ESO+ Subscription Benefits Suggestions

  • Gidorick
    @bearclawmcbainb16_ESO would any of the additions I proposed entice you to subscribe?
    Gidorick wrote: »
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period Currently Included
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membershipCurrently Included
    • 10% bonus to experience point gainCurrently Included
    • 10% bonus to crafting researchCurrently Included
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gainCurrently Included
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisitionCurrently Included
    • 10% Crown Store discount
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time
    • Able to create a Guild
    • +4 Additional Character slots
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. Items can be bought with crowns but can only be bought by someone with an active subscription.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Map
    • 2 day early access to all DLC expansions
    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

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  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    @bearclawmcbainb16_ESO would any of the additions I proposed entice you to subscribe?

    1500 Crown per month: With the expected (in fact confirmed ) slowing down of released content, the x-Crowns-per-month thing is useless to me, as I have no intention of buying mounts, pets, costumes or other vanity items.
    Unless Zeni releases more than 12 Euro's worth of playable DLC every month (and I sincerely doubt that) I would be much better off saving my money for actual playable, explorable DLC.

    DLC access with sub: I wouldn't need subscription access to DLC if I save the monthly subscription fee and buy the DLC.

    10% ingame bonuses: I don't need the 10% bonuses, as I am not in a hurry. I like to explore and read the quest text, immerse myself in the games I play.

    10% store discount: Don't need it, I am saving my money for DLC's.

    Ownership of DLC's: But if I buy them they are already mine. This would come down to the price of the DLC vs. subscription. But additionally, Zeni has confirmed that the Loyalty program is dead, so...

    Guild, Character Slots, Priority Queueing: No.

    Subscriber-exclusive Crown Store area: No, I don't want to buy any vanity items.

    Treasure Map: Rewards from the maps are not good enough for this to be even slightly interesting.

    DLC Early Access: Meh, I don't know. Maybe I am tainted by this whole experience, but I don't feel like beta-testing more areas for Zeni. Ask me on a good day, and this would probably be interesting, but make the early access start from the weekend, not midweek.

    Subscriber specific Mercs: Could be interesting, if it was in the game ;)

    Waystone: Can already do that for free ingame.

    Summon Vendor/Banker: Not terribly important to me. Might save some time, but I also like going to a city after I am done adventuring, and with free instant travel available, I don't find a need for a summonable vendor/banker.

    Housing: As with vanity items, this is not important to me. I want to explore and kill stuff, not sit in my house ;D

    Treasure Hunting (game): Cute idea, but not something that would make me pay money each month.
  • Gidorick
    You're a tough customer, but I can't say I disagree with your viewpoint. That was why I made the suggestions I did because I really don't see the current subscriber benefits being very enticing at all.

    With DLC expansions being how they are going to release more story for ESO, would there be anything that WOULD be enough for you to subscribe?

    I suspect for many players the answer is simply "No."
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    I don't really know what it would be. I am trying to come up with something myself, but I am just blank. I mean, I was OK with Zeni getting my money every month while I was sick and not even playing, just on the mere promise that they were making more content with it for me to play when I got back.
    I don't think they can earn my sub back. I think it is pretty obvious that they haven't been honest with their customer base, and I no longer have any faith in anything they promise.
    I still like the game though, but now I will only give them more money when they give me more playable content.
  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    Thinking some more about it, I definately feel like it was a bad decision on Zeni's part to let the Loyalty Program go. I think they lost a lot of Plus subs on that.
    I strongly doubt they would win me back with it, but I think they could get a bunch back if they brought it back and beefed it up with more/better rewards.
  • Gidorick
    I don't really know what it would be. I am trying to come up with something myself, but I am just blank. I mean, I was OK with Zeni getting my money every month while I was sick and not even playing, just on the mere promise that they were making more content with it for me to play when I got back.
    I don't think they can earn my sub back. I think it is pretty obvious that they haven't been honest with their customer base, and I no longer have any faith in anything they promise.
    I still like the game though, but now I will only give them more money when they give me more playable content.

    This is a very reasonable statement. I suspect many players will feel this way. If they aren't coming out with new story content every 3 months or so I really don't know if ZOS has a log-term revenue model here.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    This is a very reasonable statement. I suspect many players will feel this way. If they aren't coming out with new story content every 3 months or so I really don't know if ZOS has a log-term revenue model here.
    This is pretty much what has me worried. Just look at SWTOR. Playable content slowed to a trickle after F2P and cash shop content exploded.
    I don't want to pay for that (again....sigh).

