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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • Waylander
    Devs can we get a /lurk to know this thread is still being looked at?
    Edited by Waylander on July 5, 2015 9:22AM
    Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    Watched ESO LIVE to learn they still think WW is fine just needs a few tweeks. Are you kidding me? Its a 20 point ULTIMATE not a viable sub class like vampire which with the lowering of element damage to 25% for both will bring on the vamps again in pvp. Why does the WW have to take damage to stay in form longer? I thought the idea was not to take damage to survive? Why is weapon buffs plus class buffs give more weapon damage then the WW? Why is the math for the WW wrong ( weapon damage from roar 20% plus weapon damage increase from self healing 10% does not equal 30% more like 24%)( already had a long post on that one but not a single post from DEV's in DEV discussion)? Why doesn't bleed stack? Why don't they care to fix or answer? Why don't they let us see what these great fixes are going to be now, even if it changes at least we can see something and determine if they are even listening to us, like they say they do? Ground control to major @ZOS_BrianWrobel.
    Edited by bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 on July 6, 2015 9:39AM
  • Raynefr
    Not even sure what to do to get the developers attention.. maybe if we start crying really loudly..
  • Jokersoul87
    I know some people will think this is crap but i hope the Dev's think on this even though it might not i think the werewolf and vampire bite and scratches should first soley become a Optional Redo Quest where you do the quest for one of the pack or the members of the undead and get your bite and still have the 4 day cool down to be turned again if cured it saves alot of people time and energy and prevents those milking off the people gullible enough to scam and make it easier then after the first intial quest is done then you can return to this phase where you have to go looking once cured or at least make a marker or icon that tells you where the vampire or werewolf exactly are
  • Chrlynsch
    Just make it a toggle by Ultimate activation... please...

    Why?.... because there are already balances in place to stop us from being OP....
    Poison damage, extra damage from fighters guild passives, fighters guild abilities.

    After it's in play balance accordingly (you wont need to because it is fine)

    Extra time passives and abilities can actually be something to be desired and add more flavor to Werewolves.

    Devour can become our execute on low health enemies.

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Prabooo
    what about vamps? only the 50% to 25% fire damage reduction?
  • cjthibs
    Prabooo wrote: »
    what about vamps? only the 50% to 25% fire damage reduction?

    Vampires are already in pretty decent shape. Reducing the damage they take is only going to make them stronger.
  • Iduyenn
    Its just so... unfair, unworthy, despiteous....

    I mean... aren`t we all part of this community? Haven`t we payed over one year and haven`t we always given feedback etc?
    Havent we endured trowbacks and other problems?
    Aren`t we worth one word of you developers and officials? (Since you announcements of dialogues with the playerbase where so cocky...)

    I know your type of institution... you just do, what you want and what`s congruent with economic plans. That includes some temporal changes to signalize some kind of reaction to your customers... to keep them on the leash.
    And i am not even talking about the console-developing time... or the "incremental" patches.

    You say, you want transparancy and dialogue, but you just pick out what you like to discuss and ignore all other things.
    Eso-live is a farce. And your so called "discussion-with-community" ends in administrator posts like "plz stay polite, we dont want to close this very constructive thread..."... but mostly nothing with any significance. And yes... you only answer "secure" questions and you ingore all the other ones... twitch, facebook, eso-live... no differences. Don`t divert from problems with new information on other subjects...

    Oh... and yeah, you also ignore promises you made to us...
    Instead of admitting failures, you don`t say anything at all. Just talking of transparancy and the brigth honey-milk future, doesn`t make them happen. (It`s the tactic i expect from banks and politicians...)
    You are just stonewalling and hoping, that the naive player continue to play and pay.
    To be honest, i think you don`t want any complains at all... And you know what? I think it will work... you can ignore the ppl and do your thing, without loosing to much customers. So congrats...
    You keep up the hope of content you know, you are not able to create... But to keep the hope up... you say "we definitively want this in the game... (... so keep paying you sheeps...)"
    So, to say to me: "If you don`t like it, look for another game" is only a relative option, since you make more and more promises... Housing? Oh yes!
    You go in to bed with famous YToubers or other blind loyalists. Still avoiding hot-spot discussions. I never saw you do one controverse discussion. Nothing introspective or self- reflective. Instead you play idyllic world.
    It doesn`t matter, if you announce big, shiny new content now... we will not forget the problems you dont want/can`t solve. It hurts, that you even ignore the tiniest of problems, wich could be solved easyly.

