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Veteran Content too difficult?

  • Skjlvald
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    Well dungeons are difficult, there supposed to be, thats the point of doing them, for the challenge.

    Mobs are pretty easy to handle and I play a single-target NB, simply kill the highest priority target, healers > casters > summoners > attackers > tank, or how ever you would prioritize them...hell I can solo some world bosses ffs, not all of them, but a few of them yes.

    Time consuming? Yea just like lvls 1-50

    Trash mobs to many? Yes they are but oh well, better get hacking and slashing.

    On a serious note, Vet content isn't easy, but it isn't exactly Legendary mode like most people here are describing it. Maybe try refining your builds? Pay attention to the game and learn how to play it like a pro?

    Certain mobs have different tactics to effectively deal with them. They're not hard to figure out, especially if you already reached Vet lvls.

    I'm constantly getting facerolled in vet areas. I mostly just level alts these days. I don't have the necessary skill to make it through the vet content I don't think, but I love the game. I really don't know what im going to do....
    Ulyn Andrano

    VR3 Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Ebonheart Pact
  • phairdon
    The only time veteran content became really challenging was after one of the patches. When the health & power levels of the veteran mobs were accidentally raised.
    Outside of the above hiccup the only real difficulty experienced is when facing more than one fire related enemy npc (pyromancers & groups of fire imps).
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Animus0724
    Skjlvald wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    Well dungeons are difficult, there supposed to be, thats the point of doing them, for the challenge.

    Mobs are pretty easy to handle and I play a single-target NB, simply kill the highest priority target, healers > casters > summoners > attackers > tank, or how ever you would prioritize them...hell I can solo some world bosses ffs, not all of them, but a few of them yes.

    Time consuming? Yea just like lvls 1-50

    Trash mobs to many? Yes they are but oh well, better get hacking and slashing.

    On a serious note, Vet content isn't easy, but it isn't exactly Legendary mode like most people here are describing it. Maybe try refining your builds? Pay attention to the game and learn how to play it like a pro?

    Certain mobs have different tactics to effectively deal with them. They're not hard to figure out, especially if you already reached Vet lvls.

    I'm constantly getting facerolled in vet areas. I mostly just level alts these days. I don't have the necessary skill to make it through the vet content I don't think, but I love the game. I really don't know what im going to do....

    There are quite a few guides out there that can help you, refine your build, know what you want your character to do and spec up accordingly, this game is quite broken right now, but if you prepare now, when all the kinks are worked out, you'll be beasting through PvE.

    what kind of problems are you having exactly?
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • schroed360
    Either way VR were a fail and it has caused them to lose a huge amount of their player base. It isn't hard for someone to find that out. Check out how many members you guild has, look at their levels.... notice that the majority are VR1 or low VR and that most of your friends don't log on anymore.

    VR content failed, people thought that once you hit VR1 you could level effectively through dungeons, and exploring cyrodil etc. A lot didn't know that the only efficient and effective way to level to VR 10 was to grind out the other 2 faction zones but have it on a harder difficulty. Sad story really, they haven't really done anything to fix it.

    Sorry but i disagree with your statement about dungeon. It feel to me that if you find à efficient group you can earn loads of VP quite fast.Matter is finding such a group is not easy... I bet that poeple who don't want to invest time improving their game could see it as their group will usually fail in dungeon.
  • hamon
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Dayv wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »

    Are there enough players who think like you to keep the lights on? Maybe.

    As i've said - I think Zenimax are explicitly aiming the game at people like you because they think so as well.

    Zeni can see the numbers. We can't. They no doubt had a target for retained subs. They can see who is playing and where they play. They can compare the pure numbers to the noise on the forum and distinguish between the hyperbole and the facts. I'm no programmer but considering some of the complicated stuff they are having to change I would have thought that tweaking the difficulty wouldn't be that much of a problem. After all following the craglorn patch there was a hotfix to rebalance difficulty after they admitted something went wrong.
    With all this in mind you can only conclude that the difficulty level we have now is intended.

