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Veteran Content too difficult?

  • Arora
    yeah, im labeled as a tank for some reason in the party section in vet3 nighblade vamp medium. If there is even a hint of fire im useless even in lower level I mean level 30 normal dungeons. It is getting stupid
    Arora Moon - EB- Nightblade
    Arora Moonlight- EB- Sorcerer
    - GM Souless-

    Hail Sithis - Glory to the Night Mother

  • Hilgara
    Sakiri wrote: »

    Doesn't matter.

    It's the principle. Not a single person that came here with me came for PvP. None.

    Not a single one of us wants anything to do with PvP, period.

    Designing difficulty around having PvP buffs is a BS excuse for it.

    Really? Why pay full price for half a game?
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Sakiri wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    on a bad pull I would just run off the mobs.

    This has been posted a couple of times now so let me ask this? How are people doing this? When I try to run away, my run speed slows to a crawl and mobs chase me over long distances, attacking me along the entire way. I also need to make sure I don't aggro another mob while I am fleeing the first one.

    Also, for those of you not having problems with Veteran content, how many buffs do you have from your Home campaign in Cyrodiil? The buffs from having an emperor, several scrolls and keeps make a huge difference in the Veteran zones. Try playing Veteran content without those PVP buffs. You will find it extremely more difficult.

    Hi, well I just choose a direction and keep running / moving avoiding anything that is in the way. I do not linger even to get one hit off, not even for cc. If one of the mobs ends up chasing me on its own I turn back and kill it. That way less to contend with next time. Not easy in dungeons ofc. I may throw in a forward roll now and then. Never had any problems doing this. The mobs soon run off.

    I pretty much kite on dolmens when I have agro from something nasty. Doesnt always work though.

    I played a hunter on lotro for years and kiting / running was part of the course.

    Never though about cyro good point. Im DC on Auriels Bow EU. WE are the lowest pointwise on that campaign and practically never have emperor, but yes scroll and keep buffs must play a part.

    A lot of us that dislike PvP won't join a campaign at all.

    I dont have one, thus don't have scroll buffs and stuff.

    End result? No buffs for VR content. My best guess is that they assumed everyone would have them.

    Good luck getting people that don't PvP to join a campaign JUST for the buffs so they can do PvE though. And you thought certain campaigns were overcrowded now....

    Well you don't have those buffs on all the time just because you have a pvp campaign you know. I have zero pvp buffs on a t moment and still not having problems. So there you go.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Hilgara
    Well you don't have those buffs on all the time just because you have a pvp campaign you know. I have zero pvp buffs on a t moment and still not having problems. So there you go.

    No idea what these PvP buffs are. Am I missing something?
  • kitsinni
    It's free buffs if you don't want them your call. Might as well skip food buffs because you didn't come here to eat also lol

    Difficulty isn't designed around them a lot of alliances don't have them.
  • Hilgara
    kitsinni wrote: »
    It's free buffs if you don't want them your call. Might as well skip food buffs because you didn't come here to eat also lol

    Difficulty isn't designed around them a lot of alliances don't have them.
    Thats a new one.
    I'm not gonna use addons.
    I'm not gonna use Animation canceling.

    Now I'm not gonna use buffs......And you still expect to be able to play. So what about the rest of us that dont have such moral quandaries If they scale the difficulty to you
    Edited by Hilgara on June 24, 2014 9:12PM
  • Serkillalot
    Dyabolikal wrote: »
    I use a DK to play through vet level. V4 now at first I found it quite difficult, but I learnt from it. I see the value of stun and how to be selective about which targets I attack first. This is my first MMO and once I got an understanding of what was needed it wasn't as hard to adapt to it. For DK Petrify is a valuable skill to have when solo playing.

    I add 1 person to my group and the game becomes quite enjoyable, no where near as hard and if the other person has a a concept on how I play we can rip through the content quite easy. I understand that people like to play it solo, but I decided to play this game because I love TES games and always wanted to share the experience with just 1 more player at the same time.

    If you like TES but only want to play solo then go and play skyrim, oblivion, or morrowind there is plenty of solo content there but I wanted to play this game with others and once you play with others this game is exactly what I expected it to be. Once again this is my first MMO, I'm not a hard core player, and I am shocked by how people don't want to play with others in a multiplayer game, it makes no sense to me

    TLDR: Add one more player and experience the content without the pain.

    just the loneliest guy in the game
  • Serkillalot
    whoops stupid tablet
    just the loneliest guy in the game
  • Knootewoot
    I only have issues with Storm atronachs and boss healers.

