ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • altemriel
    What about Murkmire? I did not hear anything about it since the last Quakecon Future of Eso Panel...

    What are your plans with this zone? Is it going to be free or paid DLC? Is it going to be forced-group content like Craglorn (I hope not)? I really liked the images and video from that zone, can`t wait to walk in there :)
  • Lettigall
    It's a silly question and many have asked it already but still. Why class balance feedback from streamers is more important, even if they don't play certain class, then feedback from players who play the class and have deep knowledge about it?
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Zinaroth
    Any chance of making monster trophies for the achievements transfereable between characters again and not just bound to the character that pick them up?
  • Nikkor
    my question is...

    eso live episode 30 at 57:30 Brian Wheeler specifically says alliance vendor gear will scale to V16 with thieves guild. He says it was one of the largest requests. So is it appears that its not happening. If its not how come?

  • jackleminer55
    Ok, so I know people have asked this before, but will Dark anchors ever be changed to make them more dynamic? Please? It would be so much cooler to have them be dynamic events like in the cinematic trailer, where it just pops out of the sky. All I need is a yes or no, but more explanation would be appreciated.

  • Artjuh90
    Momomani wrote: »
    is the daily writs wort doing at all ?

    provisioning and alchemy just no.
    closthing/woodworking/blacksmithing you could do them but the reward you get isn't really good.
    enchanting is a yes though
  • AshTal
    Questions for next time

    1) Why are Argonian racial abilities so terrible? We get a elemental resist and 6% health Nords get an Elemental + 9% health - why don't we get the same health bonus, please can we have this? Our amphibious racial is just terrible there is a 45 second cool down on potions meaning I can't afford to drink them other than when I really need them and the increase when drinking potions is just terrible even at 12% the people who do numbers have shown those races with a increase in regen get this bonus ever 8 seconds and that's constant no need to drink a potion and activate it. Please just give us a 3 % increase to stamina and magic then it doesn't matter how we built our characters its useful. Why can't this be done?

    2) I have seen the changes planned to try and cut down the Zergs in PvP. Do you really think these changes will have any effect? Most Zergs just run over other players spamming steel tornado and bat swarm so reducing range wont making any difference and increasing damage on steel tornado makes things worse why do you think these changes will reduce the power and appeal of the zerg play style?.

    3) How is AP reward for killing another player calculates. I have some very easy battles where I kill a recruit and get 700 AP then we fight a former emperor who kicks out insane damage, kills people in 3 shots, can take a beating from 6 players and Win and then when 10+ people manage to kill him I get 22AP? Have you ever considered changing the AP reward to consider the power of the opponent or his alliance rank so Grand Warlords are worth a lot more AP than a raw recruit? Also the best AP appears to come from two large groups running at each other in neutral ground killing and dying over and over do you ever plan to make the objectives not mindless slaughter be the way to go? Are there any plans to make AP account wide?

    4) I have seen the changes to Sorcerers coming with thieves guild. I am not very impressed, while initially in open Beta I was going to play a summoner who uses pets however they are just terrible and not worth the space. The changes look like a good idea but the heals on both cost too much they cost way more than BOP which is a much better heal. Add to this the fact that pet AI is just terrible and they die vey easily they are probably going to be dead by the time I need to heal is the AI going to be improved for thieves guild and could the cost be lowered? For the Twilight the easiest way to fix this would be for it to always stay behind the caster (never run off to taunt enemies) and base its attack range off the sorcerers position so it can always attack an enemy that the sorc is attacking.
  • Solace of Shadows
    Wolf sighed and raised his head to the sky as if asking the Gods, "Why me? Why did I get stuck with this crazy Bosmer?".
    I have no idea why he did this. He should be grateful being stuck with me. Ah well, wolf spirits and their quirks.
    "Let me ask the question," I pleaded, "I'm good with questions! Always straight and to the point."
    "No." growled Wolf. "You'll make it sound stupid."
    "Oh come on! You can trust me! Scout's honor." I held up two fingers in a salute. I think its supposed to be two. Maybe it's three...hmm.
    "You were kicked out of the cub scouts!" Wolf said through gritted teeth.
    "They overreacted!" I protested.
    "You," Wolf annoyingly pointed out, "Set the scout master on fire."
    "Allegedly! They had no proof it was me!"
    Wolf gazed up at the sky again.
    "Besides, it was a complete accident, which I have no knowledge of, and I had nothing to do with, which the guy deserved anyway! Do you know what that scout master tried to get me to do?"
    Wolf just looked at me.
    "Arts and crafts! I didn't join the scouts for arts and gods cursed crafts! He's lucky all I did was set him on fire! Um...allegedly..."
    "Oh gods just ask already!" Wolf moaned.
    Huh, I didn't know wolves could moan.
    "Okay, my question to the Great spinners is this: When we can finally change our physical appearance, can we change a few details of our werewolf self as well? My wolf wants the head markings that look like blood around his mouth."
    "The blood of a fresh kill permanently on my muzzle," Wolf said dreamily, "The other wolves would be so jealous. Or terrified. Both would be good."
    "Uh ya, right, also it would be great if it came with a in world quest. Like those who bought a werewolf bite from the store should of been able to do! Still waiting for that memory! Whenever you're ready to write that in, me and my wolf will be grateful."
    "Speak for yourself," Wolf grumbled, "The memory of me joining with you can stay a blank."
    "Aw, don't say that. Think of that permanent blood stain you want. I bet the lady wolves would love that."
    Wolf huffed irritably.
    "Who's a savage bloodthirsty monster?" I cooed at him, "Who is he? Who is he?"
    Wolf was silent for a moment, then with an embarrassed huff he said, "...I am."
    Solace In Shadows is my name in the realm of Tamriel. If you disagree with my words or disparage my sentiments, then face me on the battlefield and you can kiss my axe.
  • MarcoPolo
    With the up and coming removal of vet ranks im a little puzzled to how the attributes are going to fixed
    as if the level cap stops at 50 that means all new characters are going to be around 14/15 attributes down? How
    is zos going to make it fair on new characters over previous maxed vet16.
  • Enodoc
    MarcoPolo wrote: »
    With the up and coming removal of vet ranks im a little puzzled to how the attributes are going to fixed
    as if the level cap stops at 50 that means all new characters are going to be around 14/15 attributes down? How
    is zos going to make it fair on new characters over previous maxed vet16.
    @MarcoPolo The current plan is to move these 16 attribute points into the 1-50 levelling, so you'll get an extra point every 5 levels, and an extra 2 points every 10 levels.
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    With the weekly rewards for Maelstrom dropping weapons 100% of the time now, will we ever be able to get gold jewelry again??
  • Gidorick
    Asking again... :smile:
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Are there any plans to allow players to visit/explore City Isle?