    And before anyone yelps about the trash mobs having more health than the bosses. Show me numbers. This might have been the case directly following craglorn but I personally have never seen this in game.

    I'm not so sure that tweaking the difficulty is that easy for them. It's certainly a lot more involved than tweaking tooltips, and they've taken their sweet time about that. But there is more too it than just altering the coefficients on mob health/damage because pack size/density is part of scripted content and not the mechanics. This worked fine in 1-49 because your character is becoming stronger but the content that works while levelling doesn't necessarily work too well when you try to impose stringent control over power creep.

    this is true and the fall off in your characters starts compared to the mobs at vet level is ZENI's attemps to slow down the power creep. The progression stops being completely vertical and starts moving towards horizontal where different tactics rather then a bigger sword are required.

    i dont think you grasped the concept of what horizontal progression and power creep mean. you linked the very good animation from a few years back (extra credits) in another post but yet dont seem to have grasped the diffrence it points out.

    horizontal progress would mean you dont level up any more. as in no further hgher levels gating you from equipment , vet mode does have vertical levels.

    so power is creeping up and you are still levelling vertically , hence it is vertical progression or levelling content.
    now what it does do badly is that while your power creeps up as you level in vet also creep down vertically in your effective power versus what you are fighting. This is a horrific mistake. forcing more vertical levelling while making you feel less powerfull as you do it..

    if thats by design rather than a mistake it's a terrible design choice.

    If it was horizontal you would not level but would perhaps earn extra morphs to choose for existing skills etc.. which would not make you more powerfull (power creep) and invalidate older content and equipment. but would give you more options to your play style.

    again instead of giving you more flexibility as you progress it seems to do the opposite and force you into less and less play styles and builds., hence it becomes bathrobe and stick mode to be effective.
    Edited by hamon on June 24, 2014 12:39PM
  • Serkillalot
    I think the leveling is just about fine until you get to one of the big bosse. (you know the ones that usually give you skill points in the end) they seem to be totally overpowered, if they can modify that those bosses to be a little easier well leaving rest the same. (aka smaller bosses that give you standard stuff in the end) It would minimize complaints and keep it overall difficult.
    just the loneliest guy in the game
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.
    Not everyone considers mind-numbing tedium of over-buffed trash mobs taking twice as long to kill as necessary challenging.

    You seem to be in the "if it takes a long time it's hard" school of thinking.
  • hamon
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.
    Not everyone considers mind-numbing tedium of over-buffed trash mobs taking twice as long to kill as necessary challenging.

    You seem to be in the "if it takes a long time it's hard" school of thinking.

    yes theres a disconnect that the l2p crowd can't get past.

    one of the easiest jobs i ever had when younger was also the hardest for me. why?

    it was simple task but was so boring and unrewarding that I couldn't face doing it day in day out. i never stayed in that job long and the job itself had a very high staff turnaround.

    i equate that to vet mode. it's not inherently too difficult it's just a chore in it's present mode which makes folk unwilling (note unwilling NOT unable) to persist with it.
    This is the disconnect. the l2p crowd seem to think its all about being unable to do it.. hence they keep saying L2 do this or do that .

    Edited by hamon on June 24, 2014 12:49PM
  • Skjlvald

    I engage 3 or so mobs, and die before I get my 2nd or 3rd ability off most of the time. Either that or I kill all 3 mobs, but no stamina or magicka left after my victory.

    I've tried a number of builds and spent atleast 80k on respec's alone.

    I've watched a number of videos on different DK builds, and what ive noticed is that a lot of the stuff they are using... I left alone during all my levels, so I have a rank 1 reflective scales or igneous shield... whereas they have the rank 4 morphed versions.

    As I leveled I could charge in, dark talons, flame breath, and cleave until they died with the executioner morph of upper cut. That works well on some groups of mobs in the vet areas, and that's what I enjoy doing the most, but its just not viable apparently.

