ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • RedRoomGaming

    Serious question, not meant to be offensive in any way shape or form. (Though it may sound as such.) Do the main combat/itemization designers, including the lead(s), play/completed ESO's end-game content? PvP, Trials, vet Maelstrom Arena? I would like to end the speculation around this, as many feel it influences the balance decisions. (Outside observation vs personal experience, both I think are valuable and necessary.)

    I would say they are either sorcs or very very good sorcs.
    PS4 Eu Server
    • Stampler - RedRoomGaming - V16
    • Mageblade - Beard Of Molag - v3
    • High Elf Sorc - Man Of Potato - V16
  • RedRoomGaming
    Hi I would really like to know if ever that, will all purchase upgrades (with crowns, riding skill, stamina, and carry capacity) could be account wide and not character wide because I purchased those damn crowns and am not buying more for another toon because your updates messed it up and NERFED everything.

    What I am asking it say I have bought 20 on my main toon of each upgrade why cant I use it on all? See where I am going with this.
    PS4 Eu Server
    • Stampler - RedRoomGaming - V16
    • Mageblade - Beard Of Molag - v3
    • High Elf Sorc - Man Of Potato - V16
  • Joy_Division
    A question for when Eric comes on.

    I was surprised to see no changes made to the sorcerer Bound Armaments ability. It is a toggle that passively increase the strength of every skill we cast and our damage. This strikes me as boring and too passive. Are there any plans to free sorcerers DPS from this toggle and instead give exciting and interesting abilities we can actually cast to get that same DPS?
    Edited by Joy_Division on February 9, 2016 9:12PM
  • Soris
    Will you do anything about Blazing Shield and Radiant Ward???????? They are too weak in pvp.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Foxesz

    Are you ever planning to get someone from the writer's team on Twitter? I'm mostly asking this as there are so many questions yet unanswered in the lore and having someone to dedicate their time to it every now and then would be such an immense help to myself and other roleplayers!

    Thanks for reading. :)
    I'm a roleplayer through and through, questions regarding that are always welcome!
  • illiadai
    ehm i got a new question i want to ask, a VERY! important one i might add, well to me and at least some other people i would imagine

    So the costume "song of the night" ensemble is ehm... very bugged "sighs"
    first of the biggest bug is that while hiding your head piece the ears magically gets messed up AND! with Khajiit (probably both beast races) the set is unusable, well... unless you like the whole ear thing and such... but! there is a workaround for that bug! which is to use hair that well covers your ears for any non-beast races, anyway! secondly and a minor bug is that on your CHARACTER's left wrist there is a slight steam line and for people such as myself clipping like that is just hurting my heart, even more so when i love the intended look of the costume.

    so to my question!
    are you going to fix it ? mainly the ear bug, if so i do hope you'd fix the wrist deal as well.
  • illiadai
    uh oh! new question!
    how come we need to wait 24hrs before deleting a character ?
  • Enodoc
    illiadai wrote: »
    uh oh! new question!
    how come we need to wait 24hrs before deleting a character ?
    @illiadai That is an exploitation prevention measure, designed to prevent fast creation and deletion of bot characters.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Tess_Phyreforge
    Is there any plans in the near future to give us an Off/On Toggle for shoulder like you offer for helms?

    I have been on the PTS and I love the look of some of the new armor and would hate to cover it up with a costume because my Helm & Shoulder set don't dye or blend well with my armor set.

    Also on a small fame female toon, like the Dark Elf or Wood Elf the shoulders graphics can be a little much.

  • timtbag123ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Will we be Seeing new summons or companions, to follow us on our journey though Tamriel?
  • illiadai
    Enodoc wrote: »
    illiadai wrote: »
    uh oh! new question!
    how come we need to wait 24hrs before deleting a character ?
    @illiadai That is an exploitation prevention measure, designed to prevent fast creation and deletion of bot characters.

    ohh okay well that makes sense, annoying for people such as myself that often make a character only to find something "wrong" with it when logging into the game, though at least i do get why now :p

    also thanks for the answer :smiley:
  • davey1107
    Expand motif search filters in guild stores...

    With so many motifs, simply searching for purple in a guild store can generate thousands of items. Can we get style filters, or piece filters?

  • Voxicity
    Will there ever be DLC bundles (ie. Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild or more) for a slightly discounted price? If so, when could we expect to see this happen? Thanks.
  • Kippesnikke
    I'm an Eso player from Italy and I wish to know if you have planned to make an Italian version of this beautiful game, it will be amazing! The Italian community is quiet big and an Italian version of the game will bring more players to the game.