    As I said, I was OK to pay on mere promises when my heart was in it. But now my brain has taken over.
  • Gidorick
    Thinking some more about it, I definately feel like it was a bad decision on Zeni's part to let the Loyalty Program go. I think they lost a lot of Plus subs on that.
    I strongly doubt they would win me back with it, but I think they could get a bunch back if they brought it back and beefed it up with more/better rewards.

    The Loyalty program was just about the only thing that was keeping me subbed. A friend that I play with says he's going to stay subbed to support ESO and because "He's already used to paying it." If he eventually decides to un-sub, I'll do the same.

    Now, if they had monthly duration reward that were coupled with the Treasure Map mechanic, or even a mini quest, I think they would have something there. Having to go on a hunt for your subscriber reward would be quite a bit of fun!

    Another big one for me is the ownership of the DLC. If they made it so that a person had to be subbed for X number of months to own whatever DLC I would stay subscribed, no question.

    In the end, it's obvious that ZOS needs to make their Subscription a lot more enticing if they want people to stay subscribed.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    ESO Subscription Benefits
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition

    The current plan for subscription benefits for ESO is a good start. We can all agree that we do NOT want Pay-to-Win benefits (well… no more than we already have) many of the subscriptions below have quite a few Pay-to-Win benefits, SWOTR seeming to be the most egregious.
    Age of Conan Subscription Benefits
    • Full access to Character Classes
    • Full access to Adventure Zones
    • Full access to Dungeons
    • Full access to Raids
    • Full access to Sieges
    • Full access to Bank Space
    • Full access to Guilds
    • Full access to Alternative Advancement
    • Full access to Mount Training
    • Full access to offliine levels
    • Full access to Veteran gain
    • 8 Character slots (normally 2)
    • 10% Item Shop Discount
    Archage Subscription Benefits
    • Work Ethic Bonus: Double your Labor Point regeneration to 10/5 min!
    • Deep Sleeper Bonus: Earn Labor Points (5/5 min) even while you’re offline.
    • Max Labor Bonus: Increase your maximum Labor Points to 5,000.
    • Bonus Experience: Get a 10% bonus to all Experience gained through questing, combat, and labor usage.
    • Loyalty Tokens: Get 5 Loyalty Tokens when you log in each day. Redeem them for special items at the in-game Loyalty Store!
    • Bonus Credits: Receive 10% bonus credits with the purchase of any Credit Pack.
    • Land Ownership: Claim and own a piece of Erenor by placing farms and houses!
    • Auction House Listing: Get full access to listing and selling items on the Auction House.
    • Patron Queue: Receive priority queuing when entering the game.
    DCUO Subscription Benefits
    • Access to all DLC Packs
    • 150 Free Replay Badges Monthly
    • Unlimited Prometheum Lockbox Unlocks
    • Unlimited in-game currency
    • More Inventory Slots
    • Free daily Vault Access
    • Form a League
    • 14 Additional character slots
    • 20 Broker slots
    • 36 Additional Bank slots
    • Trade items and cash
    Everquest 2 Subscription Benefits
    • Additional 5 character slots ($50 Value)
    • Early access to select new content releases
    • Double ALL alternative currency earned in-game
    • 15% more coin
    • 10% bonus mount speed
    • Member-only items at in-game Loyalty Merchants
    • Access to all spell tiers
    • Get 5 free Legends of Norrath trading card game packs per month ($15 Value + Loot)
    • Full access to in-game broker
    • Unlimited Chat channel access
    • Full access to in-game mail
    • Full Guild Functionality
    • Preferred Status with Customer Service
    LOTRO Subscription Benefits
    • Mailbox Field Access
    • Custom character portrait frame
    • Access All Character Trait Slots
    • Daily +100% XP*
    • 500 Turbine Points per month
    • Free weekly Gold Hobbit Present
    • Access All Quest Packs and Skirmishes*
    • Access All Monster Classes
    • Unlimited Chat
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • Access All Crafting Guilds
    • 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space
    • No Currency Cap
    • Additional Inventory Slots
    • Maximum Auction House Listings
    Rift Subscription Benefits
    • FAVOR & PRESTIGE: 40% boosts to PvP XP and reputation gain.
    • MOUNTED COMMAND: Travel faster with +10% Mount Speed, +25% faster mounting, and -5% chance to be dismounted.
    • BONUS TOKENS:40% boost to RIFT currencies like Plaques of Achievement (dungeons), Marks of Ascension (raids), Craftsman Marks, and more!
    • PATRON SUMMONS: Instant access to your Banker, Guild Banker, and Trainer.
    • BONUS EXPERIENCE: 40% XP boost helps you level faster to 60 and beyond…or toggle it off if you’d rather take it slow!
    • EXTRA CURRENCY: Earn +15% currency (always on).
    • MARVELOUS LUCK: Get rewarded with an increased chance for Marvelous loot from Supply Crates!
    • BONUS LOOT: Get a free Greenscale’s Supply Crate each week.
    • ARTIFACT TRACKING: Reveal artifacts on your minimap for 30 minutes each day!
    • EXTRA DAILY QUESTS: Get +10 to your Daily Quest limit!
    • LOYALTY: Earn more veteran rewards the longer you subscribe.
    • NOTORIETY: 40% boost to PvE reputation gain.
    • PRIORITY QUEUE: Move to the front of the line when your shard is full.
    • STORE DISCOUNT: Get 10% off all purchases made with Credits in the RIFT Store.
    • PATRON FAST PASS: Teleport on the go without a Porticulum (no matter where you are!) once every 30 mins.
    • WEEKLY BONUS CHARGES: +3 Bonus Reward Charges for Random Dungeons and Warfronts each week.
    • PATRON’S RADIANCE: Let your inner nature shine with a special cosmetic ability reserved for Patrons!
    The Secret World Subscription Benefits
    • The Time Accelerator. This clickable item increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour and has a 23 hour cool-down. This item can only be used by Members and Grand Masters.
    • $10 worth of Bonus Points given out every month which can be used towards any product in the Item Store of The Secret World (bonus points are valid for 6 months).
    • Membership Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month).
    • 10% discount to everything in the Item Store including Content Packs (discounts to the Item Store do not stack with other offers).
    • Early Access to any new DLC (usually 3 days before non-members get access)
    Star Wars the Old Republic Subscription Benefits
    • Story Content
    • Sprint
    • Emergency Fleet Pass
    • Crew Skills
    • Game Login
    • Bank/Cargo Hold
    • Credit Cap
    • Chat
    • Mail
    • Secure Trading
    • Galactic Trade Network
    • Respecialization
    • Character Creation
    • Operations
    • Warzones
    • Flashpoints
    • Space Missions
    • Inventory
    • QUick Travel
    • Mounts
    • Revive
    • Item Equipping
    • Commendations Cap
    • Guilds
    • Vendors
    • Expereince Rate
    • Experience Rate: Rest XP
    • Valor Rate
    • GUI: Quickbars
    • Items:Event Rewards
    • Items: Mod Removal
    • Items: Augment Slots
    • Customer Service Support

