Please choose which one is the closest to your feelings. Curiosity here. Personally, I like the way the game was and am fearful of any changes B2P might bring. P2P always guarantees that anyone playing is at the same advantage as the rest. In P2P, time commitment, skill, and in-game choices are the only factors separating players.
I am curious as to what everyone else thinks, because there are other sides to everything.
Edited by Fenris on January 21, 2015 3:35PM
How do you feel about the B2P announcement 1207 votes
Dislike - fears of new content slowing down
Dislike - fears of cash shops giving unfair advantages
Dislike - fears of cash shop roadblocks on content
Dislike - all of the "dislikes" above
Like - may draw in more population due to lack of monthly fees
Like - may assist in getting newer people caught up to veteran players (via possible cash shop bonuses)
Like - may be positive like LoL's cash shop, with only vanity items
Like - all of the "likes" above