Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • Iduyenn
    I mean, i tested or followed some builds about ww.
    - Tormentor-Tank = not working (since our jump is not a charge...).
    - Healing (Twilight's Remedy, Combat Physician) Well... i know, strange idea.. but why not trying to be supportive?
    - Dd- heavy attack build (with CP) doesnt make sense and doesnt work (but sustain would work here)
    - Poison build: Doesnt work, to low dmg.
    - Bleeding build: Doesnt work, no dmg.
    - Normal stam-dd setup: Either 20 sec insane burst, but out of resources (and you would have to do heavy attacks to stay in ww form). Or crappy overall dps with bad sustain (sine your actual sustain before transformation doesnt scale with the high coasts of your ww skills).
    ==> and keeping your stam-dd rotation up is way more efficient. Because you have executes and ultimates...
    - Funbuilds: Timer to short, no possibility to transform at will. It works for some...

    The joke is: Since you can only regenerate Stamine trough heavy attacks or wating, you need to wait between combat, but then... your timer wil run out in no time... Even if i have pots on cd, there is too much stamina missing.

  • dinogamer14miku
    As a current werewolf Im liking these ability's!
  • DocFrost72
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    I mean, i tested or followed some builds about ww.
    - Tormentor-Tank = not working (since our jump is not a charge...).
    - Healing (Twilight's Remedy, Combat Physician) Well... i know, strange idea.. but why not trying to be supportive?
    - Dd- heavy attack build (with CP) doesnt make sense and doesnt work (but sustain would work here)
    - Poison build: Doesnt work, to low dmg.
    - Bleeding build: Doesnt work, no dmg.
    - Normal stam-dd setup: Either 20 sec insane burst, but out of resources (and you would have to do heavy attacks to stay in ww form). Or crappy overall dps with bad sustain (sine your actual sustain before transformation doesnt scale with the high coasts of your ww skills).
    ==> and keeping your stam-dd rotation up is way more efficient. Because you have executes and ultimates...
    - Funbuilds: Timer to short, no possibility to transform at will. It works for some...

    The joke is: Since you can only regenerate Stamine trough heavy attacks or wating, you need to wait between combat, but then... your timer wil run out in no time... Even if i have pots on cd, there is too much stamina missing.

    I was told that the pounce ability was tested and confirmed to work when IC dropped. It may be a bug, or dependent on the morph? How recently did you try it, and on which boss/mob?
  • Iduyenn
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    I mean, i tested or followed some builds about ww.
    - Tormentor-Tank = not working (since our jump is not a charge...).
    - Healing (Twilight's Remedy, Combat Physician) Well... i know, strange idea.. but why not trying to be supportive?
    - Dd- heavy attack build (with CP) doesnt make sense and doesnt work (but sustain would work here)
    - Poison build: Doesnt work, to low dmg.
    - Bleeding build: Doesnt work, no dmg.
    - Normal stam-dd setup: Either 20 sec insane burst, but out of resources (and you would have to do heavy attacks to stay in ww form). Or crappy overall dps with bad sustain (sine your actual sustain before transformation doesnt scale with the high coasts of your ww skills).
    ==> and keeping your stam-dd rotation up is way more efficient. Because you have executes and ultimates...
    - Funbuilds: Timer to short, no possibility to transform at will. It works for some...

    The joke is: Since you can only regenerate Stamine trough heavy attacks or wating, you need to wait between combat, but then... your timer wil run out in no time... Even if i have pots on cd, there is too much stamina missing.

    I was told that the pounce ability was tested and confirmed to work when IC dropped. It may be a bug, or dependent on the morph? How recently did you try it, and on which boss/mob?

    2 weeks ago. With both morphs.
  • Kainos98
    Howl all you want guys, the vamp council seems to run ESO lol they threw us a bone and left it at that, the fact that all reasonable requests and the lack of simple fixes like the "black" reskin of the Berserker never getting fixed and STAM issues is all but pointing to the fact that WW changes ended with "Here....take this bit of fresh meat and chew on it like a good doggy." Be nice to get a longer timer, so we can spend more time fighting instead of having our face down and ass up...with our teeth buried deep into what's left of our victims just to get a few more secs of time.
    Edited by Kainos98 on April 16, 2016 3:29PM
  • potirondb16_ESO
    Lool, Actually I'm thinking about going werewolf on one of my alt, and the biggest challenge for werewolf feel like it's not relevant to be a werewolf unless you're aiming for it has an ultimate option which is a bit harsh because even if there's more fire then there's poison Inside this game I still feel like being a werewolf is a choice that has consequence.

