Use a template when you create a character on PTS.Some Questions:
Why can't we trade colored clothes?
How about a special button on PTS to push the character on higher level to test everything? Because the PTS is a good idea, but I have not the time to play all the time on PTS to get my character high enough to test all of the new content.
World bosses weren't meant to be soloed, some people can solo world bosses and frankly props to them, however this was not intended. World bosses are supposed to be tough, you aren't meant to simply throw down an ultimate and win against a world boss, you are meant to use some form of strategy.camelknightb16_ESO wrote: »It's not just the % of crit we're losing. We're also losing the Atronarch's taunt, which is vital when you're up against a multitude of mobs or a worldboss.
I enjoy playing solo content on my own. I also enjoy the challenge of taking up a worldboss on my own. Without that taunt it will be sheer impossible for me to do that. The missing of the % crit will mean it will take me longer to take anything down, which also means they have more time to kill me. Scorcerors wearing light armor are quite squishy if you hadn't noticed.
Yay for the soft caps going up, but what good will it do? It means I need to reglyph or re-enchant something usefull to gain more magicka. Though magicka is always a problem unless you're willing to give up health or stamina for it (spell-wise), I'd rather had seen them lower the cost of spells instead of increase the max pool.
camelknightb16_ESO wrote: »
It's not just the % of crit we're losing. We're also losing the Atronarch's taunt, which is vital when you're up against a multitude of mobs or a worldboss.
I enjoy playing solo content on my own. I also enjoy the challenge of taking up a worldboss on my own. Without that taunt it will be sheer impossible for me to do that. The missing of the % crit will mean it will take me longer to take anything down, which also means they have more time to kill me. Scorcerors wearing light armor are quite squishy if you hadn't noticed.
Yay for the soft caps going up, but what good will it do? It means I need to reglyph or re-enchant something usefull to gain more magicka. Though magicka is always a problem unless you're willing to give up health or stamina for it (spell-wise), I'd rather had seen them lower the cost of spells instead of increase the max pool.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »I play a sorcerer and I still agree with everyone else that world bosses were not meant to be soloed. If you are going to gripe about them being nerfed don't start off my saying you can't do things you were never supposed to be able to do to begin with. Give a legitimate reason otherwise you are actually just giving them the reasons why it should have been nerfed.
richardjameshillb16_ESO wrote: »In 1.3 we have, the following changes to look forward to for Sorcerer
- Atronach nerf (No taunt, rendering the ultimate useless)
- Set Item nerf (Willows path and Twilights embrace, now have no spell critical)
- Warlock set, Magicka flood now need 5 pieces not 3
- Spell damage cap lowered from 150 approx. to 130 approx.
It's a little bit much I think,
I would love classes to more balanced and viable, but perhaps the best way to achieve this is to Buff other skills and classes, rather than nerfing others.
Immunity granted by Break Free and the immunity given to you after you’re hit by a crowd control ability now provide immunity to all types of crowd control.
Gina,ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »The taunt was removed entirely from the Storm Atronach. We found that he was preventing allies from holding threat on key targets. Furthermore, the Storm Atronach was never intended to be a high health tanking monster; he's a high damage monster, and will still do high damage against your target.
I know what you feel, but they will not hear you.Maverick827 wrote: »Gina,
Many people have expressed their concern over this change. Personally, as a Sorcerer Tank, the Storm Atranoch is the only good tanking ultimate we have access to outside of PvP ultimates (which cannot be acquired easily by a non-PvPer).
There have been a few good suggestions:
1. Make one morph for DPS and one for tanking
2. Allow the taunt ability to be player-controlled somehow
3. Just don't make this change at all (anyone engaging in group content hard enough for taunt-immunity to matter should know better and know how to play around it)
Have any of these been discussed internally? Is there any update to the status of this nerf? I am very worried that my character will not have an ultimate viable for his spec if this nerf goes through.
jwboudreau1b16_ESO wrote: »Has there been any news about when this patch will be released? I haven't been able to find anything on it. I got all excited when I went onto the forum page and saw the maintenance message, but then I realized that it was regular maintenance and I got sad...
- Blinding Light: This ability can now cause enemies to go off-balance when they are blocking.
@ZOS_GinaBruno This currently costs 53 Magika to cast. That cost really needs to be increased drastically otherwise that ability will get seriously spammed and mess up game balance completely!
Further more why will it knock someone off balance if you have enough stamina to block! Doesn't make much sense!!!!!!!!
Adjusted the amount of Alliance Points necessary to qualify for Emperorship. You will now need to earn 50,000 AP in your Campaign instead of 10,000 AP.
AllPlayAndNoWork wrote: »
I still think this is way too low for the 30 day campaign... How about ?
50,000 for 5-7 day campaigns.
250,000 for 30 day campaign... Maybe even higher......
Keeping it quite high will also prevent Emperor flipping.
I heard Impulse will be nerfed with a 1.5 second casting time.
Stealth Nerf = Dirty Hands.