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Veteran Content too difficult?

  • Magdalina
    I'm a VR1 Nightblade crafter. I would like to get better at crafting, but the demands of the game make that too much of a chore to enjoy. I've been killed more than 60 times and I am only halfway to VR2. Grinding out levels is simply something I don't enjoy and getting killed all the time breaks me down.
    I want the PVP guys to have their awesome builds (that would pwn me) I just want to progress in my own way as well.
    That's okay, I die every 10 mins on average=D It is also often the fastest and easiest way to get where you want. You get used to it after a while. Well, or you quit. I suppose it's one or the other.

    If you really want to stay in, afraid you will have to look stuff up. I have seen some pretty kickass NBs(but then by vet 8 zone everyone is kickass - or just not there), so it's possible. But I do not intend any sarcasm when I say "afraid" here - that's not how stuff should be, imo. Best of luck either way.
  • Alphashado
    Hilgara wrote: »

    Are there enough players who think like you to keep the lights on? Maybe.

    As i've said - I think Zenimax are explicitly aiming the game at people like you because they think so as well.

    Zeni can see the numbers. We can't. They no doubt had a target for retained subs. They can see who is playing and where they play. They can compare the pure numbers to the noise on the forum and distinguish between the hyperbole and the facts. I'm no programmer but considering some of the complicated stuff they are having to change I would have thought that tweaking the difficulty wouldn't be that much of a problem. After all following the craglorn patch there was a hotfix to rebalance difficulty after they admitted something went wrong.
    With all this in mind you can only conclude that the difficulty level we have now is intended.

    And before anyone yelps about the trash mobs having more health than the bosses. Show me numbers. This might have been the case directly following craglorn but I personally have never seen this in game.

    I agree that they can see the numbers. They see all the numbers that people like you continue to deny. They see all the lost subs and all the empty vet zones. And when they do make changes Hilgara, and you come here to whine and cry about it, I am going to link you this post.

  • kitsinni
    There is absolutley no way you leveled throught he VR content without going to craglorn and skipped passed the packs of 3. In higher level VR content you barely find a set of 2 and singles are basically non existent. Maybe you played through the first couple VR zones and went to craglorn but there is no way passed V3 to skip packs of 3.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with this. If we never died from trash it would become completely mundane content.

    Are you seriously saying that you would prefer to faceroll content rather than ever die?

    If you cannot debate without your collection of strawmen then just keep quiet.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]

    Well seeing as you are not willing to explain in anything except insults I'll rephrase my points as there must of been something in there you found disagreeable.

    So based on your earlier post:

    I'm sorry but I disagree with this. For me if we never died from open world mobs it would make the game less enjoyable and boring.

    Just to clarify are you really saying that you would prefer the difficulty level of the game to be that players never died from open world mobs?

    For me this would make the game not worth playing.


    What???? :\

    You don't understand English?
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on June 24, 2014 4:19PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Animus0724
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with this. If we never died from trash it would become completely mundane content.

    Are you seriously saying that you would prefer to faceroll content rather than ever die?

    If you cannot debate without your collection of strawmen then just keep quiet.

    ID-10t alert

    Well seeing as you are not willing to explain in anything except insults I'll rephrase my points as there must of been something in there you found disagreeable.

    So based on your earlier post:

    I'm sorry but I disagree with this. For me if we never died from open world mobs it would make the game less enjoyable and boring.

    Just to clarify are you really saying that you would prefer the difficulty level of the game to be that players never died from open world mobs?

    For me this would make the game not worth playing.


    What???? :\

    You don't understand English?

    I do, but do you know how to read? Maybe perhaps at the way top where it displays the name of the user that made a particular post.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Well its pretty obvious some people are finding vet zones too difficult.

    like I said in earlier posts, that's not my experience.

    I'm not sure its as simple as player skill though as I really haven't struggled in any serious way with vet mobs.

    Sure I've died a few times but maybe it simply comes down to tactics, how you build and what skills you use. I dunno some people clearly find it very difficult.

    Like I posted earlier I did all the world bosses / dolmens / dungeons in all zones first and then went back to the quests. I mostly did the dungeons solo and maybe some of the dungeon bosses with randoms. I did some world bosses solo but mostly with randoms. I did dolmens with randoms. I died a lot more soloing bosses but hardly ever on anything one or two mobs.

    on a bad pull I would just run off the mobs.

