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Upcoming Werewolf Changes

  • CP5
    How was this a necro? The thread has been off and on for a while and is still relevant.
  • DovahkiinWolf
    All of that sounds great!
    A few suggestions for my personal tastes,
    I think being able to toggle WW on and off would be great. Just have the Ultimate be a better form of WW. Maybe the toggle form is equal to your char except that you get a bit of a stamina boost and then Ultimate WW is much more powerful, like a blood crazed WW. Some people just like running around as a werewolf you know. Giving the player passives when not a werewolf is much needed. Try to even up the WWs with the vamps, have them equal. Choosing WW or Vamp should be purely done on personal tastes and not which is better, as that is unfair. Now on the looks side, can we get some customization for our WWselves?
    Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.
  • AegisWolf
    It'd be nice if we had a couple of tanking options for werewolves, because especially with the recent change to allow Blood Rage to take effect while in WW form, it'd be awesome if we had a taunt. Like if they fed the current Pack Leader buff into the Call of the Pack passive, and turned it into a tanky werewolf, with all the fear effects reversed into taunts.

    Pounce could use a snare, and they oughta just straight up double the timer, and the time gained by Devour. It's really annoying needing a lunchbreak every 10 seconds or so. As for the RPers who want a toggle (I'm not saying everybody who wants it a toggle is an RPer) is there a way it could be added to their costume collection for just that character?

    Additionally, I've got a decent amount of stamina, and stamina regen, and I am always running out of it as a werewolf. The skills cost too much of it. Even with the inherent WW bonus to stamina regen, it doesn't come back fast enough to use the skills more than a couple times. After using a potion, generally one skill's worth, I generally must resort to using heavy attacks, which have too long an animation for precious little gain. An increase in time would help, but a reduction in the stamina costs for the skills would be better.

    P.S. Do armor sets/bonuses/effects effect in WW form?
  • Iduyenn
    Developers implemented stricter rules in the Forums, and their main-argument was, they do so, to allow developers the participation in discussions.
    I am still waiting for a response, or simply a statement about werewolfs.

    I tested WW builds for several hours in PVP now.
    I had a medium-armor build with 2.8+k weaponpower (in human form).
    I did a mixed build with heavy armor
    I did a full defence build

    So far it is my opinion, that the problem lies not in the armor builds...

    Current Problems in PVP:

    - Even if i go full heavy- defensive armor with capped physical and spell-resistance. I die way to fast. The heal is to low (even with 150 cp).
    ==> No surviability, no pressure, no sustain, nothing. You may play as a glass-cannon with medium armor, but you are hit with ridiculous numbers.
    not like certain dk`s and other classes, wich can still survive up to 10 people and do dmg on the way.
    If you go full defence, you literally can`t put a single scratch to your enemys and while you try to survive and attack, the incoming dmg is still to high.
    ==> Please find a way, to help WW to sustain an attack of at least 1-2 ppl for a good time. I would even be ok with it, when i do no dmg at all, but can survive even longer... but there needs to be a balance... full defence mode and you get wiped like a flee even in 1v1?
    ==> Staminatroubles will follow with defensive builds. My 20k didn`t do me any good, but i needed magicka and life too...
    ==> Allow the selfheal to scale from your maximum life. To stack life could be an option for a werewolf, so he doesnt have to go full magicka and has a bit of a "save-zone". Life is dropping to fast anyway... i ran around with 40 k health and 30k armor... ridiculous i know... but i had to test it... dmg is still to high...
    - Time and transformation: Actualy the immunity during transformation is nice and i can life with it, but the ultimate cost is a problem, because you will use your ultimate not very often. Most of the time its not worth it. And i mean that, even if i am a fan and take loads of disadvantages, simply to be a WW.
    ==> either make the duration of the WW ultimate way longer or extendable (with cummulation). Or reduce the cost for the ultimate to 0.
    - There are still some bugs. The transformation can be aborted due to lag.
    - Sometimes if you jump to an enemy, you get caught in the animation for a long time. During this time, you cant do anything, but the WW timer goes to waste. (You cant even feed).