    There are MANY benefits here that should NEVER be held behind the ESO Plus Subscription like the ability to sprint, additional command slots or GUI advantages. ESO Plus will include an overall 10% XP gain bonus while some other games offer a 100% bonus XP gain for a short period of time each day, which is too much.

    Looking at the list from other games I think there are few benefits that ESO Plus could include to make the program more enticing for new and old players alike
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition
    • 10% Crown Store discount
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time
    • Able to create a Guild
    • +4 Additional Character slots
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. Items can be bought with crowns but can only be bought by someone with an active subscription.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Map
    • 2 day early access to all DLC expansions
    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

    With these additions, a subscription would offer enough of a benefit to have subscribers remain subscribed, regardless of their level in ESO, and would entice non-subscribed players to become subscribers. Additionally, the long cooldown on items such as the Waystone, Mudcrab Merchant Whistle, Creeper Summoning Relic, and Goblin Banker Bell would encourage subscribers to buy the consumable versions of these items from the crown store.


    Totally agree, there is zero incentive for me to subscribe to this game any more.
  • Ysne58
    Honestly, I have not decided yet whether I'm going to continue subscribing. Mine goes to the end of March so I still have time to keep mulling this over.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on BASHING AND SLANDEROUS COMMENTS]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on March 12, 2015 5:44PM
  • Wolfshead
    @‌ Gidorick
    Serious mate what hell have you been drink why would ask for more thing as bonus why do ESO need to be like everyone i like that a sub player get those bonus we have now.

