Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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The Xbox Live™ service interruption has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Alucardo
    Will there ever bee a siege merchant in the IC base so I can buy potions for AP instead of gold?
  • JoePenna147
    I'm an Eso player from Italy and I wish to know if you have planned to make an Italian version of this beautiful game, it will be amazing! The Italian community is quiet big and an Italian version of the game will bring more players to the game.

    Sorry for the bad english and thanks you a lot for your answer :)
    GM of La Corona di Spade - Best Italian Guild on PS4 - Guild Site | Guild Facebook

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  • MrDerrikk
    I'm an Eso player from Italy and I wish to know if you have planned to make an Italian version of this beautiful game, it will be amazing! The Italian community is quiet big and an Italian version of the game will bring more players to the game.

    Sorry for the bad english and thanks you a lot for your answer :)

    I don't know how you thought that was bad English, I would have thought you had it as a first language! You certainly write it a lot easier than lots of people I know :p
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • SantieClaws
    This one would like to know if the new Thieves Guild skills stack with other skill things?

    for the example - if this one has a sneaky armour set on and this one has also maxed the legendarymane will this one be able to steal King Emeric's false teeth in his sleep without him noticing (khajiit already has his spare set in the bank).

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Tess_Phyreforge
    I have been playing ESO since beta and I have been through the main story line quest like 6 times and I was wondering why is there a level cap on when you can be offered the God of Schemes quest?

    I think its lvl 45 before you can be offered God of Schemes quest.

    Most of my toons did complete Choldharbour by the time they hit 43 to 45.

    I set a goal for my new character to complete The Lights of Meridia by 35, and reach level 10 in mage guild skill line by 40.
    I have gotten all the lore books from start zone all the way to Coldharbour and Cyrodiil and made it to lvl 9.

    I am 78.85% into lvl 9 of the Mage Skill line and I can't move on to VR1 zone because the level cap on God of Schemes quest
    That is the only thing holding me up to reach my goal of mage guild skill line.

    Could you please remove the level restriction from God of Schemes quest?
  • Enodoc
    Sethria wrote: »
    I have been playing ESO since beta and I have been through the main story line quest like 6 times and I was wondering why is there a level cap on when you can be offered the God of Schemes quest?

    I think its lvl 45 before you can be offered God of Schemes quest.

    Most of my toons did complete Choldharbour by the time they hit 43 to 45.

    I set a goal for my new character to complete The Lights of Meridia by 35, and reach level 10 in mage guild skill line by 40.
    I have gotten all the lore books from start zone all the way to Coldharbour and Cyrodiil and made it to lvl 9.

    I am 78.85% into lvl 9 of the Mage Skill line and I can't move on to VR1 zone because the level cap on God of Schemes quest
    That is the only thing holding me up to reach my goal of mage guild skill line.

    Could you please remove the level restriction from God of Schemes quest?

    It's supposed to be the "final quest" that rewards you for reaching "the end" of the levelling path. I was annoyed when they dropped the requirement down to 45 from 50... it no longer seemed like an "end of levelling" reward when there were still 5 levels above it. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Back in the early days, I think you had to complete that to even unlock VR1; you were Level 50 until completing the quest, then on completion, it flipped to VR1. That was certainly a sense of achievement!
    Edited by Enodoc on February 3, 2016 3:52PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • MrDerrikk
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Back in the early days, I think you had to complete that to even unlock VR1; you were Level 50 until completing the quest, then on completion, it flipped to VR1. That was certainly a sense of achievement!

    I'm pretty sure this is still the case (I think) because when I leveled my last char I noticed I got to level 50 just before finishing the quest, and it didn't switch over until I completed it and all the achievements went away.
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • Enodoc
    MrDerrikk wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Back in the early days, I think you had to complete that to even unlock VR1; you were Level 50 until completing the quest, then on completion, it flipped to VR1. That was certainly a sense of achievement!
    I'm pretty sure this is still the case (I think) because when I leveled my last char I noticed I got to level 50 just before finishing the quest, and it didn't switch over until I completed it and all the achievements went away.
    Not so; the levelling bar still says 50 for a brief moment, but you immediately get the Veteran email and the bar changes to VR1 if you open any menu screen.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • altemriel
    Will the new motifs, style mats and sets comming with Thieves Guild be again BOP or BOE, or will they be tradable between players?
    Edited by altemriel on February 3, 2016 7:51PM
  • Gidorick
    When Holiday events eventually come to ESO will the holidays coincide with the approximate real-world holiday or will ZOS establish a Tamrielic Calendar that follows the number of days that have pass within ESO? (One actual day = multiple ESO days)

