Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

How do you feel about the B2P announcement

  • Sarru
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Bye ESO, hello WOW!
  • Kraven
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Vikestart wrote: »
    Other than the +10% gold gain when you're a sub, I can't see any issues with the transition.

    "unique mounts, special vanity pets, a variety of fun costumes for your character, and convenience items like health potions and soul gems. "

    Really? So how do you make health pots worth spending real money on? Bye bye alchemy.

    Unique mounts? So real cash or slow horse and how important are mounts in Cyrodiil again?

    Oh "Fun Costumes!!" Yay! we get to run around in swimsuits and santa hats like every other MMO out there!

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Aoife32001
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Aziraya wrote: »
    and convenience items like health potions.

    From what planet is health potions, the things that keep you alive, a convenience item? That's a utility item you morons. If they're putting that into the "convenience" category and letting people buy them with money, I shudder to think what other random stuff is going to be in there that will give other players an unfair advantage.

    I can't wait to be required to pay real cash for the convenience of armor and a sword! Or even better the convenience of twice as many slots on my skill bar
    Edited by Aoife32001 on January 21, 2015 4:59PM
  • scutarii
    Soul Shriven
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    So iv been in love with the game since the start, i played the beta, i preordered it (twice because there was a mess up with my bank thats over £100 right there) and iv been subbed since the start, iv spent my money and my time on this game. all for naught though i fear, as soon as free to play hits every troll is gonna be all over it ..... yeah at the start it may be fine, but its gonna go down the toilet and so is my money and time, are the players(aka suckers) that have been playing since the start and pre ordered gonna get compensation for this, or is it gonna be another fiasco that your public relations team arent up to the task of handling.

    I urge/beg/plead with you, to in some way show to your loyal fans that there time has not been waisted, and for the love of god dont just announce at the end of a video (they may be very good but not that good) a massive game changing event such as this!!

    you now estranged fan Scotty
  • tplink3r1
    Dislike - fears of cash shops giving unfair advantages
    dislike ,all above*
    Edited by tplink3r1 on January 21, 2015 5:02PM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • PF1901
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Quite the disappointment.
  • KhyanLeikas
    Like - other
    missclicked. I wanna vote Dislike - fears of cash shops giving unfair advantages
  • Volto
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    They are just throwing it all away. This is completely *** lol. Update 6 had me soooo *** excited now I think I'm just going to quit all together. Good job guys
    Otlov - Orc Dragonknight - VR2 - AD
  • Volto
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    During the live episode, all the people begging for f2p/b2p. I hope you realize you probably ruined yet another great mmo. Get a *** job and sub for the game.
    Otlov - Orc Dragonknight - VR2 - AD
  • naturn
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Faulgor wrote: »
    Goodbye ESO. It was fun while it lasted.

    I feel with the great developers who have been working on this magnificient game. You had a true diamond in your hands, but the higher ups decided to sell it for a nickle.
    I'm also sorry for the great community team, especially Gina, Jessica and Kai, who have done a fantastic job but now will have to deal with (rightfully) upset customers. I wish you guys all the best.

    Already canceled my subscription.

    The ending of the word is ALMSIVI.
    I completely agree. These guys put their hearts into this game. I am sure they have a lot of strong feelings about this. I wish you guys all the best.
  • THammer
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    I am worried, and kind of annoyed that this is due to a console release.

    I do not know what I will do at the moment. I was having fun playing as recent as yesterday. I don't think I will stop having fun tomorrow. Whenever the game does stop being fun, I will stop playing. I just hope it is not too soon.
  • knightblaster
    Mordria wrote: »
    I'm gone. If anyone decides to play https://www.elitedangerous.com/ look up Celeste. Ciao!

    I play that already, too!
  • Zaenidd
    Dislike - fears of new content slowing down
    spent 200€ for beta test
    Serveur EU - Pacte
    Co-GM de l'Escouade Sauvage - Guilde PVE escouadesauvage.guildi.com

    Zaen Telvayn - DK magic dps v16 - vMoL 79.578 (37min30sec)
    Zaenia - Nightblade tank v16

    All In Game PVE content cleared (except vMol HM)
  • IvorySamoan
    Like - all of the "likes" above
    Wizzo91 wrote: »
    B2P / F2P = Crappy community. Main reason for me.

    What? B2P aka GW2 has/had a great community.... extremely civil and fun.

    As a lapsed subscriber, this is welcome news - I'll take my crowns I get for 8 months subbing + the 500 and come back to playing in March: looking forward to it!!

    Now ZOS, is the $20 AUD for buying the console version deal still going to be honored?/
    Just returning some video tapes.........
  • kleinhardt03b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    You have to pay for DLC and if you saw switch to a different mega server YOU HAD TO PAY FOR THE DLC AGAIN!
  • KefkaGestahl
    I love it. I love the Elder Scrolls universe. When the game launched, I leveled up my character to VR 10. However, that was a nightmare. I hated veteran ranks, and was never happy with my character. I would have deleted her long before the VR ranks, but my brothers were playing at the time so I kept that character so that I could play with them.

    They eventually quit the game, so I deleted my character to start over. However, I dreaded VR so much that I never got back into the game. I bought a six month subscription in July and never even played the game for longer than a few days.