    Further suggestions:
    - allow "call of the pack" to also reduce the "venom malus" on werewolfs to be reduced, when other ww (in any form) are nearby.
    - "call of the pack" should be automaticly given, when WW are nearby. Not only when another WW transforms...

    Well, there are hundereds of other ideas. Provided since early beta. I could add a lot more things to this, but in the end the fact is, that ww is still not as strong as other build-ultimate constellations. There isn`t even the potential with special sets and item-constellations...
    If you want to see it as an ultimate... or as a playstyle... either way... imho this is a huge part of the game still not working. And the waiting, the not knowing if something is going to changes makes it even worse.

    If i am wrong... anyone... plz post me your build...
  • Mrchavoda
    WW stays faily useless this way,
    A vampire.. you get all the benefits all the time, its a character addon
    A werewolf ..you get non of the benefits on you're character, you get a Temp toggle that removes all you're skills and repalces them for generic new skills that are not necessary stronger then you're original build.

    It makes no sense being a WW at all from a gamemechanical standpoint.. its compleetly unballanced compared to Vampies
  • newtinmpls
    I like the changes outlined, but I also would say the transform animation needs to be MUCH shorter than its current incarnation, because stunning yourself for 2.5 seconds is not a good idea in PVP ;).

    I can't even count how many times I've thought it wasn't working, then hit ultimate again and lost all my points and no transformation. Very frustrating
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • BloodStorm
    I am a lethal arrow, elusive mist spamming vampire and dislike werewolves, yet I think the easiest solution is to reduce the werewolf ult cost even more if you have the saviors hide set. In my opinion elusive mist is way better than hercines bounty. The 75% reduced damage and movement speed buff makes fire and avoiding things easier . Possibly making the werewolf heal have a morph that heals you as a strong DoT instead and does not interrupt combat so much if a morph like that does not exist already would be helpful. Considering it is not a burst heal anymore the healing DoT recovers ultimate also in werewolf form.
    Edited by BloodStorm on April 13, 2015 6:31AM
  • Sharee
    What i would like to see in a transformed werewolf:

    - complete CC immunity (except for FG abilities)
    - 50% increased health regeneration
    - base 50% damage reduction from sources that are not silver(i.e. figher's guild abilities) or poison, with regular armor/spell resistance providing their usual mitigation on top of that.

    Then it might be worth the price of losing all your class abilities and ultimate.
    Edited by Sharee on April 13, 2015 6:20AM
  • draeganb16_ESO
    @Sharee : You are asking too much. The CC for a werewolf is surely very disableling but asking for an immunity would be overpowered. Maybe a reduced cost for breaking free would be fine. After all, werewolf are supposed to be strong beast.
    When Bloodmoon calls, Rivers turns red.
  • Iduyenn
    Still no Feedback, no "we are looing in to it"?
    I mean... could at least the mod of this thread bring this to the developers?

    I know, you dont want to many open construction sites. Your main priority is console release.

    But please... throw us a bone. Say something, even if it is a clear "no". I would appriciate it more, than no answer at all.
    I know, this is difficult, because the change of some things have ripple effects.

    So... are you watching us?

  • CP5
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    Still no Feedback, no "we are looing in to it"?
    I mean... could at least the mod of this thread bring this to the developers?

    I know, you dont want to many open construction sites. Your main priority is console release.

    But please... throw us a bone. Say something, even if it is a clear "no". I would appriciate it more, than no answer at all.
    I know, this is difficult, because the change of some things have ripple effects.

    So... are you watching us?

    Its my assumption that the devs are looking at raw population numbers and seeing an increase in werewolves. They are likely calling that enough despite that a majority of those players are likely in it only for the stamina regen passive. Lets hope that when they get some time they can give werewolves another look and realize how they are still lacking, and hopefully the werewolf player population will directly tell the devs what they want from the skill line.

    I believe i'm not alone in saying that when Eric went on ESO Live and said that they wanted the werewolf to "feel more like an ultimate" I was not agreeing to that idea.
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler I have noticed the stats of the WW are wrong.

    The passives and the abilities are incorrect.

    I have a base weapon damage of 2644 no buffs and no pvp buffs. I turn into WW I am at 2984. I am supposed to be at 3120 due to having specced 2 points into Savage strength 18%.

