Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • kevlarto_ESO
    Is ESO live a thing of the past now ? Last live was 3/25, I enjoyed the show, I know you all have had a lot going on but this was one of the best communication tools we had with ZOS.
  • SantieClaws
    They tweeted, yesterday this one thinks, to say that the next episode is this Friday. DB focus and 'dev discussions'.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • timidobserver
    Many Templar are unhappy with the ritual of retribution replacing purifying ritual for various reasons. Do you have any plans to address their concerns?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Jesh
    1. What Zerg busting set (in the vein of Vicious Death) do you suggest for a Stam user in the Dark Brotherhood patch?
    2. What Zerg busting skill (in the vein of Proxy Det) do you suggest for a Stam user in the Dark Brotherhood patch?
    DK Stam DPS
    Templar Healer
    NB Magica DPS
  • Elsonso

    What is going to be the Crown cost of the Character Slots?

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Foreverxghosty
    Will a character transfer ever come from console to pc?
  • MissBizz
    Wrobel did a great job explaining some of the changes in the upcoming DB patch. I would love to hear his reasoning for replacing Purifying Ritual rather than Extended Ritual (which was the original suggestion).

    It was mentioned previously that you want us to have to think about what morph to choose, but in this case - you replaced the already used morph and the slight buff to the opposite morph still leaves it lacking.

    Why did you not choose to replace the lesser used morph - which would seemingly match better with your previous statements of wanting it to be a meaningful choice when selecting your morph.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Helluin
    1) Do you plan to add other quests and/or storylines to Thieves Guild especially, Fighters Guild and Mages Guild?

    For Wrobel:
    1) about Nightblade, will you change something int the Siphoning skill line? A stamina morph for Cripple, Power Extraction dealing disease, poison or physical damage, Leeching Strikes, Agony and morphs?
    2) about bow and ranged stamina builds, do you plan to increase the range of Scatter Shot or to change something to make stamina ranged dps more competitive?
    3) After all the big changements of 1.6 (especially scaling and no soft caps), Pelinal's Aptitude is a really interesting set for hybrid builds. It's an awesome idea, thanks!
    Are you planning something else to make these builds more viable?
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • Taisynn
    From another thread I doubt they'll read!
    Taisynn wrote: »
    I want to hear about the new UI and the ugly as hell yellow health bars and multitude of names. And why the hell they are showing gamertags on PC when they never did before. I want to know if they'll give the option to go back to the original UI for roleplayers. The UI wasn't broken. There was no need to change or fix it.

    I want to know when Barber Shop is coming, something I desperately want for my main. I'll pay so much for it I swear. Hell, for unlimited uses for it, I'd pay more than a DLC for it, but only if it was unlimited for that much.

    And finally, how are they going to fix Cyrodil's lag spikes? I'm so sick of my screen freezing anytime someone from another faction gets close. My game is fine until PVP actually happens.

    And I want to know WHY they are no longer making female light armor for females. It's pissing me off that they fit everything to the male torso then slap a few distorted blobs on it to make it female. And we are NOT happy about the flat chested dragon priest armor either. http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/257543/important-update-zos-please-reconsider-your-decision-to-no-longer-make-female-light-armor#latest
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • zerosingularity
    Things I want answered on ESO Live this week:

    Where is my housing! How come only Templars get houses? /serious

    What plans are there to buff undesirable items like the Maelstrom 1-hander (tank weapon) and several under-performing sets (looking at you half the available crafting items!)

    Any chance of getting Master/Maelstrom items converted to pure enchantments? This way they would only have to be balanced around other enchantments (for the most part), and we could have any style/set/type of weapon we want. It would also make it easier to allow older stuff to be more relevant since I think we can put lower level enchants on higher level items now. And allow less RNG, thus less rage by players.
    Edited by zerosingularity on May 5, 2016 7:02PM

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Woeler
    Do you have plans to upscale Hel Ra Citadel, Aetherian Archive and Dragonstar Arena in the future to make them just like Sanctum and Maw?
  • Fellipe
    Soul Shriven
    Can you help me? I am a long time in the verification page and the maximum which can get is 11% starting dai begins to catch.Semtitulof6018.png

  • AtraisMachina
    I have a question about your data gathering. When you guys pull up numbers on per say how many people have completed Dragon Star Arena or how many people are completing this or that quest. Does your software or whatever compensate for activity or do your data sets always included every player who has ever signed in?
  • Nighn_9
    Do the new and improved item sets that drop in Sanctum Ophidia also drop in jewelry?
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • Nighn_9
    If i add champion points to a passive, is it a permanent commit and if so, will there be a way to respec champion points?

