Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • altemriel
    @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GinaBruno hi guys, I saw on the last ESO live that my question got answered, about if there will be an option to recraft and armor to a higher level of it will be ever included in the game. the answer was no, as it would not benefit the economy, as people would wear their "favourite" gear the whole time, they would just recraft it to higher level. and do not buy new gear from the crafters.

    I must disagree Kai, in case that the recrafting to higher level would cost more mats, than to craft it anew, then it would benefit the economy - people would seek crafters for:
    - crafting new gear
    - recrafting their old favourite gear to higher level

    please see this post - there are very good replies there:

    Edited by altemriel on January 11, 2016 7:31PM
  • Sweatyrabbit
    altemriel wrote: » people would wear their "favourite" gear the whole time, they would just recraft it to higher level. and do not buy new gear from the crafters.

    I must disagree Kai, in case that the recrafting to higher level would cost more mats, than to craft it anew, then it would benefit the economy - people would seek crafters for:
    - crafting new gear
    - recrafting their old favourite gear to higher level

    Why would you spend more mats 'recrafting or amending' your current gear than it would cost to 'craft' the SAME gear, only higher level, in the first place?

    I don't understand what you are trying to say?

    XboxOne - Sweatyrabbit86
    50 Redguard DK - Tank, DC
    50 Imperial Templar - DPS/Healz - DC
    50 High Elf Templar - Heal - DC
    50 Khajiit Sorc - DPS - AD
    50 Redguard Warden - DPS - DC
  • MrDerrikk
    altemriel wrote: » people would wear their "favourite" gear the whole time, they would just recraft it to higher level. and do not buy new gear from the crafters.

    I must disagree Kai, in case that the recrafting to higher level would cost more mats, than to craft it anew, then it would benefit the economy - people would seek crafters for:
    - crafting new gear
    - recrafting their old favourite gear to higher level

    Why would you spend more mats 'recrafting or amending' your current gear than it would cost to 'craft' the SAME gear, only higher level, in the first place?

    I don't understand what you are trying to say?

    This would allow outdated sets that lots of people like (Silks of the Sun, Martial Knowledge, even Fjords Legacy) to be viable at max level once more, and would require very good crafters to upgrade them.
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • iviikeonxbox
    Xbox One | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Naslu
    1. Are new monster sets of the undaunted coming into the game (for dungeons that have non yet i.e. Arx Corinium)?
    2. With Orsinium DLC Leaderboards got changed to list up 100 characters instead of 100 teams. Are there plans to revert this back to the old system of listing?
    3. Can you give us an overview which future features will be DLC exclusive and which will be included in game basic updates:
    • Barber Service
    • Housing
    • Spellcrafting
    • Trial(s)
    • PVP-Arena
    4. Whats the current cp average in game? What will be the next cap? When will the current cap of 501 cp be raised?

    rgds Naslu
    Guild Hodor
    • Marbella Ori / Temp Healer
    • Naslu / Stam Templer
    • Ordaril / Magicka Sorc
    • Allaine De Ladonia / Magicka DK
    • Gretel Witchhunter / Magicka NB
    • Lili Catani / Magicka Tank NB
    • Prince Adam of Eternia / Stam DK

  • code65536
    When will we see vet versions of many of the normal dungeons out there?

    Dungeons like Volenfell and Selene's Web have stories that ended unresolved. I would really love to see the vet continuation of these dungeons, as well as revisiting the really interesting scenery and settings of these dungeons.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • SantieClaws
    Are we there yet?
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Joseph_Nil
    Is it possible to access the Alliance Points account wide like Gold etc?
  • Enodoc
    Joseph_Nil wrote: »
    Is it possible to access the Alliance Points account wide like Gold etc?
    @Joseph_Nil No. Alliance Points are essentially a measure of one character's prowess on the battlefield, rather than a currency, and as such, can't be banked.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Joseph_Nil
    OK, thanks.
  • SmalltalkJava
    Will zos ever make it so sorcerer combat pets stealth in pvp zones when the sorcerer does? Please make this fix.
  • LizardThixvim
    Hello, I was wondering it was announced today that "The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued", I was wondering if my friend has 800+ champion points, and I have 519 champion points, when we look at each other in game now it says Veteran 16, will in the future Q2 Dark brotherhood update, will it say champion rank 800 for him and 519 for me above our head where the veteran 16 was, or will we both be 501 champion rank as that's the current cap, thank you :)
    Edited by LizardThixvim on January 12, 2016 5:11PM
  • Caroloces
    Since virtual reality technology is in the news quite a bit these days with a special emphasis on gaming, I'm wondering if ZOS has plans, or has even given consideration, to adopting this technology in some form for ESO?
  • Jake211049
    The coming character customization shop mentioned in "the year ahead" mention's changing your characters "appearance"

    will this be just surface changes like hair style/color or a fuller re-sculpt allowing changes to character height?
  • Jake211049
    Is a stamina morph of lava whip actually something that is going to come?

    knowing one way or another would certainly help a lot of people
  • SevenKingdoms
    When can we expect an auction house? Or anything other than the current trade system?
  • SevenKingdoms
    When can we expect a way to search for a guild in-game?
  • SevenKingdoms
    Are we ever going to be able to display our character's name instead of an account name? On consoles, players' PSN ID is used for everything they do, not just ESO. Also, what about pet names being displayed?

