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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »

    I appreciate your feedback, but really as @draeganb16_ESO I wasn't asking for all of these.

    the real point was, well to point out where werewolves are lacking. I have been playing ESO on PC since beta and like to think I understand a thing or two about the game.

    I have nothing against xbox/ps players but the truth is many are very young at the game, and still only understand the very basics, a lot of this is due to the lack of Addons ( the ability to test and tweek damage output), I don't doubt that you cant take on groups of people when they try to gank you though their understanding of the game is probably very limited.

    Let me break down your answers.


    1. You're a brutish killing machine... reflect what?
    -Werewolves have a magical pelt who says that it can't have the ability to reflect or negate spells?

    2. And? I heal plenty... not like magicka is used much in WW form
    -You may want to rethink the fact that you become a massive target for everyone in PVP using lethal arrow which give you a nasty healing debuff as well. Stamina builds have access to vigor and momentum that both scale off stamina and weapon damage while costing stamina. Werewolf however scales off of magicka and spell damage... because now your only real means of survival scales off your lowest stats and resource pool granting you low heals.

    3. Spell crit? Spell damage? Weapon damage and stamina determine your damage output. Only hircines gift would benefit from spell power, surely?
    - Bingo, they need to change roar to cost magicka and not stamina because it is a true utility ability, and have hircines gift scale off of stamina/weapon power so we can have a solid reliable heal.

    4. With an increased health pool and the fact you can take out a few players before being felled yourself. You don't really need a shield. But -brace- negates 50% damage. Your -block-
    - I'm talking damage shields, like those granted by healing ward, blazing shield, hardened ward, bone shield.
    - I can level raids of pugs with my dk on xbox1, though I don't see that as me being good, I see them just being unskilled.

    5. See number 1
    -Why no evasion? Becoming a werewolf "increases" your speed, strength, and why not reflexes as well?

    6. I don't agree with this. Werewolves needa have stealth mechanics and a passive. But then again you have 30 seconds. You ain't gonna use that time to be sneaky.
    -Thus we come back to time in form being too short

    7. No major/minor regeneration? Eh? Any passives you had in human form follow you in WW form. So if there's something that would give it via passives. You still have it in WW form. Not that you need it.
    -Recovery comes from things such as green dragon blood. Werewolves abilities are the MOST expensive in the game for some reason... Though do not do the most damage by far.

    8. No but you do move faster than a horse and mages will have bolt *** nerfed in September.
    - You move faster then, but closers move faster then you... having gap closers in this game makes running away from a fight almost impossible. (though I have popped immovable speed pots when running away from a fight with werewolf), sorc's blink makes it so they clip terrain and are not target-able by many of the charges. This allows them to "run". Also were wolf is not faster then a leveled horse...

    9. When you hit hard you don't need a critical buff or your damage output would be insane. 4.9k a hit with infectious claws? I have claws of life... It just repeatedly heals me.
    -4.9k damage is not a thing for infectious claws. Even if it was steel tornado's 11 meter range hits for 5k+ , 360 hit vs 7 meter cone 3.5k on live. The fact is the best werewolf builds do not hit harder then the best class burst builds.

    10. You don't need more damage. Especially if you have WW friends.
    -... this just ... I don't even... by this logic templar casters don't need a boost to damage because they can just get more templars to cast.... PROFIT...

    11. Yes because you're OP as *** and when a lv 40 (me) can lay waste to several vrvr2 - 11/14 gank squads of 3 players sometimes 4 in WW form, in the time given. Begs the question why I'd need more time?
    - you don't understand battle leveling do you? TTK on pts is reduced significantly, this leads to drawn out fights... and leaves you more exposed when trying to feed, in werewolf form. Werewolf is not OP at all... it is barely P, there are hundreds of builds that offer higher damage output, sustain, and survivability.

    12. PTS granting a boost. Will make killing easier.
    -How does increasing your survivabilty make killing easier? Yes the 15% increased damage mitigation will be nice... but it Isn't on pts yet.

    13. Should be cheaper. But still. It's a powerful boon. No other ult does what WWTF does in terms of sheer damage output and all over badassery.
    -Yes werewolf offers ok damage, good burst damage. But there are a handful of Ultimates in the game that add more dps to your already more survivable and damaging build.