    In dungeons I would use sneak on mob packs. no need to clear everything if all you are going after is a quest or boss.

    Sometimes I advertised in zone chat for a group to clear a whole zone of bosss / dolmens / dungeons.

    I'm not exactly a pro player, I'm getting on a bit 45, crafted blue armor, pink weapons.

    I chose my enchantments carefully, I researched builds and tried different skills.

    In all the games I have ever played ESO vet zones doesnt rank as too difficult for me.

    Vet dungeons I do find hard.

    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • LariahHunding
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    VR content still sucks, most of it has naught to do with difficulty.

    Then you are missing the point of the thread as it is about players finding it too hard. Yes is boring, tedious and grindy...but again, main topic of thread and your off topic rant....

    Not all, genius.

    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • danadowhanub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    My biggest beef with the VR content is inconsistency...Worldboss or quest "elite", no problem, 3 trash mobs = dead with 10 secs...garbarge lol...
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with this. If we never died from trash it would become completely mundane content.

    Are you seriously saying that you would prefer to faceroll content rather than ever die?

    If you cannot debate without your collection of strawmen then just keep quiet.

    ID-10t alert

    Well seeing as you are not willing to explain in anything except insults I'll rephrase my points as there must of been something in there you found disagreeable.

    So based on your earlier post:

    I'm sorry but I disagree with this. For me if we never died from open world mobs it would make the game less enjoyable and boring.

    Just to clarify are you really saying that you would prefer the difficulty level of the game to be that players never died from open world mobs?

    For me this would make the game not worth playing.


    What???? :\

    You don't understand English?

    I do, but do you know how to read? Maybe perhaps at the way top where it displays the name of the user that made a particular post.

    Ahh yeh. my bad. cant be arsed now going over it all again. It was that strawman guy and his passive aggressive gibberish I meant to get back to.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • LonePirate
    on a bad pull I would just run off the mobs.

    This has been posted a couple of times now so let me ask this. How are people doing this? When I try to run away, my run speed slows to a crawl and mobs chase me over long distances, attacking me along the entire way. I also need to make sure I don't aggro another mob while I am fleeing the first one. Fleeing is simply not a guaranteed escape clause, especially in delves.

    Also, for those of you not having problems with Veteran content, how many buffs do you have from your Home campaign in Cyrodiil? The buffs from having an emperor, several scrolls and keeps make a huge difference in the Veteran zones. Try playing Veteran content without those PVP buffs. You will find it extremely more difficult.
    Edited by LonePirate on June 24, 2014 3:54PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    LonePirate wrote: »
    on a bad pull I would just run off the mobs.

    This has been posted a couple of times now so let me ask this? How are people doing this? When I try to run away, my run speed slows to a crawl and mobs chase me over long distances, attacking me along the entire way. I also need to make sure I don't aggro another mob while I am fleeing the first one.

    Also, for those of you not having problems with Veteran content, how many buffs do you have from your Home campaign in Cyrodiil? The buffs from having an emperor, several scrolls and keeps make a huge difference in the Veteran zones. Try playing Veteran content without those PVP buffs. You will find it extremely more difficult.

    Hi, well I just choose a direction and keep running / moving avoiding anything that is in the way. I do not linger even to get one hit off, not even for cc. If one of the mobs ends up chasing me on its own I turn back and kill it. That way less to contend with next time. Not easy in dungeons ofc. I may throw in a forward roll now and then. Never had any problems doing this. The mobs soon run off.

    I pretty much kite on dolmens when I have agro from something nasty. Doesnt always work though.

    I played a hunter on lotro for years and kiting / running was part of the course.

    Never though about cyro good point. Im DC on Auriels Bow EU. WE are the lowest pointwise on that campaign and practically never have emperor, but yes scroll and keep buffs must play a part.

    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on June 24, 2014 4:00PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Ahh yeh. my bad. cant be arsed now going over it all again. It was that strawman guy and his passive aggressive gibberish I meant to get back to.

    Stop bringing in strawmen to argue against and I expect you'll get a better response. Mastering the quote function would probably help as well.