    You can change champion points at any time with 3,000 gold
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    I have read that you will be given 40 CP when DB goes live if you have a V16. I will join the 501 club right before DB releases and will be over the CP cap. Will those of us who are at or over the cap be given the 40 extra CP or is it more of an additional catchup thing?
  • VerboseQuips
    Will we still get access to the Imperial Chancellor Costume after the removal of the Veteran Ranks?
    My characters:
    Main and crafter: A Breton magicka templar named Erwann Sorril
    Alt 1: A Bosmer sorcerer named Tuuneleg
    Alt 2: An Imperial dragonknight named Gaius Tullius Hastifer
    Alt 3: An Argonian vampire/nightblade named Observe-le-Xanmeer
    Alt 4: A Nord werewolf/dragonknight named Sigurd Hurlevent
    Alt 5: A Breton sorcerer named Gilian Sorril (he's Erwann's younger brother)
    Alt 6: A Khajiit nightblade named Jolan-dar
    Alt 7: A Nord warden named Sigurmar Hurlevent (he's Sigurd's younger brother)
    Alt 8: An Altmer templar named Oioriel
    Alt 9: An Argonian stamina Warden named Danse-avec-les-Rainettes
    Alt 10: A Redguard templar named Neemokh af-Corelanya
    Alt 11: A Nord stamina sorcerer named Olga Écoute-Vent
    Alt 12: A Breton magicka Warden named Ian Sorril
    Alt 13: A Dunmer magicka necromancer named Ilmoran Dren
    Alt 14: An Orc stamina necromancer named Norgol gro-Borziel
    Alt 15: A Nord magicka necromancer named Thorgen Givresang
    Alt 16: An Imperial magicka dragonknight named Publius Valeirus Hastifer (Just call him "Valerio" - he's Gaius younger troublemaker of a brother)
    Main in NA (For collaborative events): A Breton magicka nightblade named Titouan Sorril (long-lost brother of Erwann and Gilian)
  • kaorunandrak
    I want to know why the disparity between two hand weapons(magic and stamina) and dual wield was widened even more rather then being reigned in. The statistical advantage is still firmly in the favor of dual wield along side the plain utility of holding a weapon in each of your hands.

    The burst potential of dual wield still can't be matched and the DPS potential is still ahead on all builds. Factor in the advantage of an extra trait, set bonus slot(not to mention one of the most OP maelstrom weapon enchants), extra enchant, and damage type bonuses this has gone on for long enough. I mean it grants FLAT out more weapon damage and spell damage, has the BEST physical based dot in the game that becomes even more powerful with the best maelstrom enchantment in the game, one of the most sought after bonuses for stamina outside dodge which is +movement speed. I mean seriously guys whats gotta give to get this addressed?

    I agree with the changes you made to wrecking blow it was too strong, but you did nothing to two hand to make it compete with dual wield on any front. there needs to be more work done here.
    Guild Leader of The Crimson Moon PVE/PVP NA
    Join CM! http://thecrimsonmoon.enjin.com/page/724665/recruitment?gid=72859-0

    Kaoru Nandrak - V16 DK Stamina DPS 2h/Heavy
    Jaoul Deathbringer - V16 NB Stamina DPS DW/Medium
    Zantare Deshuld - V16 NB Magicka Sap Tank S&B/Heavy
    Jarl Nan'Drak - Sorc Magika DPS 2h/Light
    Vilder Ymirson- Temp Magika DPS DW/Light
    Graywulf Odakai- DK Magika Tank S&B/Heavy
  • Elder_III

    What is going to be the Crown cost of the Character Slots?