    I will use my WW number 2984 even tho it is wrong.

    If I use Hircine rage IV I should get 10% more weapon power but I don't I only end up at 3214 should be 3282.

    If I use Rousing Rage IV which gives 20% more weapon power for 5 sec. I only get to 3444 but should be 3581.

    And if I use both only saying that 10%+20% equals 30% I only get to 3673 but should be at 3879.

    And if I use correct number of 3120. HR IV= 3432. RRIV= 3744 both together HRIV + RRIV= 4056

    If I have done the math wrong let me know but WOW. This 21 point Ultimate should be relooked at.
    Edited by bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 on April 30, 2015 9:27PM
  • Athas24
    First, I love the changes they did to the Werewolf because they were less than useless before and now just need a bit of tweaking in my opinion.
    1. Devour as someone stated needs to actually be worth it. The bonus time gained from downing a corpse is almost nonexistent. There should be a stackable and significant time increase here.
    2. There needs to be a reduction in stamina based things like roll, block, sprinting, breaking cc's etc. Werewolves are enraged beasts they should be able to shrug off things like this rather easily. At the very least a fear immunity would be relative if these reduced costs were too imbalanced.
    3. There needs to be a reduction to damage from typical skills/abilities unless they are fighters guild abilities or poison or heck even fire to an extent, After all Falchu was vulnerable to fire .(not poison for some reason). I do like having some things less damaging and some things really painful like poison and silver weapons etc.
    4. The transformation needs to be instant so we can see it and know it worked when pressed! If there is some need for a cast time on it let it be due to the werewolf standing there for a second or two howling in rage with claws and fangs bared. This would at least let us know the cast worked and we didn't just burn ultimate for No reason. Alternatively, allow for 0 ultimate to be spent if we revert right away due to double pressing the skill.
    Just a few thoughts. I do love running around as a WW but there just needs to be a bit more tweaking in my opinion.
    ...OverTwerked & Underpaid.
    Rajaat04 in game @Athas24 on forums
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Does anyone read this? and who is the WW lead?
  • Taz
    I'd like to throw out a few ideas for WW that I would still like to see implemented.

    Werewolf Toggle:
    There is, essentially, no reason for werewolf NOT to be a toggle. You can get your werewolf up fairly quickly now, which is great, but still everything is a race to keep your timer up. Devour and other abilities that increase your time only increase to a set amount of time and don't stack on top of that. So at any time I'm sitting only on 15 or 30 or so seconds of werewolf and I can hardly pause to say something in group chat or glance in my bags because I have to keep eating.

    In dungeons, a werewolf feels compelled to jump into the next group of mobs just to keep the timer going, or risk having to transform back to human form. In PvP, a werewolf will have a hard time fighting anyone because after one kill you're looking for other players to eat and probably will either die if you go into a group or lose your timer because you have no bones to chew on. In RP, you can't even be in werewolf form for any amount of time.

    Please, PLEASE make werewolf a toggle. There's nothing really OP about a toggle, but it does increase the fun of playing a werewolf. If nothing else, this would make me endlessly happy as a werewolf.

    Feral Pounce: Taunt:
    After making WW a toggle, why not change feral pounce into a taunt? A werewolf with more options than 'DPS' would be pretty cool, and tanky werewolves seem logically viable. It's a big hulking beast leaping at you, who wouldn't focus their attention on bringing it down first? Their hide is tough, they can take it.

    Devour: When you devour something, you gain a small amount of health back, instead of an increase to the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Blood Rage: While in Werewolf form, every time you're hit you gain a small amount of stamina back, instead of an increase to the the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Call of the Pack: Increases the attack speed/health regen/something of nearby werewolves instead of increasing the duration.

    As far as the werewolf being an ultimate goes, I have two suggestions for that:

    Option 1: All Ultimate is Drained While a Werewolf:
    Basically you turn into a werewolf and don't build any ultimate until you toggle out of werewolf. So if you want to use another class's ultimate ability, you have to get the ultimate back in human form.