    14. Devour should be instant but this prevents you from being WW for too long. I just pounce. With the morph. Plenty adoo for me. It's how I last ages in WW form .
    -Really isn't any reason you shouldn't be able to stay in form for ever. Or at least way longer then now. On live people release waaaay before you can finish eating and gain time. PVE yes I can stay in form for an entire dungeon, longest I've stayed in form was 2.5 hours... Longest in pvp maybe 10 min under the right circumstances. So if it is possible to do why not just extend it?

    Sacrifice. Really? Awesome ultimate that bagged me the emperor title in thornblade for an entire hour. Only drawback of WW. people are greedy to want more than a base 30 seconds. Maybe decrease the ult cost and increase the timers. But you can be sure as hell that they would nerf other things into the ground and once that happens and you'll be more upset because of those changes. The people who wanted the change to an already awesome feature would be to blame.
    -Not asking for all, just a couple to make them viable.

    Another note or two:
    I get why they're doing it. But why remove stam regeneration while blocking? I you're still fatigued but hiding behind a shield would still give you some respite.

    ESO Is rated 17 - 18+ right? So except for the precious, easily offended few from utah/scientology, why exactly is there a filter for swearing? If parents are ya know.. watching what their kid is doing, no 8 year old is gonna stumble on here. If they do. The question is why?

    As someone who has used the transformation for a long time (not quite as long as you) over several characters very frequently I can say you nailed every point.
  • PsychoKRATOS1
    Prothwata wrote: »

    I appreciate your feedback, but really as @draeganb16_ESO I wasn't asking for all of these.

    the real point was, well to point out where werewolves are lacking. I have been playing ESO on PC since beta and like to think I understand a thing or two about the game.

    I have nothing against xbox/ps players but the truth is many are very young at the game, and still only understand the very basics, a lot of this is due to the lack of Addons ( the ability to test and tweek damage output), I don't doubt that you cant take on groups of people when they try to gank you though their understanding of the game is probably very limited.

    Let me break down your answers.


    1. You're a brutish killing machine... reflect what?
    -Werewolves have a magical pelt who says that it can't have the ability to reflect or negate spells?

    2. And? I heal plenty... not like magicka is used much in WW form
    -You may want to rethink the fact that you become a massive target for everyone in PVP using lethal arrow which give you a nasty healing debuff as well. Stamina builds have access to vigor and momentum that both scale off stamina and weapon damage while costing stamina. Werewolf however scales off of magicka and spell damage... because now your only real means of survival scales off your lowest stats and resource pool granting you low heals.

    3. Spell crit? Spell damage? Weapon damage and stamina determine your damage output. Only hircines gift would benefit from spell power, surely?
    - Bingo, they need to change roar to cost magicka and not stamina because it is a true utility ability, and have hircines gift scale off of stamina/weapon power so we can have a solid reliable heal.

    4. With an increased health pool and the fact you can take out a few players before being felled yourself. You don't really need a shield. But -brace- negates 50% damage. Your -block-
    - I'm talking damage shields, like those granted by healing ward, blazing shield, hardened ward, bone shield.
    - I can level raids of pugs with my dk on xbox1, though I don't see that as me being good, I see them just being unskilled.

    5. See number 1
    -Why no evasion? Becoming a werewolf "increases" your speed, strength, and why not reflexes as well?

    6. I don't agree with this. Werewolves needa have stealth mechanics and a passive. But then again you have 30 seconds. You ain't gonna use that time to be sneaky.
    -Thus we come back to time in form being too short

    7. No major/minor regeneration? Eh? Any passives you had in human form follow you in WW form. So if there's something that would give it via passives. You still have it in WW form. Not that you need it.
    -Recovery comes from things such as green dragon blood. Werewolves abilities are the MOST expensive in the game for some reason... Though do not do the most damage by far.

    8. No but you do move faster than a horse and mages will have bolt *** nerfed in September.
    - You move faster then, but closers move faster then you... having gap closers in this game makes running away from a fight almost impossible. (though I have popped immovable speed pots when running away from a fight with werewolf), sorc's blink makes it so they clip terrain and are not target-able by many of the charges. This allows them to "run". Also were wolf is not faster then a leveled horse...

    9. When you hit hard you don't need a critical buff or your damage output would be insane. 4.9k a hit with infectious claws? I have claws of life... It just repeatedly heals me.
    -4.9k damage is not a thing for infectious claws. Even if it was steel tornado's 11 meter range hits for 5k+ , 360 hit vs 7 meter cone 3.5k on live. The fact is the best werewolf builds do not hit harder then the best class burst builds.

