Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Easily_Lost
    ButtersEP wrote: »
    Will we ever be able to mark certain items as "important" in our inventory and banks, so when at a crafting station we will not see items available for deconstruction?
    If you are on PC, them you can download 'FCO ItemSaver' ( ) that allows you to mark items so you can filter them out. If you are on PS4 or Xbox1, sorry you are out of luck.

    Wizzo91 wrote: »
    Is there a reason why you never talk to us players about future updates / dlcs and the current state of development (even if the aforementioned DLCs are 6 months+ away)? You tend to always give little hints, but that is not enough. As you can see in the forums many players care about this game very much, but important stuff is not really communicated to us players. This would also reduce the negative threads if the devs actively talk to players about progress. This can be something great for the community and this game. Why so secretive?
    I do believe that they want to wet you appetite about what is coming. Also they do not want to tell you something and then end up taking it out for whatever reason.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Junkogen
    Are there plans to update/fix the alchemical acceleration enchantment bug? The enchantment straight up doesn't work. I have 3 truly superb potion speed glyphs on my willpower set and the cooldown is still 45 seconds.
  • Nahz
    With the new mundus stone system that went live on 3/29/16, are there any plans to allow the game to remember a second mundus stone for each player?

    I'm speaking in regards to the twice born star set. Currently, if a player is using TBS weapons to gain the 5 piece bonus, and swaps weapons to a bar that does not have 5 pieces of the set, swapping back to the primary bar will not return the effect of the second mundus stone; the stone has to be obtained again. As a result, the TBS set usually has to be applied to armor slots; meaning it can't be combined with certain other sets.

    Players are already presented with a confirmation window when activating a mundus stone. Could this window UI be changed so that players check a box indicating whether that stone becomes their primary or secondary mundus? The check box for the secondary mundus could explain that secondary effects are not activated unless the player is capable of receiving the effects of two mundus stones.

    Introducing this feature would allow for a bit more build diversity.
    Nahz - VR16 Sorcerer
    Paragon of Togglemancer Excellence
    Daggerfall Covenant | Trueflame NA PC

  • JasminaChillibeaner
    When looting a chest is there any link between the lock's difficulty and the quality of what you find inside it?
    Leader of Constellation
    PvE Templar Healer and Achievement Hunter
  • Llevndryn
    Will you add more Tel Var stuff in the future, to give us a reason to go again in the Imperial City ? I'd love to.
  • phillyboy7897
    Are you lying when you say you are working on the lag?

    Because saying its getting better is a lie.
  • dday3six
    Scrolling combat text was a great addition, particularly for console. Are there any plans to add more combat info. Like effect trackers, (timers/icons to track buffs, debuffs, dots, etc.) enemy health, player resource and ultimate percentages in the future?
  • LokomotivBreath
    Would it be possible, when receiving an email from a guild store about selling an item, that the guild name be added to the 'From:' field (Item Sold from 'Guild Name'). This would be immensley helpful to those of us who are members of more than one guild with a guild store, so we would know which guild store the item sold in.

    DC - Ban D'aid - Breton Templar Healer
    DC - Ken Worth - Redguard Dragonknight
    DC - Shock n Oz - High Elf Magicka Sorcerer
    DC - Shaahni the Blade - Khajiit Nightblade
    "I believe you have my stapler"
  • Slonekb05
    Have you considered scaling all zones to vet 16. Including lowbie zones? You could go any place at anytime and do quests at your current lv, keeping older zones relevant. Also allowing you to group with players at any lv just like in normal dungeons.
  • olsborg
    The new TG-Set Lekis Focus:

    The selfhealing on Vigor is also reduced by the 5set bonus, is this intended? If so, any plans to not include the selfheal, becasue its the bread and butter heal of stamina builds and having it reduced by 25% is pretty harsh when youre already trading 1:1 for aoe dmg done and taken.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Horker
    Remove AoE caps?

    and buff the PvE mobs, just change the scripts.

    it is that simple...

    -no ETA
  • rootimus
    Ask us anything? You asked for it. :p
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix for the guild bank frequently not loading?
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix to allow us to stack the guild bank without using a mod?
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix for being left in combat for a considerable time when killing goats, sheep and bambi?
    • Launch day issue: When can we expect a proper mail client?
    • Launch day issue: Will you ever give us API and other guild management tools? (API would be useful for other things, too).
    • Launch day issue: What plans are there to address the RSI-inducing click-fest involved with large amounts of crafting, deconstruction and refining?
    • Will @ZOS_GinaBruno ever reply to my message? 5 months and counting. :-(
    • Why doesn't your website use SSL? If money is an issue, Letsencrypt do certificates for free.
    • What are the chances of improvements to the chat window? For example, it'd be really neat if you added a list of participants and the client remembered which channel you were in when you last quit.
    • Presumed bug: When can we expect a fix to stop kicking inactive clients? It makes it very hard to follow a conversation when you take an hour off and find you've been booted.