    I know the latest nerf on werewolf been done because all stamina class were actually being a werewolf and never used any of the werewolf skill. That was pretty obvious.

    So the challenge for werewolf is to make it still appealing while not becoming a buff tracker. I would have 2 suggestions to that account.

    I would love to see a weapon power buff passive going on at all time, maybe a spell power buff too since I mean vampire got regen passive for both playstyle now. So that would be great. And since werewolf is kind of hard to fit Inside a dps rotation if you consider (and that's what I'm considering actually) that this ultimate cannot be use as a ressource generator as overload is for sorc as an example. It may be nice to actually give back a chunk of ressource for turning into a werewolf and maybe I say maybe a major berzebeker buff once you turn back into normal form...

    That would probably make werewolf more appealing while not turning them into a must have. Because obviously when you'r using werewolf you'r lowering your overall weapon power by 8% right... (maybe aim for a steady weapon dommage bonus, not Something % oriented) so it could be more interesting for lowbies as well as not being too powerfull for max/min caracther.

    Edit: Or maybe a weapon penetration bonus... that could work too... harder to manage then brute weapon power while still highly relevant for stamina class. But one thing is sure, need to get constant bonus.
    Edited by potirondb16_ESO on April 21, 2016 6:07PM
  • C0wrex
    It's beautiful!
    "We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will, to strive, to seek and not to yield."

    -Tennyson, Ulysses
  • AegisWolf
    C0wrex wrote: »
    It's beautiful!

    What's beautiful?
    Edited by AegisWolf on April 25, 2016 6:33AM
  • AmericanSpy
    As a pretty avid werewolf user over the past few months, I think I have enough experience with builds to make some suggestions.

    Race: Imperial
    Class: Dragon Knight
    Weapon: Dual-Wield, 2 Handed, Bow, Sword and Shield

    To begin I'll list off what I consider to be werewolf's weaknesses in today's state of the game.
    1. Survive ability: The sheer lack of abilities at hand makes WW a tough class to sustain. The added Hiricine's Rage heal and the HOT from claws has gone a long way to enable some emergency life. These skills alone, however, do not allow for sustained combat of any sort. The fact that HR uses magicka on what is supposed to be a stamina based class is killer. I see the purpose(to allow balance) but with only 5 possible abilities to use there's no further reason to balance. With some classes gaining additional skill bars, the fact that WW gives up one should make it so they are extremely efficient with the one.
    2. Resource management: With Heavy attacks and Potions being the only ways to regain resources, WW is always in trouble of running out. Heavy attacks is nice, but unless your build is focused around incorporating them, it severely hinders your ability to do damage rotations. Since WW is about doing DMG, i find this very counter productive.
    3. Ultimate Cost: Still being one of the more expensive ultimates, I find myself always holding onto it for the "just in case." What this does in effect makes your character one dimensional. I've made many builds that are successful while in form, but are utter dogs when I'm waiting to transform.
    4. Cant adjust skills unless in WW form(minor): Whenever I do a skill reset there isn't a way to adjust the slots of WW skills until you are in WW form. This usually means the waste of an ultimate just to move a few skills around.

    Some Ideas to fix said issues:
    1. I've noticed(PVP) that the second you turn into a WW, you instantly become a target. The main reason for this is because of your ability to burst. The easy counter to WW though is to burn before there's a chance to even make a move. The main hindrance to this is the fact of the stun at form changes. I agree with this factor, however, since it is so severe, my solution would be to make WW immune to knock backs/stuns while in form. I'm sure everyone and their mother who don't play WW are crying out loud at this thought. I don't see it as over powering tho. WW is an EXPENSIVE, TIMED skill line, which STUNS on use, limited to only MELEE attacks, a weakness to POISON, and a reduction to 1 skill BAR. All these nerfs for more Stam, and more WP DMG. Being unable to be stunned or knocked back would allow you to live with a lack of healing or shields or even an escape mechanic. This would mean that an enemy player's best option is to try and escape rather then face a WW head on, which should be the tactic in the first place. Nobody fears a WW because all you need to do is hard stun and they are easy pickings.
    2. My only suggestion here is to make light attacks(at a diminished value) restore resources the same as Heavy. Changing the WW passive to include light attacks would be a simple compliment to this change.
    3. I think one of the simple solutions to this would be to still allow Ult gain while in form(but at a 50% rate). This would make the class more viable and even possibly allow you to maintain an extended state in form. Now like with all ultimates it would have to be reactivated, meaning that you would have to break form before reforming as to not all unbreakable WW form. This would mean 6 seconds of stun in between formations of succession IF you managed to build full ultimate again before losing form.
    4. Simple, just make it an accessible skill bar while in the skill tree like the other 2 skill bars.