    That's sarcasm by the way, not passive aggression.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »

    I read posts like this and I wonder if this person actually plays the game. There are dozens of quests where three mobs surround or protect a quest objective. You are not going to sneak past them and you cannot avoid them or else you cannot complete the quest. There are no skills which do massive amounts of damage to multiple targets from a ranged distance so you are forced to deal a little damage to all of them or a larger amount to a single target. Either way, as soon as you attack, all three usually spread out which prevents you from using CC on them all. Then they start attacking you. Each one is capable of an attack that takes away one third or more of your health immediately. Block and interrupt those attacks you say? Sure, I can interrupt one and set up a block but I cannot interrupt all three at once and I will eventually run out of stamina if I do nothing but block because their attacks are seldom synchronized and there is never enough of a cool down for them for me to get in an attack that kills them in only 2-3 rotations. Also, do you think that trio of mobs will stop attacking when I can no longer block once my stamina is gone? Or have uncovered some secret tactic that allows you to simultaneously attack and block/interrupt/dodge multiple targets? Now add one or sometimes two healers who are capable of 100% instant heals (well 100% in less than 2 seconds) and this situation is even more problematic.

    Instead of screaming that people need to L2P (as if making it to VR content doesn't require learning how to defeat Mannimarco or Molag Bal), how about explaining to players your techniques for defeating these mob trios? How about a lot less false machismo and bravado and a lot more information and knowledge sharing?

    I play a DK and I am currently working on Cadwell's Gold quests in the second Veteran alliance. Solo, non-elite mobs cause me no headaches. Pairs of mobs are usually easy barring lag or a button misfire. Trios - especially ones that randomly spawn a fourth creature during the battle - are an entirely different story. I start with Focused Aim on the main target after dropping Volcanic Ruin between them and me. I keep targeting the main with rapid light attacks from bow until I am close enough to deploy my talons. I will pop Annulment or Immovable and usually my Razor Armor as I switch to my Destro staff to spam Fire Ring in between blocking. Guess what? I still die, a lot. I can usually take down the main target but there is often at least one target so I do it all over again. Then I move on to the next trio, as it is common for there to be 8-10 of these trios between me and my final objective. By the time I reach the boss, especially if he is in a delve, my armor is 50% at best and I need to hope my Ultimate is ready as I am exhausted by this point and 15-30 minutes or more have passed for a single, run of the mill quest. There is no one in the zone doing the same quest so I can't call out for help or wait for someone to come along.

    If people enjoy the Veteran content and its absurd difficulty, then great. I am glad ZOS is making someone happy because they are simply angering and alienating far more people than they are pleasing with the Veteran content. Like I have said before, VR mobs need nerfed by 25-50% and bosses should be buffed 10-20%.

    Have you tried asking other players for help rather than blame the game for your bad play style?

    seriously 3 mobs killing you? if you are at vet lvls you should have learned how to fight these mobs, this is how most games work, they get harder as you progress.

    But lets be honest, its not that hard

    You are anything but intellectually honest. Others can hold a correct viewpoint that is different from yours.

    What people want from anything differs. What is important to one may not be important to another. Doesn't make their viewpoint any less than yours.

    There are some posters on this thread that I believe are plants.

    This made me giggle.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    schroed360 wrote: »
    I was clearly stated that the vet zone quests were "design" for small group(2) but will be soloable. Don't want to look for the link but I'm sure of it.
    If that's true then it merely shows it's broken by design and that ZOS really have no idea what the majority, the overwhelming majority of players who love 1-50 want .. it's a small minority that wants to 'group up' to level in MMOs these days as ZOS will learn if they stick to their attitude that this is what we're expected to suffer.

    If VR is largely WAI then they can say goodbye to a large chunk of their revenue as player retention post-50 will be dire.

    Do you have factual evidence to support what you think the majority of the players want? numbers, graphs, polls, anything like that? Such claims require proper evidence to convince your audience..
    Empty or nearly empty VR zones speak for themselves.

    Plenty of folks in Coldharbour .. where did they go to?
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    inb4 "look at your guild, look at empty vet zones etc etc"
    - yea all 5 of my guild are active, how do I do that? I don't join a random guilds made by some bad player who does not know how to run his/her guild and abandones his/her guild anyway...
    I note you posed two points then addressed just one, clearly you have no answer for the second that supports your view.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on June 24, 2014 4:24PM
  • OtarTheMad
    I completely agree and you can tell what everyone thinks of the VR zones by just going to any of them, most of the really high ones are almost completely empty. Zenimax should have got the memo on VR zones when everyone farmed Craglorn to level up... yeah it was good XP but most probably would have stayed in the VR zones if they weren't just stupid hard sometimes.