    10. You don't need more damage. Especially if you have WW friends.
    -... this just ... I don't even... by this logic templar casters don't need a boost to damage because they can just get more templars to cast.... PROFIT...

    11. Yes because you're OP as *** and when a lv 40 (me) can lay waste to several vrvr2 - 11/14 gank squads of 3 players sometimes 4 in WW form, in the time given. Begs the question why I'd need more time?
    - you don't understand battle leveling do you? TTK on pts is reduced significantly, this leads to drawn out fights... and leaves you more exposed when trying to feed, in werewolf form. Werewolf is not OP at all... it is barely P, there are hundreds of builds that offer higher damage output, sustain, and survivability.

    12. PTS granting a boost. Will make killing easier.
    -How does increasing your survivabilty make killing easier? Yes the 15% increased damage mitigation will be nice... but it Isn't on pts yet.

    13. Should be cheaper. But still. It's a powerful boon. No other ult does what WWTF does in terms of sheer damage output and all over badassery.
    -Yes werewolf offers ok damage, good burst damage. But there are a handful of Ultimates in the game that add more dps to your already more survivable and damaging build.

    14. Devour should be instant but this prevents you from being WW for too long. I just pounce. With the morph. Plenty adoo for me. It's how I last ages in WW form .
    -Really isn't any reason you shouldn't be able to stay in form for ever. Or at least way longer then now. On live people release waaaay before you can finish eating and gain time. PVE yes I can stay in form for an entire dungeon, longest I've stayed in form was 2.5 hours... Longest in pvp maybe 10 min under the right circumstances. So if it is possible to do why not just extend it?

    Sacrifice. Really? Awesome ultimate that bagged me the emperor title in thornblade for an entire hour. Only drawback of WW. people are greedy to want more than a base 30 seconds. Maybe decrease the ult cost and increase the timers. But you can be sure as hell that they would nerf other things into the ground and once that happens and you'll be more upset because of those changes. The people who wanted the change to an already awesome feature would be to blame.
    -Not asking for all, just a couple to make them viable.

    Another note or two:
    I get why they're doing it. But why remove stam regeneration while blocking? I you're still fatigued but hiding behind a shield would still give you some respite.

    ESO Is rated 17 - 18+ right? So except for the precious, easily offended few from utah/scientology, why exactly is there a filter for swearing? If parents are ya know.. watching what their kid is doing, no 8 year old is gonna stumble on here. If they do. The question is why?

    I'm a pc transfer player. I've been playing as long as you and I have been playing with people who are happy with WW as it is.
    You have an add on in game that makes you a killing machine. The ability for a low lvld player(even worse max) to wreak havoc. Why have classes if it's just going to be out maneuvered and out DPS'D out done in every aspect, by something that takes less than an hour to optimise. Minus the time it takes to morph the skills you want.

    My -group- comment was simply to say people with the group effect passives and pack leader deal more and are able to do more in a -pack- than not.

    Your entire response is concluded by:
    Werewolf is worse in so many areas than "other classes" well, for one a werewolf isn't a class, it's a mutagenic or curse your player gets. 2. As it stands, it's a good buff. A buff I love using. 3. As stated, there would be no point in being anything but werewolf if there weren't drawbacks.

    And yes I understand battle leveling. Doesn't mean I expect to face roll vr players. It depends on the player, a lv 15 either kills or gets killed miserably by a vr1. And vice versa.

    You shouldn't make assumptions in time spent playing. I've been playing games enough to know to make the most of what I have. I know better than to ask for a buff to an already powerful boon, especially from nerf happy people like zos, you'll have a nerf war if they "improve" WW past damage mitigation and survivability.

    Someone can bag 10000 hours into this game and still learn new things.

    My last -sacrifice comment- pretty much underlines why you shouldn't -ask for more- they give in one area and severely diminish another.

