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How do you feel about the B2P announcement

  • Torquebow
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    They are a company, a machine if you will or even a robot. They care about the bottom line. Not the heart, soul or integrity of their game or their employees. They care about their bottom line, if x doesn't meet y, then they try and force it. If it still doesn't meet it, then they pull the plug and go somewhere else. That's it, the end. If you don't like it, speak with your wallet.
    Edited by Torquebow on January 21, 2015 6:49PM
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Torqbow - Thrall of Vokundein
  • Durham
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Out of 400 votes..
    70% dislike
    0% liked the cash shop

    Cash shop is scary...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • REzRyder
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Really? REALLY?

    How do I feel about this? Betrayed is the short of it.

    I defended this game in beta, more at release, and even this passed weekend stood strong on the belief that this game is viable pay to play MMO, and you guys pull this stunt. Giving copy after copy of the game to my Twitch channel viewers so that folks could experience the joys of the game (this one probably won't change with this news), the tight-knit community full of really neat players to meet (this goes away as soon as the f2p'ers enter), and the security of knowing bots and trolls don't have accounts set up once the subscription kicked in (hope your bot management tools are way above par because the things that gave the game such poor early reviews are about to be back).

    You lose tons of credibility with your fiercely loyal base when you do this.

    Can you at least give us a subscriber-only option for who is allowed to communicated with us? Sub-only zones where we can avoid the things we hate most about free to play games (bots and trolls)?

    What can we, your first and loyal customer base, do to keep this from tearing OUR game experience apart? From making OUR contribution to the culture that has brought in so many friends meaningless?

    You stand poised to lay waste to the game experience we all have defended so staunchly from all the rumormongers and haters, and you're giving the game to them.

    You disappoint us all.

    Game on, Ride hard, Live free...

    Game on, Ride hard, Live free...
    Watch or come play live at http://Twitch.tv/RezRyder
  • Destai
    Like - may be positive like LoL's cash shop, with only vanity items
    I cancelled my sub after the 6 month option went away. I had a feeling this was coming. While I generally like B2P (I even bought TSW because they switched), Zenimax does not have a good track record of being honest. I feel like this was planned all along and we weren't told. That's unethical. I hope B2P doesn't become nagware. I was initially planning on getting a second copy for PS4, but I'll wait to see how things shape up. I will not support or condone pay to win or pay to not be annoyed. If I wanted to be annoyed, I'd go to a furniture store and talk to the sales personnel.
  • themizario
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    This is it for me me! Cya guys!
  • Antiquity
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Soo.... Anyone have any p2p mmorpgs to suggest? Nothing with spaceships, and something as different from WoW as possible. Because I haven't seen crap like that that isn't already f2p or b2p. And FFXIV is too much like WoW.

    I'll hang on here, but only until I find something that suits the above requirements. I have a feeling that'll be a long time though. Everything is going f2p or b2p ;_;
    Edited by Antiquity on January 21, 2015 7:04PM
  • m12d12_ESO
    Dislike - fears of cash shops giving unfair advantages
    ZOS: My current yearly cost of this game, for two subscriptions is $335.76 - And U are going to ad a cash store to get more from me in future purchases ( which will come). Business I understand.
    Alienating ur subscribers I don't.
    mdzone5 cp 1051
    fragtaster cp 684
    lilly65 cp 652
    Almalexia 212
  • Durham
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Omg I WAS looking forward to 1.6 ... Now I'm on the fence...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Psychobunni
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I'm watching the stream late, but really @ZOS_MattFiror lied right of the bat by saying going B2P was response of "listening to their community" so whatever promises made after or ways they say they won't let it become PTW, w/e .......are taken with a grain of salt. The community clearly had a majority wanting the game to remain sub.