    I have 49 points in to health, wear medium armor, and enchanted for magicka.

    The biggest thing that kills me is the dagger throw that mobs do that I rarely see coming.

    I just haven't the skill.

    My V3 DK is on the shelf for now until I figure out how to not suck.

    I'm currently playing my 31 NB and thoroughly enjoying it, but all the while dreading making it to the vet levels to get facerolled on another class.
    Edited by Skjlvald on June 24, 2014 12:53PM
    Ulyn Andrano

    VR3 Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Ebonheart Pact
  • Altan
    Soul Shriven
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.

    Ha! That is the entirely predictable insult I expected. You can't make an argument without making it personal.

    I'm done here.
  • Animus0724
    Altan wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.

    Ha! That is the entirely predictable insult I expected. You can't make an argument without making it personal.

    I'm done here.

    yea get called out and you run, sorry but when someone makes a claim I expect proof.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Animus0724
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.
    Not everyone considers mind-numbing tedium of over-buffed trash mobs taking twice as long to kill as necessary challenging.

    You seem to be in the "if it takes a long time it's hard" school of thinking.

    I'm sorry but how exactly am I in the "if it takes to long it's hard" state of mind. Are you even reading what you post or post about?

    if you must know, and hopefully you can read this time, I find things that take too long tedious and grindy, not hard, as I posted in a previous post.

    seriously some people :|
    Edited by Animus0724 on June 24, 2014 1:06PM
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Hilgara
    hamon wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Dayv wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »

    Are there enough players who think like you to keep the lights on? Maybe.

    As i've said - I think Zenimax are explicitly aiming the game at people like you because they think so as well.

    Zeni can see the numbers. We can't. They no doubt had a target for retained subs. They can see who is playing and where they play. They can compare the pure numbers to the noise on the forum and distinguish between the hyperbole and the facts. I'm no programmer but considering some of the complicated stuff they are having to change I would have thought that tweaking the difficulty wouldn't be that much of a problem. After all following the craglorn patch there was a hotfix to rebalance difficulty after they admitted something went wrong.
    With all this in mind you can only conclude that the difficulty level we have now is intended.

    And before anyone yelps about the trash mobs having more health than the bosses. Show me numbers. This might have been the case directly following craglorn but I personally have never seen this in game.

    I'm not so sure that tweaking the difficulty is that easy for them. It's certainly a lot more involved than tweaking tooltips, and they've taken their sweet time about that. But there is more too it than just altering the coefficients on mob health/damage because pack size/density is part of scripted content and not the mechanics. This worked fine in 1-49 because your character is becoming stronger but the content that works while levelling doesn't necessarily work too well when you try to impose stringent control over power creep.

    this is true and the fall off in your characters starts compared to the mobs at vet level is ZENI's attemps to slow down the power creep. The progression stops being completely vertical and starts moving towards horizontal where different tactics rather then a bigger sword are required.

    i dont think you grasped the concept of what horizontal progression and power creep mean. you linked the very good animation from a few years back (extra credits) in another post but yet dont seem to have grasped the diffrence it points out.

    horizontal progress would mean you dont level up any more. as in no further hgher levels gating you from equipment , vet mode does have vertical levels.

    so power is creeping up and you are still levelling vertically , hence it is vertical progression or levelling content.
    now what it does do badly is that while your power creeps up as you level in vet also creep down vertically in your effective power versus what you are fighting. This is a horrific mistake. forcing more vertical levelling while making you feel less powerfull as you do it..

    if thats by design rather than a mistake it's a terrible design choice.

    If it was horizontal you would not level but would perhaps earn extra morphs to choose for existing skills etc.. which would not make you more powerfull (power creep) and invalidate older content and equipment. but would give you more options to your play style.

    again instead of giving you more flexibility as you progress it seems to do the opposite and force you into less and less play styles and builds., hence it becomes bathrobe and stick mode to be effective.