    Serious you SUGGESTED LIST OF BENNEFITS is so FUBAR so make sound like you want be some type of "look at me im better then everyone else" that you have on your suggested list will really trun ESO to P2W.

    Beside a little side note on SWTOR everyone can play Story Content i have done without be sub to game.
    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • MrGhosty
    Interesting ideas here, I would say a big no to the guild thing though. Useless guilds will eventually sort themselves out and getting rid of that would hurt those of us who have been running and managing our guilds since day one and everyone new should have the chance to do the same.

    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • kevlarto_ESO
    I like what I see so far, my concerns will be how they add to the game, I expect new things to be added to the store but not all new things, there is only so many different kind of mounts you can have and what is the purpose of having these mounts if you only have the same ole places to ride them in ? I hope they expand the world with new areas and quests, features are ok but that is not content. I hope at some point they have a real expansion not just a small dlc, something that expands the world the quests and so forth in a big way, but I am most likely dreaming.
  • AlexDougherty
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The Subscription-optional payment method for MMOs is nothing new. I think we might benefit from looking at what other MMO’s have done with their optional subscription to compare it to what ESO is planning on doing.

    ESO Subscription Benefits
    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition

    The current plan for subscription benefits for ESO is a good start. We can all agree that we do NOT want Pay-to-Win benefits (well… no more than we already have) many of the subscriptions below have quite a few Pay-to-Win benefits, SWOTR seeming to be the most egregious.

    Star Wars the Old Republic Subscription Benefits
    • Story Content
    • Sprint
    • Emergency Fleet Pass
    • Crew Skills
    • Game Login
    • Bank/Cargo Hold
    • Credit Cap
    • Chat
    • Mail
    • Secure Trading
    • Galactic Trade Network
    • Respecialization
    • Character Creation
    • Operations
    • Warzones
    • Flashpoints
    • Space Missions
    • Inventory
    • QUick Travel
    • Mounts
    • Revive
    • Item Equipping
    • Commendations Cap
    • Guilds
    • Vendors
    • Expereince Rate
    • Experience Rate: Rest XP
    • Valor Rate
    • GUI: Quickbars
    • Items:Event Rewards
    • Items: Mod Removal
    • Items: Augment Slots
    • Customer Service Support

    • 1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    • Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    • 10% bonus to experience point gain
    • 10% bonus to crafting research
    • 10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    • 10% bonus to gold acquisition
    • 10% Crown Store discount
    • Ownership of DLC as Loyalty Bonuses over time
    • Able to create a Guild
    • +4 Additional Character slots
    • Priority queuing when entering game and zoning
    • Access to a subscriber-exclusive area of the Crown Store. Items can be bought with crowns but can only be bought by someone with an active subscription.
    • Monthly Subscriber Treasure Map
    • 2 day early access to all DLC expansions
    (The below suggestions are dependent on features I’ve suggested that are not currently in ESO)

    SWTOR subscriber's get a game login?? so do F2P players, it's how you play the game.

    You won't get ownership of DLC over time.
    Nor will they give you a discount on the store, the point is to raise money.
    You can't stop B2P players forming guilds, ZOS won't allow that.
    I think they will probably sell extra character slots eventually but they won't give them away.
    They will not give you a subscriber only part of the store, the store is for raising money, they won't turn down revenue :rolleyes:
    I doubt you will get the treasure maps monthly, maybe as a three monthly loyalty reward (for every continous three months you stay subscribed) but you need to start a thread specifically for that, not this one.
    The 2 day early access sounds nice, untill you realise they would have to do two maintenances for it to work.
    They won't do mercenary NPCs, it's an MMO, if you need a companion ask people if they will do the quest/dungeon.
    Not sure the waystone is an improvement.
    You might get the Beast/Daedra merchants, but they won't be summonable, doubt they will be subscriber only either.
    You won't get houses just for subscribers.

    Now for some suggestions you might get.
    • A title for subscribing for a pre-defined period.
    • Subscriber specific emotes.
    • A subscriber specific Vendor, who sells in game items a month or so prior to them being released into the game.
    • A Subscriber only set of three colours for our dyes
    Edited by AlexDougherty on February 8, 2015 3:09PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Dreamo84
    Don't we need to know how much crowns cost before we can judge the value of subscribing?

