Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • CP5
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    I am agreeing with everyone saying about extending time or having a toggle. The only problem is that I think we need to do a petition to get them to realize this isn't just a few people wanting this but all the people playing werewolf.

  • Lord_Titan
    So here's the question how can we get a petition going if there forums do not allow a petition ? Maybe do a poll ? Also who should start it ? What should we put on it besides the werewolf time or toggle ?
  • Enesse
    Moridin82 wrote: »
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    I am agreeing with everyone saying about extending time or having a toggle. The only problem is that I think we need to do a petition to get them to realize this isn't just a few people wanting this but all the people playing werewolf.


    ~ Daggerfall Wolfpack ~
    We welcome you with open claws.
  • Iduyenn
    Perhaps look for an extern pettition- site... and link here the petition.

  • Waylander
    Question werewolf's:

    If I am dual wield before I transform, do I still get duel wield passives in werewolf form? Like bonus damage when target is under 25%, twin blade and blunt passives (increase crit with daggers, armour pen with maces, damage with swords or bleeds with axes?)

    If I am sword and board before I transform, do I still get sword and board passives? If I have defensive stance slotted, do I still get 8% block cost reduction and 8% increased blocking?
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • cjthibs
    Waylander wrote: »
    Question werewolf's:

    If I am dual wield before I transform, do I still get duel wield passives in werewolf form? Like bonus damage when target is under 25%, twin blade and blunt passives (increase crit with daggers, armour pen with maces, damage with swords or bleeds with axes?)

    If I am sword and board before I transform, do I still get sword and board passives? If I have defensive stance slotted, do I still get 8% block cost reduction and 8% increased blocking?

    I've never done any real testing on this, but from what I've seen others say, Class Passives are still there, everything else is not.

    If you look at your other skill lines while transformed you should notice that they look like you haven't put any points into them.

    I'll double-check that and edit to confirm.

    EDIT: So I checked this out...and in fact it doesn't look like ANY skills other than WW skills are active while transformed. Every skill line looks totally empty, all the way down to Racial Passives.

    I posted this in its own thread because it -really- worries me.
    Edited by cjthibs on July 14, 2015 3:01AM
  • Chrlynsch
    Waylander wrote: »
    Question werewolf's:

    If I am dual wield before I transform, do I still get duel wield passives in werewolf form? Like bonus damage when target is under 25%, twin blade and blunt passives (increase crit with daggers, armour pen with maces, damage with swords or bleeds with axes?)

    If I am sword and board before I transform, do I still get sword and board passives? If I have defensive stance slotted, do I still get 8% block cost reduction and 8% increased blocking?

    last time I tested this is what happens during Transformation:

    You get:
    -All armor passives
    -All Werewolf passives
    -Any buffs/abilities cast on yourself before transforming (not toggled skills)
    -Set bonuses
    -Race passives
    -Class Passives (only ones that don't require a slotted ability or casting said tree ability)
    -Weapon enchant

    You lose:
    -Weapon passives
    -Slotted abilities/passive ability on bars/toggled skills
    -Class passives requiring slotted abilities
    -Ability to rez
    -Ability to stealth
    -Ability to mount

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Waylander
    I might test this on some different classes as I have a few different v14 imperial characters.

    I noticed someone included some screenshot where in werewolf form, all other abilities appear to have skill points refunded....

    Testing might show if this is a UI thing, or if race/class has no impact on WW
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • Prabooo
    cjthibs wrote: »
    Vampires are already in pretty decent shape. Reducing the damage they take is only going to make them stronger.

    how can 75% slower health regen be optimal for vamps?
    Edited by Prabooo on July 15, 2015 2:31AM
  • SLy_Kyti
    Waylander wrote: »
    I might test this on some different classes as I have a few different v14 imperial characters.

    I noticed someone included some screenshot where in werewolf form, all other abilities appear to have skill points refunded....

    Testing might show if this is a UI thing, or if race/class has no impact on WW

    its a UI error. Your skills and passives are still there but the UI shows it refunded.
    Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
    GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
    Member~ NZAD
    Member~ Blades of Vengeance NA/AD
    -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
  • CP5
    Prothwata wrote: »
    Waylander wrote: »
    Question werewolf's:

    If I am dual wield before I transform, do I still get duel wield passives in werewolf form? Like bonus damage when target is under 25%, twin blade and blunt passives (increase crit with daggers, armour pen with maces, damage with swords or bleeds with axes?)