    Perfect example of this is the Plague quest for Deshaan, first quest in the area, and when you get to the quest boss (Just a quest boss) he has 9,600 health... in a VR2 zone where most of everything is around 2,000-4,000. (not counting world bosses of course) He is also immune to any sort of CC or knockback or stun. Basically it seems from other forum posts that pretty much everyone had get one or two others to help with the quest.

    Another example is a dungeon in either Rivenspire or Alik'r Desert where you have to fight trolls, kind of fun. The trolls had about 9,300 health or so... seemed fitting and I thought that the dungeon boss would be quite tricky but when I got to him after killing just the regular trolls I saw that he only had about 8,400 health or so. They should have made the regular trolls lower health than the boss.

    I find that 2 enemies is fine, usually I can defeat them but three usually beat me plus being a Sorcerer, which means range... I need room to back up and draw them into my traps or just away to regen magicka... but usually that means running into another three who seem to have a dialed up agro radius. I like challenges but most parts of the VR zones are just stupid hard. I can understand some people want things like this but most of us want to just chill out, play a game and have fun... challenges are always good but dying 9,000 times is not.
  • LariahHunding
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    schroed360 wrote: »
    I was clearly stated that the vet zone quests were "design" for small group(2) but will be soloable. Don't want to look for the link but I'm sure of it.
    If that's true then it merely shows it's broken by design and that ZOS really have no idea what the majority, the overwhelming majority of players who love 1-50 want .. it's a small minority that wants to 'group up' to level in MMOs these days as ZOS will learn if they stick to their attitude that this is what we're expected to suffer.

    If VR is largely WAI then they can say goodbye to a large chunk of their revenue as player retention post-50 will be dire.

    Do you have factual evidence to support what you think the majority of the players want? numbers, graphs, polls, anything like that? Such claims require proper evidence to convince your audience..
    Empty or nearly empty VR zones speak for themselves.

    Plenty of folks in Coldharbour .. where did they go to?

    I have went to bed, logging out near a dolmen that was up, logging in the next morning, I swear the dolmen was STILL up.

    If I wasn't member of a great, active guild, half the stuff in VR would have went undone because it's hard to find enough help, especially V6-10. Makes collection quest easier. In 1-50, had to "beat off" people to collect items.

    But fanbois sez VR content is OK, no problem, ZoS is gOD.

    However, to cut to the center, no details necessary, VR content is just NOT fun, for whatever particular reason.

    inb4 l2p.

    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • Ecco
    Hilgara wrote: »
    After all following the craglorn patch there was a hotfix to rebalance difficulty after they admitted something went wrong.
    With all this in mind you can only conclude that the difficulty level we have now is intended.

    I don't think that's the necessary conclusion. Balancing an MMO is an iterative process that cannot be completed in a beta that is limited in numbers and usually open only to the most dedicated. Release dynamics and the equilibrium that is reached after the 30 days expires and subs kick in requires that they make changes, see how they go, and adjust on the fly. They've said as much and I accept that until shown otherwise. There's a lot to do and they are probably moving teams on to other priorities after each adjustment is put in and the feedback loop begins.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem

    inb4 l2p.

    Sorry, that was back on page 1.

    And for all those still wondering - I AM THE OP. Look at the post...
  • Hilgara
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Alphashado wrote: »

    Why is that ridiculous to complain about? When 3 trash mobs are harder than elite dungeon bosses it's a valid complaint...

    Where are people getting this from. A normal trash mob will fall to 1 or 2 of my rotations. Even one pip bosses take at least 4 or 5 times more. People are just repeating stuff they have read on here. I have never experienced this.

    Go right ahead with your tall tales. Nobody believes you. I guess next you will tell us you never die, either. !
  • kitsinni
    Hilgara wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Alphashado wrote: »

    Why is that ridiculous to complain about? When 3 trash mobs are harder than elite dungeon bosses it's a valid complaint...

    Where are people getting this from. A normal trash mob will fall to 1 or 2 of my rotations. Even one pip bosses take at least 4 or 5 times more. People are just repeating stuff they have read on here. I have never experienced this.

    Go right ahead with your tall tales. Nobody believes you. I guess next you will tell us you never die, either. !