    Sure it would be nice to have a longer duration and cheaper ult. To have something that would be -more powerful- or -on par- than classes Defeats the purpose of even having classes in the first place :)

    Even if you didn't ask for all, there's still plenty of reason why they won't implement changes.
    A human in almost every werewolf story just needs silver. But if the werewolf comes within jumping reach its au revoir to life.
  • PsychoKRATOS1
    If werewolves wanna be greedy. That's fine. Just don't cry when proposed changes are implemented and they nerf your beloved weapon skill line or class to make up for the WW change. Accept it's ok and you'll eventually find they'll buff out of the blue. Cause they feel like it.
    Edited by PsychoKRATOS1 on August 18, 2015 3:26AM
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »

    I appreciate your feedback, but really as @draeganb16_ESO I wasn't asking for all of these.

    the real point was, well to point out where werewolves are lacking. I have been playing ESO on PC since beta and like to think I understand a thing or two about the game.

    I have nothing against xbox/ps players but the truth is many are very young at the game, and still only understand the very basics, a lot of this is due to the lack of Addons ( the ability to test and tweek damage output), I don't doubt that you cant take on groups of people when they try to gank you though their understanding of the game is probably very limited.

    Let me break down your answers.


    1. You're a brutish killing machine... reflect what?
    -Werewolves have a magical pelt who says that it can't have the ability to reflect or negate spells?

    2. And? I heal plenty... not like magicka is used much in WW form
    -You may want to rethink the fact that you become a massive target for everyone in PVP using lethal arrow which give you a nasty healing debuff as well. Stamina builds have access to vigor and momentum that both scale off stamina and weapon damage while costing stamina. Werewolf however scales off of magicka and spell damage... because now your only real means of survival scales off your lowest stats and resource pool granting you low heals.

    3. Spell crit? Spell damage? Weapon damage and stamina determine your damage output. Only hircines gift would benefit from spell power, surely?
    - Bingo, they need to change roar to cost magicka and not stamina because it is a true utility ability, and have hircines gift scale off of stamina/weapon power so we can have a solid reliable heal.

    4. With an increased health pool and the fact you can take out a few players before being felled yourself. You don't really need a shield. But -brace- negates 50% damage. Your -block-
    - I'm talking damage shields, like those granted by healing ward, blazing shield, hardened ward, bone shield.
    - I can level raids of pugs with my dk on xbox1, though I don't see that as me being good, I see them just being unskilled.

    5. See number 1
    -Why no evasion? Becoming a werewolf "increases" your speed, strength, and why not reflexes as well?

    6. I don't agree with this. Werewolves needa have stealth mechanics and a passive. But then again you have 30 seconds. You ain't gonna use that time to be sneaky.
    -Thus we come back to time in form being too short

    7. No major/minor regeneration? Eh? Any passives you had in human form follow you in WW form. So if there's something that would give it via passives. You still have it in WW form. Not that you need it.
    -Recovery comes from things such as green dragon blood. Werewolves abilities are the MOST expensive in the game for some reason... Though do not do the most damage by far.

    8. No but you do move faster than a horse and mages will have bolt *** nerfed in September.
    - You move faster then, but closers move faster then you... having gap closers in this game makes running away from a fight almost impossible. (though I have popped immovable speed pots when running away from a fight with werewolf), sorc's blink makes it so they clip terrain and are not target-able by many of the charges. This allows them to "run". Also were wolf is not faster then a leveled horse...

    9. When you hit hard you don't need a critical buff or your damage output would be insane. 4.9k a hit with infectious claws? I have claws of life... It just repeatedly heals me.
    -4.9k damage is not a thing for infectious claws. Even if it was steel tornado's 11 meter range hits for 5k+ , 360 hit vs 7 meter cone 3.5k on live. The fact is the best werewolf builds do not hit harder then the best class burst builds.

    10. You don't need more damage. Especially if you have WW friends.
    -... this just ... I don't even... by this logic templar casters don't need a boost to damage because they can just get more templars to cast.... PROFIT...

    11. Yes because you're OP as *** and when a lv 40 (me) can lay waste to several vrvr2 - 11/14 gank squads of 3 players sometimes 4 in WW form, in the time given. Begs the question why I'd need more time?
    - you don't understand battle leveling do you? TTK on pts is reduced significantly, this leads to drawn out fights... and leaves you more exposed when trying to feed, in werewolf form. Werewolf is not OP at all... it is barely P, there are hundreds of builds that offer higher damage output, sustain, and survivability.

    12. PTS granting a boost. Will make killing easier.
    -How does increasing your survivabilty make killing easier? Yes the 15% increased damage mitigation will be nice... but it Isn't on pts yet.