    If I am sword and board before I transform, do I still get sword and board passives? If I have defensive stance slotted, do I still get 8% block cost reduction and 8% increased blocking?

    last time I tested this is what happens during Transformation:

    You get:
    -All armor passives
    -All Werewolf passives
    -Any buffs/abilities cast on yourself before transforming (not toggled skills)
    -Set bonuses
    -Race passives
    -Class Passives (only ones that don't require a slotted ability or casting said tree ability)
    -Weapon enchant

    You lose:
    -Weapon passives
    -Slotted abilities/passive ability on bars/toggled skills
    -Class passives requiring slotted abilities
    -Ability to rez
    -Ability to stealth
    -Ability to mount

    At least they gave werewolves the ability to CC break.
  • Lord_Titan
    OK I think I will start that petition now but I want to discuss how it should be set up that way we can get what we are looking for in power, time and so on with the way we believe the werewolf should be set up if it is changed to our liking. If need be we can do a poll post so that we can vote amongst ourselves what we want and so on.
  • Chrlynsch
    CP5 wrote: »

    At least they gave werewolves the ability to CC break.

    Haha Those were the days.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Belthor_Moonblood
    Anyone else noticing the bug for the second stage of blood rage? It says it only gives 1 second every 3 seconds instead of 3 seconds every 3 seconds. Is it just an Xbox thing or is it happening on other platforms as well?
  • Equilibriator
    Anyone else noticing the bug for the second stage of blood rage? It says it only gives 1 second every 3 seconds instead of 3 seconds every 3 seconds. Is it just an Xbox thing or is it happening on other platforms as well?

    can someone confirm, i think its just a display error. I think it is actually 3 secs every 3 secs in action but the skill tool tip says 1s every 3 s.
  • cjthibs
    Prabooo wrote: »
    cjthibs wrote: »
    Vampires are already in pretty decent shape. Reducing the damage they take is only going to make them stronger.

    how can 75% slower health regen be optimal for vamps?

    I didn't say optimal. I said they're in decent shape. And that's because there are ways to mitigate that.
  • yopatback
    Soul Shriven
    Berserker to black is all I want.
  • Elektrakosh
    The longevity of the transformation is pitiful. Vampires don't transform but have powers at their disposal but werewolves, 30 seconds is not good. Devour does not extend my transformation it heals which is great. Tranformation should be extended especially at full moon/hunters moon. I found that even using the extension howl is as useless as a chocolate fire guard especially in the midst of battle with a bunch of mobs and you have to transform back to human and they're wailing on you I usually die at this point. Transformation extension please!

    Berserker colour should be black to give a yin yang effect along with the white healer. Berserkers should have either a "Rally" aura to get your pack/group some bonuses in attack or the longevity bonus the same as pack leader.
    Edited by Elektrakosh on July 24, 2015 10:01AM
    Argonian Painted-By-Elements -Pure Sorceress- Daggerfall Covenant. V1 I hate recipes!
    Altmer Elekwen aka The Pale Lady -Sorceress- Aldmeri Dominion. Vampire Lvl 8
    EU/UK. Xbox One.
    Gtag: Elektra K Otana.

  • defilade__ESO
    solipsist wrote: »
    Does this mean you no longer get Stam regen bonus when in human form?

    You cast thread necromancy for a yes or no question that can be answered with 4 minutes of google searching....Fine to answer your question: No, stam bonuses are still global.

    Yes, I did not mean the hidden passive for stamina, I was referring to the WW passives and active skills that take skill points.
  • hereiamhereibe2
    Meanwhile Vampires are still sitting on THREE subpar skills.... Any chance this will change?
  • cjthibs
    Meanwhile Vampires are still sitting on THREE subpar skills.... Any chance this will change?

    This thread isn't about vampires, never has been.

  • PsychoKRATOS1
    The longevity of the transformation is pitiful. Vampires don't transform but have powers at their disposal but werewolves, 30 seconds is not good. Devour does not extend my transformation it heals which is great. Tranformation should be extended especially at full moon/hunters moon. I found that even using the extension howl is as useless as a chocolate fire guard especially in the midst of battle with a bunch of mobs and you have to transform back to human and they're wailing on you I usually die at this point. Transformation extension please!