    If 1,500 crowns = $15 then the sub perks are basically free and we are just buying crowns automatically every month.
    Dream it, wish it, do it... or something...
  • Gidorick
    Dreamo84 wrote: »
    Don't we need to know how much crowns cost before we can judge the value of subscribing?

    If 1,500 crowns = $15 then the sub perks are basically free and we are just buying crowns automatically every month.

    When compared to what other companies are offering the ESO plus subscription is lacking.

    As for judging the "value" of the subscription, we kind of need to know how much the DLC will cost and how frequently it will be released. The 10% bonuses really aren't needed. You out level areas of the main story really quickly anyway.

    As someone who subscribes now, and would like to contribute to support ESO, but can't see myself buying much in the crown shop... I don't see any reason to subscribe other than subscribing for subscriptions sake... and I'm not going to do that if DLC is once a year...

    Furthermore, I really can't imagine many console players will be enticed by this subscription model either. I just don't think they will retain subscribers with the current model.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Mercutio
    I agree with the consensus that the Subscription perks are somewhat lacking. Not awful, but there is room for improvement. The Secret World, imo, gets much closer to the mark.

    For those who are not familiar with it, I'll give a quick and dirty overview:

    For Subscribers:

    *One Hour XP Bonus usable once per day.
    *Monthly allotment of their version of Crowns
    * 10 Percent Discount on store purchases
    * One unique item a month

    Lastly (to the best of my recollection:)

    *Monthly allotment of Veteran Points that can purchase gear only available with that currency.

    I may be missing something, but the long and short is that it is a good deal as viewed through my Cost vs. Value lens.

    While TSW is a "niche" game, it has a very loyal following. I believe that part of that stems from Funcom's perceived efforts to reward their patrons and make them feel appreciated.

    It is a model that Zenimax would do well to emulate. And I have faith in them that they will make the subscription benefits more robust if only through necessity.
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
  • Gidorick
    Mercutio wrote: »
    I agree with the consensus that the Subscription perks are somewhat lacking. Not awful, but there is room for improvement. The Secret World, imo, gets much closer to the mark.

    For those who are not familiar with it, I'll give a quick and dirty overview:

    For Subscribers:

    *One Hour XP Bonus usable once per day.
    *Monthly allotment of their version of Crowns
    * 10 Percent Discount on store purchases
    * One unique item a month

    Lastly (to the best of my recollection:)

    *Monthly allotment of Veteran Points that can purchase gear only available with that currency.

    I may be missing something, but the long and short is that it is a good deal as viewed through my Cost vs. Value lens.

    While TSW is a "niche" game, it has a very loyal following. I believe that part of that stems from Funcom's perceived efforts to reward their patrons and make them feel appreciated.

    It is a model that Zenimax would do well to emulate. And I have faith in them that they will make the subscription benefits more robust if only through necessity.

    I'm curious, how "unique" are the items that are purchasable with Veteran Points? Are they just pre-releases of items, are they re-skins of other items, are they completely original?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Mercutio
    Gidorick wrote: »

    I'm curious, how "unique" are the items that are purchasable with Veteran Points? Are they just pre-releases of items, are they re-skins of other items, are they completely original?

    There are many reskins. I'd say it's 50/50. Not much to my taste to be honest, but there are utility items like being able to summon a bank, remove the timer on some content, etc. Also some nice weapon molds that can be got in game but are kind of a PITA to acquire.

    Not sure if this link will work for non-subscribers, but throwing it out there:

    Edit: I also think it's worth mentioning that the Vet. Points accumulate very slowly. 10 per month. I want to say the highest priced item was 50 for an equipment repair device that could be used every 24 hours.

    There is some high-end blue gear (each piece costs 10 pts. and there are 8 or 9 slots to fill). It's not as good as gear you will get in a dungeon, but it helps if you're brand new and don't mind spending the points. But by no means is it 'P2W'.
    Edited by Mercutio on February 16, 2015 3:42PM
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
  • Gidorick
    I really like that store. I have a fee TSW account so I was able to look around. The "subscriber" only section is a great way to add perceived value to the subscription.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 16, 2015 5:19PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Laerania_ESO
    ESO will be B2P not F2P

    •1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    •Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership

    Are more than enough for the subscription price. Stop begging benefits.