    I understand exactly what horizontal and vertical progression mean. Someone linked a graph on here that's showed the relative power of you in relation to the mobs. 1 to 50 is a linear progression where your power increases with the mobs. Vet 1 to 12 the mobs continue to increase in power at the same level but your progression slows. So although it might not be completely horizontal progression it is at least diagonal progression. The point is that you don't just repeat the same actions to continually beat the game till end content. Hitting a level 10 mob with a level 10 sword is more or less the same as hitting a level 50 mob with a level 50 sword but after that it wont work. The mobs sword carries on getting more powerful (vertical progression) where as your sword dramatically slows down (horizontal/diagonal progression) Remember these are the same mobs that another faction did 1 to 50 and level at the same rate both on power and group make up. Starter zones usually have single mobs maybe 2. Later zones have many groups mobs. So the zone difficulty is increasing vertically where you are not. at least no where near the same rate,
    Edited by Hilgara on June 24, 2014 1:10PM
  • Altan
    Soul Shriven
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Altan wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since dial up modems - VR content is too difficult on trash mob groups. I'm not alone in thinking that and I've always been subscribing to at least one MMO every month since 2001 if you need me to qualify my opinion.

    If you really are that bad then at MMOs, i suggest looking into another genre of games. If you truly are a MMO vet, you would appreciate the challenge then sir and not expect to face roll everything.

    Ha! That is the entirely predictable insult I expected. You can't make an argument without making it personal.

    I'm done here.

    yea get called out and you run, sorry but when someone makes a claim I expect proof.

    I'm leaving because I'm not going to get draw into personal insults. You know zero about me but judge me as inferior because I don't agree with you. I'm not insecure enough to feel the desire to prove anything to you. Either you take me at my word or you don't.

    You seem a very troubled individual if this is all you live for. I'm off out now and you can work away at building your esteem on an internet forum.
  • Dyabolikal
    I use a DK to play through vet level. V4 now at first I found it quite difficult, but I learnt from it. I see the value of stun and how to be selective about which targets I attack first. This is my first MMO and once I got an understanding of what was needed it wasn't as hard to adapt to it. For DK Petrify is a valuable skill to have when solo playing.

    I add 1 person to my group and the game becomes quite enjoyable, no where near as hard and if the other person has a a concept on how I play we can rip through the content quite easy. I understand that people like to play it solo, but I decided to play this game because I love TES games and always wanted to share the experience with just 1 more player at the same time.

    If you like TES but only want to play solo then go and play skyrim, oblivion, or morrowind there is plenty of solo content there but I wanted to play this game with others and once you play with others this game is exactly what I expected it to be. Once again this is my first MMO, I'm not a hard core player, and I am shocked by how people don't want to play with others in a multiplayer game, it makes no sense to me

    TLDR: Add one more player and experience the content without the pain.
  • Animus0724
    Skjlvald wrote: »

    I engage 3 or so mobs, and die before I get my 2nd or 3rd ability off most of the time. Either that or I kill all 3 mobs, but no stamina or magicka left after my victory.

    I've tried a number of builds and spent atleast 80k on respec's alone.

    I've watched a number of videos on different DK builds, and what ive noticed is that a lot of the stuff they are using... I left alone during all my levels, so I have a rank 1 reflective scales or igneous shield... whereas they have the rank 4 morphed versions.

    As I leveled I could charge in, dark talons, flame breath, and cleave until they died with the executioner morph of upper cut. That works well on some groups of mobs in the vet areas, and that's what I enjoy doing the most, but its just not viable apparently.

    I have 49 points in to health, wear medium armor, and enchanted for magicka.

    The biggest thing that kills me is the dagger throw that mobs do that I rarely see coming.

    I just haven't the skill.

    My V3 DK is on the shelf for now until I figure out how to not suck.

    I'm currently playing my 31 NB and thoroughly enjoying it, but all the while dreading making it to the vet levels to get facerolled on another class.

    Sadly this game isn't really "play how you want" now I never really gotten too deep into playing a DK but most people I've seen use heavy armor for defense and health sustain or they use light armor for magicka and a ton of damage.