    But this? This is what I want. Give me motivation. Let me buy a kickass mount and a little animal to run with me. Give me 10% more XP. And with veteran ranks being decommissioned, there will be absolutely no reason for me to dread playing the game. There will be no massive grind. No massive increase in difficulty in doing the VR zones.

    I have eight days on my old six month subscription left. I'm going to delete my character one final time, remake her, and then let my subscription end. I'll return to the game in March, buy an optional subscription, buy some crowns, and return to Tamriel.
  • Morthur
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Edited by Morthur on January 22, 2015 10:05AM
  • Kurimugann
    Like - may be positive like LoL's cash shop, with only vanity items
    Despite my vote, I still am kind of mixed about it because I have no idea what it will be like. Might want to had a "Not certain" vote for those who can't really like more than dislike and vice versa.

    So long as mister "my mom buys me everything I want" and madame "I got a lot more of money to spend" does not become better than those than do not spend as much real life money on it then I am ok I guess.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Crowns? never heard of that kind of currency in ES lore before....oh wait it does not exist in lore
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on January 21, 2015 5:33PM
  • Tazzoc
    Dislike - other
    I played SWTOR until it went btp. My reason fro leaving? The influx of 8 year olds so to speak. I could care less about vanity items or xp boosts. I want to belong to a club of paying subscribers who care about the game and want fresh new content on a regular basis. Oh and bug fixes on a regular basis. Btp, to me, is evidence that the molasses has been poured. Yea 1.6 has been announced. After that, what?
  • Skallolf
    Dislike - other
    My sub ends just before the change, i'm glad too. With this news they will never get another penny from me.
  • iliev.rumenb16_ESO
    Like - may be positive like LoL's cash shop, with only vanity items
    TLDR - I finally get to play this game and I hope that the cash shop don't destroy the community.

    So Im on of "those" people who beta tested the game and then decided it is not worth it. I can uderstand monthly sub, I can understand having a cash shop and I can understad to charge people some price for your product - but all three at the same time? It is still ridiculous and this is why going b2p is not a surprise to anyone. Since the game is just a generic MMO with first person view and nothing special about it.

    Now that it will be b2p I am actually intrigued and I am considering buying before the transformation.

    So instead of having all kinds of ways to get your money this game dropps one of them in favor for more people to get involved. This might be a good thing for the game, or it might be the worst thing ever happened.

    The game I resently play a lot is Assassins Creed Unity (don't judge me) it is B2P and it has a cash shop with some ridiculous looking outfits and probably some unfair P2W attributes that I don't like to discuss here. The point is that I never even go to the cash shop because I play with my friends and I don't really care how the other assassins look like and that they have more sleeping darts and can buy them cheap by the dozen with cash. This breaks their gameplay by entering the other dimeniton and skipping a big part of the game - the dealing with not having those things.

    I am going to get into TESO next month on salary and probably after that and I really hope all the best for the game and for the community and I'll do my best to bring fresh blood and I can assure you that people like me (30 years old and above) will play the game and probably never go into that shop (except to get an occational dog) :D:D
    Edited by iliev.rumenb16_ESO on January 21, 2015 5:47PM
  • Mettaricana
    Like - may be positive like LoL's cash shop, with only vanity items
    i think the BUY2PLAY is the only thing saving eso from going to the seventh circle of hell. only upside is might finally be able to get a party in the lower dungeons levels where i hear nothing but ambience from lack of players. dunno bout anyone else but ima stick with my sub rather than fade into mediocrity
  • Sotha_Sil
    why didn't you let us choose : "I don't like it and I like it" !
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on January 21, 2015 5:46PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • vhdleb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    When this game was released, they promised it would never become F2P.
    When the 6 month subscription was taken out of the system, and the community/media suspected it was due to an upcoming F2P conversion, they denied it.

    Now they tell us, there wont be P2Win .....

    Who'd believe that now?

    I bought this game, because it should never become F2P. In the end it turned out a fraud.

    This is how I feel about this.

    Subscription Canceled

  • I_killed_Vivec
    Just remember, they took away the six monthly payment option because "people didn't use it"...

    But all along they were planning a 180 day membership that buys you 9000 gold crowns.
  • Nanfoodle
    Dislike - other
    Feels like they milked PC gamers. From where I stand they should have made this move a lot sooner and seemed like a fair move over waiting for the console release because they knew console gamers dont do well with subs. Took all this time to get the game finally going in the right direction so many feel like PC gamers got a really bad paid beta and now console gamers get what we worked so hard for, for free. The reward PC gamers is getting is way to small.
  • Sallington
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Just remember, they took away the six monthly payment option because "people didn't use it"...

    But all along they were planning a 180 day membership that buys you 9000 gold crowns.

    Yup. Super untrustworthy now. I can't believe a word out of their mouths any more.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Morthur
    Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
    Edited by Morthur on January 22, 2015 10:06AM
  • Axamana
    Soul Shriven
    Dislike - other
    like1tiger wrote: »
    Dungeons & dragons online did it very well so im all for it. its not pay to win so who cares ill keep subiong

    What did DDO do well? +1-6 tomes? otto's box's? store pots?
    DDO destroyed itself by changing everything about the game that made it great because they had to cater to the overwhelming crying that the F2P/non-sub community does about how hard the game is.

    I really hope that doesn't happen here

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