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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

how do you guys justify paying $15 a month?

  • dennissomb16_ESO
    I think it would be safe to say an average avid gamer plays 20 hours a week, or approx. 80 hours a month. That works out to around18 cents an hour for entertainment. How does the OP justify complaining about that is a better question
  • Sakiri
    Im finding it harder to justify.

    Im tired of leveling alts because they wont make VR not suck.

    Im tired of being unable to help the people I came here to play with with the quests locking them out of VR.

    Im tired of my WW being crap.

    Im tired of patches breaking everything.

    My computer should be running *smoother* after launch, not worse than my first beta test last year.

    Ive given them a few months to get their act together but its getting old as hell and I *know* Im not the only one sick of it.
  • williamburr2001b14_ESO
    Lalai wrote: »
    The last straw was a very unsatisfying correspondence with a forum police-person who basically said that they're not going to police attacks from some forum posters against other forum posters, as long as the ones doing the attacking are complimentary toward the game. As long as the pro- keep flagging posts and the critiquers do not, you're going to see moderation on ONE set of opinions and not the other.

    I'd love to see proof of this.

    ''You can abuse other people in the forum as long as you compliment the game during the course of it''? Is this "basically" what they said to you? Even if this were their actual policy, they wouldn't tell you that.

    That's not true. Just.. plain not true at all. There are a few people that like to claim it is.. but if it were true there are a lot of posts that get deleted, threads that get closed, or warnings that go out that wouldn't be happening. Heck, I've even gotten a warning and I'm not at all one of the negative people, and I'm fairly careful not to insult/name call. I would be more willing to bet that him and the forum police person he had a conversation with had a difference of opinion on what made a personal attack. Many people, on both sides, seem to think that disagreeing in and of itself is a personal attack.

    That *does* happen. You can't prove it because unless you screen-shotted your own discussion before it got deleted, IT IS GONE BECAUSE IT GOT DELETED. Nobody initiates a discussion with the intention of it being deleted, or if they do I don't want to know about it. The party line was "We read the forums and moderate with construction and safety in mind." A quick glance through any "this doesn't work" discussion, and the number of times the words "whiner" and "crybaby" are tolerated without getting Mod-Edited puts that to lie.

    Threads get sunk. Threads disappear. Discussions get closed as soon as they get contentious. People are perfectly capable of disagreeing and handling that, but once a mod reads a fight or gets some flags, it sends blinks up the chain and they feel obligated to respond. If you think this through, knowing who they're beholden to, which posts do you think are going to get vanished, those saying "ARGH this isn't working it's broken why won't they FIX THIS!?" or the post saying "That guy is a total loser crybaby whiner!" Post A has a much greater chance of getting eaten. Even though Post B is a clear personal attack and clear violation of the TOS, it stays.

    My own policeman was nice enough to say that I wasn't getting a warning, I was just getting vanished. Aww, how sweet! So even though I didn't even come close to violating the TOS (which would merit a warning), somebody found it disagreeable enough to just make it go away. That's some grade-A Steam forum level nonsense.

    Anyway, doesn't matter. A pretty good guess from your verbiage is you don't really care if it happens or not, or if there's fairness and even-handedness or not. You're gonna see what you want to see. The tenor on the forums is changing toward virulent anti-criticism. There's the opening salvo of a Zeni war against add-ons. The signs are clear if you're an MMO veteran--this plane is screaming toward the ground with both engines billowing smoke. When the wagons start circling and the defense gets offensive, it's done already, it's just a game of protecting what pitiful scraps remain.

  • Phaoryx
    I don't justify paying $15 a month, so I paid $80 and now it's only 13 a month :)
  • rwdillin
    Soul Shriven
    OP- Your Max Level in the first few weeks ( months? ) Slow the Truck down. I for one don't have the time to devote to that amount of gaming, I work. Slow down enjoy the game and give the dev's a chance to expand. I have 5 guys none of them above 20. Slow down, read.. explore... this is an Elder Scrolls game.
  • MrDenimChicken
    It feels like this is the first time I have ever had to pay to play a single player game.

    I'm not VR1 yet, and so far, this does not feel like an MMO at all. Feels like a mediocre single player game.
  • FunkyBudda
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    I cant justify it (I can afford it but game design such as VR content and class balance is freaking stupid), just waiting for the sub to run out, check in a month or two and see where things at.