    The latter of the two options would make it so that Tamrielic holiday events happen multiple times per actual year in ESO.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 3, 2016 8:58PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • petraeus1
    Gidorick wrote: »
    When Holiday events eventually come to ESO will the holidays coincide with the approximate real-world holiday or will ZOS establish a Tamrielic Calendar that follows the number of days that have pass within ESO? (One actual day = multiple ESO days)

    The latter of the two options would make it so that Tamrielic holiday events happen multiple times per actual year in ESO.

    But wouldn't that also mean some holiday events only last a couple of hours at a time? Or would you propose extending holiday events?
  • Gidorick
    Here is an excerpt from my more detailed thread about adjusting the day length and establishing a calendar in ESO @petraeus1

    Here is the original thread

    I invite you to check it out. :smile:
    Gidorick wrote: »
    For the 10 hours that is Morning Star the 12th, the people of the Alik’r Desert could offer prayers to Stendaar. Shops could be closed in observance of the holiday and NPCs could be seen praying at the temple and all Redguard players could get a buff on that day.

    For the 10 hours that is Frostfall the 13th, also known as the Witches Festival, the Mage’s Guild could offer a ½ off sale, as is tradition. Also, as is tradition, the night of Frostfall the 13th should be filled with an unusual amount of mobs and daedric creatures.

    Certain festivals could last longer than the day they are on. Just as in our world, people in Tamriel like to Celebrate their favorite holidays for more than just the one day. They could celebrate a holiday an entire week (about 3 days) or even a whole month (about 12 days)! Festivals could be regionalized and they could include sales, contests, and player items and could all be part of the festivities, both in-game and in the Crown Store. If a player misses their favorite holiday, that’s ok… it’s coming back around in 5 months.

    I personally believe these types of events, separated from our real calendar, would offer something unique from Tamriel and ESO. ZOS could still do Hearts Day social events (like they're doing now) and real-world holiday tie-in sales (like the Witches Festival for Halloween)... I go over all that in the link posted. :wink:
    Edited by Gidorick on February 4, 2016 12:23AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Ffastyl
    Since this upcoming update, Update 9, addresses class balance, when can we expect an update to address non-class related balance issues such as armor viability?
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • xii-santa
    Will we ever get an option to stack items inside our personal and guild bank?
    Edited by xii-santa on February 4, 2016 10:03AM
  • Gidorick
    What is ZOS' stance on the Senche Khajiit as is discussed in Khajiit Physiology - Phases and Forms with "It's forelimbs are thick and 1.5 times longer than their hindlimbs, giving them an ape-like appearance."?
    Edited by Gidorick on February 4, 2016 3:01PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • ThePMSBeast
    On Crafting Writs and Character Level: some of us do not want a fighting/crafting toon all in one. Will there be a way to take a crafter not only max level, but also be able to do/turn in the highest writs available without leveling up to V1 ?

    Perhaps add crafting trials or skill line that you have to complete/put points into to be able to access /turn in high level writs from "non combat" crafting characters that are of low level? Making this difficult would be a good thing, very difficult vs just leveling up the character to appropriate level, but to have the choice to do either would be fantastic.
    " I know from righteous, I know from sin. I got two sides, and they both friends "
  • Noohasf
    Soul Shriven
    When will you remove well-fitted from the game? Doing Vet Maelstrom over and over and getting Well-fitted drops is just meh, might as well not even give us the drop if its well-fitted. No one uses it, literally no one.

    Also when will i be able to toggle to show BOUND AEGIS armor or not. You can wear a costume over it so why not just give us the ability to turn it off? I haven't seen my actual gear in ages, its sad.

    Peace and love.
  • Turelus
    Q: Why is there a idle log off time and why is it such a short time? Is there any chance the timer could be extended in future updates?

    There are a lot of MMO games which have done away with these timers now, or the lengths of them are much longer. Is there a reason why the ESO servers can't handle players idling for say an hour, and would there be any chance of this being a change in the future.