    Option 2: The Savage Beast:
    With this option, the werewolf ultimate would now cost more, and you earn it the normal way. Werewolf IS a toggle: you can toggle it at any time to remove and reduce your ultimate gain. However, when you hit the max of your ultimate, you are forced to transform for 30 seconds. With this method, you must manage your ultimate gain; you must hunt and kill as a werewolf to reduce your ultimate, or risk losing control altogether and becoming the beast. This is why the ultimate cost would be increased.

    In this method, my personal favorite, you would only get the perks (and weaknesses) of being a werewolf if you have the werewolf ultimate on your bar. This isn't another little skill line to get your stamina bonus in. You're a beast, you have to hunt and kill as the beast. You can turn at any time, but if you avoid it for too long, Hircine gives you no choice but to give in to the beast.
  • CP5
    Taz wrote: »
    I'd like to throw out a few ideas for WW that I would still like to see implemented.

    Werewolf Toggle:
    There is, essentially, no reason for werewolf NOT to be a toggle. You can get your werewolf up fairly quickly now, which is great, but still everything is a race to keep your timer up. Devour and other abilities that increase your time only increase to a set amount of time and don't stack on top of that. So at any time I'm sitting only on 15 or 30 or so seconds of werewolf and I can hardly pause to say something in group chat or glance in my bags because I have to keep eating.

    In dungeons, a werewolf feels compelled to jump into the next group of mobs just to keep the timer going, or risk having to transform back to human form. In PvP, a werewolf will have a hard time fighting anyone because after one kill you're looking for other players to eat and probably will either die if you go into a group or lose your timer because you have no bones to chew on. In RP, you can't even be in werewolf form for any amount of time.

    Please, PLEASE make werewolf a toggle. There's nothing really OP about a toggle, but it does increase the fun of playing a werewolf. If nothing else, this would make me endlessly happy as a werewolf.

    Feral Pounce: Taunt:
    After making WW a toggle, why not change feral pounce into a taunt? A werewolf with more options than 'DPS' would be pretty cool, and tanky werewolves seem logically viable. It's a big hulking beast leaping at you, who wouldn't focus their attention on bringing it down first? Their hide is tough, they can take it.

    Devour: When you devour something, you gain a small amount of health back, instead of an increase to the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Blood Rage: While in Werewolf form, every time you're hit you gain a small amount of stamina back, instead of an increase to the the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Call of the Pack: Increases the attack speed/health regen/something of nearby werewolves instead of increasing the duration.

    As far as the werewolf being an ultimate goes, I have two suggestions for that:

    Option 1: All Ultimate is Drained While a Werewolf:
    Basically you turn into a werewolf and don't build any ultimate until you toggle out of werewolf. So if you want to use another class's ultimate ability, you have to get the ultimate back in human form.

    Option 2: The Savage Beast:
    With this option, the werewolf ultimate would now cost more, and you earn it the normal way. Werewolf IS a toggle: you can toggle it at any time to remove and reduce your ultimate gain. However, when you hit the max of your ultimate, you are forced to transform for 30 seconds. With this method, you must manage your ultimate gain; you must hunt and kill as a werewolf to reduce your ultimate, or risk losing control altogether and becoming the beast. This is why the ultimate cost would be increased.

    In this method, my personal favorite, you would only get the perks (and weaknesses) of being a werewolf if you have the werewolf ultimate on your bar. This isn't another little skill line to get your stamina bonus in. You're a beast, you have to hunt and kill as the beast. You can turn at any time, but if you avoid it for too long, Hircine gives you no choice but to give in to the beast.

    Some very good ideas and hopefully the combat team doesn't feel content with the current state of the werewolf given how poorly it preforms in a majority of the game. Not that much of a fan of option 2, or it could be awesome, not sure.
  • Chrlynsch
    Taz wrote: »
    I'd like to throw out a few ideas for WW that I would still like to see implemented.

    Werewolf Toggle:
    There is, essentially, no reason for werewolf NOT to be a toggle. You can get your werewolf up fairly quickly now, which is great, but still everything is a race to keep your timer up. Devour and other abilities that increase your time only increase to a set amount of time and don't stack on top of that. So at any time I'm sitting only on 15 or 30 or so seconds of werewolf and I can hardly pause to say something in group chat or glance in my bags because I have to keep eating.

