I would make a character with a Redguard mother and a Nord father, and name him Yassir Youbetcha.
I would love it if they did this, but I doubt it will happen. $10 a pop, use the same character appearance options for the mother's race and have the stats of the fathers... sounds good to me and not hard to implement (i think).
AshySamurai wrote: »The main idea is that your race and class don't determine your gameplay. With your idea I see that it will be very important what race you level. If you're not a minmaxer, then it doesn't matter what race you play. I would like it to stay as it is.
AshySamurai wrote: »Your idea force people to roll a certain race to get something. Also, how you deal with different alliances? If you allow to create offspring with two charcters in different alliances, then you decrease value of explorer's pack. If not, then it will be only 6 different options per alliance.
One more - why you demand two characters with different sex? There are no restrictions on different forms of love in Tamriel.
And the last one - I don't want devs waste their time on semi-functional features. I don't want this cheap content like horse racing, gambling or character offspring. I don't mind if they add it, but only after PC get some new content and most players will have something to do in game. Bugs > Content > Fluff!
Sadly, reproduction is fully independent of love and two Bosmer ladies will never give birth to a child unless a man is involved. How I wish it wasn't so! But if wishes were fishes...AshySamurai wrote: »One more - why you demand two characters with different sex? There are no restrictions on different forms of love in Tamriel.
I disagree - kind of. Not about offspring, but about racing and gambling. These are wonderful features to make the game feel like a living world and encourage us to spend our time just hanging around, socializing, shifting the focus away from boring old leveling and running the same dungeons for eternity. Various immersive non-combat activities fit perfectly in a game with so rich lore heritage.AshySamurai wrote: »And the last one - I don't want devs waste their time on semi-functional features. I don't want this cheap content like horse racing, gambling or character offspring. I don't mind if they add it, but only after PC get some new content and most players will have something to do in game. Bugs > Content > Fluff!
I would think it would be... if you don't have the any-race/any-alliance pack you would be restricted to crating offspring within factions. No biggie there.
And I'm suggesting two characters of the same sex because of how reproduction works... for more, please see the following link: http://www.biologyreference.com/Se-T/Sexual-Reproduction.html
Man, you really seem like you want a soulless game. I agree bugs are important but we have had a year of almost nothing BUT bug fixes... if that's all they ever care about we will never get more content.
It is said that when a Saxhleel emerges from juvenescence, it finds a nearby Hist tree to lick sap from its bole. The elements in the sap quicken the hormonal glands, which sprout appropriate organs from which the Argonian's gender can be determined. Immediately afterward, an appropriate mate is found and reproduction occurs. The female soon lays one or more eggs, which are moved to a hatching pool where gestation and spawning takes place.
AshySamurai wrote: »
You also force peolple to roll characters with different sex.
If crossbreed is only possible with mers in your alliance - there are 3 possible options. With IE - 6 possible options. It's too lame IMO.
Also, it seems that it's impossible for Argonians to crossbreed.
I'm not suggesting anyone be FORCED to do anything. Don't want to play a female character? Ok... then don't play one. Just like players aren't FORCED to be werewolves or vampires or steal once 1.6 is released. Having an option in a videogame doesn't mean you must explore that option. RPGs and especially TES games are great in that way!
As for the Argonian cross-breeding. That's for the lore-masters to decide. I have always thought lore-wise Argonians and Khajiits shouldn't be able to crossbreed. That would limit the pool even further... of course it WOULD give players more of a reason to buy the Any-Race/Any-Alliance pack when it comes to the crown store.
With the base game, every player could cross-breed at least 2 characters without explorer's pack. That's 2 more 'race-types' per faction.
With any Any-Race/Any-Alliance pack they would have 6 races that could have the attributes of 5 additional races. That's 30 combinations available to those players. Talk about an incentive to buy!
The Imperial Edition would add one more race type to the base game making at least 6 new race types per faction. With the Any-Race/Any-Alliance pack, we're looking at 42 new race-type combinations.
These numbers are without Argonian or Khajiit. Add both of those and we're looking at 72 possible race-type combinations.
That's far from too few. Even the base game only offering 2 more race-type combinations seems reasonable. It would offer a glimpse to the players who haven't bought the Imperial Edition or the Any-Race/Any-Alliance pack into what they would be able to do if they decided to buy those packs. Incentive to buy. That would definitely help ZOS make some cash.
Sadly, reproduction is fully independent of love and two lady Bosmer will never give birth to a child unless a man is involved. How I wish it wouldn't be so! But if wishes were fishes...