    I am not talking about the werewolf allone... there are other things... like the LFG Tool.

    As the guardian of the "Elder Scrolls" brand, you have an obligation. At least respect your fans and customers. Be honest to us and say, if you you dont want do discuss on a subject.

    All we werewolves asked was a "yes" or a "no", because we gave up on a more complexe answer from you guys six months ago. How long do we have to wait for an answer from you guys?

    So can anyone grab some balls and say something to your paying customers? (Even if it`s a "The werewolv is fine" comment).

    Yes, i am p.issed

    And even if you censore or delete my post... i will not read any personal messages from you, explaining me, that you just create fun. bla bla
  • cjthibs
    So...I'm normally not so negative about things, but I just checked again, and it has been 9 months since any real comments from the developers here. That simply amazes me.

    How is it that we get shiny (useless) new things every week or two to buy on the crown store, yet entire skill lines are broken?

    I am not decrying your ability or right to make money here, I'm really not, but don't you think in the long run you'll need a fun experience for folks to justify their continuing subscriptions?

    I actually -DO- enjoy some of the Crown Store improvements, even some of the costumes. But, priorities?
    (I know, I know, after the switch to B2P, the spice must flow, I get it. Nobody here wants to take away your ability to make money, that hurts all of us. And yes, the art teams and development teams are not the same people. However, management must decide where to spend its cycles. They should be frothing at the mouth that an entire subclass is entirely unviable.)

    Some of us want to play Vampires...some of us want to play Werewolves, hell, some of us just want to play our normal classes and there are tons of problems there as well.

    I've been a paying customer since launch, and I have -never- felt as though Werewolf was competitive to even playing my normal human class, let alone as a Vampire. (I do less damage, have less mitigation, and have to constantly feed the stupid meter. It's a chore to play, not fun. And that is on a Templar who has less-than-stellar DPS to begin with.)

    Why can't we get any feedback on this?
    Tell us to stuff it at least. Anything at all.

    Nine months ago you said this:

    That said, many suggestions you have made are not currently possible, although they may be in the future. The biggest of these is that the Werewolf Transformation will remain an Ultimate ability that has a duration, rather than being a Toggle. Making Werewolf into a toggle was the first improvement we wanted to make, but it ended up not being possible due to technical restrictions.

    It was the first improvement you wanted to make, but nine months have gone by and it hasn't happened? You already have the code necessary for toggleable Ultimates. How is it possible that this couldn't have been done in eight months? You said, after all, that this is a change you wanted to make. What technical restrictions are we talking about here? You could probably tap into the modding community and get this done faster.

    Ultimately, I enjoy this game. I love the world you've created. I just want to be able to experience it in the ways you've promised.
    Edited by cjthibs on July 7, 2015 2:17PM
  • Chrlynsch
    When you transform you do not gain the 18% Weapon Damage from Savage Strength.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • theforgottenking1779
    All i want to be able to do is stay in ww transformation as long as i want i mean it's all about a persons experience and the masses has spoken and said they want the duration of ww transformation to be longer or constant but yet you are not listening to the ppl that pay to play this game it's ridiculous i'm sure there is some common ground you as dev and customer can agree upon but if you aint even willing to communicate with the community this problem aint going away and another thing why is it so hard to fix the beserker wwe fur and actually make it black like it's suppose to be i'm sure it aint that hard of a issue to fix
  • Iago
    All i want to be able to do is stay in ww transformation as long as i want i mean it's all about a persons experience and the masses has spoken and said they want the duration of ww transformation to be longer or constant but yet you are not listening to the ppl that pay to play this game it's ridiculous i'm sure there is some common ground you as dev and customer can agree upon but if you aint even willing to communicate with the community this problem aint going away and another thing why is it so hard to fix the beserker wwe fur and actually make it black like it's suppose to be i'm sure it aint that hard of a issue to fix

    WW should be a toggle
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • theforgottenking1779
  • Equilibriator
    cjthibs wrote: »
    So...I'm normally not so negative about things, but I just checked again, and it has been 9 months since any real comments from the developers here. That simply amazes me.

    How is it that we get shiny (useless) new things every week or two to buy on the crown store, yet entire skill lines are broken?

    I am not decrying your ability or right to make money here, I'm really not, but don't you think in the long run you'll need a fun experience for folks to justify their continuing subscriptions?

    I actually -DO- enjoy some of the Crown Store improvements, even some of the costumes. But, priorities?
    (I know, I know, after the switch to B2P, the spice must flow, I get it. Nobody here wants to take away your ability to make money, that hurts all of us. And yes, the art teams and development teams are not the same people. However, management must decide where to spend its cycles. They should be frothing at the mouth that an entire subclass is entirely unviable.)