    Medium armor is kind of useless at the moment unless you plan on doing a lot of sneaking...

    Also if you're having trouble with mobs, DKs have excellent AoE, try to lay down an aoe and focus one target down, use heavy armor to take the abuse as it seems you are lacking in defense, now I'm no expert on DK's maybe find someone that is that is willing to go more in depth with you, there are quite a few guilds out there that are friendly and willing to help if you open up to them.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • dsalter
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    Well dungeons are difficult, there supposed to be, thats the point of doing them, for the challenge.

    Mobs are pretty easy to handle and I play a single-target NB, simply kill the highest priority target, healers > casters > summoners > attackers > tank, or how ever you would prioritize them...hell I can solo some world bosses ffs, not all of them, but a few of them yes.

    Time consuming? Yea just like lvls 1-50

    Trash mobs to many? Yes they are but oh well, better get hacking and slashing.

    On a serious note, Vet content isn't easy, but it isn't exactly Legendary mode like most people here are describing it. Maybe try refining your builds? Pay attention to the game and learn how to play it like a pro?

    Certain mobs have different tactics to effectively deal with them. They're not hard to figure out, especially if you already reached Vet lvls.

    personally i prefer they up the HP alittle and lowered enemy armor+spell spenetration by about 1/4 so armor makes a difference
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Animus0724
    Altan wrote: »
    you can work away at building your esteem on an internet forum.

    Says the individual over reacting to a forum post...the internets full of fakes sir, and I'm tired of them...

    Also I know many MMO vets that like VR content and say the same thing, its challenging like it should be...
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Skjlvald
    I'll give heavy armor a shot.

    Dunmer medium just completed the look I had for my character in my head.

    Guess ill have to give up on what I want my character to be, and change him to complete content.

    Thanks for the help :)
    Ulyn Andrano

    VR3 Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Ebonheart Pact
  • Animus0724
    Dyabolikal wrote: »
    I use a DK to play through vet level. V4 now at first I found it quite difficult, but I learnt from it. I see the value of stun and how to be selective about which targets I attack first. This is my first MMO and once I got an understanding of what was needed it wasn't as hard to adapt to it. For DK Petrify is a valuable skill to have when solo playing.

    I add 1 person to my group and the game becomes quite enjoyable, no where near as hard and if the other person has a a concept on how I play we can rip through the content quite easy. I understand that people like to play it solo, but I decided to play this game because I love TES games and always wanted to share the experience with just 1 more player at the same time.

    If you like TES but only want to play solo then go and play skyrim, oblivion, or morrowind there is plenty of solo content there but I wanted to play this game with others and once you play with others this game is exactly what I expected it to be. Once again this is my first MMO, I'm not a hard core player, and I am shocked by how people don't want to play with others in a multiplayer game, it makes no sense to me

    TLDR: Add one more player and experience the content without the pain.

    Sadly this has become a problem with many MMOs, people don't play solo rather they group up and grind away hours at a time doing the same thing over and over just to reach endgame and *** about being at endgame.

    They never really just play the game and why you never see them outside areas that have been designated the area for fast xp. That or PvP.

    In some cases its easier to run solo as some players may drag you down, or rush ahead leaving you behind as you try and absorb the story.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    EQBallzz wrote: »

    Why is that ridiculous to complain about? When 3 trash mobs are harder than elite dungeon bosses it's a valid complaint..especially when you have to wade through multiple packs of these to get anywhere (even outside of dungeons). It's tedious. Not impossible. Has nothing to do with "L2P". It can be done but it's tedious and unnecessarily difficult. Most people don't want every single trash fight to be a mighty battle to survive. It's just a tired way to slow progress and stretch out the content.

    I like how you add 2 more mobs into the argument and throw the "i win button" straw man in there. Who said anything like that? Nobody. It's groups of 3 we are talking about..not 5. Nobody is suggesting that but you because your point is invalid and needs exaggeration.

