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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • Chrlynsch
    Korax wrote: »
    One of the biggest issues for me as a Werewolf is when I want to adjust my action slots for it. I usually need more than 30 seconds to choose what I want to do with it and how I want to arrange it. I would really appreciate it if I could adjust my Wolf slots irrespective if I'm in human or wolf form.

    Maybe by showing a second line of slots for your wolf on your bar number where you got the wolf ultimate (transform) slotted, or when you enter the wolf skill line category... or something like that. Anything is an improvement over having limited time to adjust your wolf's ability slots!

    The issue that I only got 30 seconds to adjust it (if I got enough ultimate) is a reason why I don't bother using it or levelling it.

    I'm usually for werewolf fixes, but...

    Why do you need to set up your bar more than once? If you ever have a respec just Unlock them in the order you want them on your bar. It's not like you can swap skills for class abilities where you would need to change it frequently. I'd rather have them work on real inconveniences like combat bugs.
    Edited by Chrlynsch on December 6, 2015 4:06PM
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • found1779
    Glaiceana wrote: »
    @Raynefr : WW is not perfect but it's playable in most case of PvE like veteran dungeon. (WW in PvP got its timer problem due to combat distance and other).
    If you have some issue maintaining the form in any PvE case, it is normal for a werewolf beginner, you have to learn some tricks.

    The basic :
    -Take "Pack Leader" ultimate morph (it gives timer at every heavy attacks, even unfinished one)
    In combat :
    -Maintain your attack button for a second or less, just to begin an heavy attack
    -"Interrupt" this heavy attack by launching the skill of your DPS cycle
    -You gain 2s timer and damage your target with an heavy attack and skill
    -Repeat this cycle
    If you don't have enough stamina to interrupt your heavy attacks, just make a full one to regain stamina back or launch the magicka skill, it works the same.
    Don't forget to refresh your bleeding DoT with a light attack

    If you do this trick quick enough, you'll gain timer in combat instead of loser it or at least maintain it.

    Bonus : The Pack Leader passive is cumulative, it means that if you're 2 Pack Leader in a party nearby, you'll gain 4s for every heavy attacks and so on !

    Devs have answer something that I told since the beginning of this topic : As long as there is combat, there is fur.

    That's some pretty useful info there! Thanks.

    I've never had any real problems with werewolf, its obviously my favourite Ultimate, and one of my favourite things about the game. The only things I've had trouble with is that sometimes activating the ultimate doesn't work, you don't transform but all the ultimate is taken anyway, that's really annoying and unfair, but its a rare bug I believe. The other thing is the animation for the heavy attack, the wolf stands still with arms out for way too long, looks unnatural and weird. That's all really :)

    I dont really understand why the heavy attack takes so long to do when you first get werewolf and you go to hircines hunting ground and you hold down heavy attack it does it very fast but after you leave the portal then try to heavy attack it's very slow makes me wonder why it's setup like this
    Edited by found1779 on December 6, 2015 4:21PM
  • Chrlynsch
    found1779 wrote: »
    Glaiceana wrote: »
    @Raynefr : WW is not perfect but it's playable in most case of PvE like veteran dungeon. (WW in PvP got its timer problem due to combat distance and other).
    If you have some issue maintaining the form in any PvE case, it is normal for a werewolf beginner, you have to learn some tricks.

    The basic :
    -Take "Pack Leader" ultimate morph (it gives timer at every heavy attacks, even unfinished one)
    In combat :
    -Maintain your attack button for a second or less, just to begin an heavy attack
    -"Interrupt" this heavy attack by launching the skill of your DPS cycle
    -You gain 2s timer and damage your target with an heavy attack and skill
    -Repeat this cycle
    If you don't have enough stamina to interrupt your heavy attacks, just make a full one to regain stamina back or launch the magicka skill, it works the same.
    Don't forget to refresh your bleeding DoT with a light attack

    If you do this trick quick enough, you'll gain timer in combat instead of loser it or at least maintain it.

    Bonus : The Pack Leader passive is cumulative, it means that if you're 2 Pack Leader in a party nearby, you'll gain 4s for every heavy attacks and so on !