    Edited by FunkyBudda on June 26, 2014 1:44AM
  • twev
    I reasonably enjoy the game with add-ons taking up the slack for all the enhancement work the devs pushed off onto the add-on volunteers.

    When Zany and the devs break add-ons, annoy the volunteers, and the volunteers don't stick around to update anymore, my enjoyment is seriously curtailed.

    I don't like the game,
    But I don't enjoy playing it without some of the add-ons.

    Plain and simple: I'm having a hard time justifying this particular subscription, and finding fewer reasons to want to keep playing/paying.

    And thats part of the reason that a lot of a player base flees a game after the initial surge at launch.
    They just don't really enjoy it all that much anymore.
    Laura wrote: »
    how do you justify asking others about how or why they spend there money?

    He's asking a question.
    Not demanding an answer.
    You don't want to answer?
    Walk away.
    Edited by twev on June 26, 2014 2:27AM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Zenzu
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Simple. I'm not exploiting to VR12. I'm playing the game I pay for instead of paying for it then not playing all of it......then complain that there's no content.

    Got "Tamriel Hero" the day they fixed it. While many did exploit early on, there are plenty of non-exploiters (like myself) that have hit V12 pretty quickly after Craglorn came out (questing again not using anomaly/burial grinds).

    The lack of content isn't the reason while I'm considering the subscription fee, it is the constant bugs introduced everytime they add/fix something.

    Bugs that have been in since beta are still ongoing, every new patch more things break. I have been very lenient towards this, but I have been suckered by broken promises from ZOS public relations dept.
    Edited by Zenzu on June 26, 2014 8:37AM
  • MrDenimChicken
    I think it would be safe to say an average avid gamer plays 20 hours a week, or approx. 80 hours a month. That works out to around18 cents an hour for entertainment. How does the OP justify complaining about that is a better question

    Give me a break. The original poster wasn't complaining about the cost per hour ratio.

    His experience of "entertainment", quite simply, might not be very entertaining to him. So why pay monthly for a mediocre game when you can play other mediocre or even great games for free?
  • Sakiri
    rwdillin wrote: »
    OP- Your Max Level in the first few weeks ( months? ) Slow the Truck down. I for one don't have the time to devote to that amount of gaming, I work. Slow down enjoy the game and give the dev's a chance to expand. I have 5 guys none of them above 20. Slow down, read.. explore... this is an Elder Scrolls game.

    Unsure about you, but it's quite normal to be at level cap 3 months into a game now.

    Even the last Korean game I tried(and quit shortly after) had people at level cap before the first 3 months were over.

    Stop acting like it's not possible to do even when taking your time.
  • Lunshea
    I think it would be safe to say an average avid gamer plays 20 hours a week, or approx. 80 hours a month. That works out to around18 cents an hour for entertainment. How does the OP justify complaining about that is a better question

    Give me a break. The original poster wasn't complaining about the cost per hour ratio.

    His experience of "entertainment", quite simply, might not be very entertaining to him. So why pay monthly for a mediocre game when you can play other mediocre or even great games for free?

    Yes, give me a break! Do you understand how meaningless the OP question is?

    The people that find the game great fun and spend some hours playing it every month just can't understand the question, because $15 is a ridicilously small amount of money to pay for some entertainment.
    The people that find the game boring and bad, like the OP oviously does, can't understand why people justify to pay for it. Me neither - if you don't like it!

    I can't stand the music of Justin Bieber. So I don't buy Justin Bieber records. I wouldn't listen to Justin Bieber even if he gave his records away for free.
    A Justin Bieber fan would probably be perfectly OK with paying $15 a month for this. And you know what? I'm OK with that, so I don't hang on the Justin Bieber fan page, Facebook site or whatever forum and ask meaningless questions.

    I like ESO, I play ESO, so I justify the $15. How hard can it be?

  • Elf_Boy
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    I am curious to know why I would need to justify to you, or anyone, why I spend my money on anything?

    Well perhaps a spouse, no one else.