    But, in the end it doesn't matter. I'll play until it stops being fun (or) you can buy achievements, whichever comes first.
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • SFBryan18
    Like - other
    Because I don't like elitists.
  • Aeratus
    Like - may draw in more population due to lack of monthly fees
    Like, because this is a necessary change for the game's continuation and growth. Those who thought that this game would remain as subscription are out of touch with the business realities of MMO these days.
  • Maxinace
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Hello / Good evening

    ( Sorry of the quality I am bad in English)
    I am a French player of TESO since that taken(brought) out, to tell you to everything I waited for him(it), defended(forbade) him(it) and watched two years before that taken(brought) out and even until today

    I was just anxious to tell you thanks to you who as me supported the game(set,play) and M **** in faultfinder and others moron who(which) made this situation possible...

    I just hope that he(it) will not dive more into the grave.
    Un cheval ! Un cheval ! Mon royaume pour un cheval !

    Richard III (Shakespeare)
  • Vicodine
    Like - other
    You've missed the "mixed feelings" option, which describes the state I'm in right now.

    I'm sad to see a game I had such faith in and put so much time and money into since beta, but I guess even tho I denied it all the way it was uavoidable when console comes out.

    I'm going through the five stages right now, well since specullations came up. Denial - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance. The "official" announcement brought me a step back, to Anger.
    Now I can go faster through the rest. Since there's no reason to bargain, i'll reach acceptance very soon. Probably next morning.

    What can we do now but wait what happens next. It can be a great MMO next year, it can be a total flop and go pure F2P then dead the next year. Yeah - who knows.

    Anyways - not cancelling sub. Ever.
    Thaometh V16 Altmer Templar AD/EU
    Thaometh Ashbringer V10Altmer Dragonknight AD/EU
  • Qizax
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I am left with a feeling of being betrayed and having been taken advantage of.

    In hindsight this was an obviously plan for a long time, perhaps from the start.

    In hindsight some critical game mechanics lend to the F2P (B2P) model, for example the artificial inventory restriction and the seemingly unnecessary item variety leading to inventory creep (ex: Provisioner/Enchanter).

    So many questions;

    If I am not a subscriber; I wonder what Bank / Bag space will sell for? I wonder what the Dark Brotherhood will cost someone?

    So, they will spend valuable developer time making what exactly? Skateboard and unicorn mounts, Dogs and Cats? Sunglasses and wizards hats? That new fluff-dress? New races?

    They must sell something, so if it is new DLC - Dungeon Content, there must be something inside it to draw people to it, hence new Gear. Does not the F2P/B2P model inherently have to have an accelerated Gear Inflation Curve as compared to a P2P model? Does this not force them to have small near meaningless content releases with little real content in them but with new Gear on a frequent bases as compared to a yearly release or even a semi-yearly bases. (Content becomes small meaningless snacks vs. a content meal).


  • Naivefanboi
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Lol @ the people unsubbing. Bye.

    I'll just wait it out and see how it goes, I don't mind a cash shop so long as they stay with vanity/cosmetic items. Second of all, F2P / B2P does not equal a bad community.

    LotRO is F2P and has one of the best gaming communities ever, WoW is subscription based and is pretty terrible.

    I do feel a bit angry due to the fact that I've played beta, and been playing since early access - so basically I've been paid beta testing a console game. It just feels terrible, but then again, I still enjoy the game so I'm not unsubbing.

    To all the people that are unsubbing, can I have your gold? :smile:

    did you mean gold or crowns? wtf you need gold for? go buy a motiff in the cash shop <3
  • Aoife32001
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Well, 77% so far dislike this change, so that seems good
  • Naivefanboi
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    so what they really said was 1.6 will come out in june? xD
  • Derra
    Like - other
    Don´t understand the b2p, f2p, anything2p hate.

    I liked it in starwars and rift.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • hanilvor
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I don't have any plans of leaving, despite my trepidation at these changes. It all depends on how often they can push out new content and, More importantly, the contents of the cash shop. They are dangerously close to pay to win already.