    Some of us want to play Vampires...some of us want to play Werewolves, hell, some of us just want to play our normal classes and there are tons of problems there as well.

    I've been a paying customer since launch, and I have -never- felt as though Werewolf was competitive to even playing my normal human class, let alone as a Vampire. (I do less damage, have less mitigation, and have to constantly feed the stupid meter. It's a chore to play, not fun. And that is on a Templar who has less-than-stellar DPS to begin with.)

    Why can't we get any feedback on this?
    Tell us to stuff it at least. Anything at all.

    Nine months ago you said this:

    That said, many suggestions you have made are not currently possible, although they may be in the future. The biggest of these is that the Werewolf Transformation will remain an Ultimate ability that has a duration, rather than being a Toggle. Making Werewolf into a toggle was the first improvement we wanted to make, but it ended up not being possible due to technical restrictions.

    It was the first improvement you wanted to make, but nine months have gone by and it hasn't happened? You already have the code necessary for toggleable Ultimates. How is it possible that this couldn't have been done in eight months? You said, after all, that this is a change you wanted to make. What technical restrictions are we talking about here? You could probably tap into the modding community and get this done faster.

    Ultimately, I enjoy this game. I love the world you've created. I just want to be able to experience it in the ways you've promised.

    'technical restrictions' is the industry buzz word for "not being instantly easy to do". i.e. it's doable, they just cant be assed trying.
    Edited by Equilibriator on July 8, 2015 3:20PM
  • MikeB
    I dont even want to be a werewolf and this thread makes me not want to play the game anymore. I just bought the game a little over 2 weeks ago and the more I come to the forums the less I like this game and company. I hope you are taking notes Bethesda, they are ruining the Elder Scrolls franchise. I've been a loyal and devout Elder Scrolls customer/player since Morrowwind and have to say this is the worst Elder Scrolls game to date.

    I honestly dont know what I expected out of an Elder Scrolls MMO, If you have ever played any of the previous Elder Scrolls games you should know they are all broken, they have never been able to get the skill system or crafting correct, I dont know why anyone would expect them to now.
    Blood Rage lvl 2 is terrible it's broken

    Blood Rage lvl 1 duration extends 3 seconds when you are hit once every 5 seconds

    Blood Rage lvl 2 duration extends 1 second when you are hit once every 3 seconds

    You see the problem at lvl 2 for 3 seconds bonus it would take 7 seconds minimum 2 seconds longer than lvl 1

    I don't know who thought that was a good idea to make lvl 2 worse than lvl 1 but that's just wrong improve lvl 2 or nerf lvl 1 to make lvl 2 better
  • Belthor_Moonblood
    Blood Rage lvl 2 is terrible it's broken

    Blood Rage lvl 1 duration extends 3 seconds when you are hit once every 5 seconds

    Blood Rage lvl 2 duration extends 1 second when you are hit once every 3 seconds

    You see the problem at lvl 2 for 3 seconds bonus it would take 7 seconds minimum 2 seconds longer than lvl 1

    I don't know who thought that was a good idea to make lvl 2 worse than lvl 1 but that's just wrong improve lvl 2 or nerf lvl 1 to make lvl 2 better

    I too just noticed this; isn't it supposed to give you 3 seconds every 3 seconds?
  • Lord_Titan
    I agree with everyone on this discussion that the WW needs to be worked on but I think the main issue here is the length of time you are in WW form. I do also think that the damage we do should also be fixed but we need them to work from the ground up. Work with time first then go to the mechanics of the WW. I will be starting a Forum with a few ideas I have in mind for the WW but I would like to know who would look over it from the ESO players, and makers so that I know it is not for nothing. I would also like to know where I should put this forum page. :)
  • CP5
    @ZOS_GinaBruno, this thread has gone a while without developer feedback and with the next update coming soon* is there any information the combat team can provide here? Many players who use the transformation feel it is still lacking but last we heard they feel it was fine. As these more recent comments provide that is not how players feel, and if going by metrics then your numbers are skewed by the free regen passive stapled onto the skill line. Do they still feel the skill line is fine, and if so what are we missing?
  • Lord_Titan
    In my opinion the WW should last much longer, since the werewolf transformation doesn't stay active on it's own. I do understand how it is pretty much like a normal person turning into a straight up predator type deal, but without a good long lasting time then what is the point of using it if it is to short. I actually have 2 ideas for new passive skills that would make it more worth being a werewolf that will also extend our time as werewolf's. The other idea I have would be more skill's that we can choose from so it's not just 5 skills that we have to use with different morphs. Another possible thing that can change is that as a werewolf we should be able to climb in areas where normal people can't so as a werewolf we don't have to search on how to get around mountains or walls we can just climb up it.