    In dungeons, a werewolf feels compelled to jump into the next group of mobs just to keep the timer going, or risk having to transform back to human form. In PvP, a werewolf will have a hard time fighting anyone because after one kill you're looking for other players to eat and probably will either die if you go into a group or lose your timer because you have no bones to chew on. In RP, you can't even be in werewolf form for any amount of time.

    Please, PLEASE make werewolf a toggle. There's nothing really OP about a toggle, but it does increase the fun of playing a werewolf. If nothing else, this would make me endlessly happy as a werewolf.

    Feral Pounce: Taunt:
    After making WW a toggle, why not change feral pounce into a taunt? A werewolf with more options than 'DPS' would be pretty cool, and tanky werewolves seem logically viable. It's a big hulking beast leaping at you, who wouldn't focus their attention on bringing it down first? Their hide is tough, they can take it.

    Devour: When you devour something, you gain a small amount of health back, instead of an increase to the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Blood Rage: While in Werewolf form, every time you're hit you gain a small amount of stamina back, instead of an increase to the the now nonexistent werewolf timer.

    Call of the Pack: Increases the attack speed/health regen/something of nearby werewolves instead of increasing the duration.

    As far as the werewolf being an ultimate goes, I have two suggestions for that:

    Option 1: All Ultimate is Drained While a Werewolf:
    Basically you turn into a werewolf and don't build any ultimate until you toggle out of werewolf. So if you want to use another class's ultimate ability, you have to get the ultimate back in human form.

    Option 2: The Savage Beast:
    With this option, the werewolf ultimate would now cost more, and you earn it the normal way. Werewolf IS a toggle: you can toggle it at any time to remove and reduce your ultimate gain. However, when you hit the max of your ultimate, you are forced to transform for 30 seconds. With this method, you must manage your ultimate gain; you must hunt and kill as a werewolf to reduce your ultimate, or risk losing control altogether and becoming the beast. This is why the ultimate cost would be increased.

    In this method, my personal favorite, you would only get the perks (and weaknesses) of being a werewolf if you have the werewolf ultimate on your bar. This isn't another little skill line to get your stamina bonus in. You're a beast, you have to hunt and kill as the beast. You can turn at any time, but if you avoid it for too long, Hircine gives you no choice but to give in to the beast.

    A lot of this is great stuff and not the first time they have been suggested. My thoughts:

    - I really like the idea of a higher costing ultimate that allows you to remain in form until you toggle out.
    - love the stamina return idea on Bloodrage, as werewolf abilities are the most expensive stam abilities in the game.
    - would like to see reduce sprint cost possibly in call of the pack

    WW survivability Needs some loving, if you exclude the roll dodge meta. Some sort of migitation, a flat level 15%, damage shield on pack leader's heavy attacks, or my personal favorite a 20% dodge chance. Though the way damage spikes are in this game possibly a combination.

    -A large damage shield from devour.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • Sha_dow
    FAO ZOS_GinaBruno

    Why have we heard no more from yourself or the developers? this is intended to be a 2 way discussion for updates, advise and suggestions You have a Wealth of information on this thread from (Forms and Skins for berserker and Pack Alpha) Skills and changes, Added imporvements and even more to consider given the interest we have in making this class the best it can be Skill wise, Play wise and an integral part of the TESO experience

    We need more interaction from the developers I have been gone 6 months and most of the same issues we had back then have still not been fixed, im sure you will agree this really isnt acceptable can we have an update on any upcoming changes

    So with that in mind I have a few suggestions and would like some feedback from the developers

    First of all we all agree the werewolf timer/duration needs to be changed

    Options I can think off are:

    1: Night time Transformations: 4 hours to be in were wolf form (IIRC its 4 hours night time 4 hours day time?)