    Edit: Typographical error.
    Edited by rootimus on March 30, 2016 9:55AM
    Even on the internet, clear communication is important; it can be the difference between "helping your Uncle Jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle jack off a horse"; the difference between "knowing your s***" and "knowing you're s***".
    Greybeards & Gals - Civilised, laid-back, mature gamers. Beards optional. |
  • Enodoc
    rootimus wrote: »
    Ask us anything? You asked for it. :p
    • Launch day bug: When can we expect a fix to allow us to stack the guild bank without using a mod?
    That's not from launch, and it's not a bug. At launch, the guild bank did stack. That was exploited for item duplication, so now it doesn't stack.
    rootimus wrote: »
    • Presumed bug: When can we expect a fix to stop kicking inactive clients? It makes it very hard to follow a conversation when you take an hour off and find you've been booted.
    It specifically says "Lost connection due to inactivity" and the support article states If you are away from the keyboard for a certain amount of time, the server will disconnect you automatically. So it's not a bug.

    The others... good luck! :D
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Agalloch
    The game supported large scale battles in the early days . I saw hundreds of players on one screen, even a thousand. In the beginning the engine was great with no lag and no problems at all.
    I think they must upgrade their servers and internet band. Also the engine.
    Also they must launch a FREE DLC named REAL ESO dedicated only to removal of perfomance issues and bugs.
    I'm a fan of this game and I'm sure the issues will be fixed.

    Please no DB until you fix the issues ZOS .

    We need engine improvements, large scale PVP with no lag ( remember how ESO was advertised ZOS?), removal of the bugs and issues launched with Thieves Guild. Also please fix the other issues we know about them since one year ...or maybe more.

    Please ZOS fix the issues, improve the engine.


    Also u can add free content also like other Buy to Play games did ( look at Diablo 3, or Guild Wars 2..they have one big expansion that u must buy ..the rest of added content is free )..

    Ok , we know we must support the developers ..but ...look at this forum full of complains.

    Also u can offer the DB DLC for free after u fix the issues of the game . Yes for free as an incentive to regain the trust of players.

    Please ZOS I want to play this game ...please fix it ..

    I have a solution :

    Please launch one big expansion per year in the mean time u can fix all the problems.

    And please after u fix the the issues please add a real Guild System . Besides Guild Stores we need a REAL Guild System with Guild Missions ( PVE or PVP ), Guild Halls, Guild Upgrades ( like special bank or special Crafting Stations)

    Thank you and excuse my english.
  • Glaiceana
    When will the white guar mount be added? :) (Just announced today! 21st April is when its out!)

    Edited by Glaiceana on March 30, 2016 5:50PM
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • Hundorian
    Are costume dyes still a thing or have they been put on the back burner. If they are could we get an ETA? I would really love to dye the Noble Dress since it has such a unique design. I was also wondering if it would be possible to combine costumes like wearing the Noble Dress and Cadwells Helm in the future. Dirt guide you.
  • xionicc
    Any chance we can get a LFG menu, where payers can post a looking for group need x players for dungeon/trial y.
  • AshTal
    Some questions for next time

    1) Many of the EP cities are partially or fully destroyed. Will these cities ever be repaired and repopulated or will they stay destroyed forever?

    2) The DC and AD both tried to destroy the EP, the AD tried to murder all the Argonian hatchlings and the DC used daderic magic to try and assassinate the Nord king and put his brother on the thrown and have destroyed much of Devon's watch will the EP ever get to take revenge?

    3) When will we see daily quests for Mages and Fighters Guilds?

    4) What are your plans for the crown store there are only so many pets mounts and costumes anyone needs?

    5) What's the status of player housing, what can we expect?
  • snoogadooch
    Will we ever be able to gift crown store items to other players? Will we ever be able the gift crowns to other players?
  • Samphaa
    Are there any plans, or is anything being worked on regarding token systems for things such as maelstrom arena. Giving players something to work towards and a way around RNG?

    Also are buff timers coming for console?
    Edited by Samphaa on March 31, 2016 11:56AM
  • Dunkmeister
    Why did you change boss drops in Maw of Lorkaj to only guarantee drops once per week and then only a chance to drop loot during consecutive raids? Doesn't this make it harder to gear up your character, harder to get friends to run more than once a week with you and less rewarding to run the raid more than once? This seems counter-intuitive to getting more people into your endgame content. What is the reason for this change from past trials?