    The 2 passive skill ideas I have to be able to extend werewolf form is as follows:
    Title: Werewolf Disciple
    effect 1: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 15 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 30 seconds to be in werewolf form.

    This will significantly extend the time you are in werewolf form if players are truly devoted to using the werewolf ultimate and being a werewolf for the majority of the time they are playing.

    passive skill 2
    Title: Werewolf Hide
    effect 1: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 20 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 40 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    passive effect: if it is a piece of werewolf armor set you gain an additional 15 seconds ( both rings, helmet, shoulders, and chest totaling to 75 seconds. )

    I do also think that the werewolf hide set should be a crafting set so that we can use it at higher levels as well. Since it is pretty much a really good trait to mix with a werewolf build.
  • cjthibs
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    In my opinion the WW should last much longer, since the werewolf transformation doesn't stay active on it's own. I do understand how it is pretty much like a normal person turning into a straight up predator type deal, but without a good long lasting time then what is the point of using it if it is to short. I actually have 2 ideas for new passive skills that would make it more worth being a werewolf that will also extend our time as werewolf's. The other idea I have would be more skill's that we can choose from so it's not just 5 skills that we have to use with different morphs. Another possible thing that can change is that as a werewolf we should be able to climb in areas where normal people can't so as a werewolf we don't have to search on how to get around mountains or walls we can just climb up it.

    The 2 passive skill ideas I have to be able to extend werewolf form is as follows:
    Title: Werewolf Disciple
    effect 1: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 15 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 30 seconds to be in werewolf form.

    This will significantly extend the time you are in werewolf form if players are truly devoted to using the werewolf ultimate and being a werewolf for the majority of the time they are playing.

    passive skill 2
    Title: Werewolf Hide
    effect 1: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 20 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 40 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    passive effect: if it is a piece of werewolf armor set you gain an additional 15 seconds ( both rings, helmet, shoulders, and chest totaling to 75 seconds. )

    I do also think that the werewolf hide set should be a crafting set so that we can use it at higher levels as well. Since it is pretty much a really good trait to mix with a werewolf build.

    Rather than making us spend 4 MORE skill points in this tree...a toggle would give us the same effect.
  • Lord_Titan
    cjthibs wrote: »
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    In my opinion the WW should last much longer, since the werewolf transformation doesn't stay active on it's own. I do understand how it is pretty much like a normal person turning into a straight up predator type deal, but without a good long lasting time then what is the point of using it if it is to short. I actually have 2 ideas for new passive skills that would make it more worth being a werewolf that will also extend our time as werewolf's. The other idea I have would be more skill's that we can choose from so it's not just 5 skills that we have to use with different morphs. Another possible thing that can change is that as a werewolf we should be able to climb in areas where normal people can't so as a werewolf we don't have to search on how to get around mountains or walls we can just climb up it.

    The 2 passive skill ideas I have to be able to extend werewolf form is as follows:
    Title: Werewolf Disciple
    effect 1: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 15 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each skill point put into the werewolf skill tree you gain 30 seconds to be in werewolf form.

    This will significantly extend the time you are in werewolf form if players are truly devoted to using the werewolf ultimate and being a werewolf for the majority of the time they are playing.

    passive skill 2
    Title: Werewolf Hide
    effect 1: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 20 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    effect 2: for each piece of medium armor equipped you gain 40 seconds to be in werewolf form.
    passive effect: if it is a piece of werewolf armor set you gain an additional 15 seconds ( both rings, helmet, shoulders, and chest totaling to 75 seconds. )

    I do also think that the werewolf hide set should be a crafting set so that we can use it at higher levels as well. Since it is pretty much a really good trait to mix with a werewolf build.

    Rather than making us spend 4 MORE skill points in this tree...a toggle would give us the same effect.