    Berserker colour should be black to give a yin yang effect along with the white healer. Berserkers should have either a "Rally" aura to get your pack/group some bonuses in attack or the longevity bonus the same as pack leader.

    Devour does increase time... The little bar under magicka goes up... wait until the animation is over, your health going up is your regeneration rate out of combat.
  • Elektrakosh
    Devour does increase time... The little bar under magicka goes up... wait until the animation is over, your health going up is your regeneration rate out of combat.

    Oh I do make sure the devour animation plays out. Mostly I change back during that animation after say the third or fourth kill. Most of the time I have to search for the devour prompt on the bodies as it seems very small despite the size of them.
    Got all passives for it except Pursuit.

    I hate time trials and transforming is good yes, but I feel rushed in order to get through a lengthy dungeon or try to gain ultimate for a boss then the boss fight exceeds 30 seconds then you die while changing back. Not fun and yes I have died so many times to bosses and mobs because of that I now have my own plot in a graveyard.

    Werewolf has to have either toggle ability like sorcs companions or a decent timer/ full moon all day transformation so we don't feel rushed.
    Some folks may like the thrill of time trials but the Vampire has an advantage due to no timers. Yes, I have been playing my vampire alt more due to this.

    Edited by Elektrakosh on July 28, 2015 11:47AM
    Argonian Painted-By-Elements -Pure Sorceress- Daggerfall Covenant. V1 I hate recipes!
    Altmer Elekwen aka The Pale Lady -Sorceress- Aldmeri Dominion. Vampire Lvl 8
    EU/UK. Xbox One.
    Gtag: Elektra K Otana.

  • PsychoKRATOS1
    Devour does increase time... The little bar under magicka goes up... wait until the animation is over, your health going up is your regeneration rate out of combat.

    Oh I do make sure the devour animation plays out. Mostly I change back during that animation after say the third or fourth kill. Most of the time I have to search for the devour prompt on the bodies as it seems very small despite the size of them.
    Got all passives for it except Pursuit.

    I hate time trials and transforming is good yes, but I feel rushed in order to get through a lengthy dungeon or try to gain ultimate for a boss then the boss fight exceeds 30 seconds then you die while changing back. Not fun and yes I have died so many times to bosses and mobs because of that I now have my own plot in a graveyard.

    Werewolf has to have either toggle ability like sorcs companions or a decent timer/ full moon all day transformation so we don't feel rushed.
    Some folks may like the thrill of time trials but the Vampire has an advantage due to no timers. Yes, I have been playing my vampire alt more due to this.

    In pvp, playing as a vampire, Almost every player either has fire (templar? Dragon knight, inferno staves) or some fighters guild passive + ability. Yes vampires are ALWAYS a vampire, with the positive there's a negative. Like increasing vampirism stages @ 4 75% less health regeneration and 17%? Cheaper to cast vampire abilities... night blades have a better multiple use siphon ability & from what I remember the ultimate has been nerfed and mist form, eh I guess MF is ok.

    Werewolves are okay where they're at, maybe a cheaper ult 150, maybe. You can heal yourself induce an annoying unavoidable fear mechanic on other players, deal masses of disease damage and pounce all over the place for increased duration. I lasted an incredibly long time killing stuff.. The only time I find devour to have a small hit box is when I'm trying to infect people.

    I have played werewolf, my main character is one. It took me no time AT ALL to get WW rank 10 and I love slaughtering players in WW form, you're using a bow? Sprint at them, pounce, diseased claws, fear, pounce, dead.
    Whereas when I play as a vampire, and I'm doingthe quest -kill the magistrate- and get hit for 22k flare or whatever and get 2 hit killed. That was all that was on the recap... flare 22k and some other 11k damage spell. I think to myself, people say vamp is OP? The first levels of vampirism are weak.

    For both werewolf and vampire there should be innate passives (much like the 15% stam regeneration for WW) A general resistance to weapon damage and more resistant to stuns.