    You not only want ZOS breaking the pre-order/imperial offers in your other thread, but now to monetize ESO with ridiculous paywalls.
  • Gidorick
    As it stands right now, there is no "visible" in ESO subs. How are non-subscribers supposed to be enticed to signing up for a sub? There is nothing in the game that will be like "hey... if you sub, you'll get this too! Cool eh?"

    with the current ESO:TU Subscription plan it is going to be VERY easy for players to never sub, never be tempted to sub, and I bet many will never even know a subscription exists!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Bloodystab
    Why everyone want to make Imperial Edition useless?
  • Gidorick
    ESO will be B2P not F2P

    •1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    •Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership

    Are more than enough for the subscription price. Stop begging benefits.

    You not only want ZOS breaking the pre-order/imperial offers in your other thread, but now to monetize ESO with ridiculous paywalls.

    Uhm... the Imperial Edition upgrade is going to be offered in the Crown store... so no "breaking". They said that the Explorer's pack will not be part of ESP:TU Plus subs... so don't worry there.

    The following statement sums up the thoughts that has lead me to post these suggestions:

    I want ZOS to make as much money as they can so we can get the best, most expansive ESO experience that they can create.

    The Box money will only last so long. It is a fact that games sell their best right when they come out and then peter off. In one, two years ESO is going to have to LIVE off of the crown store money. That will lead to Pay to Win tactics.

    If they provide a robust subscription option that entice players to sign up the crown store will provide additional money, on top of subs.

    Some of us aren't just looking for ZOS to hand us the experience for free. Some of us want to support ESO with our wallets... but I'm of the camp that I'm not going to give them money JUST to give them money, which is pretty much what the subscription model is, as it stands now.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 16, 2015 5:28PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Bloodystab wrote: »
    Why everyone want to make Imperial Edition useless?

    It's ALREADY in the crown store.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Bloodystab
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Bloodystab wrote: »
    Why everyone want to make Imperial Edition useless?

    It's ALREADY in the crown store.

    I know but You still have to buy it once. Same as from Bethesda store.

    to OP:
    Every IE owner will be cheated.Or You wanna give current IE owners other bonueses? Maybe 3k Corowns?

    Idea is dump. Just buy IE and stop crying.
  • Gidorick
    Bloodystab wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Bloodystab wrote: »
    Why everyone want to make Imperial Edition useless?

    It's ALREADY in the crown store.

    I know but You still have to buy it once. Same as from Bethesda store.

    to OP:
    Every IE owner will be cheated.Or You wanna give current IE owners other bonueses? Maybe 3k Corowns?

    Idea is dump. Just buy IE and stop crying.

    I AM op... and I HAVE the Imperial Edition AND the Explorers pack. This isn't whining, these are suggestions that would get more players to subscribe to ESO:TU PLUS.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • arqe
    ESO Subscription Benefits
    1500 crowns per 30-day membership period
    Access to all downloadable content for the duration of membership
    10% bonus to experience point gain
    10% bonus to crafting research
    10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
    10% bonus to gold acquisition

    +Free DLC ( should be added with Original List. )
    +Change Alliance ( ONLY WHEN you complete Faction quests , you should be able to reconsider "lorewise for rp purposes maybe" and change your Alliance )
    +Subscriber Guild Benefits ( Guilds should have more than 100 members and %50 of them should be subscriber to create a castle , village or something , maybe dimensions like in Rift which will be accesible by all players and this will be easier for guilds to arrange their guild vendors and banks )

  • rsciw
    Any priority queue MUST include Cyrodiil queue. Bad enough as it is at times on the heavier campaigns, with a possible increase in population it may just get worse, so that would be a nice perk to have with ESO+.
  • Frimbertrips
    The things that made me subscribe on other games because they were convenient, not a must have:

    - Unique Temporary Mount
    - EXP bonus
    - City Teleport
    - Cash Shop Sales
    - Priority Que on a Crowded Server
    - Free Gift Box once a month with some goodies (Costumes, mats, mounts) Though we get that with the crowns.

    Those were the kinds of things that drew me into subbing up on previous games.

    One thing I keep forgetting is people still have to buy into the game. So the super cheap people who would rather go out to eat every night rather than have a sammich at home once a month to save money for a sub will be barred from the game still.
    That said I'm not as worried about how the player-base will change unless they go full freebie and thats when I expect to see RIGs. (Random Item generator) boxes. Then its truly over.
    Edited by Frimbertrips on February 17, 2015 2:23PM
This discussion has been closed.