So it's not griefing if you interrupt peoplyou've a similar level going about their PvE gameplay? No thanks.
You respawn at the wayshrine and go take your revenge or do an other dungeon in an other area or team up with Heroes who hunt player killers. For each Player Killer you have 10 people eager to end them. I bet you're one of those players who asked for VR zones nerf.
Really, what does this give you that you can't get in Cyrodiil other than a sense that you've p***ed someone off. I'm fine with PvP but it has to be opt in.
Makes game less dull, more exiting, less Hello Kitty like? Now that VR content is a joke there won't be any more challenge in the game....
And I have an alternate suggestion - have a flag permanently attached to your character - one you can change that says "PvE only" where you can go to Cyrodiil and not get ganked. It could even become another gold sink - where it takes serious gold to be toggled.
leandro.800ub17_ESO wrote: »Its already confirmed that staling will engadge PvP in PvE and
Such restrictions in no way prevent griefing.PvP for PvP areas only please.
PvP in PvE areas ends with loads of peeved lower level players being killed by some oik, set on griefing as many people as possible day after day. With no chance to defend themselves, it becomes irritating very quickly and will cause people to leave.
no thank you
Read please, I said: "With limitations so taht VR 12 doesn't go burn level 1-10 areas" "Maybe only for VR areas", you can also make it so you can only engage players in your range ( + and - 5 levels from player level)
So what game will you be playing from now on then?So it's not griefing if you interrupt peoplyou've a similar level going about their PvE gameplay? No thanks.
You respawn at the wayshrine and go take your revenge or do an other dungeon in an other area or team up with Heroes who hunt player killers. For each Player Killer you have 10 people eager to end them. I bet you're one of those players who asked for VR zones nerf.
Really, what does this give you that you can't get in Cyrodiil other than a sense that you've p***ed someone off. I'm fine with PvP but it has to be opt in.
Makes game less dull, more exiting, less Hello Kitty like? Now that VR content is a joke there won't be any more challenge in the game....
Because players will get pissed off and unsub?
You want to change ESO to make it more like ESO? My brain just exploded...
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »So it's not griefing if you interrupt peoplyou've a similar level going about their PvE gameplay? No thanks.
You respawn at the wayshrine and go take your revenge or do an other dungeon in an other area or team up with Heroes who hunt player killers. For each Player Killer you have 10 people eager to end them. I bet you're one of those players who asked for VR zones nerf.
Really, what does this give you that you can't get in Cyrodiil other than a sense that you've p***ed someone off. I'm fine with PvP but it has to be opt in.
Makes game less dull, more exiting, less Hello Kitty like? Now that VR content is a joke there won't be any more challenge in the game....
Nope, it just makes the PvE area a giant playground for trolls. Groups sitting by wayshrines ganking anyone who spawns
This is a flawed idea on so many levels, but thankfully it's never going to happen
We’re looking at adding in the Justice system which is where players can steal from NPCs and the NPCs will react to that, I can kill NPCs and NPCs will react to that. The coolest thing I think about that system is because it’s online we can allow players to not just steal and kill, but they can also become guards and act in justice. So you’ll have a little bit of PvP in the real world in the Justice system.
We’re looking at adding in the Justice system which is where players can steal from NPCs and the NPCs will react to that, I can kill NPCs and NPCs will react to that. The coolest thing I think about that system is because it’s online we can allow players to not just steal and kill, but they can also become guards and act in justice. So you’ll have a little bit of PvP in the real world in the Justice system.
Wrong, it's gonna happen
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »So what game will you be playing from now on then?So it's not griefing if you interrupt peoplyou've a similar level going about their PvE gameplay? No thanks.
You respawn at the wayshrine and go take your revenge or do an other dungeon in an other area or team up with Heroes who hunt player killers. For each Player Killer you have 10 people eager to end them. I bet you're one of those players who asked for VR zones nerf.