    Devs have answer something that I told since the beginning of this topic : As long as there is combat, there is fur.

    That's some pretty useful info there! Thanks.

    I've never had any real problems with werewolf, its obviously my favourite Ultimate, and one of my favourite things about the game. The only things I've had trouble with is that sometimes activating the ultimate doesn't work, you don't transform but all the ultimate is taken anyway, that's really annoying and unfair, but its a rare bug I believe. The other thing is the animation for the heavy attack, the wolf stands still with arms out for way too long, looks unnatural and weird. That's all really :)

    I dont really understand why the heavy attack takes so long to do when you first get werewolf and you go to hircines hunting ground and you hold down heavy attack it does it very fast but after you leave the portal then try to heavy attack it's very slow makes me wonder why it's setup like this

    Probably because it isn't truely the werewolf form, and is more represents the release version of the werewolf. This is how the affliction was before its updates.

    Personally I think, the heavy attack should be more of a rapid slashing channel cone damage.

    Think of bitting jabs but werewolfy

    It would be awesome if they gave brutal pounce a CC like knockback as it doesn't wow me with damage, and make it a targetable circle like blazing sheild.

    Get rid of the min distance traveled in order to get the time of Feral pounce if I can use the ability I should be getting the time from the ability.

    If I want "spam" my mediocre damage gap closer that already has its minium distance cut off to prevent spam. If you need to slighly increase the minimum range do so.. but get rid of the minimum for time added.

    This is how it reads:

    At rank 4
    Pounce on an enemy with primal fury to deal X Physical Damage and stun them if they are off balance. Pouncing from at least 10 meters away adds 4 second to the duration of your Werewolf Transformation.

    It has way to much fine print.

    If your upset with werewolves staying in werewolf form, get rid of your timer system, make them stay in form for X time like every other ultimate. When X time is done fun time is over. But let them generate ultimate while they use the ultimate like every other ultimate in the game.

    Right now too many things in werewolf are frustrating.

    Devouring gives you x amount of time, but not if the corpse despawns, or enemy player rezzes before the animation finishes.

    You get Feral Pounce that adds time form but only if your pounce connects and your target is over 10my away

    Strong attacks
    Good armor spell resistance buff

    -We can't mount
    -We can't rez
    -We can't stealth
    -We can't synergize
    -We can't generate ultimate when in form
    -We can't use weapon skills or passives, class skills or and some passives
    -We take extra damage from fighters guild/
    -We take extra damage from poison
    -We can't purge
    -Our major brutality buff lasts four seconds
    -Major damaging attack can be reflected
    -Devour takes too long
    -Timer is just too short
    -Self heal scales off magicka / spell damage
    -Pack leader heavy attacks don't regen stam (seriously we have a passive for this) 50% extra of 0 is still 0
    -Abilities of this ULTIMATE are the some of the most expensive in the game.

    Werewolves are people too
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Iduyenn
    Completely agree with @Prothwata

    Dont forget the weak sustain > Overall dmg (1m + fights).
    Since you cant use synergy (spear shards!), you loose a huge part of sustain.

    And... i cant log in and check; But your staminaregg is totaly useless compared to your max stamina (vs. coast of skills).

    Only as a DK you have the advantage of receiving Stamina (and health/magicka) for your transformation. (But even then... your burst isn`t longer than another 4 seconds).

    And concerning heavy attacks; Did someone find out, which cp-passive is for ww-heavy attack? (maybe from the weapon you are currently wearing? But since those passives .... i dont know.. ). I am asking this, because i wonder, if a heavy-attack-bild makes sense...

    Rousing Roar should be waaaaaayyyy longer and also affect spellpower.... or over all dmg increase.

    Howl of dispair: Is actually a very interesting skill, but as always; A synergy has to be worth the cost (and range) to be activated vs. the time you could hold up your rotation and do more dmg.
    --> But the idea of strenghen other heavy/light- attack-users is very interesting. (Especially for other werewolfs).

    Devour: Some corpses still disappear waaaayyyy to fast. And again... snack-break, while others have to do dmg?
  • Chrlynsch

    As a werewolf you gain no weapon passives or damage from weapon CP. Your weapon is your claws so invest in physical damage, armor pen, and critical damage.