    Sorry for the bad english and thanks you a lot for your answer :)

    Northborn DK tank
    Pandora's Promise
    vMoL cleared on VR16 #World1st
    Worlds #1 vMoL speed run [VR16]
  • Kippesnikke
    illiadai wrote: »
    ehm i got a new question i want to ask, a VERY! important one i might add, well to me and at least some other people i would imagine

    So the costume "song of the night" ensemble is ehm... very bugged "sighs"
    first of the biggest bug is that while hiding your head piece the ears magically gets messed up AND! with Khajiit (probably both beast races) the set is unusable, well... unless you like the whole ear thing and such... but! there is a workaround for that bug! which is to use hair that well covers your ears for any non-beast races, anyway! secondly and a minor bug is that on your CHARACTER's left wrist there is a slight steam line and for people such as myself clipping like that is just hurting my heart, even more so when i love the intended look of the costume.

    so to my question!
    are you going to fix it ? mainly the ear bug, if so i do hope you'd fix the wrist deal as well.

    quite alot of people are unable to pvp or play certain pve dungeons because of major game breaking issues. but a very important question is about a costume. good question man. you are very helpfull to the community.
    Northborn DK tank
    Pandora's Promise
    vMoL cleared on VR16 #World1st
    Worlds #1 vMoL speed run [VR16]
  • Kathrein
    I'm an Eso player from Italy and I wish to know if you have planned to make an Italian version of this beautiful game, it will be amazing! The Italian community is quiet big and an Italian version of the game will bring more players to the game.

    Sorry for the bad english and thanks you a lot for your answer :)


    I cannot believe this, really, AGAIN? Italian players never change...The answer is NO, stop wasting everyone time with this question.
    Edited by Kathrein on February 11, 2016 2:24PM
  • illiadai
    illiadai wrote: »
    ehm i got a new question i want to ask, a VERY! important one i might add, well to me and at least some other people i would imagine

    So the costume "song of the night" ensemble is ehm... very bugged "sighs"
    first of the biggest bug is that while hiding your head piece the ears magically gets messed up AND! with Khajiit (probably both beast races) the set is unusable, well... unless you like the whole ear thing and such... but! there is a workaround for that bug! which is to use hair that well covers your ears for any non-beast races, anyway! secondly and a minor bug is that on your CHARACTER's left wrist there is a slight steam line and for people such as myself clipping like that is just hurting my heart, even more so when i love the intended look of the costume.

    so to my question!
    are you going to fix it ? mainly the ear bug, if so i do hope you'd fix the wrist deal as well.

    quite alot of people are unable to pvp or play certain pve dungeons because of major game breaking issues. but a very important question is about a costume. good question man. you are very helpfull to the community.

    I'm sorry but isn't this the ask us anything thread ? and in case you missed it "well to me and at least some other people i would imagine" so while a costume might not be one of the most important things in the whole game to you, it is one of the most important things to me and a costume that cost real money shouldn't be broken for an entire race or more and should also be on the list of fixes to come, hence my question was asked.
  • Royalty27
    Would it be possible to get some kind of "mob repellent" after we have beaten the story in an area, for example Deleyn's Mill in Glenumba. The Imps and Spriggins should be gone or at least non aggressive after we finish the quest, yet they still attack. I know its possible to do because at Westtry, if you finish the quest the ghost and skeletons become non aggressive.

    We don't even get XP for killing them any more so it just seems like a waste of time and effort having to fight them.
  • Elloa
    Questions for Brad Derrick

    1. What's the style of you music that inspire you most to compose?
    2. What's your favourite piece of music you have composed for ESO?
    3. The very beautiful music of Orsinium had been added to many places in the game. Which is something I personaly do not like so much, as I enjoyed very much Orsinium to have it's own and unique musique. What do you think about that?
    4. One of my favourite music in ESO is one used for some delves (used in this video) What's the name of that music? What inspired you to compose it? Will you make more music of that very style (slow, meditative, mysterious....)
    Edited by Elloa on February 12, 2016 10:40AM
  • hamburgerler76
    Since there is no pts for console's is there any way to make it so us who own the console version could download and play the pts on pc without having to re-buy the game? I also feel console should have a PTS as we have different play styles Ui's and suggestion then a pc player would have?
  • Turelus
    Will we see regular cycling sales on Crown Store items like other cash shops?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Heatley2142
    Hey im speaking for Templars, Dragonknights and Nightblades. The three other classes in the game you might not know about.

    With the recent pet changes sorcerers now have the ability to heal as good if not better than Templars.