    Some Theory:
    Back to the topic of #3 I feel an even greater overall change is needed to help "fix" WW. Some ideas on this:
    After building ultimate on your skill bar of choice, activating WW would result in no change as it currently stands(Stun and WW skill bar lock), however, the ultimate slot would be replaced by 2 different selectable ultimates, or 1 morphable ultimate(similar to the WW form ultimate itself). This would allow WW to still play like a regular weapon skill bar and be unique. After transformation, you would maintain however much ultimate you had generated at transformation, as well as the ability to gain ultimate while in form. I feel having an ultimate within WW form more falls in line with the Vamp skill line. This change would allow the WW to affect most of its weakness with a simple change. Ultimtates generally affect sustainability, survive ability, and viability all issues afflicting WW in its current state.

    Some possible Ultimate abilities: Not swappable in form.
    Thick Hide: DMG shield strength based on % of ultimate stored at time of use for X given seconds.
    Morphs: 1. DMG shield that regenerates based off light/heavy attack dmg done for X given seconds. (survive ability skill)
    2. DMG shield in conjunction with CC Immunity for X given seconds. (survive ability skill)
    3. DMG shield that reflects all DMG absorbed back to the attacker at 30% reduced rate. (DMG ability skill)
    Insane Fury: Increase base attack speed by X% based on % of ultimate stored at time of use for Y given seconds.
    Morphs: 1. X% ATK SPD and Y% that lingers after ULT. Y% ATK SPD slowly decays based on L/H ATKs used in ULT. (DMG skill)
    2. X% ATK SPD that does Y% increased L/H ATK damage. Y% increases with each successive L/H ATK (DMG skill)
    3. X% ATK SPD that heals for Y% of L/H ATK damage done. Y% is a flat value (survive ability skill)
    Full Moon: WW Grows in size, gaining X% or Xrate Physical/Magical resistance. ATK SPD is reduced by Y%. Lasts Z seconds.
    Morphs: 1. ADDS: Cap incoming damage at %DMG for a limited time. (survive ability skill)
    2. ADDS: L/H attacks cause taunt, Increase Health/Stam/Mag regen by 100%. (Tank skill)
    3. ADDS: Increase attributes by %, Increase regen by %, decrease all costs by %. (sustain skill)
    Tantrum: Lash out in a cone in front of you swiping at enemies for X time. While casting you are rooted but can rotate.
    Morphs: 1. ADDS: No longer rooted in place, 50% reduced movement speed. Enemies hit are knocked off balance (DMG skill)
    2. ADDS: Heal yourself and regain stamina for every successful strike hit on enemy. (survive ability skill)
    3. ADDS: Increase range and width of damage cone. (DMG skill)

    Most of my suggestions are focused around L/H ATKs, my main reason for this is the utter lack of skill lines and classes that make L/H attack builds viable. As boring as this sounds to mash the left mouse button, I still think this should be an option in the ESO world. I would also like to see the option of WW as a tankable class. This would help make WW unique and give it a more PVE oriented skill line. PVE damage build viability is also lacking, this could be affected by incorporating the heavy attack time bonus to light attacks at a reduced rate as well, particularly for Trial/Dungeon bosses. An addition of WW focused armor (similar to the niche sorc pet hunters armor) would go a long way to support PVE play. Simple wording to have the armor focused on PVE play would keep it from becoming "OP." Things like a 5 set which allows extended stay in form or even permanent toggle while in trials/dungeon, or a 5 set that plays to the WW ability to fear/consume targets (ie increase regen after consuming corpses, increased %dmg vs feared targets, CC immunity while consuming, etc)

    Things I don't want to see a change in would be to the current ability of WW to maintain Form. The damage received and eating are more then enough to stay in WW for extended periods of time. In the Imperial Sewers I have managed to maintain Form for minutes on end. This is slightly contradictory to my above statement about light attacks adding time, but staying in form during trials/dungeons is a separate issue. I also wouldn't like to see any changes to the current skills associated with the WW. They have a great balance of DMG, Buffs, CC, and Healing for the skills that they are.

    Comment back and let me know what you think, or find me in game @AmericanSpy to bounce some WW theory off me.
  • ZakuBeta
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.
  • Chrlynsch
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.