    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
  • Delte
    This is easy to answer. I like the game and think its one of the best MMO's on the market at present.
  • Thulsola
    rotatorkuf wrote: »
    not trying to troll or anything

    but game has almost a criminally low amount of actual endgame content at vr12

    (not counting the endless zerg pvp i suppose)

    sure $15 isn't much to the majority of us

    but, other than paying to beta test for consoles

    how do you guys justify it?

    A 2 hour movie costs $15. I play, on average, 25 to 30 hours a week of ESO. $15 a month is cheep at twice the price.
    Mercenaries of the Queen - because if you can't have fun while playing a game, what's the point?
  • Nazon_Katts
    It should be much higher. Sadly, they're not helping with increasing the worth of an MMO sub.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Covyn
    When I first started playing it was well worth it. As many other posts here already stated it works out to cheap entertainment. So being new to the game it is completely worth it and justified and I was happy to do it. The VR content changed everything for me....was boring, grind based with no immersion whatsoever. The game ends when you kill Molag Bal in my opinion, up to that point you are striving for something and working towards a goal and it's FUN!! Beyond that you are a wandering nomad with no goal....Molag Bal is dead, there is nothing left but to retire and end up being a farmer....or worse....a fisherman.

    At VR levels the game is not worth 15 dollars a month....1-50 it was worth double that. Here is hoping content patches later on are worthwhile....but I will save my money until then ;)
    Edited by Covyn on June 26, 2014 7:46AM
    Gyxx (VR1) Templar
    Quidd (VR5) Nightblade
    Kadzien (15) Sorc
    Covyn (VR12) DragonKnight (now spends his days crafting)
  • Castiel_Boomer
    Heinzy wrote: »
    I guess some will say we are paying for continued dev and fixes.
    It certainly is the new norm these days.
    Perhaps ZoS should have labeled the game, early access RPG with multilayer capabilities.

    I personally gave them one month after my free one.
    I plaid the night blade to about level 33, the game became increasingly difficult and I min maxed him till I was broke.

    I found myself camping anchors and rare spawns to try to gear up. To this day I log in to level my horse and log out. Not sure how I messed up my night blade so bad =(

    RESPEC! It worked wonders for me.....
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jimi Hendrix
  • Fyrakin
    I spend 10+ hours a week in game, to justify 15$ for it I usually compare to other entertainment options like cinema or cable TV. It is obvious that other options are more expensive for the entertainment time. As long as I can have fun for 10+ hours a week in ESO i'm fine with the expnse. There are parts and aspects of ESO that are not in any way fun for me, but I still am able to avoid them, so I just do whatever is fun and entertaining (for now).
    NA Megaserver (810) - Fyrakin, Loremaster Fyrakin, Cartographer Fyrakin, Taskmaster Tobin, Zergas, Texa, Furnacius, Hextex
    EU Megaserver (167) - Fyrakin
    MiniMap author
  • Loco_Mofo
    Covyn wrote: »
    When I first started playing it was well worth it. As many other posts here already stated it works out to cheap entertainment. So being new to the game it is completely worth it and justified and I was happy to do it. The VR content changed everything for me....was boring, grind based with no immersion whatsoever. The game ends when you kill Molag Bal in my opinion, up to that point you are striving for something and working towards a goal and it's FUN!! Beyond that you are a wandering nomad with no goal....Molag Bal is dead, there is nothing left but to retire and end up being a farmer....or worse....a fisherman.

    At VR levels the game is not worth 15 dollars a month....1-50 it was worth double that. Here is hoping content patches later on are worthwhile....but I will save my money until then ;)

    My thoughts exactly.

    1-50 was great, so I bought the 6 month sub. 2 months in, I started kicking myself. Live n learn as they say.
  • Elloa
    I'm having fun while playing ESO! I simply love the game. And I enjoy making video about it. The best justification, I suppose! :)
  • RazielSR
    Covyn wrote: »
    When I first started playing it was well worth it. As many other posts here already stated it works out to cheap entertainment. So being new to the game it is completely worth it and justified and I was happy to do it. The VR content changed everything for me....was boring, grind based with no immersion whatsoever. The game ends when you kill Molag Bal in my opinion, up to that point you are striving for something and working towards a goal and it's FUN!! Beyond that you are a wandering nomad with no goal....Molag Bal is dead, there is nothing left but to retire and end up being a farmer....or worse....a fisherman.