    Not saying it can't be done but that is not the most difficult three pack. When one is a healer, one is a pyro and the third spawns a ghoul things get a bit more diffucult. Even better is when there are two healers in the group.
  • Hilgara
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Alphashado wrote: »

    Why is that ridiculous to complain about? When 3 trash mobs are harder than elite dungeon bosses it's a valid complaint...

    Where are people getting this from. A normal trash mob will fall to 1 or 2 of my rotations. Even one pip bosses take at least 4 or 5 times more. People are just repeating stuff they have read on here. I have never experienced this.

    Go right ahead with your tall tales. Nobody believes you. I guess next you will tell us you never die, either. !

    Not saying it can't be done but that is not the most difficult three pack. When one is a healer, one is a pyro and the third spawns a ghoul things get a bit more diffucult. Even better is when there are two healers in the group.

    Can't be arsed posting for every combination but healers cant heal when they are stunned or dead. There are no combination of 3 trash mobs that cannot he killed and killed fairly easily if you use the right tactics. + I made this intentionally difficult buy not using my ultimate (that was always up) and fighting mobs a couple of levels highter than me. What else do I have to do?
    Edited by Hilgara on June 24, 2014 6:28PM
  • Alphashado
    The crux of the issue isn't that VR is too difficult to complete. If that were the case, these threads would be loaded with people looking for advice. But you aren't seeing that here are you? No.

    The issue isn't that people can't do it. So please quit insulting intelligent, experienced gamers by telling them to L2P. Please quit giving intelligent, experienced gamers advice on builds and specs.

    Because most people can do it just fine. They just aren't enjoying it because the constant difficulty makes it TEDIOUS and REDUNDANT.

    So please stop with the l2p garbage.
    Edited by Alphashado on June 24, 2014 6:33PM
  • Digiman
    Yeah, I am not feeling the huge desire to blaze through Veteren Content. I swear if it wasn't for the skyshards I wouldn't bother with the area.

    But TBH its at least something to do at "end game" and I use that term loosely cause if I make an alt I will slit my wrists if I have to do those zones again.
  • kitsinni
    Hilgara wrote: »
    kitsinni wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Alphashado wrote: »

    Why is that ridiculous to complain about? When 3 trash mobs are harder than elite dungeon bosses it's a valid complaint...

    Where are people getting this from. A normal trash mob will fall to 1 or 2 of my rotations. Even one pip bosses take at least 4 or 5 times more. People are just repeating stuff they have read on here. I have never experienced this.

    Go right ahead with your tall tales. Nobody believes you. I guess next you will tell us you never die, either. !

    Not saying it can't be done but that is not the most difficult three pack. When one is a healer, one is a pyro and the third spawns a ghoul things get a bit more diffucult. Even better is when there are two healers in the group.

    Can't be arsed posting for every combination but healers cant heal when they are stunned or dead. There are no combination of 3 trash mobs that cannot he killed and killed fairly easily if you use the right tactics. + I made this intentionally difficult buy not using my ultimate (that was always up) and fighting mobs a couple of levels highter than me. What else do I have to do?

    I'm not saying you did a bad job or that you can't take out 3 packs. I have a V12 NB and went through all the VR zones from 1-10 and can take out any three pack with non-elites wiht the right prep and using a lot of cloak. Most classes don't have that option though. At the end of the day that is a lot of time, prepertaion and effort for a random three pack that you have to throw heal spells on before attacking, enter in stealth and use cloak non-stop. All of that leaves you with what 1/5000 of one level worth of xp? It not like you are ready to chain them fast enough to make the xp worth it either. Yes it can be done and you seem to know what you are doing. I think you could use the same technique more or less with a resto staff and NB skills and do it faster but that is a different topic. Either way even if every situation was as ideal as the ones you posted that is still an extremely slow crawl through VR content the majority of people are not willing to invest.
  • Hilgara
    Alphashado wrote: »
    The crux of the issue isn't that VR is too difficult to complete. If that were the case, these threads would be loaded with people looking for advice. But you aren't seeing that here are you? No.

    The issue isn't that people can't do it. So please quit insulting intelligent, experienced gamers by telling them to L2P. Please quit giving intelligent, experienced gamers advice on builds and specs.

    Because most people can do it just fine. They just aren't enjoying it because the constant difficulty makes it TEDIOUS and REDUNDANT.