    13. Should be cheaper. But still. It's a powerful boon. No other ult does what WWTF does in terms of sheer damage output and all over badassery.
    -Yes werewolf offers ok damage, good burst damage. But there are a handful of Ultimates in the game that add more dps to your already more survivable and damaging build.

    14. Devour should be instant but this prevents you from being WW for too long. I just pounce. With the morph. Plenty adoo for me. It's how I last ages in WW form .
    -Really isn't any reason you shouldn't be able to stay in form for ever. Or at least way longer then now. On live people release waaaay before you can finish eating and gain time. PVE yes I can stay in form for an entire dungeon, longest I've stayed in form was 2.5 hours... Longest in pvp maybe 10 min under the right circumstances. So if it is possible to do why not just extend it?

    Sacrifice. Really? Awesome ultimate that bagged me the emperor title in thornblade for an entire hour. Only drawback of WW. people are greedy to want more than a base 30 seconds. Maybe decrease the ult cost and increase the timers. But you can be sure as hell that they would nerf other things into the ground and once that happens and you'll be more upset because of those changes. The people who wanted the change to an already awesome feature would be to blame.
    -Not asking for all, just a couple to make them viable.

    Another note or two:
    I get why they're doing it. But why remove stam regeneration while blocking? I you're still fatigued but hiding behind a shield would still give you some respite.

    ESO Is rated 17 - 18+ right? So except for the precious, easily offended few from utah/scientology, why exactly is there a filter for swearing? If parents are ya know.. watching what their kid is doing, no 8 year old is gonna stumble on here. If they do. The question is why?

    I'm a pc transfer player. I've been playing as long as you and I have been playing with people who are happy with WW as it is.
    You have an add on in game that makes you a killing machine. The ability for a low lvld player(even worse max) to wreak havoc. Why have classes if it's just going to be out maneuvered and out DPS'D out done in every aspect, by something that takes less than an hour to optimise. Minus the time it takes to morph the skills you want.

    My -group- comment was simply to say people with the group effect passives and pack leader deal more and are able to do more in a -pack- than not.

    Your entire response is concluded by:
    Werewolf is worse in so many areas than "other classes" well, for one a werewolf isn't a class, it's a mutagenic or curse your player gets. 2. As it stands, it's a good buff. A buff I love using. 3. As stated, there would be no point in being anything but werewolf if there weren't drawbacks.

    And yes I understand battle leveling. Doesn't mean I expect to face roll vr players. It depends on the player, a lv 15 either kills or gets killed miserably by a vr1. And vice versa.

    You shouldn't make assumptions in time spent playing. I've been playing games enough to know to make the most of what I have. I know better than to ask for a buff to an already powerful boon, especially from nerf happy people like zos, you'll have a nerf war if they "improve" WW past damage mitigation and survivability.

    Someone can bag 10000 hours into this game and still learn new things.

    My last -sacrifice comment- pretty much underlines why you shouldn't -ask for more- they give in one area and severely diminish another.

    Sure it would be nice to have a longer duration and cheaper ult. To have something that would be -more powerful- or -on par- than classes Defeats the purpose of even having classes in the first place :)

    Even if you didn't ask for all, there's still plenty of reason why they won't implement changes.
    A human in almost every werewolf story just needs silver. But if the werewolf comes within jumping reach its au revoir to life.

    The main point is, yes, werewolf can do impressive damage, but you lob off your arms and legs in terms of versatility and power to do so. It should be a viable option, a choice, but as it is now you are often gimped far more than you gain, and with the ttk in cryodiil going up without a bonus duration the ultimate could become even more of a chore to use, and with the changes to blocking and dodging how is a ww expected to maintain stamina for their insanely expensive skills?
  • Chrlynsch
    If werewolves wanna be greedy. That's fine. Just don't cry when proposed changes are implemented and they nerf your beloved weapon skill line or class to make up for the WW change. Accept it's ok and you'll eventually find they'll buff out of the blue. Cause they feel like it.

    I really don't think begging for scraps is greedy...
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »
    If werewolves wanna be greedy. That's fine. Just don't cry when proposed changes are implemented and they nerf your beloved weapon skill line or class to make up for the WW change. Accept it's ok and you'll eventually find they'll buff out of the blue. Cause they feel like it.

    I really don't think begging for scraps is greedy...