Really, what does this give you that you can't get in Cyrodiil other than a sense that you've p***ed someone off. I'm fine with PvP but it has to be opt in.
Makes game less dull, more exiting, less Hello Kitty like? Now that VR content is a joke there won't be any more challenge in the game....
You want to change ESO to make it more like ESO? My brain just exploded...
Revelations tend to be mindblowing, and also tipos. I meant more like TES. In previous games, you could kill most of the NPCs in the world. You could kill most of the characters. So yes, having the freedom to engage other players IS part of the Elder scrolls universe and would make the game more realistic specially for Elder Scrolls franchise fans.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »So it's not griefing if you interrupt peoplyou've a similar level going about their PvE gameplay? No thanks.
You respawn at the wayshrine and go take your revenge or do an other dungeon in an other area or team up with Heroes who hunt player killers. For each Player Killer you have 10 people eager to end them. I bet you're one of those players who asked for VR zones nerf.
Really, what does this give you that you can't get in Cyrodiil other than a sense that you've p***ed someone off. I'm fine with PvP but it has to be opt in.
Makes game less dull, more exiting, less Hello Kitty like? Now that VR content is a joke there won't be any more challenge in the game....
Nope, it just makes the PvE area a giant playground for trolls. Groups sitting by wayshrines ganking anyone who spawns
This is a flawed idea on so many levels, but thankfully it's never going to happen’re looking at adding in the Justice system which is where players can steal from NPCs and the NPCs will react to that, I can kill NPCs and NPCs will react to that. The coolest thing I think about that system is because it’s online we can allow players to not just steal and kill, but they can also become guards and act in justice. So you’ll have a little bit of PvP in the real world in the Justice system.
Wrong, it's gonna happen. And as for "flawed idea", other games with such systems don't have that kind of bejaviour because you have players dedicated to killing those "trolls" and the reward for killing the trolls is higher than the reward for BEING a troll. So the game balances itself
nerevarine1138 wrote: »I think people are fundamentally misunderstanding what ZO has already said about the justice system.
Players won't be able to kill random players at will. You will have to consciously do something in order to be flagged for justice-based PvP. So if you don't break the law and/or don't decide to make yourself a guard, you have nothing to worry about.
We’re looking at adding in the Justice system which is where players can steal from NPCs and the NPCs will react to that, I can kill NPCs and NPCs will react to that. The coolest thing I think about that system is because it’s online we can allow players to not just steal and kill, but they can also become guards and act in justice. So you’ll have a little bit of PvP in the real world in the Justice system.
Wrong, it's gonna happen
You obviously skipped over my post. I expect this to not be using actual kill skills and won't be pvp as such. Of course if I'm wrong and they do allow open world pvp and effectively prevent pve players from participating in the justice system part of game, then the game will be a mess and the forums will riot.
kassandratheclericb14_ESO wrote: »<Opening scene>
Standing looking in bag to sell a few things before going to the clothing crafting tables and spinning wheels. You are in a city with many untrained people ((lowbie zone)) just because you like it there. As you are moving forward suddenly people, guards and summoned daedra and oddly enough a few mudcrabs come round, chasing some poor thief who had filched a small dagger. The guards and five others and their pets give chase yelling something about criminal scum...blasting spells and running around, jumping on crafting tables. The light from spells and magic from weapons makes it impossible to see the crafting table ((and click on it)) around all the folks already standing in the way. After being half-blinded and dropping half your spidersilk it finally ends. It leaves the poor, broken body of the thief dead and still bleeding on the walkway. Shaking your head you again move toward the spinning wheel only to hear "Stop Criminal Scum!!" once again.
<End Scene>
So yeah....I don't want PvP in PvE areas whatever the reason. Sorry guys but I don't see that as actual game improvement as it is a quick fix. This would get old/boring after a while for everyone. The justice system and the guards chasing you is one thing (though I can see it being annoying also) without the added insult of players chasing each other like cats with cans tied to their tails.