Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [IN PROGRESS] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Darlgon
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Ok. so, finally able to sit down an listen to the @ZOS_BrianWheeler interview on ESO Live 2015/12/04. (Did that ever get You tubed and linked? If so, I missed it, as I am watching the Twitch recording..)

    Anyways.. On dueling.. how about saying, allies can only duel in a captured keep? It already has a buff, so just add "Allow Same Faction Combat". Have it disappear if a keep is flagged maybe...

    Um, you do realize dueling will be possible Tamriel-wide barring areas that disallow it? Least it should be considering it would be pointless to add it to only Cyrodiil where open PvP nullifies its purpose lol

    YOU do realize that @ZOS_BrianWheeler was saying that the potential of two players dueling and a third enemy player coming up to them and interrupting the duel was one of the holdups? So special cases will have to happen in the PVP areas.
    Edited by Darlgon on December 20, 2015 5:54PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • KramUzibra
    Would Eso ever consider flying mounts or battle pets?
  • UltimaJoe777
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Ok. so, finally able to sit down an listen to the @ZOS_BrianWheeler interview on ESO Live 2015/12/04. (Did that ever get You tubed and linked? If so, I missed it, as I am watching the Twitch recording..)

    Anyways.. On dueling.. how about saying, allies can only duel in a captured keep? It already has a buff, so just add "Allow Same Faction Combat". Have it disappear if a keep is flagged maybe...

    Um, you do realize dueling will be possible Tamriel-wide barring areas that disallow it? Least it should be considering it would be pointless to add it to only Cyrodiil where open PvP nullifies its purpose lol

    YOU do realize that @ZOS_BrianWheeler was saying that the potential of two players dueling and a third enemy player coming up to them and interrupting the duel was one of the holdups? So special cases will have to happen in the PVP areas.

    That doesn't mean it'll be limited to Cyrodiil alone lol
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Darlgon
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Ok. so, finally able to sit down an listen to the @ZOS_BrianWheeler interview on ESO Live 2015/12/04. (Did that ever get You tubed and linked? If so, I missed it, as I am watching the Twitch recording..)

    Anyways.. On dueling.. how about saying, allies can only duel in a captured keep? It already has a buff, so just add "Allow Same Faction Combat". Have it disappear if a keep is flagged maybe...

    Um, you do realize dueling will be possible Tamriel-wide barring areas that disallow it? Least it should be considering it would be pointless to add it to only Cyrodiil where open PvP nullifies its purpose lol

    YOU do realize that @ZOS_BrianWheeler was saying that the potential of two players dueling and a third enemy player coming up to them and interrupting the duel was one of the holdups? So special cases will have to happen in the PVP areas.

    That doesn't mean it'll be limited to Cyrodiil alone lol

    Actually, it does.. You cant run into the enemy faction in PVE?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on December 21, 2015 12:16AM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Gidorick
    LOL @KramUzibra you gave me a bipolar response.

    At first I was:
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Would Eso ever consider flying mounts
    Then I was like...
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    or battle pets?

    Edited by Gidorick on December 20, 2015 9:50PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Artjuh90
    When will consoles finnaly get text chat?
    the community is asking about it for about 6 months now every since it came to consoles really.
    the reason we like this function is because the easyest way to get in contact in game with strangers is and always will be through chat. some people already have stated on the various reasons in the unanswered posts about text chat. most common who came forword was the family at home, 2-ways in this case; for example not able to speak because of a sleeping baby or not wanting to let your crying baby bother others on chat and people with anxiety problems.
    further more there are still people without headsets (which i pernonally don't get because i got one when i bought my xbox one) who can't even communicate. and before the anti-textchat hero's start again. you can make a message without a keyboard on console just look at the ingame messaging system of both xbox and sony. this takes a long time to sent a message AND you can't message several people at once which you probably want to do in dungeons/trials or PvP.
    I for one and i heared several other people on the forum aswell would plug in a usb-keyboard as soon as the option is available.
    cluttering of the screen shouldn't matter aswell as people have stated because have you heared people on pc be bothered about it. just remove text on pc for a month and you will see people annoyed by it. and they already formed groups with textchat which now they continue to play with on TS. Voice chat isn't bad but it's not a good way to get to know new people and when there are more then 3-4 people trying to communicate. just go to mournhould (im EP)for example with area chat on. i'm sure you will be annoyed as hell within 30 seconds. i even talked with guildmembers about this (the onle guild which there are actually people in the freaking chat) and they state aswell they just perma put area chat off. Is this the way you want a MMO to go. because i fear the game won't last without a actual in game community to do things with. getting people to do dungeons is a pain and i find myself not even able to find groups who can actually clear the daily vet pledges. problem is i don't know that many people in game because there is a big barrier blocking me and most console players to actual have a community.
    and to go into the point that console players mostly sit further away from there screen you are probably right. but the fact that you don't count in that console players play on a tv which is mosst of the times way bigger then a PC-monitor balances this out. people who play for example the old TES games on pc or xbox don't feel any difference in diffuculty reading the conversations.
    and last and not least if people don't want to buy money to have decent communication why are there so many players like me who put down 20 euro for a bear in game. i don't mind that but if i'm willing to pay that for something you might call gimmic, then you know i won't mind paying for something i actaully find necessary for the game
  • UltimaJoe777
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Ok. so, finally able to sit down an listen to the @ZOS_BrianWheeler interview on ESO Live 2015/12/04. (Did that ever get You tubed and linked? If so, I missed it, as I am watching the Twitch recording..)