    Werewolves were shockingly underpowered in skyrim in my opinion (maybe eso is like this to make up for it) . As a vampire Lord I forced stat regeneration by having it as an enchant on my armour practically invulnerable even on legendary difficulties.
    Now in eso having played both for equal measure of time and getting tips for both WW and Vamp. I just feel vamp has been nerfed and WW has been strengthened. A low lv werewolf can still bring the pain whereas a vampire has a one off, constantly glitchy siphon ability to begin with. (Click click click click enemy is immune.... click click click oh it worked).

    - only a joke -
    And maybe implement a one hit kill ability against those punk ass nightblades who think it's hilarious to gank you in cities while questing deep in allied territory -_- (NOT A SERIOUS REQUEST lol) "this is so much fun..." *go invisible* *snipe* *pew pew pew* cheap kills, I hope whoever it was who I killed 14 times in a row who thought killing lvl 18 to 30s in two hits and hampering their progress was hilarious, felt the pain when they got killed with superb ease, I could only imagine you accidentally hit the tanked and buffed player (me) quickly realising the mistake you made when it took me less than 10 seconds to kill you as a werewolf -_-
  • Elektrakosh
    Yep even in PvE there are always a fire wielding PITA while you're a vampire and werewolf is just okay. For an ultimate you'd expect it to be more than okay. Just my opinion.

    PvP has poisoner bows and can take the werewolf down in seconds if you're not careful which forces you to change back and having to regain all those hard earned ultimates back. Again werewolf should have some sort of ability to detect an invisible character, its a wolf and it has a nose and better hearing than a human. Just saying.

    Still I'd like not to be rushed just because of a timer and fall as a werewolf rather than a gal on her hands and knees just after 30 seconds of furry, raging fury. For one thing, its really embarrassing! Secondly it's disheartening.
    Argonian Painted-By-Elements -Pure Sorceress- Daggerfall Covenant. V1 I hate recipes!
    Altmer Elekwen aka The Pale Lady -Sorceress- Aldmeri Dominion. Vampire Lvl 8
    EU/UK. Xbox One.
    Gtag: Elektra K Otana.

  • PsychoKRATOS1
    Yep even in PvE there are always a fire wielding PITA while you're a vampire and werewolf is just okay. For an ultimate you'd expect it to be more than okay. Just my opinion.

    PvP has poisoner bows and can take the werewolf down in seconds if you're not careful which forces you to change back and having to regain all those hard earned ultimates back. Again werewolf should have some sort of ability to detect an invisible character, its a wolf and it has a nose and better hearing than a human. Just saying.

    Still I'd like not to be rushed just because of a timer and fall as a werewolf rather than a gal on her hands and knees just after 30 seconds of furry, raging fury. For one thing, its really embarrassing! Secondly it's disheartening.

    Agreed that WW have a disadvantage when it comes to transform times and the ULTIMATE required to cast the transformation.

    I've never really had an issue as a WW with poison or FG abilities. Only reason I die normally is due to being mobbed by 90,000 people (only a very slight exaggeration)

    Just at low levels I see no reason to be a vampire unless you're an avid Kate Moss @ Halloween impersonator.
    Edited by PsychoKRATOS1 on July 28, 2015 2:26PM
  • Elektrakosh
    Yep. Agreed. The werewolf needs more aoe attacks as lots of mobs or(in PvP) zergers can rush you. Piercing roar only works on one enemy shouldn't it knock over the several in front of you giving you enough time to crush or retreat from some others?
    Why not some sweeping claw attacks to hit more than one enemy?

    Werewolves need cc too. Will we see it?
    Argonian Painted-By-Elements -Pure Sorceress- Daggerfall Covenant. V1 I hate recipes!
    Altmer Elekwen aka The Pale Lady -Sorceress- Aldmeri Dominion. Vampire Lvl 8
    EU/UK. Xbox One.
    Gtag: Elektra K Otana.

  • PsychoKRATOS1
    Yep. Agreed. The werewolf needs more aoe attacks as lots of mobs or(in PvP) zergers can rush you. Piercing roar only works on one enemy shouldn't it knock over the several in front of you giving you enough time to crush or retreat from some others?
    Why not some sweeping claw attacks to hit more than one enemy?

    Werewolves need cc too. Will we see it?