    At VR levels the game is not worth 15 dollars a month....1-50 it was worth double that. Here is hoping content patches later on are worthwhile....but I will save my money until then ;)

    Same here.
    I subbed for 6 monhts and I changed my sub in time, before they charged to me, to 3 months. Mainly because I was starting to see people talking about how bad VR is. And yes, now I cancelled my sub, that ends 7 august. 12€ is just a misery, but I don't feel like paying for nothing. Still being too much for the game as it is now.
    Edited by RazielSR on June 26, 2014 9:00AM
  • Tandor
    I justify my subbing to the game because it is an awesome game that I am enjoying enormously. It runs flawlessly for me, I've had just one broken quest that I immediately fixed, and I am in no rush to get to 50 beyond which I'm unlikely to do the veteran content because I'll leave the other alliance areas to my alts. I have no interest in PvP, dungeons or raids and given my preferences there's every reason to keep subbing for a long time.
  • SystemiK
    It's $15 a month. I'm not sure I even NEED to justify that...
  • PSLAnimal
    SystemiK wrote: »
    It's $15 a month. I'm not sure I even NEED to justify that...

    You wouldn't need to justify it if it was $1500 a month. It's your money.

    I never understood petulant demands for justification of anything, except perhaps to one's spouse. I pay a monthly fee for ESO, and it's nobody's business but mine. I pay roughly double that monthly fee every Saturday I'm home to shoot a couple of rounds of trap at my gun club, and that's nobody's business but mine. I pay several times that amount taking my wife out to dinner a few times a month (hooray for empty-nesterhood) and that's nobody's business but mine.

    You don't have to justify anything to anybody, ever, when you're spending your own money as you see fit.
    Animal (Ask me what the PSL stands for. Go on. Ask.)
    @PSLAnimal on the NA Megaserver
    Making people wonder just what the hell is wrong with me since 1961.
  • Riptide
    $15 isn't much.

    I log into one of the other games I keep subscription for, sigh at the cartoon looks, and figure I'll support development at ZOS for a while in the hopes that after they get the console launch done they will get to tightening the ship.

    Truthfully though all of the good things I can list about the game have been around for over a year. Strong, relatively non cartoony aesthetic being the main one. It and the IP are the main selling points of the game, easily, and the reason why I'll continue to support them. For now.
    Esse quam videri.
  • SFBryan18
    I want to know how the moderators justify this topic as not trolling.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on June 26, 2014 2:10PM
  • theyancey
    In addition to my 6 month sub I would be wiling to chip in an additional $1 per month for ZOS to buy out and perma ban all of the forum trolls and malcontents. They could *** on 3rd party sites or go play whatever game it is that they think they want and be happier because of it. I would be happier because I would not have to wade through the cesspools of their hatred here. Win-Win.
  • Robocles
    PSLAnimal wrote: »
    SystemiK wrote: »
    It's $15 a month. I'm not sure I even NEED to justify that...

    You wouldn't need to justify it if it was $1500 a month. It's your money.

    I never understood petulant demands for justification of anything, except perhaps to one's spouse. I pay a monthly fee for ESO, and it's nobody's business but mine. I pay roughly double that monthly fee every Saturday I'm home to shoot a couple of rounds of trap at my gun club, and that's nobody's business but mine. I pay several times that amount taking my wife out to dinner a few times a month (hooray for empty-nesterhood) and that's nobody's business but mine.

    You don't have to justify anything to anybody, ever, when you're spending your own money as you see fit.

    He means to yourself, not to anyone else. But nice try with the "it's not that much money" line.

    To answer the OP: I don't any more... cancelled after seeing the latest train wreck of a "content update".

    I sincerely hope you all enjoy the game. I will watch with great interest how this kind of patch process works with the added layer necessary for console distribution.
  • Gedalya
    Weberda wrote: »
    Good game. cheap entertainment. And since my toons are only at V6 there's still plenty to do.

    I agree. It isn't said enough but many trolls here are either haters or those who reached VR10 and then VR12 in record time. I have been playing since day one (pre-launch plus Beta) and I'm tonight about to be VR3 for my main alt. I only have 5 characters total and mostly I play my main alt. I have a full time job; a family; and friends.

    Also though, I would like to see more content; I think they are off schedule because of (required) bug fixes.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
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