    It only took, how long, for werewolves to be able to cc break and dodge roll? Or even heal in combat?
  • Alucardo
    I just want a Berserker skin. I don't think it's too much to ask for :(
  • vamp_emily
    I never get to see my werewolf in pvp, every time i try to transform in combat, someone hits me and It cancels the transformation. Am I doing something wrong? I know longer use it now, because of that reason.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Chrlynsch
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I never get to see my werewolf in pvp, every time i try to transform in combat, someone hits me and It cancels the transformation. Am I doing something wrong? I know longer use it now, because of that reason.

    Make sure you only activate the ability one time. Only press it once... and only once. The number of times you activate the ultimate is one, and once is the number of times you will press the button. Once...

    Seriously only press it once.

    This is fixed in PTS ... but not on live.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Skullstachio
    You know what they really should have for werewolf form, a seperate list of emotes that are useable in & out of werewolf form as long as you possess lycanthropy in the active effects. because the only emote useable (& noted) is play dead, that & werewolf shrines let people stay in werewolf form for an indefinite period of time which would be a good place to not only pass on the lycanthropy to other people but to emote for fun while in werewolf form.
    I know what you di-Iddly did... (you would be wise not to do that again during a time when Suspicion in the gaming space is at an all time high.)
    by not actually revealing real drop tables in the game for all items, you only prove what has been proven with proof of concept that you can/will manipulate item drop chances based on certain elements performed by the player.
  • draeganb16_ESO
    Somebody (@StrykerTheElite) got a nice idea to help the "short timer" some of us are complaining :

    Why not replenish your ulti back equal to the timer left you have when canceling the werewolf ultimate ? I explain :

    25 seconds left -> 250 Ulti back
    10 seconds left -> 100 Ulti back

    It would help when you don't have anymore prey and you don't want to waste your precious ultimate points.
    Of course, a trigger of 20-30 seconds should be made to prevent Ulti spam for free fear feast

    I link the original thread :
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • CP5
    Somebody (@StrykerTheElite) got a nice idea to help the "short timer" some of us are complaining :

    Why not replenish your ulti back equal to the timer left you have when canceling the werewolf ultimate ? I explain :

    25 seconds left -> 250 Ulti back
    10 seconds left -> 100 Ulti back

    It would help when you don't have anymore prey and you don't want to waste your precious ultimate points.
    Of course, a trigger of 20-30 seconds should be made to prevent Ulti spam for free fear feast

    I link the original thread :

    If someone is willing to double stun themselves for a single fear...
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @CP5 : It would be still an exploit if used it with some mates. You fear (and double stun yourself I agree with you) then they kill.

    But about the idea, does it seems good for you ? Especially for PvP where it's realy hard to maintain the form ?
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • CP5
    @CP5 : It would be still an exploit if used it with some mates. You fear (and double stun yourself I agree with you) then they kill.

    But about the idea, does it seems good for you ? Especially for PvP where it's realy hard to maintain the form ?

    Eh, its better than what we have now (given all other ultimates allow you to keep generating ultimate for the next one). I do however have a lengthy example to compare more frequent vs more duration, but don't have the time atm to write it out an make it shorter.
  • Chrlynsch
    If werewolves wanna be greedy. That's fine. Just don't cry when proposed changes are implemented and they nerf your beloved weapon skill line or class to make up for the WW change. Accept it's ok and you'll eventually find they'll buff out of the blue. Cause they feel like it.

    Don't know why they would nerf a weapon skill line for werewolves, when in fact weapon skill passives donothing in werewolf form.

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Chrlynsch
    @CP5 : It would be still an exploit if used it with some mates. You fear (and double stun yourself I agree with you) then they kill.

    But about the idea, does it seems good for you ? Especially for PvP where it's realy hard to maintain the form ?

    Not sure why this would be bad, nightblades can fear with an instant cast without the self stun.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Chrlynsch

    So you say werewolf is a powerful boon...

    How is werewolf a powerful boon, when I can;

    Do more damage
    Have more heals
    Have access to more abilities
    Have ranged attacks
    All with better sustain

    This is from my stamina templar, stamina dk, and stamina nightblade, all werewolf, all V14.

    Werewolf is supposed to be a boon, it is anything but.

    Werewolf simply doesn't offer enough to make it a valid sacrifice for any serious endgame Pvper or PVEer.