    Sorry my experience of trash mobs is nothing like you describe. I have no probs with trash mobs solo, dw/bow med NB. Actually to speed things up most tmes I just avoid mobs whenever I can.

    However the vet questing is wearing me down, hours of story line that I care little about now I have done my own faction and for what seems like minimal xp sometimes.

    Too long, too grindy, too questy, too much of the same, too little xp for the amount of time you put in, too little xp from cyro and vet dungeons, too little xp from repeating vet world bosses and dolmens, too much whining about trash mob difficulty.

    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on June 24, 2014 1:31PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • hamon
    Hilgara wrote: »
    hamon wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Dayv wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »

    Are there enough players who think like you to keep the lights on? Maybe.

    As i've said - I think Zenimax are explicitly aiming the game at people like you because they think so as well.

    Zeni can see the numbers. We can't. They no doubt had a target for retained subs. They can see who is playing and where they play. They can compare the pure numbers to the noise on the forum and distinguish between the hyperbole and the facts. I'm no programmer but considering some of the complicated stuff they are having to change I would have thought that tweaking the difficulty wouldn't be that much of a problem. After all following the craglorn patch there was a hotfix to rebalance difficulty after they admitted something went wrong.
    With all this in mind you can only conclude that the difficulty level we have now is intended.

    And before anyone yelps about the trash mobs having more health than the bosses. Show me numbers. This might have been the case directly following craglorn but I personally have never seen this in game.

    I'm not so sure that tweaking the difficulty is that easy for them. It's certainly a lot more involved than tweaking tooltips, and they've taken their sweet time about that. But there is more too it than just altering the coefficients on mob health/damage because pack size/density is part of scripted content and not the mechanics. This worked fine in 1-49 because your character is becoming stronger but the content that works while levelling doesn't necessarily work too well when you try to impose stringent control over power creep.

    this is true and the fall off in your characters starts compared to the mobs at vet level is ZENI's attemps to slow down the power creep. The progression stops being completely vertical and starts moving towards horizontal where different tactics rather then a bigger sword are required.

    i dont think you grasped the concept of what horizontal progression and power creep mean. you linked the very good animation from a few years back (extra credits) in another post but yet dont seem to have grasped the diffrence it points out.

    horizontal progress would mean you dont level up any more. as in no further hgher levels gating you from equipment , vet mode does have vertical levels.

    so power is creeping up and you are still levelling vertically , hence it is vertical progression or levelling content.
    now what it does do badly is that while your power creeps up as you level in vet also creep down vertically in your effective power versus what you are fighting. This is a horrific mistake. forcing more vertical levelling while making you feel less powerfull as you do it..

    if thats by design rather than a mistake it's a terrible design choice.

    If it was horizontal you would not level but would perhaps earn extra morphs to choose for existing skills etc.. which would not make you more powerfull (power creep) and invalidate older content and equipment. but would give you more options to your play style.

    again instead of giving you more flexibility as you progress it seems to do the opposite and force you into less and less play styles and builds., hence it becomes bathrobe and stick mode to be effective.

    I understand exactly what horizontal and vertical progression mean. Someone linked a graph on here that's showed the relative power of you in relation to the mobs. 1 to 50 is a linear progression where your power increases with the mobs. Vet 1 to 12 the mobs continue to increase in power at the same level but your progression slows. So although it might not be completely horizontal progression it is at least diagonal progression. The point is that you don't just repeat the same actions to continually beat the game till end content. Hitting a level 10 mob with a level 10 sword is more or less the same as hitting a level 50 mob with a level 50 sword but after that it wont work. The mobs sword carries on getting more powerful (vertical progression) where as your sword dramatically slows down (horizontal/diagonal progression) Remember these are the same mobs that another faction did 1 to 50 and level at the same rate both on power and group make up. Starter zones usually have single mobs maybe 2. Later zones have many groups mobs. So the zone difficulty is increasing vertically where you are not. at least no where near the same rate,

    character progression, both horizontal or vertical has absolutely nothing to do with how you go about killing stuff. nothing what-so-ever.