    2: 5 minute Basic Duration Each time You devour 5 minutes added (Still needs to be managed but allows time for the player to breathe) or,

    (Subject to change i.e we have suggested a toggle)

    (a Rage / Blood Rage meter, as long as your attacking it wont go down) when it does it goes down from 10 minutes <

    3: Skin redesign:

    Basic form is fine for a young new recently turned werewolf however the two morphs need to be changed there was much debate and even many people saying the forms were bugged

    Berserker - Black fur (Add more muscle mass please the poor lycans looks like there malnurished :( and Red eyes

    Alpha - White with blue or yellow eyes and again more muscle mass please !!!



    Human Passive bonuses


    +15% health Regeneration (30% in Werewolf Form)
    +25% Stamina regeneration (50% in werewolf Form)
    +15% movement Speed Bonus (30% in Werewolf form)

    Werewolf Passive Bonuses

    + 50% increase added to Armour Value
    + 30% movement Speed (on all 4s)
    + 30% Health Regeneration
    + 50% Stamina Regeneration
    + 50% more damage from Poison/ Silver Attacks

    5: And finally a VERY VERY VERY needed change to our only 2 sets:

    Level 31-34

    Were Wolf Hide set

    +2 Critcal Hit chance / or Debuff
    +3 +5 blodrage on hit/attack (5 seconds CD) See below
    - In human form it adds Ultimate
    - In Werewolf form it adds duration to werewolf timer + 12 seconds (9 seconds CD)
    +4 Weapon Damage / Stamina Regen
    +5 Ultimate cost reduced 50% 300 = 150


    47-52 Salvation Set

    +2 Critcal Chance / Slow Debuff
    +3 Chance to apply a Bleed
    +4 Weapon Damage
    +5 Ultimate cost Reduced 33/50%
    +6 Chance to trigger blood Frenzy which increases Damage and Attack speed

    Would love some feedback from Developers / ZOS_GinaBruno

    Kind Regards

  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    Still great you fixed RR but now its time to recheck those numbers. Weapon damage increases are still off. Can we get a DEV to get on Forums and explain why an easy fix is not done yet? Check my earlier post.

  • Farorin
    My two cents as a long term WW (been WW since the beggining, back when we were completely terrible and had two terrible skills).

    WW are stronger now than they used to be, I can kill people reasonably quick in PVP, I can do a decent amount of damage in PVE. So thank you for the much much much needed buff to WW damage.

    The problems that need fixing:

    Problem, Survivability in PVP (but also in PVE): If I turn WW in PVP, I am almost guaranteed to die, compared to if I don't turn WW in PVP, I almost always kill and survive. WW needs increased survivability to be useful, using my ultimate shouldn't be a death sentence. As for PVE, I am much more likely to survive and deal more damage over the long term, without transforming.

    Either immunity, or decreased break free cost to CC abilities.
    Increased health regen, max health, healing or increased defensive capabilities.

    Problem, Short timer:
    Given the right circumstances the timer is no problem, but that is only if you grossly outnumber whatever you are fighting, in which case, why use up the ultimate anyway? The timer is still too low, we need more time, or at least to gain more time while devouring... Which brings me to my next point.

    It is a time waster, it takes too long for not enough reward, I have almost been kicked from groups in PVE for devouring rather than DPSing (to be fair, I have had a group disband on me just from me transforming in the first place, which is a clear sign that WWs need fixing).

    Shorten devour time, or increase it's utility, potentially by giving the WW a buff after successfully devouring, such as increased defensive capabilities, health/health regen, attack power, etc.

    These are just a few issues I have with WW when I play, I still use it because it is a fun concept, and because I contracted it by accident and thought it would be fun to just roll with the flow and keep it.

    If none of these are taken into account, the very least that could be done is to lower the transformation cost, and increase the healing potency of the single healing move in the WW's bar. Or increase time in WW form with no penalty.
  • SosRuvaak
    you know whats fun? having the ult canceled from pretty much anything.
    thats fun, especially in pvp. WW has some great cc abilities, and effects, but the timer and ult cancel are soo annoying its not even worth it.
    For the Pact!
    ~Sump Scales~
    Lusty Argonian Nightblade
    ~Baron Humbert von Gikkingen~
  • EnOeZ
    WW standard attacks suffer from game combat design where the block mechanic is at the center of any sustain melee dps fight style. However if you can use any ability while blocking, you cannot use standard left click attacks at the same time.