    You can be content with an under performing skill-line, and continue to call me greedy, but I will not stop fighting for a balanced, respected werewolf.
    Edited by Chrlynsch on August 26, 2015 6:42PM
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Wolfchild07
    In regards to the timer issue, how do people feel about something like the timer pausing out of combat? This would be great for both PvP'ers and RP'ers. We know the timer is paused at the shrine, while devouring, and even while dead, I believe.
  • Alucardo
    In regards to the timer issue, how do people feel about something like the timer pausing out of combat? This would be great for both PvP'ers and RP'ers. We know the timer is paused at the shrine, while devouring, and even while dead, I believe.

    I always thought it'd make sense to pause the timer during combat and a few secs after it, kind of like a blood lust thing that keeps them going. Apart from the timer, all the changes and fixes they've done to Werewolves has been really appreciated so far. It's definitely a lot smoother to play now.
  • ZakuBeta
    In regards to the timer issue, how do people feel about something like the timer pausing out of combat? This would be great for both PvP'ers and RP'ers. We know the timer is paused at the shrine, while devouring, and even while dead, I believe.

    Not when dead. I have definitely had my timer decrease when I have died, it really sucks when you just transform, do one thing then get hit by a heavy attack that finishes you off, then when you finally regenerate/respawn, you are there long enough to make one attack and boom times up.
  • Wolfchild07
    Alucardo wrote: »
    In regards to the timer issue, how do people feel about something like the timer pausing out of combat? This would be great for both PvP'ers and RP'ers. We know the timer is paused at the shrine, while devouring, and even while dead, I believe.

    I always thought it'd make sense to pause the timer during combat and a few secs after it, kind of like a blood lust thing that keeps them going. Apart from the timer, all the changes and fixes they've done to Werewolves has been really appreciated so far. It's definitely a lot smoother to play now.

    Might not make a lot of sense, I was just thinking of making it so that we don't have to keep chasing meals, and improves the experience for maintaining form between fights for both PvP and RP.
    ZakuBeta wrote: »
    In regards to the timer issue, how do people feel about something like the timer pausing out of combat? This would be great for both PvP'ers and RP'ers. We know the timer is paused at the shrine, while devouring, and even while dead, I believe.

    Not when dead. I have definitely had my timer decrease when I have died, it really sucks when you just transform, do one thing then get hit by a heavy attack that finishes you off, then when you finally regenerate/respawn, you are there long enough to make one attack and boom times up.

    Ah, right, I wasn't sure about that.
  • Alucardo
    I was just thinking of making it so that we don't have to keep chasing meals, and improves the experience for maintaining form between fights for both PvP and RP.

    I understand the frustration, trust me.. if I could, I'd get rid of the timer altogether. Always jealous of those NPCs that can maintain Werewolf form forever :(
  • Chrlynsch
    As much as I like the idea of a permanent timer, I think that this should be reserved for every werewolf our there.

    Overall my main issues with werewolf come from

    - Too expensive Ultimate
    - Ridiculous ability cost
    - Lack of Ultimate generation in form
    - Lack of ability to synergize abilities
    - Slow devour mechanic

    -call of the pack should lower your werewolf transformation cost by 25 for each friendly werewolf up to 5x

    Give us a 4 man man werewolf only dungeon in the hunting ground, where we can alter fur color (slight variations), select a totem boon (much like mundus), and hunt as a pack without timer depletion.

    Totems could be like,

    1) Increased werewolf armor, and pounce now taunts (no aoe taunt)
    2) after Roar immune to snares and knock backs for x amount of time
    3) Hercine's heal now an aoe
    4) and a couple more too!
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »
    As much as I like the idea of a permanent timer, I think that this should be reserved for every werewolf our there.

    Overall my main issues with werewolf come from

    - Too expensive Ultimate
    - Ridiculous ability cost
    - Lack of Ultimate generation in form
    - Lack of ability to synergize abilities
    - Slow devour mechanic

    -call of the pack should lower your werewolf transformation cost by 25 for each friendly werewolf up to 5x

    Give us a 4 man man werewolf only dungeon in the hunting ground, where we can alter fur color (slight variations), select a totem boon (much like mundus), and hunt as a pack without timer depletion.

    Totems could be like,

    1) Increased werewolf armor, and pounce now taunts (no aoe taunt)
    2) after Roar immune to snares and knock backs for x amount of time
    3) Hercine's heal now an aoe
    4) and a couple more too!