    vertical = you need x level to use this equipment/enter this dungeon and by going up in levels you out level content .

    horizontal= you progress your char in terms of available options. morphs or fluff but not gain in power or access gated content.

    where in that does it even come close to addressing how you go about killing stuff?

    but since your now adding your own definitions (diagonal progression) i would say this is still wrong i would say its more like vertical regression

    your character is still levelling vertically ( IE you need to hit the next vet lvl to equip next tier of equipment) but you regress in terms of how powerfull you are even with the new equipment against same level mobs.
    where you are still gaining power is PVP and thats what upsets folk as well. cos you are forced to do the levelling up to remain competative in pvp while feeling your character is regressing in pve terms.

    Edited by hamon on June 24, 2014 1:34PM
  • Maotti
    The fact that there's nothing about this in the patchnotes is alarming!
    PC EU
  • Animus0724
    dsalter wrote: »
    Animus0724 wrote: »

    Well dungeons are difficult, there supposed to be, thats the point of doing them, for the challenge.

    Mobs are pretty easy to handle and I play a single-target NB, simply kill the highest priority target, healers > casters > summoners > attackers > tank, or how ever you would prioritize them...hell I can solo some world bosses ffs, not all of them, but a few of them yes.

    Time consuming? Yea just like lvls 1-50

    Trash mobs to many? Yes they are but oh well, better get hacking and slashing.

    On a serious note, Vet content isn't easy, but it isn't exactly Legendary mode like most people here are describing it. Maybe try refining your builds? Pay attention to the game and learn how to play it like a pro?

    Certain mobs have different tactics to effectively deal with them. They're not hard to figure out, especially if you already reached Vet lvls.

    personally i prefer they up the HP alittle and lowered enemy armor+spell spenetration by about 1/4 so armor makes a difference

    that might make it a bit more grindy but I can see the point you're making

    personally I rather fight something that can be dropped as fast as they can drop me, something that hits hard but also falls hard, more exciting, less grindy and still a good fight in the end.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • Animus0724
    Skjlvald wrote: »
    I'll give heavy armor a shot.

    Dunmer medium just completed the look I had for my character in my head.

    Guess ill have to give up on what I want my character to be, and change him to complete content.

    Thanks for the help :)

    Sadly yes for now, you have to conform a bit to get through content, but in the end its worth it... good luck and just keep pushing
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • phairdon
    Animus0724 wrote: »
    Dyabolikal wrote: »
    I use a DK to play through vet level. V4 now at first I found it quite difficult, but I learnt from it. I see the value of stun and how to be selective about which targets I attack first. This is my first MMO and once I got an understanding of what was needed it wasn't as hard to adapt to it. For DK Petrify is a valuable skill to have when solo playing.

    I add 1 person to my group and the game becomes quite enjoyable, no where near as hard and if the other person has a a concept on how I play we can rip through the content quite easy. I understand that people like to play it solo, but I decided to play this game because I love TES games and always wanted to share the experience with just 1 more player at the same time.

    If you like TES but only want to play solo then go and play skyrim, oblivion, or morrowind there is plenty of solo content there but I wanted to play this game with others and once you play with others this game is exactly what I expected it to be. Once again this is my first MMO, I'm not a hard core player, and I am shocked by how people don't want to play with others in a multiplayer game, it makes no sense to me

    TLDR: Add one more player and experience the content without the pain.

    Sadly this has become a problem with many MMOs, people don't play solo rather they group up and grind away hours at a time doing the same thing over and over just to reach endgame and *** about being at endgame.

    They never really just play the game and why you never see them outside areas that have been designated the area for fast xp. That or PvP.

    In some cases its easier to run solo as some players may drag you down, or rush ahead leaving you behind as you try and absorb the story.