    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Would still like to know...
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Is adding the ability to play as different bipedal Khajiit furstocks in any of ZOS' future plans?

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Varatar
    Soul Shriven
    I Know this is off topic, but id like to propose something.

    I was very excited about Fallout and his new dialogue system(I Always seen that system in EA Games but for the first time i see it on a bethesda game), so i think ESO Should also have a dialogue system so you can actually see the reaction of your character in the situations and also when you interact with them, like when you persuade or intimidate them. i'm not saying we should have the system that SWTOR has but.. i think it would a good idea, don't you think?

    I Apologize for my grammar, i don't speak english as a native language.
  • Elloa
    Questions If the heist is a succesful feature than players enjoy and play regularly, are you planning to add more "heist dungeons" in future?
    Edited by Elloa on February 16, 2016 9:31AM
  • altemriel
    Elloa wrote: »
    Questions If the heist is a succesful feature than players enjoy and play regularly, are you planning to add more "heist dungeons" in future?

    good question!
  • altemriel
    Will you ever rise Craglorn from the dead, by making it soloable and making it scale to character level like Wrothgar?

    I really like that zone, but like this it is really bad!
  • Gidorick
    Any plans for new emotes to be released with DLC or in the Crown Store?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    @ZOS_GinaBruno and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Please have Eric, Kai, Rich and other devs take a look here if appropriate.

    Can someone respond to items 1, 2 and 9 on ESO Live.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Llevndryn
    What does Shad Astula means in dunmeris ?
  • altemriel
    Why has the cloak of NB only magicka morph? When I play Stam NB I do not have so much magicka to spam it almost infinitelly like Mag NB.

    Will you make a stam morph for cloak too in a close future? Nightblade is a stealthy character, so why only mag stealth?
    Edited by altemriel on February 16, 2016 8:43PM
  • WalkingLegacy
    How big is each team?

    Such as QA team.

    Artist team.

    Network team.

    Programming team?

    Customer support?
  • DHale
    Since you have a large array of nerfs planned for templar which is fine how will I be reimbursed for my materials I used in making my five piece gold kag set for my Templar? The Rez speed bonus has been in game for nearly 2 years where support 10 battle Rez, kags bonus and Templar restoring light all stack together and now it won't. It was the key decision point in choosing that set for pvp. The set will be inferior to Julianos if this decision goes live which I could use now that you have used player feedback to impair functionality in how I want to play. Due to the huge amount of mats require to craf vr16 armor and upgrade it to gold this is literally 100 k gold on PC... maybe more. Thank you... A sub.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • altemriel
    Tell us how many players play on the servers please :).
  • Kalebron
    Will we be able to steal some awesome things or will the things we steal be silly items and rarely any purples?
  • m0riarty23
    With Orsinium out, and setting the precedent for new zones to be “Battle Leveled” in the future, what is Zenimax world view on what it means to “Level” a character? ie. what does it mean to replace your level 20 armor with level 40 armor, in an ESO future where there is a mechanic to make them equal in the end?
  • altemriel
    will we be able to climb walls in Thieves Guild?
  • altemriel
    ZOS, would you make the dungeons soloable? Maybe with battle leveling?
  • petraeus1
    Dear ZOS, in the Year Ahead blog grandmaster Firor said your focus this year was gonna be 'social' - you hinted at LFGroup tool improvements, adjustments to leveling and a LFGuild tool, but will we also see this focus on social in the content you're building? A shift away from the soloable, the hand-held and the competitive towards the cooperative? Apart from instanced dungeons and raids, do you have content plans that brings server/faction communities together?
    Edited by petraeus1 on February 18, 2016 9:05AM
This discussion has been closed.