    Anyways.. On dueling.. how about saying, allies can only duel in a captured keep? It already has a buff, so just add "Allow Same Faction Combat". Have it disappear if a keep is flagged maybe...

    Um, you do realize dueling will be possible Tamriel-wide barring areas that disallow it? Least it should be considering it would be pointless to add it to only Cyrodiil where open PvP nullifies its purpose lol

    YOU do realize that @ZOS_BrianWheeler was saying that the potential of two players dueling and a third enemy player coming up to them and interrupting the duel was one of the holdups? So special cases will have to happen in the PVP areas.

    That doesn't mean it'll be limited to Cyrodiil alone lol

    Actually, it does.. You cant run into the enemy faction in PVE?

    Dueling allows more same faction PvP than anything, but as they have stated before they are working on ways to make grouping, questing, etc. more doable with players of other factions. This means it could very well end up possible to have Duels with players from other factions.
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on December 21, 2015 2:05AM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Sparky617
    1) If we have multiple characters at max level, could we someday go through a Deadric ritual to combine two of their souls giving us access to both class skill lines on one character? To go even further.... Is there even a remote possibility that ALL skill lines will be available so that we can make a custom character from the beginning? I want to play with Shadow and Thunder....

    2) Are their any plans for future character classes?
    Edited by Sparky617 on December 21, 2015 2:45PM
  • Shadesofkin
    First of all, well done on the Solo content of Wrothgar and especially the Maelstrom Arena.

    My question is, can we ever expect more content similar but at a more "dungeon" scale? Something like instanced single and two player dungeons for the Undaunted which could give keys and sets similar to the four man content?
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • Beaveri
    Is there any plans to make following sets sellable: Pariah, Briarheart and Trinimac? I have inventory full of same type of trinimac pieces when desperately trying to get briarheart set. I believe this armor set grinding does not make much sense and makes at least me frustrated...
    PC EU - PVP

    Queen Visenya | Magicka DK
    Queen Valkyrie | Stamina DK
    Queen Nymeria | Magicka Sorcerer
    Queen Astrape | Stamina Sorcerer
    Queen Umbra | Magicka/Stamina Nightblade
    Queen Skadi | Magicka Warden
    Queen Greenseer | Stamina Warden
    Queen Marzanna | Magicka Necromancer
    Queen Kalma | Stamina Necromancer
    Queen Durga | Magicka Templar
    Queen Melisandre | Stamina Templar
    Queen Rhaenys | Stamina Templar
  • UltimaJoe777
    Beaveri wrote: »
    Is there any plans to make following sets sellable: Pariah, Briarheart and Trinimac? I have inventory full of same type of trinimac pieces when desperately trying to get briarheart set. I believe this armor set grinding does not make much sense and makes at least me frustrated...

    People have been asking for Zenimax to drop the Bind on Pickup bit for stuff like that for a good while. Hopefully they do someday :)
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on December 21, 2015 6:40PM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Nénlindë
    Does Zenimax plan to offer a gift to friend option on the Crown Store at some point?
    every time
    nothing ever beats charmander
  • Artjuh90
    Sparky617 wrote: »
    1) If we have multiple characters at max level, could we someday go through a Deadric ritual to combine two of their souls giving us access to both class skill lines on one character? To go even further.... Is there even a remote possibility that ALL skill lines will be available so that we can make a custom character from the beginning? I want to play with Shadow and Thunder....

