to make it "unfair" for other players, which is how some can interpret it.

    Couldn't a player in 5 guilds ALSO be in the 2 in Rawl'kha @Ashaerien?

    I think what you're saying is that a player who is in 10 guilds (all in prime locations) can make more than someone in 5 guilds (all in prime locations)... is that true though? A player who is in 10 guilds that makes... let's say 100 items to sell would make no more than a player who is in 5 guilds in prime locations who makes 100 items to sell.

    Perhaps your concern is a player has the potential to sell twice as many items in those guild stores... since the max listing count in a guild is 30, a player with 10 guilds can sell 300 items and a player with 5 guilds can sell 150 items.

    I think I just disagree that this would be unfair. They would still have to make the effort to sell those additional items... Sure, double the opportunity but also double the effort.
    Edited by Gidorick on October 16, 2015 2:04AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    i3ig_Gun wrote: »
    ESO+ Isn't worth the money...

    Unless they are releasing content every month, your 15$ is going to what?


    EXP Bonuses?

    Both of which are truely not needed.

    If you (sub) and a friend (non-sub) quested at the same pace, at the end of Cadwells gold you would end up roughly 1 or 2 levels away from the non sub.

    Which can easily be grinded out, like every other level can be.

    This was exactly the inspiration of the original post @i3ig_Gun. With all the "I quit" threads we've seen recently, ZOS really should consider better ESO+ benefits.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • kasafrass
    Soul Shriven
    I reaaaaaally wish ESO Plus members could fast travel to wayshrines for no fee. It's my biggest complaint.
    Edited by kasafrass on March 9, 2017 5:05PM
  • ZOS_Bill
    This thread is being closed as it's a necro of a 2015 discussion. There is another forum dedicated to discussing ESO+ here and even an ongoing thread asking for ideas here.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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