    With a full WW pack 80% reduction, you are getting over 2min of werewolf. As every tick (1 sec off werewolf) is now only removing .2 seconds. While giving you more for your devours, bloodrage, and feral leeps. Pretty neat for pack gameplay.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.

    With a full WW pack 80% reduction, you are getting over 2min of werewolf. As every tick (1 sec off werewolf) is now only removing .2 seconds. While giving you more for your devours, bloodrage, and feral leeps. Pretty neat for pack gameplay.

    Mentioned this slightly somewhere else but, with both the strong timer bonus and the summoned wolves, why would I want to use beserker anymore? It looks the same as the default ww, it plays the same as the default ww, the only thing it has is more dps which isn't something you really feel in game-play. Any opinions on that?
  • Chrlynsch
    CP5 wrote: »
    Prothwata wrote: »
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.

    With a full WW pack 80% reduction, you are getting over 2min of werewolf. As every tick (1 sec off werewolf) is now only removing .2 seconds. While giving you more for your devours, bloodrage, and feral leeps. Pretty neat for pack gameplay.

    Mentioned this slightly somewhere else but, with both the strong timer bonus and the summoned wolves, why would I want to use beserker anymore? It looks the same as the default ww, it plays the same as the default ww, the only thing it has is more dps which isn't something you really feel in game-play. Any opinions on that?

    Timer bonus from heavy attacks was removed from pack leader and all werewolves who incest points into passive get the new group timer mechanic.

    So the question is do you want to have 2 dps pets or controlled dps increase
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    Prothwata wrote: »
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.

    With a full WW pack 80% reduction, you are getting over 2min of werewolf. As every tick (1 sec off werewolf) is now only removing .2 seconds. While giving you more for your devours, bloodrage, and feral leeps. Pretty neat for pack gameplay.

    Mentioned this slightly somewhere else but, with both the strong timer bonus and the summoned wolves, why would I want to use beserker anymore? It looks the same as the default ww, it plays the same as the default ww, the only thing it has is more dps which isn't something you really feel in game-play. Any opinions on that?

    Timer bonus from heavy attacks was removed from pack leader and all werewolves who incest points into passive get the new group timer mechanic.

    So the question is do you want to have 2 dps pets or controlled dps increase

    I tried those pets, they seemed very helpful in drawing agro so I couldn't get blood rage to proc as easily and then they would sit on corpses so I couldn't devour them. That is the reason to not pick pack leader I guess.
  • Kuningatar
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I have heard about the new changes to Werewolf, specifically to Pack Leader that is supposed to replace what it does now with it summoning two dps npcs, I just want to express that I believe this is a terrible idea and if you think you have to change it, do not.

    Pack Leader is a morph that was useful because it finally gave players of werewolves what they kept asking for endlessly; more time. Its not enough time, in fact if anything the werewolf transformation should be made a toggle or an ultimate similar to the sorcerer ultimate overload where you can turn it on/off and retain the ultimate you have left (possibly giving multiple uses over time)

    Werewolf is difficult to enjoy because the timer for the transformation runs out so quickly. This have been stated by multiple people over the two years of this game. To enjoy werewolf, we need more time to be a werewolf. As it is, you have to be concerned about running out of transformation time in mid fight often which makes it fairly useless for PvP and questionable for PvE, if you remove the timer increase that is gained from taking Pack Leader, then you have effectively killed the entire point of taking Pack Leader to begin with.

    Two dps npc's spawning? That really seems useless. PLEASE do not remove the additionally time gained for allies (and yourself) in Pack Leader. If anything, increase the timer or make Werewolf a toggle-able ultimate or similar to overload because werewolves really need something to even the playing field.

    I mean think about it. Look at the vampires? They always have their abilities no matter what. Their class skills can be used every second of their game play, werewolves can only use their class skills when transformed and the duration of that transformation is very short even with the current Pack Leader granting additional time for battle and devour. That is a bit unfair, all things considered. Especially when vampires do get so many other additional perks.
    Joskus menee perkeleen huonosti, mutta minä en anna periksi!
  • Chrlynsch
    CP5 wrote: »
    Prothwata wrote: »
    CP5 wrote: »
    Prothwata wrote: »
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    What does the "Werewolf •Call of the Pack: Redesigned this passive ability so it now reduces the cost of staying in Werewolf form by 10/20% for each transformed Werewolf in your group, including yourself, up to a maximum of 40/80% at Ranks I/II."
    mean? Reduces the cost of staying in form? Is that increasing the time? Reducing the countdown speed of the timer? It doesn't exactly make sense. I think that the high cost of the ultimate, and the relatively high cost of the abilities really needs looked at, and the Berserker morph. Making the Pack Leader morph even better is counterintuitive to me, make both forms desirable, not the one that people tend to gravitate towards already even better.