    2) Are their any plans for future character classes?

    so you want to distance yourself even further from newer players? aren't cp enough just no this this plz
  • AllHailFred
    when is the bugs in this game going to be fixed? especially for vet maelstrom arena, do you guys have a time table for it? or is it something we have to purchase through the crown store?
  • Daedgaming
    A few questions actually

    1. Do you guys plan on adding an active ability tracker at any point in time? Essentially it would be a bubble with the ability/food drink or potion name and the amount of time left until it runs out. The game needs one badly. Especially on Xbox One.
    2. Any thoughts on adding damage and healing numbers?
    3. Xbox One third person view, any plans to make it so you can zoom out more without having to press the D pad then joystick back?
    4. Will spellcrafting ever be added? And if so can you edit the look of the spell as well? Meaning the color mostly.
    5. will pvp Arena ever be added?
    GT-Daedxz, Guild Master of "Cannon Fodder" Xbox One, American Servers/DC for lyfe. I kill I steal I conquer
  • UltimaJoe777
    Daedgaming wrote: »
    A few questions actually

    1. Do you guys plan on adding an active ability tracker at any point in time? Essentially it would be a bubble with the ability/food drink or potion name and the amount of time left until it runs out. The game needs one badly. Especially on Xbox One.
    2. Any thoughts on adding damage and healing numbers?
    3. Xbox One third person view, any plans to make it so you can zoom out more without having to press the D pad then joystick back?
    4. Will spellcrafting ever be added? And if so can you edit the look of the spell as well? Meaning the color mostly.
    5. will pvp Arena ever be added?

    Combat logs are coming with the Thieves' Guild, so that answers your #2. #4 is on the dev board for consideration, but is not confirmed yet as on the way. It has been said before and it shall be said again: Yes small-scale PvP is in the works, but it will not be coming anytime in the near future. Expect at least 4th quarter next year for it to even stand a chance of being completed and/or on the way into the game.
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on December 22, 2015 4:31AM
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • oxxalejandroxxo
    CRehrl15 wrote: »
    Are we able to buy the Monster Sets at the upcoming Merchant and resell them in a Guildstore?

    They will be BoE at least, because all set items are. BoP, however, remains to be said... Willing to bet BoE though.
    Everybody is a dark human shape when we log in, and it's really annoying. I know we need it to tell us that a player is there while his or her appearance is loading, but could we do it in a more classy way?? Like every player in a white light or soul or something?? The dark human shape tells Argonian and Khajiit players that their characters are just humans in costumes, which is very discouraging.

    Before it was like this they weren't visible at all while loading, and players took advantage of this in IC to gank players going up and down ladders. This was before safe zones as well mind you lol

    Also anything too fancy would just strain the loading process.

    It does not have to be something too fancy. How about a white or grey diamond square or ellipse or something? Anything would be better than black human shapes.
  • oxxalejandroxxo
    Can players who have visited Bangkorai and Stormhaven be able to travel from Wrothgar to these two zones through Friendship Gate and Merchant Gate? The good exploring experience of ESOTU is totally ruined by the design that moves all players back to their original zones after they go out of the above gates!
  • shugg
    Hi , are you going to spend some time balancing the roles with in the game, at the moment dps and healers can enjoy pve and pvp, tanks can enjoy pve, dps can enjoy pvp pve and arena . The game is very dps focused and some of us feel left by the side due to our role. Also alone with this are there plans to make stacking health worth it.

    A suggestion make all damage scale of weapons and abilities use the magic or stam as resource , this would mean tanks can hit as hard as dps but less often as i would make bosses hit harder thus meaning a tank needs the hp pool for content. This would also balance ttk in pvp and and increase hybrid builds
  • Daedgaming
    shugg wrote: »
    Hi , are you going to spend some time balancing the roles with in the game, at the moment dps and healers can enjoy pve and pvp, tanks can enjoy pve, dps can enjoy pvp pve and arena . The game is very dps focused and some of us feel left by the side due to our role. Also alone with this are there plans to make stacking health worth it.