    Boss healers fight take me to long to be fun. I interrupt when they heal, but sometimes i miss and have to repeat it whole again. If the cast high damage spells i also use bow but then it takes even longer.

    Had to kill a boss healer for a quest somewhere but he was aided by another boss NB. Attacking the NB makes the healer heal him fully. Attacking the healer makes me backstabbed and stunned.

    I had to bug them to make it work for me.

    3 enemies works for me, but the first kill must be quick. i i fail at sneak attack i run away lol.

    And i want to play tjhe way i want as NB, so medium/bow/dual wield and no light staff vampire stuff.

    But V8 and i still manage. although i mainly PvP now.
    Edited by Knootewoot on June 25, 2014 11:05AM
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Serkillalot
    I agree with dyabolikal but I'm fortunately not everybody chose DK class, I'm the underpowered Nightblade who decided to grow his health magicka and stamina equally

    with having two people I have nobody reliable they all tend to scene skip. (aka skip all the dialogue unfortunately for me the story is why I play any game) So by the time the scene is over they already halfway done. And all my reliable friend are on Xbox one or ps4

    I would play es3' es4 and es5 but I already wrapped them, they did claim that you could play alone or with friends not to force you to do both.
    just the loneliest guy in the game
  • R1ckyDaMan
    I have actually got to vet 5 without ever touching a single potion or food item, no craglorn grinding either..
  • Nodoorway
    Soul Shriven
    My biggest prob with vet content was that there is no reward for hitting top level in this game. You beat the storyline hit level 50 and instead of a reward you're nerfed to hell.
    I hit vr10, and just lost the urge to continue because the cap moves too fast, and there's never a chance to feel like you made it.
  • hamon
    Hilgara wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »

    character progression, both horizontal or vertical has absolutely nothing to do with how you go about killing stuff. nothing what-so-ever.

    vertical = you need x level to use this equipment/enter this dungeon and by going up in levels you out level content .

    horizontal= you progress your char in terms of available options. morphs or fluff but not gain in power or access gated content.

    where in that does it even come close to addressing how you go about killing stuff?
    I don't see were you think I have a different definition to you. How you have described vertical progression is = to 1 to 50 in ESO but things start to swing to horizontal progression after that.
    To remain competitive you have to evolve tactics that make use of stuff like morphs, buffs etc. You may be given more options but not necessarily more powerful options. Advancing is more reliant on you being smarter not tougher . This is what horizontal progression is all about. You have to make the best out of the available options and you may have more options but you wont simply be more powerful. How does that NOT influence how you go about killing stuff?

    as usual your all kinds of wrong but you can't concede a point even when the diffrence is pointed out bluntly so a child would understand.

    vertical progression = new levels (as in 1,2,3,4,5,6 ) and even if they change the numbering sequence so it might have confused you by adding VET its still a numbering sequence (v1.v2.v3.v4) now since you cant equip vet 12 gear till you level to vet 12 and all those numbers in between, what you have is textbook definitive VERTICAL progression. (see levelling content)

    but your refusal to admit your wrong is just laughable. you even try to move the goal posts to diagonal and add nonsense about "its horizontal cos you have to change how you do stuff bla bla bla... learn to accept when your wrong.

  • lpool96
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.

    Could not agree more, and when I hit a challenge I can't handle, I ask my self... "what am I doing wrong here..."
  • IceDread
    It's nice that veteran content is not easy. Well some builds can trivialize a lot of content but, I like that if you screw up you die. Makes the game interesting. If it were easy like so many other mmos it'd be boring and people would quit faster.
  • LariahHunding
    Hilgara wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    With the right tactics and a few modifications to your gear vet mobs are just as easy as 1 to 50 mobs. It has to get more challenging though. If hitting a mob with a sword works at level 10 should it still wirk at V12? No!

    Please explain why the sword was introduced in the first place if it has no long term use? If it is not supposed to work at all, why not start with whatever does work at Veteran levels?

    If a skill or weapon has no viability in the 1-50 zones or in the Veteran zones, then it has no purpose being in the game and should be removed.

    Theres a whole thread on here with vids of me killing packs of 3 vet mobs a couple of levels above me with swords. Swords are perfectly viable.

    I am leaving this thread because I am just not worthy to share the same wordspace with you.

    EDIT: Also, you should win some kind of award for being the worlds greatest contortionist.
    Edited by LariahHunding on June 25, 2014 11:39AM
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • LariahHunding
    IceDread wrote: »
    It's nice that veteran content is not easy. Well some builds can trivialize a lot of content but, I like that if you screw up you die. Makes the game interesting. If it were easy like so many other mmos it'd be boring and people would quit faster.