I disagree - kind of. Not about offspring, but about racing and gambling. These are wonderful features to make the game feel like a living world and encourage us to spend our time just hanging around, socializing, shifting the focus away from boring old leveling and running the same dungeons for eternity. Various immersive non-combat activities fit perfectly in a game with so rich lore heritage.
It's an interesting idea if it kept level 50 requirement (no creating parents and deleting them 5 minutes later). However, it would strongly encourage people to play the most useful races as males - and generally all kinds af meta-gamey stuff, just with a longer perspective in mind. But still, interesting.
AshySamurai wrote: »
Well, if you exclude Argonians and Khajiits, then you punish players who don't have explorer's pack because of limitations of options they would have with your system. You favor only Daggerfall Covenant(standart account have 3 possible options) players and punish all Ebonheart Packt and Aldmeri Dominion players (on both standart account have only 1 possible option). And 6 options vs 3 options if player will buy IE.
And there is still question about baby's alliance (if player have explorer's pack and parent are in different alliances).
Fair solution - NPC partner. Tho I still don't see point of that system, I think with NPC partner it alteast will be fair for all players.
I don't really see how Argonians could fit in; Kahjit - sure they are mamalian at least. As for the lizard folk I have always wondered if brothels in Tamriel are full of them since they are not fertile with Men or Mer... Still for the sake of the game being "fair" to all I would not mind adding Argonians to the mix. There are already Argonian's with Mer/Men spouses in the game so it's not too much of a stretch to say they can reproduce.
The more I think about this the more I want ZoS to implement it. Make it a DLC and let me throw $$ at you Zeni!
Gidorick wrote:Argonian interbreeding could be linked to the Hist. there are all sorts of weird things that could be made up here. Perhaps the Men/Mer has to be high on Hist sap when copulation occurs and that does something to allow for there to be a genetic offspring. Maybe Argonians are able to asexually reproduce the Men/Mer has to mix their blood with the Hist sap on Naming Day to have the baby Argonian take on their traits and be their offspring. Similarly, maybe if enough Hist sap is ingested Men/Mer women can have fatherless children... then the Hist sap/Father's blood thing an occur then with that child.
If it HAD to be 'lore friendly' they could make something up to include the Argonians. In a previous post, I suggested:
Yeah, I read that, but personally I'd rather not have to know what creepy breeding occurs in that scenario... the whole Hist thing creeps me out.lol
What about the Khajiit? How do their lunar cycles and 20some types of Khajit factor in? Do we get a half Orc half Alfiq? etc..
Or Betmer. See that, ended with Mer, and dates as far back as to be included with the language of the Aldmer? Which either means that the Aldmer respected the Beast Folk enough to be included in the general category of sentient life, or they could procreate with each other, the only thing that doesn't support this would be the fact that no pairings of Betmer or Mer have ever been proven to have offspring, but of course, any of these pairings, would probably be living in relative secrecy because what Altmer would want their friends/family to know that they're off canoodling with a cat?Beastfolk (or Betmer) is used to refer to any sentient beast-like humanoid that inhabits Tamriel, such as the Argonians, Imga and Khajiit. A few races have died out or disappeared, such as the Lilmothiit.
Interesting @Panda244. Awesome insight! I knew the Beast races were called Betmer but I didn't know the origin of "Bet" meaning beast. We know that the Thalmor (Aldmer) were involved in an experiment that took the moons Masser and Secunda away for a while, they were the ones to claim to have brought the moons back but we haven't a clue as to why they disappeared. This two-year period without the moons is called the "Void Nights".
One theory, which I personally ascribe to, is that the moons disappearing could have been triggered by the Thalmor, in an experiment of which the Khajiit were the subjects. The Thalmor, believing the Khajiit are descendant from Mer were trying to see if they could make the Khajiit Mer once again. Obviously it didn't work.
I think the Khajiit being of Mer descent is a Mer belief and misunderstanding. Khajiit believe they were created from a formlessness, the same formlessness that the Bosmer were created from... I believe this formlessness was the et'Ada. From the et'Ada, the Aedra formed, as well as the Hist and the Khajiit. The Hist created the Argonians and the Aedra weakened into Ehlnofey who gave birth to the races of both Men and Mer.
So, in the sense that every creature comes from the et'Ada... yes, they are all the same. But I believe Khajiit to be the most 'pure' race in Tamriel, the one which is most directly linked to the original creation of Mundus.
But... this is just what I choose to believe.
@Gidorick Well! You're wrong!
I didn't include Ayleids because it'd confuse people, Dwemer and Falmer are on their own evolution thingy to, so didn't include them either.