    With a full WW pack 80% reduction, you are getting over 2min of werewolf. As every tick (1 sec off werewolf) is now only removing .2 seconds. While giving you more for your devours, bloodrage, and feral leeps. Pretty neat for pack gameplay.

    Mentioned this slightly somewhere else but, with both the strong timer bonus and the summoned wolves, why would I want to use beserker anymore? It looks the same as the default ww, it plays the same as the default ww, the only thing it has is more dps which isn't something you really feel in game-play. Any opinions on that?

    Timer bonus from heavy attacks was removed from pack leader and all werewolves who incest points into passive get the new group timer mechanic.

    So the question is do you want to have 2 dps pets or controlled dps increase

    I tried those pets, they seemed very helpful in drawing agro so I couldn't get blood rage to proc as easily and then they would sit on corpses so I couldn't devour them. That is the reason to not pick pack leader I guess.

    In pvp pack leader adds extra bodies to the proxy det calculations as well
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Iduyenn
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober Hello and can you please keep an eye on this thread? Perhaps point it out to the developers? That would be great!

    I am very grateful, that there are signs, that you have heared us! I realy am, and i will honour this in doing severe testing, once i have my characters transferred to pts. But it will be hard, because i will need very specific sets.
    Some nice changes in the right directions. But we arent there yet! Please keep up the work! :wink:

    1. Pack-play= Awsome... its a step in the right direction. But we aren`t there yet!
    2. Anyone tested Tormentor on PTS yet?
    3. Regeneration/Ressources: Will still be the biggest issue... because even with 53k !!! Stamina. I am way to fast out of stamina... (and i started with a heavy attack rotation ;-/). Even if we have full stamina-costreduction or /and regeneration. The coasts of WW abbilities are way to high). (Not even if you think about constitution passive etc)
    ==> I get it! You dont want us to just use 1 button. So make this not abbout difficult rotations, but chalanging group-synergies!!!
    For example: Full pack- Call of the Pack= Very nice for our timer. But: What about ressources? We still cant use spears or other synergies. => Make it, so we can use ww synergies... and make them so important, that we have to use them to get enough resources!

    Some ideas: While Howl of Despair is strong, you could allow us a group-rotation: One or two wolves cast this, and those with synergies do heavy attack (Stamina) + Claw of live + light attack (desease) for 15secs. After The time, there has to be a renewal, because dps would be to low otherwise (and no stamina left).
    --> Imagine a raid with a happy DK (magicka or stamina) using this synergy (with molten armaments)! or an overload mage! I think, there is a huge potential here!
    --> By using a non- werewolf synergy we have the chance to gain additional time in werewolf and/or regaining 5kstamina 5k live and 5k magicka
    --> Or totally new stuff: Magicka-orbs ---> when a werewolf uses ist---> stamina boost.
    I know... this is wishful thinking, but its simple: eliminate the limitation factors: 1. Timer (you sort of will do this with this update) 2. Ressources

    4. Poison dmg: I see a lot of Poison incoming (Dragonknight, Nightblade). Will you allow us to use this? I feel, it would be good to increase also bleeding, and deasease dmg for us, so we could benefit from class-passives and setbonuses!

    5. Poison making: Add Deseases! Or at least bleeding.

    There are a lot of angles and ideas and even if you decide to approach with much caution; Dont let us wait until next year plz.
  • Iduyenn
    Ok, anyone considering this? 13083329_10154115488929253_3353568281649216722_n.jpg?oh=18f008e7b58ad103c6a19ec542ed04d4&oe=57B6228E