    Quicker than they are all ready quitting? Doubt it.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

  • hamon
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    I still want someone to explain to me how making vet levels easier will make it less boring

    Boredom sets in when doing the same thing repeatedly, over and over, without the ability to multitask to provide diversity. The difficultly of VR content is what causes this. The ability to change pace, try different tactics, split mobs, all of these things provide diversity and diminish boredom. When you're playing at virtually full bandwidth doing one thing over and over again, and you realize that this is your future for as far as you can see, boredom sets in. Easier content isn't sought because easy is desired, but because diversity is desired and you get that diversity with a good mix of tough and easier challenges. Right now, you get only tough = boredom.

    With the right tactics and a few modifications to your gear vet mobs are just as easy as 1 to 50 mobs. It has to get more challenging though. If hitting a mob with a sword works at level 10 should it still wirk at V12? No!

    why not? why shouldnt hitting mobs with swords work? and if not why not remove swords from the game?

    another stupid statement

  • hamon
    Hilgara wrote: »
    kitsinni wrote: »
    It's free buffs if you don't want them your call. Might as well skip food buffs because you didn't come here to eat also lol

    Difficulty isn't designed around them a lot of alliances don't have them.
    Thats a new one.
    I'm not gonna use addons.
    I'm not gonna use Animation canceling.

    Now I'm not gonna use buffs......And you still expect to be able to play. So what about the rest of us that dont have such moral quandaries If they scale the difficulty to you

    simple why don't YOU scale the difficulty to suit yourself? you say you enjoy the toughness but then use every method possible to make it easier. my question is why?
    why if you like it all tough cos your leet go out your way to make it as easy as you possibly can? isn't that a contradiction?

    lets say they made it a bit easier, heres some free ways you could scale difficulty to suit your rambo mentality for free.

    dont use animation cancelling, dont use food(save some money ) dont use an optimal rotation (experiment, might even have a pay off if skills get buffed/nerfed later)
    use lower level armour, pull muttiple groups. Hell if your really uber do it half naked then post a video immpressing us all with your leet skills.

    but you won't will you. You say you want it hard but then you,ll use every method possible to make it as easy as possible while demanding that it isn't made easier for anyone else.
    making a game that you find easy more difficult all on your own is very simple. but folk like you seem to lack the imagination to do it. the few who do like the guys who attempt dungeons solo etc.. i respect,
    they have an OP class and instead of being a moron and telling everyone on the forums they suck and need to l2p they use their imagination to find stuff to do thats challenging all by themselves.
    Edited by hamon on June 25, 2014 12:21PM
  • Hilgara
    hamon wrote: »

    why not? why shouldnt hitting mobs with swords work? and if not why not remove swords from the game?

    another stupid statement

    OMG....,sigh Swords was simply a metaphor for the simplicity of combat tactics. Just hitting stuff works at the start of a game because usually that all you have. No abilities . As you level you gain more abilities. You lean to use them, work them into an effective rotation. Find they synergies that work between them. Prioritise your attack s based on what will give the most damage. Pretty soon you have to start thinking bout things like damage mitigation, buffs, CC's The game progressively requires more from you. More than just hitting *** with a bigger and bigger sword. <---metaphor
    Edited by Hilgara on June 25, 2014 12:30PM
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    When one runs Dungeons, One needs different resistances.

    One item dedicated to a resistance that is needed in one type of dungeon makes it possible to run as WW or Vamp.

    Also Tanks usually needs one or two resistance items on top of big HP and Armor amounts. This is more clear the higher dungeons you do.

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • Hilgara
    hamon wrote: »
    simple why don't YOU scale the difficulty to suit yourself? you say you enjoy the toughness but then use every method possible to make it easier. my question is why?
    why if you like it all tough cos your leet go out your way to make it as easy as you possibly can? isn't that a contridiction?

    I want to meet the challenge the devs set. This game sets a good challenge. I am already purposely not using staffs because I have already levelled a sorc and want a different type of gameplay. If you make this game any easier it will trivialise the content to the point it just becomes scenery.

    The difficulty is not the problem with the game. It needs more balance between classes. It needs more meaningful End Game and more levelling options. There are things that if improved will benefit everyone not just a some (and harm others). I'd rather see the devs working on those because that effort will deliver more return to more people.