    I think a channel devour that restores 2.4k health/ and 2keep stamina/magic a second (not a heal that is influenced by cp or battle spirit) devour would also add 5 seconds of werewolf time per second for devour. As long as their is a corpse to devour on you can stay in form.... that way you get something back from devouring even if they despawn/release. This also helps with resource management.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Iduyenn
    Prothwata wrote: »

    As a werewolf you gain no weapon passives or damage from weapon CP. Your weapon is your claws so invest in physical damage, armor pen, and critical damage.

    I think a channel devour that restores 2.4k health/ and 2keep stamina/magic a second (not a heal that is influenced by cp or battle spirit) devour would also add 5 seconds of werewolf time per second for devour. As long as their is a corpse to devour on you can stay in form.... that way you get something back from devouring even if they despawn/release. This also helps with resource management.

    Thanks for the tipp with the weapons. Its very sad, because a light-heavy claw-attack build would have been nice... or a poison- build.

    The problems with the corpses are very simple... they disappear to fast... Today i did blessed crucible and because of the scripted events, i was lucky to not loot mobs. So they dont dispawn that fast. But sometimes you are not that lucky.
    The Idea with the devour-channeling is nice, expecially, because its only a "soft-break".
    I was asking myself anyway, why you cant devour your pray like the vampires. It would have a nice effect to pin down your enemy and rip the flesh from his bones until he breaks free or dies... that could bee a finisher idea too. (Compare the cast to templar finisher). That would also solve some hard parts with our sustain.

    Dont forget... next content will be hard. They mentioned somewhere bossfights over 10 minutes long. As a Werewolf you cant go simply to regenerations, because it doesnt scale with your maximum stamina.
  • Iduyenn
    Anyone tested the tanking with the tormentor build?
  • Fuzzybrick
    WW and vamp for that matter should have a "travel" mode for out of combat movement. Well it would be cool anyway. (Hit mount button and it transforms you into a WW or in a vamps case a mist cloud of bats that offers you mount speeds, but just like a mount you can't attack while in that form and if you do you will be "unmounted")
    Edited by Fuzzybrick on December 26, 2015 10:46PM

    VR 16 Stamina Templar
    VR 16 Magicka Templar
    VR 16 Magicka NB
    VR 16 Stamina DK
    VR 16 Magicka DK
    VR 16 Stamina Sorc
    VR 16 Magicka Sorc

  • Malsidius
    Our team has been paying attention to the feedback you’re sharing about the werewolf skill line, and we’re ready to tell you about some of the changes we’re considering to improve the gameplay experience for all you followers of Hircine out there. We’re interested in seeing what you think!

    First off, we’re planning to reduce the cost of transforming into a werewolf. The current costs feel too high, and we want you to be able to transform more frequently. We’ve also fixed a bug that prevented you from using the CC Break ability in werewolf form.

    We want to make a few changes to damage scaling and the Savage Strength passive that will give you a little more burst potential and allow your gear upgrades to affect damage output in a more meaningful way. Savage Strength will offer a flat increase to power instead of stacking multiple times. The bonus is a bit lower to balance the change out, but overall you’ll have more ability to deal burst damage. We want light and heavy attacks to additionally scale off of weapon power (instead of just maximum stamina), and for Pounce and its morphs to scale off of weapon power instead of spell power.

    Finally, we’ll be adding some all-new werewolf abilities to give you more combat options. Here’s what we’ve come up with (we’ll have more about the morphs in the future and would love to know what you’d like to see):
    • Hircine’s Bounty: This is a self-heal ability that gives you more survivability.
    • Piercing Howl: An ability that damages and knocks an enemy down.
    • Infectious Claws: A swipe attack that deals disease damage to multiple foes.
    There you have it! Tell us what you think about the changes, which will be coming online in a future game update. Happy hunting!

    I would suggest making 'Infectious Claws' into a multiple bleed attack. IMO disease damage is similar to poison damage, and aren't werewolves susceptible to poison. That would be like a Vampire casting fire attacks.
  • Iduyenn
    - Improved damage against vampires and beasts
    - Finisher
    - regeneration scaling
    - Passives from skills

    And more plz
  • Iduyenn
    At least let us use synergies (spears). Or give us specific synergies.