    They can Tank every bit as good as DK's and be immune to critically DmG whilst doing so.

    Hit every bit as hard as Nightblades (from a distance).

    Best mobility in the game.

    And you can have all of these assets on one bar if you wish (Btw ZOS im talking about Magicka Sorcerers just encase you make stamina sorcerers anymore useless than they already are, wouldn't want to be that guy)

    So my question for your podcast if you even address this issue is:

    Are you aware of the current imbalances regarding Magicka based Sorcerers? If so what do you plan to do about it?

    But you guys will be too busy talking about how you can now dye your shield in more colours.
  • Zaldan
    Linkrunner wrote: »
    Why does my swords on the 2nd bar affect the weapon stats on the 1st bar?
    I don't know if this is a bug or intended. My setup is 5 Julianos and Helm & shoulders of Torug's.
    I have 2 Vet 15 swords purple, on my 2nd bar Torug's Pact stats are:
    126 Spell damage
    1039 Max Health
    1890 Spell Resistance
    Now on the primary bar I have a staff of Torug's pact Vet 16 Gold, stats are:
    126 Spell damage
    1039 Max Health
    1890 Spell Resistance(this is grayed out since I don't have 4)
    Now if I unequip the staff, in my inventory the stats are:
    129 Spell damage
    1064 Max Health
    1935 Spell Resistance.

    there is currently a visual bug with torugs pact 2 set bonus not showing up in the charcter sheet but still increasing actual damage done, I use 1h/shield torugs and character sheet doesnt show the 2 piece spell damage bonus, you may be seeing the same thing
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Flaminir
    When will the provisioning writs delivery point be aligned with all the other crafting writs?

    The top tier writ goes to Orsinium (As it should) but the next one down goes to Coldharbour... this should be Belkarth/Craglorn like every other writ.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Enodoc
    Flaminir wrote: »
    When will the provisioning writs delivery point be aligned with all the other crafting writs?

    The top tier writ goes to Orsinium (As it should) but the next one down goes to Coldharbour... this should be Belkarth/Craglorn like every other writ.
    They need to add another tier to Recipe Improvement like they did for all other crafts when the VR went up. So an extension/alteration to that question:
    Will you add a 7th tier to "Recipe Improvement" for VR15 recipes, so that Tier 6 can become VR10 recipes to turn in at Belkarth, and Tier 7 can be VR15 recipes to turn in at Orsinium? This would match up better with the other crafting professions.

    Alternatively, would you consider adjusting the tiers of "Recipe Improvement" so that there are enough for eight tiers of writs, thus matching the number of turn-in locations? (Provisioning doesn't have a Tier 5 turn in at all.) Instead of the current 19/29/39/49/V5/V15, this could be 15/25/35/45/V1/V5/V15.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • elven.were_wolf
    Can you make an easy place to farm worms in any of your next DLC's? Like flesh pile or Grub Basket?
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Momomani
    is the daily writs wort doing at all ?
  • Momomani
    any tips on witch are the best drop set and where to get them?
  • VelociousLegend
    I have two questions for today's ESO Live:

    1) I know ZOS is tight lipped and doesn't want to over promise, but any discussion or updates about dueling/arenas/battlegrounds would really help keep the community from feeling that this will never be completed (or at least years later).
    2) When will we get new skill lines? Or is this another "No ETA"?
    Xbox - NA
    GT: VelociousLegend
    PC - NA

    "All gave some. Some gave all."
  • Naff
    How about a currency system for acquiring high end dungeon/arena/boss drops?

    Instead of RNG, where you may have to run the same dungeon 40 times or more to get the drop you want with the trait you need, have the dungeon bosses and quest turn in's give a currency. Like..tokens or whatever. And a vendor that has those items high end items. (Yes, I'm aware of the boss vendor in Cyrodiil coming and that's great, and a nice start.)

    Running vMA, or any high end dungeon and looting a purple rubedite staff at the end sucks big time and really doesn't give much initiative run them over and over, especially for players that have a hard time at it to begin with or only have time to run one dungeon a day.

    If players were accumulating a currency that could be used for various high end equipment, that would be a good reason to run any dungeon...not just the pledges. They'd know they were making progress towards a goal every time they ran the dungeon/arena/etc. And those players who only have time to run the pledges would have a better chance to get boss helms/MA weapons/etc. (And not randoms chests loots like the vaults on IC.) Even if the costs were high at the vendor, at least casual players would know that they would eventually be able to attain decent endgame loot.
    Naffor - Sorc
    Naffiel - Templar
    Naffank - Dragonknight
    various other baby Naff's
This discussion has been closed.