    This can be a large frustration for a PvP player who queues for over an hour to gain access to their PvP campaign then has to leave the PC to eat for 20-30 minutes. This has lead to marcos which make you character emote, pens pushed into keyboards and other work arounds to fool the servers into thinking you're active.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Alucardo
    Stamina Sorcs - when will you acknowledge their existence?
  • Artjuh90
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    edorfeus wrote: »
    Why do you choose the most uninteresting and unimportant questions to answer on ESO Live like the question about "why there are no toilets in the game" or "how Green Pact reacts to forest creatures attacking a bosmer" while there are tons of really important questions about the game mechanics in this thread?

    Because some of us don't have mechanical issues, but do have a healthy interest in the Lore of the world of ESO.

    Maybe I should add this to my sig, it seems to have become my motto: "You don't get to decide what is important to other people."

    well i do care about the lore it are the only questions being answered every time while some people trying to get a answer of a question about mechanics for several episodes. no need to get salty. people get frustrated when they feel not being heared
  • Turelus
    Q: Why do we now slowly slide down walls, and will this ever be changed back?

    At some point the game was patched so when we jump into a wall we would slowly start to slide down it, what was the reasoning behind this and will it ever be changed.

    It's currently a problem if you try to jump over something but can't clear it, so you then spend several seconds slowly descending to the floor and unable to take any other actions. This can quite often lead to your death if hostile's are around.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Jailbirdy

    Are there any plans or talk of a mobile app for the game in the future? Perhaps an app that could be an interactive map, a character sheet, or a guild store connection. (or a mobile app using smartglass possibly?)

    Disclaimer: The statements and information from this account are for entertainment & informational purposes only. Any interpretation, implied or otherwise does not constitute negligence on any part of this forum posting.
  • d8rmir
    About the monster-set vendor:

    (1) how often will his inventory change?
    (2) will his inventory rotate among all possible combinations of set / head or shoulder / (relevant) trait?
    (3) what will the price be in the live version?

    In question (1) and (3) I assume that in the current PTS version the rotation speed is faster and the price is lower than the planned final ones.
  • M3atwad
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Stamina Sorcs - when will you acknowledge their existence?

    I'm with Alucardo and agree that stamina based sorcerer builds lack any kind of useful castable damage abilities. I understand a large portion of the community thinks sorcerer should be Magicka based only because otherwise it wouldn't make sense, but summoning spears, creating fire and slashing with magical weapons with other class stamina morphs is logical. Is there anything in the works to help those who have built versions of these warrior/sorc hybrids to give them a usable ability that defines them as such. ( I say versions but all stam sorcs are nearly identical with lack of abilities to put on the bars.)
  • Destyran
    Why do you keep nerfing templars??
  • bikerangelo
    Can you explain your rationale for the changes made to the Templar ability; Channeled Focus? What is your take on mobility within the realm of both PvE and PvP?
    Edited by bikerangelo on February 5, 2016 5:55PM
  • Lazaany
    I've tried to log in multiple times for the last hour and am not getting a verfication email.
  • Strider_Roshin
    Currently stamina builds are strong, but lack the suvivability of magicka builds in PvE due to damage shields. Now with the changes coming with the thieve's guild; magicka builds have become the strongest once again in PvP. Do you guys have any plans to give stamina builds better survivability in PvE as well as making them more powerful in PvP?
  • MrDerrikk
    Lazaany wrote: »
    I've tried to log in multiple times for the last hour and am not getting a verfication email.

    You will most likely need to reload your email multiple times, however it is strange that it's taking that long.
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • illiadai
    Okay I've got a few questions :smiley:

    First-> so later on in the future when we get the dark brotherhood and all, ehm.. will we be invoking the Wrath of Sithis whilst in pvp ? (Tenet 5: Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.)

    Second-> are there any plans for us to be able to wear a skin costume AND! a armor/clothing costume at the same time ? etc the mind-shriven skin and the nord hero armor which would look wicked! just saying.

    Third-> would it be possible for us to be able to choose blind eyes ? like sometime in the future ? maybe ? no ETA ?

    Fourth-> would it be possible to change the visual effects of bound armor (the sorcerer spell) love the spell, don't like the look, maybe make it a transparent armor effect above our normal armor? would look wicked, just saying.

    Fifth-> provisioning... on the ps4 is a nightmare when you have over 200 meals to cook, yes i have pressed the button over 200 times in a row... please can we get a "cook everything" button

    Sixth and last-> why do a female werewolf look like a male werewolf... ??
This discussion has been closed.