  • mrkurokishi
    I believe the Viper's Sting Set is only going to drop from Vet Trials and might be purchasable (correct me if Im wrong). The Elegance Set is not really an ideal set because its geared more towards mages and as Werewolves it better get gear that leans towards stamina and weapon damage. As far as the Kvatch set there are better options considering at 25% health I hope you are Roaring your opponent down. The Flanking seems to be geared more towards gank builds, but it might be nice if you fear an opponent and are behind them and hit them with a Roar.
    PS4 : mrkurokishi
    Bancha: AD Khajiit magCro (main)
    Koicha: AD Khajiit stamPlar
    Usucha: AD Khajiit stamDen
    Teishu: DC Khajiit magDK
    Shincha: AD Khajiit madSorc
    PC : mrkurokishi
    Malacath's Side Piece: DC Orc stamPlar
  • Iduyenn
    Hmm ok, but i am asking of a pve perspective too :)
  • mrkurokishi
    ahh okay. The Viper set on a Stam DK would be interesting to run especially with the changes to Kindling and the Kvatch seems to be would be good on the execute phase. Im not any good at theory crafting though so take it with a grain of salt haha :D
    PS4 : mrkurokishi
    Bancha: AD Khajiit magCro (main)
    Koicha: AD Khajiit stamPlar
    Usucha: AD Khajiit stamDen
    Teishu: DC Khajiit magDK
    Shincha: AD Khajiit madSorc
    PC : mrkurokishi
    Malacath's Side Piece: DC Orc stamPlar
  • Mercenary55
    Soul Shriven
    Seriously been a WW for a short period of time and in PvP it is useless. The timer is a dumb idea in my opinion , you hold on to the ultimate until you think it may be useful when in fact almost any other ultimate would have been useful 20 times by now. And when you do finally change your rushing around trying to desperately stay in form longer which usually gets you killed. Please just make it a toggle on effect reduce some DPS and stuff to balance it out change the timer buffs to what ever else maybe wep damage or something. WW is the only ultimate that used in PvP will get you killed in seconds, don't understand why this isn't happening especially with so many backing such an idea.
  • Kuningatar
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    Any comments from devs?

    They seem to be ignoring us.
    Joskus menee perkeleen huonosti, mutta minä en anna periksi!
  • ZakuBeta
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    Any comments from devs?

    They seem to be ignoring us.

    And then tried to bury it.
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Our team has been paying attention to the feedback you’re sharing about the werewolf skill line, and we’re ready to tell you about some of the changes we’re considering to improve the gameplay experience for all you followers of Hircine out there. We’re interested in seeing what you think!

    First off, we’re planning to reduce the cost of transforming into a werewolf. The current costs feel too high, and we want you to be able to transform more frequently. We’ve also fixed a bug that prevented you from using the CC Break ability in werewolf form.

    We want to make a few changes to damage scaling and the Savage Strength passive that will give you a little more burst potential and allow your gear upgrades to affect damage output in a more meaningful way. Savage Strength will offer a flat increase to power instead of stacking multiple times. The bonus is a bit lower to balance the change out, but overall you’ll have more ability to deal burst damage. We want light and heavy attacks to additionally scale off of weapon power (instead of just maximum stamina), and for Pounce and its morphs to scale off of weapon power instead of spell power.

    Finally, we’ll be adding some all-new werewolf abilities to give you more combat options. Here’s what we’ve come up with (we’ll have more about the morphs in the future and would love to know what you’d like to see):
    • Hircine’s Bounty: This is a self-heal ability that gives you more survivability.
    • Piercing Howl: An ability that damages and knocks an enemy down.
    • Infectious Claws: A swipe attack that deals disease damage to multiple foes.
    There you have it! Tell us what you think about the changes, which will be coming online in a future game update. Happy hunting!
    Man... if we only had a more lengthy Transform timer, we'd be SO happy....
    I'm not saying this ain't good, but the real issue, to ME at least, is the fact I have to eat more than I can kill.
    Not to mention when you enter zones with either insufficient food, or the food to be too far spread out.
    Still... it's not bad...
    Just not what i personally wanted.
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • Brassmonkey
    I'm sure someone's already suggested this... but what if they made WW toggable during full moons. To me that would seem more of a lore friendly balance. All they would have to do is make it cost 0 ultimate during a full moon. They could even reduce the ultimate costs based on lunar cycles.
  • Mallybls17
    i don't if i just don't know where it is but, is there a why customize the warewolf abilities with out being in the form, and have you ever thought about changing the animation of the wolf maybe glowing eyes at night, or mouth dripping with drool or blood or blood staying on claws and mouth after an attack that would be cool.
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    In TES, you could become a WW once a day, but permanently, though sleeping to heal was not possible...

    This seemed a great thing to me.

    However, as the WW is quite strong, it would severely imbalance the game.
    A lengthened timer though, would not have this impact, I think...
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • nimander99
    All I have cared about with WW's is I would like to be able to stay in WW form as long as I want or at the very least for the entire night-cycle... Mostly I'd just like to stay in WW form dangit! Vamps stay in vamp form all the time... why cant we?
    Edited by nimander99 on May 9, 2016 9:30PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
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