    So please stop with the l2p garbage.

    Jesus I just gave you a video of the actual tactics. What more do you want. Its not too difficult. It just needs some thinking about.

    This thread is not about it being boring (something I wouldn't disagree with) its about it being too difficult. Making it easier would do absolutely nothing to make it more interesting!
    Edited by Hilgara on June 24, 2014 6:38PM
  • Digiman
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    First of all. I'm far from being elitist, I simply learned the game, I didn't rush to end game. Casual gamers can learn tactics too.

    Trash mobs of 3 are a ridiculous thing to complain about, seriously. Simply L2P.
    If you think that playing it your way should mean you can run into a group of 5 mobs and spam one button to win, you are playing the wrong game.

    and FYi vr9 Nightblade DW medium armor, extremely squishy.

    Yes it's great you optimized your class so it can solo. But casual players or even new to the genre don't have that luxury, and it certainly does go against ZOE statement that there direction would be a casual approach.

    As for me I am dying at most bosses and I am VR5, the area I am in is quite dead from players and gathering a group on a mega server in that region wastes far to much time.

    The beauty of this is that I have to do it again in a much harder zone with probably fewer player and what do I get out of it? Costumes. Certainly doesn't justify the $15 dollars to play this. Like I said before I am only doing the areas for sky shards. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't bother.

    But it does beg the question why they are forcing it on us if this was supposed to casual friendly? It would of been an option to increase VR, not a requirement. Just a pointless excuse of weak leveling grinding.
  • kitsinni
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Alphashado wrote: »
    The crux of the issue isn't that VR is too difficult to complete. If that were the case, these threads would be loaded with people looking for advice. But you aren't seeing that here are you? No.

    The issue isn't that people can't do it. So please quit insulting intelligent, experienced gamers by telling them to L2P. Please quit giving intelligent, experienced gamers advice on builds and specs.

    Because most people can do it just fine. They just aren't enjoying it because the constant difficulty makes it TEDIOUS and REDUNDANT.

    So please stop with the l2p garbage.

    Jesus I just gave you a video of the actual tactics. What more do you want. Its not too difficult. It just needs some thinking about.

    This thread is not about it being boring (something I wouldn't disagree with) its about it being too difficult. Making it easier would do absolutely nothing to make it more interesting!

    I don't know I thought 1-50 was interesting because it moved at a pretty fast pace. It having to take so long for so little progress that makes it boring. If it was easier you would ge through the quests faster and actually could enjoy it.

    It is nice that you showed some techniques but you have to understand that will only work for one class in the game.
  • Anjelicus
    Yes vertan content is hard for people who cant comprehend simple mehcanics.... "you mean if i stand in the red *** it kills me?" and "interrupt whats that?"

    if you cant do those 2 things, then yes Veteran content is hard... I mean Veteran is called Veteran for a reason, its not called Carebear, or Noob.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
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  • Hilgara
    kitsinni wrote: »

    It is nice that you showed some techniques but you have to understand that will only work for one class in the game.

    You want me to do the same with my sorc. It would be a lot easier on the sorc. And remember that the big accusation is that you can only do this with staffs. I could have used staffs on this character too, they are all maxed. You are running out of excuses
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    Well dungeons are difficult, there supposed to be, thats the point of doing them, for the challenge.

    Mobs are pretty easy to handle and I play a single-target NB, simply kill the highest priority target, healers > casters > summoners > attackers > tank, or how ever you would prioritize them...hell I can solo some world bosses ffs, not all of them, but a few of them yes.

    Time consuming? Yea just like lvls 1-50

    Trash mobs to many? Yes they are but oh well, better get hacking and slashing.

    On a serious note, Vet content isn't easy, but it isn't exactly Legendary mode like most people here are describing it. Maybe try refining your builds? Pay attention to the game and learn how to play it like a pro?

    Certain mobs have different tactics to effectively deal with them. They're not hard to figure out, especially if you already reached Vet lvls.

    I was about to flame you as a noob, now I will only say that you are mostly right except once you play a non NB you will come to the correct conclusion that it is way to EASY.

    Also there are not to many trash mobs there are not enough of them, I ride through hordes of mobs with no fear of getting killed and even if I do I just rezz right there and run through the mobs. This game is definitely catering to the casual.
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