    These attacks (standard ons) are at the core of werewolf melee dps and are the main reason to me why WW feels so squishy.

    If Zenimax combat team would like to be fair in that field, WW should build temporary damage shields while dpsing with light and heavy attacks, damage shields comparable in efficiency with the block mechanic of this game.
    Edited by EnOeZ on May 21, 2015 12:46PM
  • defilade__ESO
    The problem with werewolf is it has no versatility, every werewolf is like every other werewolf. As a vamp, I can mix and match my class abilities and vamp abilities, my weapons and armor, and create a lot of variety. Even your passives meld well. At least with the last WW build we had one or two passives that carried over to human form.

    Your werewolf benefits and skills are only available while in WW form, which makes being a werewolf very dull and cookie cutter boring.
  • solipsist
    Does this mean you no longer get Stam regen bonus when in human form?
  • n.englishb14_ESO
    solipsist wrote: »
    Does this mean you no longer get Stam regen bonus when in human form?

    You cast thread necromancy for a yes or no question that can be answered with 4 minutes of google searching....Fine to answer your question: No, stam bonuses are still global.

  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    So the responses from ZOS on a Developer Discussion page are overwhelming. Never have I seen a forum where it has been going on for 9 months without a single response. Discussion normally means they are talking with us. This is not a necro thread. For it to be a necro thread they would have to respond. Well I guess 9 months is not long enough for them. This ultimate is still a joke for the amount of skill points you use. Its only real use is for the passive of 15% stamina regen. BTW Zos I know you wont read this but your math is wrong with WW in passives and abilities for weapon damage. Think ZOS needs to relearn people skills 101.
    Edited by bbqwolf13b14_ESO1 on June 7, 2015 4:53AM
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Considering its short time before transitioning back to Human/Whatever its gotta be the most underwhelming world classes ever.

    I wish theyd give it a real boost so it would atleast fall in line with its short existence before losing it.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Jeckll
    its gotta be the most underwhelming world classes ever.

    I disagree. It requires a group to support efficiant WW usage..a pack...which is very much the theme of Werwolves, right? A single WW sucks, you're right about that. But there are SO raid groups with dedicated Werwolves, able to get ~25k DPS each at the Manticora for example while maintaining the WW form for the whole fight.

    I agree it has to be tweaked/buffed but it's way better than many people give the WW credit for.
    Jeckll has quit the game. Thanks for the great time.
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    Jeckll wrote: »
    its gotta be the most underwhelming world classes ever.

    I disagree. It requires a group to support efficiant WW usage..a pack...which is very much the theme of Werwolves, right? A single WW sucks, you're right about that. But there are SO raid groups with dedicated Werwolves, able to get ~25k DPS each at the Manticora for example while maintaining the WW form for the whole fight.

    I agree it has to be tweaked/buffed but it's way better than many people give the WW credit for.

    I disagree with your disagree... Now take that same group and put them in pvp. Why must the WW be an 21 point ultimate? 25K dps is easy to get with any and ALL other ultimates that cost only 2 points. Shouldn't need a group when in the Lore of this game, WW are one the most dangerous thing in the world. It isn't even a class in this game like Vampire (which is a sub class). Hell for a 21 point ultimate it should reck zergs in a heatbeat. but all it takes is a root and walk away or good bow shot or stop the animation of changing and watch them die fast. The only benefit you get from WW is the passive of 15% stam regen.

    So it still sucks and I wouldn't give it any credit till ZOS really looks at it.
  • Zsymon
    So many awesome ideas, but no response whatsoever from ZOS.

    I hope this changes once they got the Console launch settled.

    What's the point of spending 21 skillpoints on one Ultimate, when that Ultimate doesn't do anything from casting it, and it actually makes you weaker, instead of stronger. When you cast Meteor, your target will be pretty much dead, on the other hand when you cast Werewolf, which costs much more, not only doesn't it do anything except a very weak fear effect, you just nerfed yourself and will most likely die.

    Vampire is so much better in every aspect, it even adds stamina regeneration, which is the only thing WW is good for.
    Edited by Zsymon on June 13, 2015 4:30PM
This discussion has been closed.