    Agreed but at least this is a good alternative if they do not want to give us the toggle choice. Though a toggle would be much better than a timer entirely.
  • Lord_Titan
    Also I just remembered one of the other things I wanted to add. We should also receive the effects that we have on our weapons and our armor that we have on while we are in werewolf form. Even the skills Passives we have should be effecting us as well since we spent so much time into unlocking them and leveling up to be able to use them.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    Also I just remembered one of the other things I wanted to add. We should also receive the effects that we have on our weapons and our armor that we have on while we are in werewolf form. Even the skills Passives we have should be effecting us as well since we spent so much time into unlocking them and leveling up to be able to use them.

    umm m8... no but wtf are u talking about? i took me 1 hour to level up all skills + morphs to max.... so is not rly that hard to max ww...
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    While I would love for Werewolf form to be a toggle, I don't actually mind the timer.

    The one major gap in the whole in the skill line - in my opinion - is the lack of a taunt.

    The WW skill line allows for building heavily toward a tank spec if DPS isn't your thing, which is exactly what I've done with my sorcerer tank. It's working BEAUTIFULLY for me, so far, with one glaring exception:

    I can't taunt while in Werewolf form. With my basic tank setup, Hircine's Fortitude, and Claws of Life, I can take a substantial beating; and between Rousing Roar and Howl of Despair I can throw down some very respectable crowd control. But without that taunt, I can't keep the bosses off of my group.

    I know that ZOS doesn't want AoE taunting in this game, and I like the fact that it forces me to prioritize. Great mechanic, in my opinion. In that light, my suggestion would be to add a single-target taunt to either Feral Pounce or Howl of Despair (since they're the "tankier" morphs).

    Anyway, I'm really enjoying my Werewolf the way it is, but I think the opinions expressed in this thread before me are quite valid and should be examined.

    Keep up the good work, ZOS!

    Edited by milesrodneymcneely2_ESO on July 11, 2015 7:33PM
  • Iduyenn
    While I would love for Werewolf form to be a toggle, I don't actually mind the timer.

    The one major gap in the whole in the skill line - in my opinion - is the lack of a taunt.

    The WW skill line allows for building heavily toward a tank spec if DPS isn't your thing, which is exactly what I've done with my sorcerer tank. It's working BEAUTIFULLY for me, so far, with one glaring exception:

    I can't taunt while in Werewolf form. With my basic tank setup, Hircine's Fortitude, and Claws of Life, I can take a substantial beating; and between Rousing Roar and Howl of Despair I can throw down some very respectable crowd control. But without that taunt, I can't keep the bosses off of my group.

    I know that ZOS doesn't want AoE taunting in this game, and I like the fact that it forces me to prioritize. Great mechanic, in my opinion. In that light, my suggestion would be to add a single-target taunt to either Feral Pounce or Howl of Despair (since they're the "tankier" morphs).

    Anyway, I'm really enjoying my Werewolf the way it is, but I think the opinions expressed in this thread before me are quite valid and should be examined.

    Keep up the good work, ZOS!


    So... you can play as a Werewolf;
    - In PVP
    - RP
    - PVE Vet Dungeons
    - PVE DSA and DSA Vet
    - Trials (SO, Hel Ra, AA).

    ???????? And you are happy about it?

    In PVP: I get ganked by everyone, exept the noobs ofc. ... And yeah... after 1 min you change back, because
    [1] You have no more target [2] You have no critters to feed on [3] ore you are most likely dead.
    90% you have to run from A--> B ... no Werewolf, because... its the the most expensive ultimate... good luck charging...

    In RP:
    Yes, a true RP can RP when/where he wants... But the truth... you want to enjoy yourselve... giving in to the pack- feeling, the profound attraction of the wild hunt. Most of this fantasy you cannot live in this game... simply, because ZOS is to buisy burring their heads and doing/seeing nothing.

    In PVP:
    Vet-Dungeons: You have to have a good group, speedrunning and waiting at the right time. One mate has to go afk bio for 1 minute? Goodby Werewolf... you will not be able to gather enough ultimate...
    And *** if you have no full ultimate at the start of the dungeon....
    Oh ... and yes... you dont have a finisher... the first 3 secs you do 30k dps... after 10 secs you have 14k... and if you have 30+ secs... you do less dmg than your tank...

    I tried it... and sorry... but i dont want to play "feed your timer" all the time... that is madness and i feel my burnout already...

    DSA/DSA Vet
    "Hey... coool... regular spawning mobs!".
    "Oh... porting... no more werewolf"
    "Oh... waiting 30 secs...".
    End of story


    The tanking idea is nice... and an old one... we have lots of cool ideas... But... we dont get any feedback... not "thank you for your input... but we would like to do nothing... ww is ok".

