Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [IN PROGRESS] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Anhedonie
    Will we get respec scrolls (or something like that) when TG patch rolls out?
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Elebeth
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Elebeth wrote: »
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Just one small question among tons of greater others:
    Will we ever see Vvardenfell in ESO? With it's cities and villages intact?
    I know.I'm like a dog that wont let go of her bone,but I just have to ask about it.It's my dream. :}

    Hey there, fellow Morrowind enthusiast!
    There was actually a small official "discussion" about Vvardenfell, right here
    ZOS loves the idea of going there but not any time soon; there are 4 or 5 DLCs that we know about so maybe some time after that, but unfortunately not in 2016. :/

    Also, Vvardenfell is quite different in ESO timeline (as mentioned in video) so only some kind of time travel would allow us to see TES III Vvardenfell; which, imho, is not needed and I eagerly await to see this new-old-old Vvardenfell :)

    Hello fellow Morrowind enthusiast too!!
    I have posted about this and the time travel scenario in a couple of other threads.
    Kinda like this:
    You're running around,doing whatever,and come across a cave entrance. You head into it and it turns out to be a portal to the time of Vvardenfell.
    I am going to that link you added right now! Thanks!
    I just watched that video,and the Lore Master said more or less that there's no real option for Vvardenfell.That it was sparcely populated,and only mentioned the Telvanni areas,and said it was pretty much mostly populated by Ashlanders..Sadly,he dismissed any of the cities,like Vivec,Balmora,Gnisis,Maar Gan,
    Pelegaid,and Caldera.

    Time travel is one way to do it, yes. But here our opinions and wishes part; you want to see a third era Vvardenfell (again :p ) and I want to see a second era Vvardenfell; none of us is right or wrong on this matter, just different opinions and I respect that. Guess we'll have to wait and see whose wish is going to be fulfilled ;)

    Btw, Pelagiad and Caldera are Imperial towns built somewhere in the third era, Gnisis also prospered after the second era (after Imperial garrison was built and mining operations encouraged). For Balmora I'm not entirely sure, either it existed in a form of a hamlet/outpost and prospered in the third era after House Hlaalu started trading "en masse" due to the Armistice, or the town was built in the third era "from scratch" (I'll have to do some digging).

    Basically only Vivec and Maar Gan could have been mentioned by the loremaster. Latter was probably included in the context of outposts and former was probably omitted because the city is almost a constant throughout the eras.
    Edited by Elebeth on January 27, 2016 7:21PM
    "I don't recall using teleportation, and yet there I was. Alone. Naked." Morrowind
  • Cazzy
    Would you ever consider adding gambling to the game? Or any activities in the Outlaws Refuge?
  • nbksaske
    Fix direfrost keep , that last boss is hella impossible
  • DragonSamurai360
    Cazzy wrote: »
    Would you ever consider adding gambling to the game? Or any activities in the Outlaws Refuge?

    I like this idea, it could be similar to Witcher 3's Gwent or Fallout NV's Caravan. Both are card games, but would be interesting to see an ESOTU version of a gambling like mini game. It could even be added to include a PVP like aspect where players could bet on items or gold, which in turn could enhance PVP for players who don't want to enter Cyrodill.
    Edited by DragonSamurai360 on January 27, 2016 9:57PM
  • oxxalejandroxxo
    Will view distance have any improvement in the future? The view distance in ESO is really not impressive even compared to some other MMOs. There were some third party mods that can improve the view distance by removing the ever existing "fog" completely, but they made the game look weird. Can we have some small improvements like 10%-20% increase in view distance? It would make the game look much better.
  • Medieval3D
    Hello I enjoy ESO a lot, but I have a question, I usually played on Steam, but I have noticed after an update of the game, sometimes crashes, and that's because some thing related to steam synchronization or something, so I have to do "verify cache of the game" then it's needed to download the entire game again to work properly, I have decide to get the game via the ESO installer to not have problems, this is my question:

    Are you going to do something about this? because a lot of steam users are affected after an update of the game, its needed to make a "verify game cache" to make the game work properly, would be nice to know, thanks
  • SanTii.92
    Hello @ZOS_GinaBruno and crew, I'd like to know if there are any plans regarding a trait overhaul. I'm sure you are aware of the dominance of some of those, divines and infused and maybe impen for pvp. Pushing up well fitted, exploration, etc. would be super fun!
    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

    Arg | Pc Na | Factionless Mag Warden.
  • Archer79
    Greetings @ZOS_JessicaFolsom,

    I have a lore question regarding the Bosmer spiritual leaders. It is said that the Silvenar can be re-incarnated into either male or female multiple times, but what about the Green Lady can she be re-born as male?

    Another one is we've seen and read that the Green Lady is the force of nature and has super human strength, but she was able to use some spells/magic in her fight against the Hound, can the Silvenar who is a magical user do the same i.e can he use super human strength and feats like swimming all the way to Pyandonea as Finoriell the previous Green Lady did?

    Warm regards.

  • Nighn_9
    What ever happened to more Guild Bank Permissions for 2016?
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • Nighn_9
    nbksaske wrote: »
    Fix direfrost keep , that last boss is hella impossible

    when she picks u up in the air she heals herself, during this time you need to "shield bash" out of it. then just burn her down
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • Toorlokviing

    idk if this has been asked before, but is there any plans to add more classes? if so what are some ideas floating around in the headqaurters that you have considered?
  • Artjuh90
    Kyuumu wrote: »
    Are there any plans for an AOE taunt for tanks?

    plz no i like the tanking atm, feels like you are actually involved. no WoW like tanking plz
    1.When will players be able to challenge each other to duels? I would like to be able to challenege my friend from the same alliance and test out my skills.
    2.Also what will happen with the dragonknights? They are extremely inferior to all other classes right now. Need to do something asap about this because its extremely hard to level up characters and those who already have a vr 16 dragonknight dont want to go through the grind all over again. Also dragonknights are pretty fun to play..but weak against nightblades who stealth their life away and sorcs who shield stack AND can teleport and stun. The dragonknights survivability is horrible. Also most of the class skills are magicka, at least the good ones. Need more stamina.

    Lol DK aren't horrible -,-'. ask my Orc DK
    Archer79 wrote: »
    Greetings @ZOS_JessicaFolsom,

    I have a lore question regarding the Bosmer spiritual leaders. It is said that the Silvenar can be re-incarnated into either male or female multiple times, but what about the Green Lady can she be re-born as male?

    Another one is we've seen and read that the Green Lady is the force of nature and has super human strength, but she was able to use some spells/magic in her fight against the Hound, can the Silvenar who is a magical user do the same i.e can he use super human strength and feats like swimming all the way to Pyandonea as Finoriell the previous Green Lady did?

    Warm regards.

    No, the green lady is always female. it is mentioned in the questline ;).
    did it 4 times so far so i know ;P
  • MrDerrikk
    Kyuumu wrote: »
    Are there any plans for an AOE taunt for tanks?

    Technically there is one very niche AoE taunt, when you use Explosive Charge on a Templar whilst wearing the Tormentor set. Not sure if it works or if it's viable at all (I seem to remember that skill being broken) but it exists in theory.
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • joker0137
    Does the Markarth Bear-Dog become available in the crown store today?
    Just A White Line Nightmare

    PS4 EU server
  • Enodoc
    joker0137 wrote: »
    Does the Markarth Bear-Dog become available in the crown store today?
    @joker0137 That's the plan. But surely that's not a question you want them to answer on ESO Live? The next show is tomorrow; by then, you will already know everything there is to know about what happens today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • joker0137
    Enodoc wrote: »
    joker0137 wrote: »
    Does the Markarth Bear-Dog become available in the crown store today?
    @joker0137 That's the plan. But surely that's not a question you want them to answer on ESO Live? The next show is tomorrow; by then, you will already know everything there is to know about what happens today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot that these were meant to be questions for ESO live, :s