    Edited by Hilgara on June 25, 2014 12:29PM
  • lpool96
    Hilgara wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    simple why don't YOU scale the difficulty to suit yourself? you say you enjoy the toughness but then use every method possible to make it easier. my question is why?
    why if you like it all tough cos your leet go out your way to make it as easy as you possibly can? isn't that a contridiction?

    I want to meet the challenge the devs set. This game sets a good challenge. I am already purposely not using staffs because I have already levelled a sorc and want a different type of gameplay. If you make this game any easier it will trivialise the content to the point it just becomes scenery.

    The difficulty is not the problem with the game. It needs more balance between classes. It needs more meaningful End Game and more levelling options. There are things that if improved will benefit everyone not just a some (and harm others). I'd rather see the devs working on those because that effort will deliver more return to more people.

    I see the developers are trying to balance things in every patch so far, and what makes you think they are not working on those efforts? They are trying to balance in every patch if you ask me and only for people coming on here after, complaining on how they have nerfed the game yet again. Think again.
  • Hilgara
    lpool96 wrote: »

    I see the developers are trying to balance things in every patch so far, and what makes you think they are not working on those efforts? They are trying to balance in every patch if you ask me and only for people coming on here after, complaining on how they have nerfed the game yet again. Think again.

    Sorry, couldn't follow the last couple of sentences.

    I'm glad they are trying to improve those issues. I'm also glad to see no sign of a nerf to the difficulty, which leads me to believe that the present level of difficulty is here to stay.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Hilgara wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    simple why don't YOU scale the difficulty to suit yourself? you say you enjoy the toughness but then use every method possible to make it easier. my question is why?
    why if you like it all tough cos your leet go out your way to make it as easy as you possibly can? isn't that a contridiction?

    The difficulty is not the problem with the game. It needs more balance between classes. It needs more meaningful End Game and more levelling options. There are things that if improved will benefit everyone not just a some (and harm others). I'd rather see the devs working on those because that effort will deliver more return to more people.

    This is the most important part of the argument to me. Veteran levels are fine for those who like them. Not everyone does. It is an MMO after all, lots of people lots of different stuff these people like. The problem is there are no options. Well they are there but compared to the veteran areas they are much to slow. PvP is rather slow and dungeons are a joke xp wise. Until more options are added or, the differences in the options we have are addressed i don't really see the complaints going away.
  • lpool96
    Hilgara wrote: »
    lpool96 wrote: »

    I see the developers are trying to balance things in every patch so far, and what makes you think they are not working on those efforts? They are trying to balance in every patch if you ask me and only for people coming on here after, complaining on how they have nerfed the game yet again. Think again.

    Sorry, couldn't follow the last couple of sentences.

    I'm glad they are trying to improve those issues. I'm also glad to see no sign of a nerf to the difficulty, which leads me to believe that the present level of difficulty is here to stay.

    Well I do hope so! Because if they change it, this forum will flood with people complaining they have made the game to easy and quit.
  • Alphashado
    People will just continue to quietly unsub until something has changed.
    The same 4 people just pounce on anyone foolish enough to come here and raise concerns. The same 4 people that will rage quit when changes are made.

    Until then, the silent masses will just keep leaving.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Hilgara wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    simple why don't YOU scale the difficulty to suit yourself? you say you enjoy the toughness but then use every method possible to make it easier. my question is why?
    why if you like it all tough cos your leet go out your way to make it as easy as you possibly can? isn't that a contridiction?

    I want to meet the challenge the devs set.
    Except you use borderline cheats by using add-ons which allow you to perform actions the game as released by the devs makes difficult to the point of being impractical to perform.

    Yeah, I see now you like to play as the devs. intended.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on June 25, 2014 1:00PM
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO

    Alphashado wrote: »

    Until then, the silent masses will just keep leaving.

    Or the silent masses keep on staying. It is hard to tell, they are silent after all.
  • Hilgara
    Alphashado wrote: »
    People will just continue to quietly unsub until something has changed.
    The same 4 people just pounce on anyone foolish enough to come here and raise concerns. The same 4 people that will rage quit when changes are made.

    Until then, the silent masses will just keep leaving.

    The last poll of difficulty resulted in many more than 4 people wanting the difficulty to stay. So even if this forum is representative there's a damn sight more than 4 people.
    Outside of these threads you will find loads of people who have no issue or think even now its too easy. Check out the replies to the vids I posted. Most people wanted to tell me how they could do it much better then I did. These threads are drawing the people who are struggling so even if the forum is representative, these threads aren't.
    Edited by Hilgara on June 25, 2014 1:02PM
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