    I get it.. you dont want WW to be op and so, just a realy costly ultimate... yeah.
    So far i have to arrange myself with that, even if i am still unhappy. (--> I still would love to have a mechanic to stay in ww, travel form/ polymorph... you name it).

    But clearly there are still some issues, wich you will have to adress... sooner or later; The usefulness of this ultimate is still far to situational. (Some would call it useless, still...)
    - I dont want to use it while execute-phase, because even your burst dmg is to low (compared to execute dmg). (And to sustain it, you should have enought stamina anyway. --> did you get enought support as normal stamina dd until now? Yeah? Cool, you are a minority already!)
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because of the time-rotation-dps loss
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because you are to exposed in PVP
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because so many passives (from skills for example) are gone.
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because after 30 seconds your specific buffs are definitly gone
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because after switching form, you have 0 Ultimate
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because the stamina sustain is to low (now regeneration-scaling, no synergies)
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because the skills are very expensive and your burst is over after 10 seconds. Initial dps is very good, i admit that, but after 10+ seconds you drop to low, because you dont have any stamina left. (Compared to other builds your performance drops under 50% of your average- dps buddy. Even if you snap out of ww, you are empty!
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because the support of the group is not very good. (Even if you would have a second werewolf (wich ironically cant use your synergies); The synergies are way to short and very one- sided.
    - I dont want to use this ultimate, because even if you want to stay a WW, you dont have enough critters and the corpses disappear to fast
    - ......

    So why do i still use Werewolf? Even if its totally ***, its still cool. In fact so cool, that you get flamed, assassinated and in some cases... you get kicked from groups.

    The only useful combination seems to be a Dragonknight-WW, because you can regenerate so much ressources. (Especially in PVP 1v1) Other than that, there arent any good bonuses. Right?

    Still hoping, we get some improvements.

  • DRXHarbinger
    Main thing that needs fixing is the feeding, there is such a big gap and you cannot move at all until the bar goes up regardless of animations, no bar increase = no movement.

    I do think WW should be a permanent transformation, I don't see any real advantage about staying in form 24/7, if people start getting overrun they'll just adapt and run poison and kill us all, I'm sure everyone would rather Stamblade runs WW over cloak and the like right? 30s just isn't enough time period.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Korax
    I definitely agree with DRXHarbinger.
    When I go WW I'm instantly more concerned about how much time I have than enjoying being a WW. You have to leap from one enemy to the next just to keep shape and if you just happen to not kill one fast enough, you are screwed. Best to just not bother transforming at all.

    Like I said earlier... its a pain in the a$$ is you want to take time arranging your WW abilities.
  • Reefo
    Korax wrote: »
    Like I said earlier... its a pain in the a$$ is you want to take time arranging your WW abilities.

    why not go to the werewolf shrine where the timer pauses and you can take as much time as you desire?
  • CP5
    If i'm going to spend 21 skill points on something that denies me the ability to use almost everything my character has gained, and if I plan to use this ultimate as intended, I don't want to do so while playing as an ostrich. I managed to level a character from 21-22 off of one continuous rampage and it was the most frustrating thing in the world to do. The timer just kills any possible enjoyment I could have with the skill line, which is a shame since they did have the timer at 50s on pts but then nerfed it since Wrobel said they "wanted it to feel more like an ultimate".

  • olsborg
    WW has bad self healing (stambuild)
    Youre stressed about the timer, cant enjoy being a ww.
    If you have WW slotted on one bar, you dont gain the stamina regen on other bar, this is stupid.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • TheSwanKing
    I'm going to revive thisbbecauze why not, I feel like the abilities of Werewolf should be needed but we are allowed in Werewolf form untill out stamina decreases.
    What others are saying are right, if you want to RP as a werewolf you have to tell people to stop RP so you can go out and kill things to gain your ultimate.
    Just make it dependent on stamina since it is like your body fighting to stay in control?
  • Iduyenn
    Yeah... and now, that synergies got even more important... and we cant even use them...