    A suggestion make all damage scale of weapons and abilities use the magic or stam as resource , this would mean tanks can hit as hard as dps but less often as i would make bosses hit harder thus meaning a tank needs the hp pool for content. This would also balance ttk in pvp and and increase hybrid builds

    I have been a healer support role since the beta, I have not once felt left out by lacking in dps. TESO is one of those games where you can entirely create your own way of playing the game. If you are lacking damage then take out a few healing abilities and add some dps ones. It is really simple. In my case this is the spec I use as of right now.
    GT-Daedxz, Guild Master of "Cannon Fodder" Xbox One, American Servers/DC for lyfe. I kill I steal I conquer
  • shugg
    I didnt say healers where lacking in dps, i actually said the healers can pvp and pve well however no healer can complete vet arena and the point was a tank carnt compete in pvp or arena hence a re look at the roles not the classes. As for play like u want too ,u are right u can but to be competitive then you carnt play the way u wsnt, which is sad
    Edited by shugg on December 22, 2015 4:07PM
  • UltimaJoe777
    shugg wrote: »
    I didnt say healers where lacking in dps, i actually said the healers can pvp and pve well however no healer can complete vet arena and the point was a tank carnt compete in pvp or arena hence a re look at the roles not the classes. As for play like u want too ,u are right u can but to be competitive then you carnt play the way u wsnt, which is sad

    The metagame is very harsh when it comes to peer pressure. You have 2 choices: either be one of them or don't. I choose not to, that way I can play the way I want without worrying about being "competitive" or not and frankly I still do just fine even by their standards!
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • shugg
    Its the meta thats needed to do arena vet or well designed builds to do vet prison, if they are happy with the roles now the simple thing would bring in duel spec. Tbh its going to be needed any way before pvp arena or yet again tanks will be missing content.
  • altemriel
    Will you please Zos include also the /f command to the chat? To write to all my friends that are online now??

    Please :)!

    Edited by altemriel on December 23, 2015 9:21AM
  • Mettaricana
    Add a invite to guild option to the circle menu in console.

    Toggle off bound armor.

    New ways to get legendary tempers( find in chests lock picking, steal from dressers, telvar purchase, or make tempers and materials somewhat drop specific ex: dwarven oil can drop from dwarven monsters, dreugh wax from dreughs, honing stones from just harvesting sometimes, elegant lining maybe from humanoid enemies who jist happen to have nice clothes etc?

    Offer a few non alliance based stam heals like add to undaunted or fighters guild.

    Wyrd skill line that allows nature esque healing and a summon wolf pet.

    Worm cult skill line allows life drains and summoning skeletons and maybe a bone colossus and or flesh atro summon ult.

    Sword and javelin skill line Just add a few passives and skills to the vosh rahk and give it to us make it dps viable to help spread the twohander or go home mentality.

    Console toggle off mage light ball

    Remove rng decon fodder in undaunted chests should be better shoulder chances and maybe add legendary tempers to it.

    Slim down the ankles and feet on some female armors they look like elephant calves on anything higher than tooth pick for body build.
  • shugg
    Not realy Q&A thier more demands.
  • HeroOfNone
    Can we get an ESO live after dark special sometime to ask the more mature questions like:

    Did queen Ayren buy Razum-dar as a crown store mount?

    Before the 3 banner war were oil catapults used to help with the imperial Greco-Roman wrestling matches?

    If this were the Rocky Horror picture show, would the casting be like (minor spoilers):
    Mannimarco - Dr. Frank N. Furter
    Molag Bal - both Riff Raff & Magenta
    Aelif - Columbia
    Abnur Tharn - The Criminologist
    Lyris Titanborn - Janet Weiss
    Sai Sahan - Brad Majors
    The Prophet - Dr. Everett V. Scott
    Darien Gautier - Eddie
    The Vestige - Rocky Horror

    Given Bosmer close relation to beasts when shape shifting, do they have kids 1 at a time or in litters?

    If a bosmer kills someone that recently ate a salad, do they avoid the vegetables like a 5 year old sitting at a dinner table?

    Can spider Daedra get drunk on caffeine?

    If there is a female orc war chief, can she have multiple wives and/or multiple husbands?

    Do mead brewers also hold the title of marriage counselors in Nordic society?

    Since there isn't an easter, would painting eggs and hiding them around the house be a way to let an argonian lover that they want to start a family?
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • shugg
    Question - any plans to add some hard achivments with unique tabards as rewards, example clearing both ic dungens with out dying within x amount of time or learn ever trait?
  • Murkblade
    What do you think of my creative idea for introducing worship of the Gods and Divines into ESO ?

    Take a look, guys... I actually think it might work well.
  • M'Hael
    (Pronounced Ma Hail)

    2 quick clarifications

    1. True or False, waiting to put all 4 pinions down on a dolmen until the end of the first phase increases your chance of getting a rare boss in the second phase?

    2. When a skill doesn't state a range, is there an "assumed range" (some say 5 meters). i.e. Templar's Dark Flare says "afflicts target and nearby enemies with Major Defile" ... how nearby?

    Love the game, thanks for doing ESO Live!

    Reverend M'Hael
This discussion has been closed.