    Mostly I just feel betrayed and angry. Like I paid to beta test the game and and give my feedback on improvements. 100 crowns per month subbed is weak. Don't forget why this game will be a success on console ZOS... our suggestions and even criticisms and complaints will be a part of that success.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I will un-happily keep playing for the moment. Maybe. Think I will take time off. Hope Zenimax tracks how many 'DAILY" payers are gona be gone. And the first dragon I see in cash shop and I will be gone for sure. Not sure how I feel about the cash shop, but the F2P crowd and what it does to this game concernes me, and Zenimax selling out just plain pisses me off. I can't even log in to play. If they don't care, neither do I......"The Divines cry for Tamriel this day...."
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
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    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
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    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • Flynch
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    They dun f***ed up.

    We'll see how it all pans out though. But holy crap - talk about not being open with people...
  • kieso
    I honestly don't know what to make of this yet.
  • Kuro1n
    Undecided, this door could swing both ways.
  • Kulrig
    Like - may draw in more population due to lack of monthly fees
    Personally, I'm thrilled that it's going B2P. As long as they keep the cash shop to vanity items and a few conveniences, it should be fine. Costumes are a huge money maker in the MMO market, doncha know.

    However, I do have one fear; lockboxes. Specifically, Neverwinter style lockboxes where they drop at a rate that puts bunnies to shame and the keys to open them are in the cash shop at an amount that even only opening 5% or less costs more than a subscription to another game. Not only that, the most powerful (read: only useful) enchants can only be found in those boxes. Since in that game enchants can make or break entire classes, it's the very model of P2W. Unless you just want to run around questing and only do group content with friends, in which case whatevs.

    While any lockbox is bad enough, if the only means to open them are behind a paygate then it essentially becomes a reminder every few monsters that you could (and should) be spending more money.
  • Bouvin
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    It might seem like a great decision for 3-6 months after the switch.

    But long term it will kill the game.

    Just look at LoTRO and DDO. I've heard SWTOR is heading that direction as well.

    Plus, isn't this coming from the developers that said they'd rather "Shut the game down than go F2P?"
  • Iago
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Inappropriate Content.]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on February 2, 2015 6:50PM
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • TheBucket
    Dislike - fears of cash shops giving unfair advantages
    I dont think its a coincidence its going B2P right when console is around the corner. I feel like this was there plan all along. To soak up subscription while waiting on console to be ready
    William Reignes
    Magic Nightblade - Rogue Bomber
    Creator of Thirsty Thief Build (Retired 1.5)
  • Pausekey
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I came from Lotro to get away from this nonsense. Seriously Zenimax, what on earth were yall thinking? I get it, business wise it makes sense, and nets a ton of money. But yall sold out, big time. I mean completely sold out. I wouldn't be so mad if it had been known from the beginning, or there hadn't been so many promises and denials from devs that this game would never float on a river of P2W money. I bought it all too, hook, line and sinker. Yall played me, no way around it.

    Some people have posted that consoles ruined it. I would tentatively agree, a sub model for consoles is not practical, and in order to get their big console release they had to bring the PC/Mac version in line.

    I'm not gonna say that I cancelled my sub. I probably won't either. I will linger in sadness, and maybe a ways down the road hit my breaking point like I did with Lotro. But with the way Zenimax has been lying to us, that may be pretty soon.
  • THammer
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    TheBucket wrote: »
    I dont think its a coincidence its going B2P right when console is around the corner. I feel like this was there plan all along. To soak up subscription while waiting on console to be ready

    Subscribers paid for the an extra year of development for the console version.

    I hope that is just a cynical thought, but I am starting to think it may be reality.
  • Cazic
    Like - all of the "likes" above
    I've always supported the $15/mo sub model, and at first this news didn't sit very well with me. I'm still a bit unsure, but I think this transition is a smart move on ZOS's part.

    A lot more people will be able to play the game who currently cannot due to the subscription fee. A lot of players will continue to pay $15/mo for "Plus" - combine that with Crown Store purchases and I'm sure they'll be bringing in enough to continue releasing good updates.

    Also, this is the best way to do it with the console versions in mind. If they had chosen make the sub fee a requirement on top of PS Plus and Xbox Live, that would just drive people away.
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