    This is not only about the werewolf (altough i would like it to be). Its about ZOS and their unfriendly policy with us customers...
    Its about thir "no comment" policy.
    Customers doing research... making suggestions... testing content... etc. etc. etc..

  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    While I would love for Werewolf form to be a toggle, I don't actually mind the timer.

    The one major gap in the whole in the skill line - in my opinion - is the lack of a taunt.

    The WW skill line allows for building heavily toward a tank spec if DPS isn't your thing, which is exactly what I've done with my sorcerer tank. It's working BEAUTIFULLY for me, so far, with one glaring exception:

    I can't taunt while in Werewolf form. With my basic tank setup, Hircine's Fortitude, and Claws of Life, I can take a substantial beating; and between Rousing Roar and Howl of Despair I can throw down some very respectable crowd control. But without that taunt, I can't keep the bosses off of my group.

    I know that ZOS doesn't want AoE taunting in this game, and I like the fact that it forces me to prioritize. Great mechanic, in my opinion. In that light, my suggestion would be to add a single-target taunt to either Feral Pounce or Howl of Despair (since they're the "tankier" morphs).

    Anyway, I'm really enjoying my Werewolf the way it is, but I think the opinions expressed in this thread before me are quite valid and should be examined.

    Keep up the good work, ZOS!


    So... you can play as a Werewolf;
    - In PVP
    - RP
    - PVE Vet Dungeons
    - PVE DSA and DSA Vet
    - Trials (SO, Hel Ra, AA).

    ???????? And you are happy about it?

    In PVP: I get ganked by everyone, exept the noobs ofc. ... And yeah... after 1 min you change back, because
    [1] You have no more target [2] You have no critters to feed on [3] ore you are most likely dead.
    90% you have to run from A--> B ... no Werewolf, because... its the the most expensive ultimate... good luck charging...

    In RP:
    Yes, a true RP can RP when/where he wants... But the truth... you want to enjoy yourselve... giving in to the pack- feeling, the profound attraction of the wild hunt. Most of this fantasy you cannot live in this game... simply, because ZOS is to buisy burring their heads and doing/seeing nothing.

    In PVP:
    Vet-Dungeons: You have to have a good group, speedrunning and waiting at the right time. One mate has to go afk bio for 1 minute? Goodby Werewolf... you will not be able to gather enough ultimate...
    And *** if you have no full ultimate at the start of the dungeon....
    Oh ... and yes... you dont have a finisher... the first 3 secs you do 30k dps... after 10 secs you have 14k... and if you have 30+ secs... you do less dmg than your tank...

    I tried it... and sorry... but i dont want to play "feed your timer" all the time... that is madness and i feel my burnout already...

    DSA/DSA Vet
    "Hey... coool... regular spawning mobs!".
    "Oh... porting... no more werewolf"
    "Oh... waiting 30 secs...".
    End of story


    The tanking idea is nice... and an old one... we have lots of cool ideas... But... we dont get any feedback... not "thank you for your input... but we would like to do nothing... ww is ok".

    This is not only about the werewolf (altough i would like it to be). Its about ZOS and their unfriendly policy with us customers...
    Its about thir "no comment" policy.
    Customers doing research... making suggestions... testing content... etc. etc. etc..
    Iduyenn, I couldn't agree with you more. I should have prefaced my comment with "this is my dungeon alt, that I use to RP as a Hound of Hircine".

    My perspective when I was typing my post was extremely solipsistic, and for that I apologize.

    I can't find anything to disagree with in your post. Great points.

  • Lord_Titan
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    Also I just remembered one of the other things I wanted to add. We should also receive the effects that we have on our weapons and our armor that we have on while we are in werewolf form. Even the skills Passives we have should be effecting us as well since we spent so much time into unlocking them and leveling up to be able to use them.

    umm m8... no but wtf are u talking about? i took me 1 hour to level up all skills + morphs to max.... so is not rly that hard to max ww...

    No I meant as in the passive skills from armor and weapons and so on that we try hard and long to get as well as armor set Passover and such we put into our character planning. I feel as if mine aren't active and have read that we don't get those when we are in werewolf form.
  • Lord_Titan
    I am agreeing with everyone saying about extending time or having a toggle. The only problem is that I think we need to do a petition to get them to realize this isn't just a few people wanting this but all the people playing werewolf.
  • Moridin82
    Lord_Titan wrote: »
    I am agreeing with everyone saying about extending time or having a toggle. The only problem is that I think we need to do a petition to get them to realize this isn't just a few people wanting this but all the people playing werewolf.

    Psn Ervik82 Eobonheart Pact
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