    Are there any plans to change the way titles & guilds are displayed? I.e. <title><account/character name><title>, with your guild listed below?
  • JBsnow404
    Will future monster sets have shoulder pieces with both shoulders covered, because my character has been complaining about a cold shoulder. Also it doesn't look good in my opinion to only have 1 shoulder piece
  • SevenKingdoms
    Are there any plans to fix the "inspiration" gain during crafting? New characters' levels are far outpacing their crafting skill. The only way to receive "inspiration" is to deconstruct and research items, and the latter only gives a minuscule amount of xp, especially considering the time it takes to complete. You can't even craft yourself a basic set of steel armor before you're well past the levels you'd use it.
  • Aeladiir
    I am currently sitting at V5 and don't think I am going to make it to V16 to unlock the badass imperial costume (and probably Mannimarco's armor).

    Will we still be able to unlock the VR costumes or will players simply keep the ones they unlock? Will we be able to unlock the costumes with Champion Points?

    One more thing: You once mentioned that voice chat is *not* something you're thinking to implement in the PC version. You said the same about the text chat coming on consoles. Since the latter is now about to happen, could this change? Will the PC players eventually get the voice chat?
    Edited by Aeladiir on January 12, 2016 6:48PM
  • altemriel
    Jake211049 wrote: »
    The coming character customization shop mentioned in "the year ahead" mention's changing your characters "appearance"

    will this be just surface changes like hair style/color or a fuller re-sculpt allowing changes to character height?

    good question!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober
  • Enodoc
    Hello, I was wondering it was announced today that "The character information window will be updated to show your level, plus your Champion Rating, which is the total number of Champion Points you have accrued", I was wondering if my friend has 800+ champion points, and I have 519 champion points, when we look at each other in game now it says Veteran 16, will in the future Q2 Dark brotherhood update, will it say champion rank 800 for him and 519 for me above our head where the veteran 16 was, or will we both be 501 champion rank as that's the current cap, thank you :)
    Personally I hope it just says "Level 50" and they leave it at that. Champion Rating does not need to be a public-facing number, otherwise you'll end up with all the same nonsense you get now with VRs. It also doesn't mean much to anyone seeing it anyway, as someone may have applied all or none of their CPs into any one of those constellations.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Enodoc
    When can we expect an auction house? Or anything other than the current trade system?
    Likely never, they really like their trading system and say that it's working well.
    When can we expect a way to search for a guild in-game?
    They are working on a "Looking for Guild" system.
    Are we ever going to be able to display our character's name instead of an account name? On consoles, players' PSN ID is used for everything they do, not just ESO.
    Character name instead of PSN ID/XBL GT is in the works.
    Are there any plans to fix the "inspiration" gain during crafting? New characters' levels are far outpacing their crafting skill. The only way to receive "inspiration" is to deconstruct and research items, and the latter only gives a minuscule amount of xp, especially considering the time it takes to complete. You can't even craft yourself a basic set of steel armor before you're well past the levels you'd use it.
    Get yourself certified and do the daily writs. They provide a good amount of inspiration.
    Edited by Enodoc on January 12, 2016 7:28PM
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • altemriel
    Could you please add a function into the launcher, that would calculate the time of maintenance into my local time?

    I am really bad at math, and everytime when I see that there is going to be maintenance, I have trouble to calculate at what time will it start in my time zone. It would be great if in the launcher window (there where is the "Play" button) it will next to the "realm status: online (or offline)" if it will show also the time of start of the maintenance in my time zone.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober
  • BllyDnsr
    I'm looking forward to the changes and additions this year! One thing that I was hoping we'd get for Cyrodiil/PvP is the ability to belong to multiple groups or at least have the chat function be able to cross-over to multiple groups. For example, if we have a "General" leading a siege group, they could have a group with just their lieutenants who would create spec ops groups - the lieutenants would belong to their spec ops group AND the General's group to be able to communicate strategy without the noise of area chat. Hoping that made sense outside of my head LOL
    Guildmaster of Obsidian Covenant.
  • Snowstrider
    Will text chat be on by default on console? Please say yes becouse i think its pretty important people will forget that it exists otherwise.

    And will chat bubbles come to console tio?
  • lonewolf26
    Could you address the state of the PvE group trial weekly reward system? It has not sent out rewards consistently since Orsinium was released. There are two things I'm interested in hearing about:

    1. Is this being looked into? When can we expect it to be fixed?
    2. Getting on the leader board is much more contentious now than it was pre-Orsinium. Would you consider reverting the change that only lets the top 100 individuals get rewards back to the top 100 groups?
  • jowww97
    My question is:

    When are u guys going to fix the fighter's guild bug. The same bug that I have for almost 6 months now. The bug that my fighter's guild rank is stuck on rank 9 and it won't level up no matter how many daedras I kill or quests I do. It's the same bug that drives me crazy every damn time I see someone else using while I can't.
    Ps4 player
  • silky_soft
    Can you elaborate why VR removal is Q2 and not Q1?
    Here $15, goat mount please. Not paying 45 : lol :
    Netch is free with a cleanse and free magika. You nerf siphon into the ground. Nice balance team.
    How do you go home every night and say, I did a great job at work today. You actually do your job properly.
    Step 1: roll templar. Step 2: level up jabs. Step 3: slap on weapon damage build. Step 4: que for bg. Step 5: leap...jabsjabsjabsjabs
This discussion has been closed.