    Lol "oh he rawred at him ..." *shrugs..**keeps hitting you*
  • Kissmeplz
    I have a WW and a Vamp, sorry to say but WW is perfect as it is, a cast timer to transform makes sense, no passives that effect human form also makes sense. Its an easy add to get seeming the trial scales to level and it takes all of maybe an hour or two to level your WW from 1 to 10. WW is a gift to impatient players, and a gift to those that need a effective tank/dps while in PVE. Even the time as a WW though maybe a little short is not a disadvantage, afteral it lasts about as long as other ultimates, plus if you know what your doing it can literally last for hours, yes I stayed in WW form for about 2 hours just by watching my timing and my kills it wasn't hard. Then of course you have time extenders from other players what more can you want, not to mention a self time extender (though maybe that could change? no cooldown maybe). WW is as I have said pretty awesome to have as an advantage. Oh and seriously don't cry that poison hurts till you play a Vampire where fire hurts all the time, while poison damage is rare by comparison.

    Vamp on the other hand, the trial does not scale (sure you could do it at level 10 though very difficult, and with a fair amount of skill I guess). It on the other hand takes a long time to level from 1 to 10, though this does make sense as its passives and abilities are inherent to the human form mind you the passives while great seem a little lacking. Would like to see something like a "Charming Gaze" that works like a super powered Intimidate plus persuasion seems like a very vampirish ability. Vampires also have to deal with stages on I suppose decomposition, these stages are extremely short to the next level (you spend alot of time looking for food to keep them down to a level you like), while again understandable a lengthening of time would be nice with the option to extend Stage 1 by feeding on more victims would be great, oh and treating feeding like pick pockets in town (except maybe at a cost of an automatic bounty, some NPC's might be Vampire friendly and not attack you but still the auto bounty counts just not the additive of killing the NPC afterwards).

    Overal PVP WW is possibly the advantage taker between the two which is kinda funny as its so easy to level up and power up compared to Vamp. No offence to PVP players as I know the skill of play in both are pretty equal but, if your looking for advantage in PVP by using WW or (even Vamp) then maybe you shouldn't PVP or at least learn to use these advantages properly.
  • PsychoKRATOS1
    Kissmeplz wrote: »
    I have a WW and a Vamp, sorry to say but WW is perfect as it is, a cast timer to transform makes sense, no passives that effect human form also makes sense. Its an easy add to get seeming the trial scales to level and it takes all of maybe an hour or two to level your WW from 1 to 10. WW is a gift to impatient players, and a gift to those that need a effective tank/dps while in PVE. Even the time as a WW though maybe a little short is not a disadvantage, afteral it lasts about as long as other ultimates, plus if you know what your doing it can literally last for hours, yes I stayed in WW form for about 2 hours just by watching my timing and my kills it wasn't hard. Then of course you have time extenders from other players what more can you want, not to mention a self time extender (though maybe that could change? no cooldown maybe). WW is as I have said pretty awesome to have as an advantage. Oh and seriously don't cry that poison hurts till you play a Vampire where fire hurts all the time, while poison damage is rare by comparison.

    Vamp on the other hand, the trial does not scale (sure you could do it at level 10 though very difficult, and with a fair amount of skill I guess). It on the other hand takes a long time to level from 1 to 10, though this does make sense as its passives and abilities are inherent to the human form mind you the passives while great seem a little lacking. Would like to see something like a "Charming Gaze" that works like a super powered Intimidate plus persuasion seems like a very vampirish ability. Vampires also have to deal with stages on I suppose decomposition, these stages are extremely short to the next level (you spend alot of time looking for food to keep them down to a level you like), while again understandable a lengthening of time would be nice with the option to extend Stage 1 by feeding on more victims would be great, oh and treating feeding like pick pockets in town (except maybe at a cost of an automatic bounty, some NPC's might be Vampire friendly and not attack you but still the auto bounty counts just not the additive of killing the NPC afterwards).

    Overal PVP WW is possibly the advantage taker between the two which is kinda funny as its so easy to level up and power up compared to Vamp. No offence to PVP players as I know the skill of play in both are pretty equal but, if your looking for advantage in PVP by using WW or (even Vamp) then maybe you shouldn't PVP or at least learn to use these advantages properly.

    I did vamp at level 10. Ez as pie
This discussion has been closed.