    Would love to see these kind of changes, and I can agree with the problems listed. Add in some crafted sets for ww's and then that skill tree would then to me be a fleshed out part of the game (and do the same for vamps and likely normals). But at least werewolves can cc break, remember when that wasn't a thing...
  • Alucardo
    CP5 wrote: »
    Add in some crafted sets for ww's and then that skill tree would then to me be a fleshed out part of the game (and do the same for vamps and likely normals).

    Hell yes. Saviour's Hide would make an awesome crafted set. With a 33% cost reduction to Werewolf transformations and it being a crafted set, there'd be no need to even reduce the Ultimate cost for WW. Though I'd probably change the stats slightly instead of just being stamina

    (2 pc) max stamina
    (3 pc) Weapon Damage
    (4 pc) stamina recovery
    (5 pc) 40% cost reduction for Werewolf transformation. Each devour in Werewolf form gives back 5 Ultimate. Each kill gives back 10.

    Just an example. But with a single crafted set you're fixing a few problems.

    1) We have a set that enhances our gift, just like Vampires already have
    2) Ultimate for transformation is significantly decreased
    3) We now have a way to regenerate ultimate for our next transformation while in Werewolf form
    Edited by Alucardo on September 19, 2015 5:06PM
  • xnhiddentruthx
    So werewolfs will be getting changes. What about vampires? 2 skills and one ultimate.... Mist form being practically useless.

    We could use a fear and mind control abilities to help out in battle and mind control could help with feeding as it does tend to become a chore. Plus vampire stages last to short. Maybe extend them a bit.

    Lastly for both werewolf and vampire... Why must we wait 7 days to bite fellow players? It's so easy now to become one, but like for my guild as an example... We are a family base where we share our bites to introduce new members. Just starting out, two of us alone have to wait to build the guild. I could understanding waiting a couple hours until the next bite is available but a whole week? Understandable in the beginning of it's release but now everyone's getting it so easily and I think maybe a change is in order.

    Oh, and vampires seem to take a lot of damage from ice attacks... Wonder if thats a glitch.

    Just would love to see a balance on both ends. Plus PVP is horrible for both and should be fixed up a bit as well.
  • Chrlynsch
    So werewolfs will be getting changes.

    What you talking bout?
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @xnhiddentruthx : First, werewolf will not be getting changes, you came some months lates. Second, this is not a topic about vampires.
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • Chrlynsch
    I just binged on eso lives looking for said changes... you shouldn't do that to an obsessed Werewolf.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • xnhiddentruthx
    @xnhiddentruthx : First, werewolf will not be getting changes, you came some months lates. Second, this is not a topic about vampires.

    Either way there need to be changes. There's topics already and people have voiced their opinion and it doesn't seem to be heard. Yes I spoke on vampires because there were no topics but I was just adding to the werewolf changes that there should be some for us as well. I also added that werewolves and vampires, together, need less time on bites. I've played a lot of MMORPGs and when people don't get their voices heard, the game goes under. This is a great game and I enjoy it and don't want to be forced to have to leave it because the developing team won't hear us out. Games are not just about profit. It's about appeasing the customers and enjoying making it. Dev team, hear us out. Give us something more for both and balance it out. Neither werewolf nor vampire quest should be easy, nor should we have more weakness than strength PvE and PvP. Skyrim was such a great game, this should be even better. It's getting there, but telling us there's changes coming and then not doing it, or even hearing your "customers" requests might in the future ruin this game. I've seen it before and with this being such a great game so far, have a heart for who you are making this game for. There's been for a long time now so many requests for such key things an MMORPG should have... Yes off topic but important... Is guild halls. Our own home's to build and decorate and get together. More on topic now... Different kinds, like werewolf lairs... off topic... Vampire castles...

    Either way I don't feel we are being heard on the forums, and I will repeat myself. I have seen this happen plenty of times. The staff do not listen to their customers, and in return lose business. People were told their'd be changes to werewolves, then you turn around and lie. Don't be like Konami who promises Silent Hills, most anticipated horror game after the release of P.T., and then rip it out of your customer's hands, who pay good money to play your game.

    Sorry I ranted but I've seen good games go down because the players never get heard, and promises are made and taken away. There's nothing more important than pleasing your customer. Make improvements on the werewolves. Hear out those who are vampires. Give us guild halls, as almost every other MMORPG has. Be inspired.
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