    My wife and I (4 accounts total) also would love to know the cost of Character Slots. :)
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • zerosingularity
    I want to know why the disparity between two hand weapons(magic and stamina) and dual wield was widened even more rather then being reigned in. The statistical advantage is still firmly in the favor of dual wield along side the plain utility of holding a weapon in each of your hands.

    The burst potential of dual wield still can't be matched and the DPS potential is still ahead on all builds. Factor in the advantage of an extra trait, set bonus slot(not to mention one of the most OP maelstrom weapon enchants), extra enchant, and damage type bonuses this has gone on for long enough. I mean it grants FLAT out more weapon damage and spell damage, has the BEST physical based dot in the game that becomes even more powerful with the best maelstrom enchantment in the game, one of the most sought after bonuses for stamina outside dodge which is +movement speed. I mean seriously guys whats gotta give to get this addressed?

    I agree with the changes you made to wrecking blow it was too strong, but you did nothing to two hand to make it compete with dual wield on any front. there needs to be more work done here.

    Last I checked, on most classes, 2H>DW in PvP, while DW>2H in PvE.

    Kaineth - Stamina Nightblade (Weakest Player Ever!)
    Elena Stormwood - Magicka Sorcerer (vMA no Death 12/21/15 Score 401148)
    Sheila Feyrondas - Magicka Dragonknight Tank (Frost staves are gonna be fun!)

    *Disclaimer* I fail at emotional communication, so assume what I say is NOT meant to be offensive.
  • Nénlindë
    Housing. Needs to be tied with guild. Give us something to work for.
    every time
    nothing ever beats charmander
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    Players creating an alt with 160+ CP main character that still like to quest and level future CP will be level 160. When questing in what is now Vet1-5 zones they will be fighting essentially level 40 CP mobs. This will greatly reduce xp/cp earned while questing. Is there going to be upped XP/CP to make up for this when questing through silver and gold zones?
  • Linkrunner
    Skeleton Key it would be awesome if you could craft it or find it. It doesn't seem like the 85% chance to force a lock is actually 85%. So make a Skeleton Key and it's 100%. Maybe make it a consumable, so you need to find a new one or make a new one.
  • Linkrunner
    Undaunted Currency
    Since Vet Maelstrom Arena is almost impossible to clear without putting a ton of time into it and it's not even a guarantee that you will get the Maelstrom weapon you even want. Why not make a Undaunted Currency that you can use to buy the boss armor, maelstrom weapons, and trial armor. Like every time you run a dungeon you get a certain amount of currency. Each stage you complete on Vet maelstrom you get a set amount of currency. You do a random dungeon you earn more, do a pledge you get more. No one likes doing content over and over again if they fell like there not working towards gaining that good loot.
    Edited by Linkrunner on May 6, 2016 1:44AM
  • Qyrk
    With the increasing amount of crafting motifs available to choose from, the liberty to pick and choose combination of styles creates a great way to customise your character's looks through equipment.

    Will there be, in the near future, an in-game 'preview' option so that you can have a look how all potential crafted items looks together ?
  • altemriel
    ZOS, do you have any update about Spellcrafting? Is it still on the table, will it come one day? Or was it cancelled compeltely?

    I would love to see it comming one day. Maybe with a magic-themed DLC.
  • altemriel
    ZOS, what about Murkmire? Will it come one day, is it in production?
    If yes, will it be a paid DLC, or a free adventure zone (like Craglorn, but hopefully better)?

  • MornaBaine
    What are you doing to address the deformation issues of female characters in MANY armors AND costumes? When can we expect a fix to be implemented?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    WHEN is the barber shop coming? WHEN is player housing coming? Will there be GUILD housing? Yes, I WANT an ETA!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Dubhliam
    Over the past few weeks there has been a lot of debate over the "difficulty" of the game.
    Nerfing some of the more difficult dungeons might give some newer players a chance to enjoy content you spent many hours on making it, but without adding newer, harder dungeons, core players are left with little to no fun content.

    My question is: will you ever consider adding an optional "Nightmare" mode to veteran dungeons, similar to activating Hard Mode on certain final bosses?
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
This discussion has been closed.