    Dunkmeister - DK Firemage AD NA Server
    PVE Achievement Collector
  • Zombiehunter7X
    My Q can we have separated toes for our characters feet and improve the argonians back feet as there toe texture is squished,last thing I want to see is the skeleton polymorph to have a kahjiit and argonian skeleton model with tail and skull.
    Argonian dragonknight tank V16
    Ebonheart Pact
    Free WW&V bite community helper
  • JBsnow404
    Why are the banker and merchant priced 5k each? To me it feels like it's overpriced because the convenience you get out of them isn't even THAT great. So was wondering what the thought process behind it was, and if the answer is ''To keep it a rare item'' Then I still think it's overpriced by about 2.5k
  • rowanwatkins3
    I've always wondered how many people it actually takes to run ESO, I've never really seen anything about it. So guys, how many people work regularly on ESO?
  • rowanwatkins3
    Heya, can you give us an eta on destruction staff animations? I love being a wizard now, but I loved it even more when I had that badass sorcerer casting animation! It was much more of an eruption, is there any chance you guys can ever bring this back, even if it's optional?
  • DragonSamurai360
    Will the Akaviri gear set enter the Crown store by the Dark Brotherhood update or possibly soon after? A lot of people including myself would probably buy it since it's one of the coolest sets I have seen yet, but the current requirements to getting it are too painful to even attempt.
  • radiostar
    My original char from early release used the zoom bug (can't zoom in on face). So when you make the beauty shop for us, will it be free for her to primp her face?
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • marvel_bound
    Can the visuals for alliance camps be changed to a portal it would be nice since we dont have the actual ability to open portals like npc's do
    Or can we get portals when we fast travel to allow people around you to follow
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Is there a reason why Nightblade shade summons aren't permanent, like sorcerer summons? Would you consider making them permanent?

    Much love <3 see you April 8th :smile:
  • GeorgeBlack

    Question : If beneficial for ESO and eso players, would it be easy for the Dev Team to recreate Dual Wield Skill Line?

    Bellow are the reasons for asking

    Dual Wield skill line is only a passive buff for increasing stats(More Spell dmg/Extra Gear piece) and a 5 slot bar for active skills.

    1)Twin Slashes strong point is the DoT. Dot is benefitial to Tanky Builds that have the enemy lose hp while they avoid losing HP in a prolonged battle. Without S/B you can't prolong a battle and so the DoT from Dual Wield is not the best option.

    2)Rapid Strikes is the worst PvP Skill. It's bulk dmg is at the end of the skill and can be easily avoided by the enemy since he knows what's coming. In the mean time you are exposed to dmg while you WAIT to deal dmg with it.

    3)Hidden Blade is the only skill that can effectively deal dmg in PVP. It is an instant strong dmg which makes Rapid strikes useless. Instead of w8ing to deal dmg with Rapid Strikes, which will can easily be blocked or avoided, why not spam Hidden Blade/animation cancel Block/Weave?
    But should I throw daggers when I decided that I want to play with 2 melee weapons in my hands? I don't want a ranged dps Build. That's for Bow/Staff

    People say that these skills are not useless and that Dual Wield is ok. No, they just use the skill line as an accessory.

    This is a resent Topic in which there is proof of how nobody has use for Dual Wield dmg skills.
    check comments by JaronKing, Elijah_Crow and Sluice.

    A NB can kill an enemy before the Twin Slices DoT ends. Why use it? A NB can make an enemy lose HP EFFECTIVELY with the following skills. Why gamble with Rapid Strikes?

    Killers Blade
    Surprise Attack
    Power Extraction

    A Templar using Bitting Jabs has no use for Twin Slices or Rapid Strikes. And since he plays melee he can reduce the distance with Binding Javellin. Why use Hidden Blade since he plays melee

    Is there any build that will work better with Dual Wield instead of Two Handed? Two Handed eliminates distance, has a powerful single target damaging skill that comes with empowerment and a strong CC. It has an execution skill and the best buff for stamina users.
    What is the identity of DW? Aoe? Throwing daggers from a distance alongside with Mages and Archers? Spamming daggers from melee distance to effectively reduce an opponents HP?

    Weapon skill lines are used by stamina users(with the exception of NB that have better class skills) to deal damage. That is all we have. Weapon Skills. I argue that DW is so bad that it is not considered an option. Does this mean that for PvP Stamina= 2handed + Sword/Board?

    My suggestions

    a)Twin Slices for medium to strong DMG and the addition of 10s Major Brutality. Maybe even Minor Brutality as well by decreasing the duration of the buffs to 7s. In that way the skill has a meaning and constant use.
    b)Rapid Strikes can hit HARD with the first contact and then have the remaining strikes starting from let's say 1.3k dmg getting stronger per hit. Basically the opposite of what it is.
    c)Hidden Blade should get it's damage reduced and hit as hard Twin Slices does and inflict DoT effect. Since Dual Wield is a stamina melee weapon, we need to change Hidden Blades identity from main DPS skill to a secondary but meaningful skill. Dual Wielders can Add their DoT once every 10 seconds and then move on to deal damage with strikes and slashes, as they should. (remove Major Brutality effect)

    *Someone argued that he likes having a ranged option when playing with melee weapons such as dual wield. Well what if we move Hidden Blade to Fighters Guild so that every melee Stamina Weapon Skill Line has access to a ranged answer?

    In conclusion, would changes in Dual Wield Skill Line be beneficial to Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited?

    Edited by GeorgeBlack on April 1, 2016 6:58AM
This discussion has been closed.