    I'm just used to other users answering me questions first.
    Just A White Line Nightmare

    PS4 EU server
  • Arkadius
    Are there any plans for revamping the guild store interface? I think it's about time after nearly two years.
  • Volkodav
    Why in the Heck do you guys keep putting thing in the crown store for only four days?? Some of us dont even get our crowns until the 10th.I am speaking of the Nord Hero costume. I had several important medical bills to pay,as many people do,and toward the end of the month funds can get a bit skimpy.Yet you put the new Nord costume out right at the end of the month.And I will not borrow money for crowns. Never have never will. I personally dont get paid until the third.Many people dont get paid on the first.
    Some people pay their bills first,then they have funds to play with,if they are responsible people.Why not give them at least a full week,or even two weeks.Will it rip your hair out to do so??
    Just asking out of frustration.
  •  joshylonstoky
    Please It will be awesome if the longer hairstyles could appear with the helmet on. Just the one it suppose to of course
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Please show what Scrolling Combat text will look like in the Thieves Guild base game update?
    Ref --

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Lunachik
    Sanguine's Black Goat is an awesome little beast, and my Bosmer/vamp, nightblade, Skwerl Nutkin looks forward to many adventures w/her new sidekick ! I have noted however that the extra special daedric effect only happens at certain times, but cannot seem to pin down what the conditions are. Time of day, moon phases, don't seem to hold up to scrutiny. Any insight would be much appreciated. <3
    **Mara's Moxie * The Sidekick Order * Azura's Guidance *Hallowed Holes of Tamriel **
  • DragonSamurai360
    joker0137 wrote: »
    Does the Markarth Bear-Dog become available in the crown store today?

    Yeah I just got it, it's 700 Crowns. The Nord Hero armor costume is 2000 Crowns.
  • Jalor
    My e-mail account has been compromised and I have been trying to get it back. It does not look like I will get it back and anything I try to do sends mail to that account. So is there a phone # or live support that I can get ahold of to change the E-mail on my account or how am I suppose to go about getting it changed? Thanks.
  • sekou_trayvond
    Trying to understand how the new cross-faction grouping will work.


    Me and three friends want to do Undaunted dungeons- TOGETHER- with characters from opposing factions.

    Will this be possible to accomplish in the TG update?

  • Infinite12
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Have you guys decided whether or not you're going to implement a group bind for BOP items in dungeons? The RNG in this game is really poo poo and I'm running dungeons with people getting multiples of the same helmets without actually getting anything myself. I feel like group bind would be an amazing addition.
    My Characters
    Ragnhild VR16 Nord DK I 2h/Bow (PVP) or 2h/Dual Wield (PVE)
    Nakothre VR7 Khajiit I Dual Wield/2H (PVP)
    Infinitesmo VR16 Imperial NB I 2h/Bow (PVP)

    Tip: If you don't like funerals don't kick sand in a ninja's face
  • edorfeus
    Since we already got the Nord Hero costume in the crown store, can we expect Breton Rogue and that Altmer Sorceress costumes at some point?
  • edorfeus
    Why do you choose the most uninteresting and unimportant questions to answer on ESO Live like the question about "why there are no toilets in the game" or "how Green Pact reacts to forest creatures attacking a bosmer" while there are tons of really important questions about the game mechanics in this thread?
  • Solace of Shadows
    Unarmed/Martial Arts would be an interesting skill line but if you aren't planning to add that in the near future are metal claws as another dual weapon a possibility?
    Solace In Shadows is my name in the realm of Tamriel. If you disagree with my words or disparage my sentiments, then face me on the battlefield and you can kiss my axe.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    What are those octopus-plant things in the Morrowind areas of the Pact?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
This discussion has been closed.