    you realy should throw us a bone @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • MonarchChief
    If ZOS likes the timer so much, what if:
    1. We could generate Ultimate while in WW form.
    2. If we willingly transform back before the timer is up, we gain ultimate for it (10 ultimate for every second left). So if we transformed back with 20 seconds left, we would gain 200 Ultimate. 10 seconds left, 100 Ultimate. And so on and so forth.
    Caelonas Barkstrider Bosmer Nightblade AD Tank
    Adriènne Clairmont Breton Templar AD Healer
    Aureline Direnni Altmer Sorceror AD DPS
  • Equilibriator
    lol, this thread still being completely ignored?
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @Equilibriator : It was followed by the dev at his beginning but now, I don't know. The last improvement they listen from this thread was the Pack Leader and Blood Rage change. It was ages now
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • Equilibriator
    @Equilibriator : It was followed by the dev at his beginning but now, I don't know. The last improvement they listen from this thread was the Pack Leader and Blood Rage change. It was ages now

    I think it is safe to say they don't read this to be honest, it might as well be in general chat
    Edited by Equilibriator on February 11, 2016 11:46AM
  • FatKidHatchets
    Anyone home? Are we just leaving werewolf ***?

    Been giving it a whirl recently in PvP and PvE.

    PvE side leans werewolf toward nightblades. Since there regen bonus passive is unrelated to skills slotted. But overall is manageable for most situations with mobs. Although Vampire outshines by a vast amount. I don't recomend wolf to anyone since you get 10% bonus stamina from vampire aswell as magic which is about all werewolf is good for in endgame.

    PvP its just ***. Since the healing reduction they can't heal themselves enough to stand in a fight for more than a few seconds. With a healer its a bit more doable but losing all the passives, weapon damage, and armor from your slotted weapon s hurts to much to bother with.
  • Gan Xing
    Gan Xing
    I would like to see some new vampire abilities... I think the two is too limiting
    Gan Xing - Crafting Nightblade
    Elrana Tinuviel - Hybrid Dragonknight
    Elentári Peregrine - Sorcerer "bank"
    Rán Xīng - Hybrid Templar
    Laurïsil Imlachwen - Stamina Templar
    Helotë Tinuviel - Hybrid/Magicka Warden
    Odin banker - obv banker
    Yan of the Red Mountain - lvl 3 DK - not sure when I will work on em

    Seeks the unusual and unique playstyles...
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    I wish werewolf worked more like Overload.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Iduyenn
    I wish werewolf worked more like Overload.

    I wish some Developer would read this thread and at least make some toughts about this (again).

    Make it playable in PVP PVE and RP, that is all i ask.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_KaiSchober
  • AegisWolf
    I wish one of the werewolf morph sets was tanky.
  • ZakuBeta
    My only complaint is the length of the timer. It is way to short, and will often fail in the middle of combat. The passive that adds time to the timer should be integral, and the passive should increase the accrued time faster. Something like every 2 seconds when you are hit by an attack add 3/4/5 (or 3/5/7) seconds to the WW timer, and remove the timer cap.

    The lack of Synergy doesn't bother me so much as it does others, but I will not begrudge them wanting the ability to use them.

    I would like to be able to stealth attack, but that would need a longer starting timer, or make the ability a toggle.

    a lot people have been asking for an update for months if not years...

    are the DEVS ignoring this post they/you opened? if so please close it or please do us the courteously of answering please.

    if you are "greedy" enough to make people pay 1500 Crowns for the skill line surely you can afford some time to give us some "feedback" and a proposed action of what's to come or not to come.
  • Iduyenn
    Yeah, even Tormentor set is not working...
    And still no sustain or support from spears and synergies...

    If they only would allow to use werewolf synergies for werewolfs... so if you have 2 werewolfs you could sustain each other with stamina...

    hell there are so many freaking ideas...

    Questions about this has been asked a lot in forums/Eso live... but noone.... noone cared to answer some questions about Werewolfs...

    As much, as i try to make it work... there is no possibility to play this with a grain of salt... nothing above funraids. In small groups even harder.

    No words from you guys since months... What do we have to do, that you hear us?
This discussion has been closed.