    I have played most of this game solo. Only grouping up for world bosses, dungeons, dolmens & a few tough quests.
    It is easier to run solo for the reasons you stated (agreed).
    This game is designed so you have a choice. Play solo or group.
    My other mmo was exactly the same. GW2; you can solo most content or choose to run with a group/guild.
    Another reason why solo play can feature is because so many players rush through their leveling, leaving zones fairly empty - although this game is not so bad for it (veteran zones might be the exception).
    Edited by phairdon on June 24, 2014 1:40PM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    If 'dying your way to success' is a major tactic that just confirms what people are saying - there's something massively wrong. No matter how much it offends you an proportion of players expect trash mobs to be trash mobs. They expect to have to play reasonably well to beat them and no more. They are trash.

    For these people it simply is not fun to go from hard fight to hard fight (dying a lot in the process) just to get to the actual meat of the quest. They find that boring.

    You cannot argue that it isn't boring to them or that they are somehow 'bad' players. These people have come to enjoy playing in the Elder Scrolls world and if that world is reduced to a dull slog through fight after fight they will take their money elsewhere.

    Are there enough players who think like you to keep the lights on? Maybe.

    As i've said - I think Zenimax are explicitly aiming the game at people like you because they think so as well.

    I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with this. If we never died from trash it would become completely mundane content.

    This happened in LOTRO, there is simply no challenge in open world in that game now and it is dreadful. So many people left because of this.

    Are you seriously saying that you would prefer to faceroll content rather than ever die? If that is the case why even have trash mobs? As players we should expect a challenge from pulling 3 mobs. If you are having problems with one mob pulls then I would suggest you need to go back to the drawing board and not come whining here on the forums.

    If one was repeatedly to die I would agree with you but that simply is not the case in ESO vet content. You make out like this is uber challenging stuff when it evidently isnt.

    Please dont ask for this game to be ruined I and many others have been through that with LOTRO.

    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on June 24, 2014 1:37PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Magdalina
    L2P? Working as intended? People like it? What on Tamriel are you talking about?! I'm in vet 8 EP zone now(NA server), and I swear there's 10 people in entire zone at the very highest. Normally it's like 0. I can call for help at bosses for hours before someone answers. I have the whole zone chat ALL to myself, with not seeing a word from another there for hours. You think THAT is working as intended?

    I don't want EVERY encounter to be the challenge. I don't want to get wiped just because I didn't notice those 2 thunderbugs camping a piece of wood. I don't want to carefully sneak to that one flower, checking the place for enemies so I actually survive long enough to pick it. Challenge? Good. Put it in dungeons. Put it in public dungeons(I have an odd suspicion publics actually have non buffed trash in. Because yesterday me and another person could duo through hoards of them rather easily there, like 20 per pull. But out in the wilderness? Uh huh), in caves, if nowhere else(which bosses are pushovers atm. Hit less then trash). At anchors(buffed anchors are FUN!). Put it in Craglorn, because Crag is supposed to be for groups - yet I can easier solo a pack of 6-7 trash in Crag than a pack of 3 in Greenshade. Do NOT put this challenge at every corner of the world I actually want to casually explore. This is not fun any more.

    And I'm still staying, yes, because I'm stubborn and still interested in questing. But a lot of it just isn't fun any more.
    Edited by Magdalina on June 24, 2014 1:46PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Altan wrote: »

    Simply, for me, clever game design will have both difficult group and solo challenges along with some more regularly placed quests/fights. It's worked in other games, so why not here?

    Because I feel they want the higher difficulty to be one of the selling points. In the old, good LOTRO what I enjoyed about having a well build hunter I really knew how to play was being able to do extraordinary things with it. Solo group content on higher levels and all that epeen stuff. That was fun.

    Long, hard raids - those were also fun..
    They also appealed to a very small minority which is why Turbine haven't implemented any since SOA and even broke down Helegrod into smaller sections and re-used The Rift for a Skirmish.

    The original Helegrod was the only 24-man raid they ever did and no raid starting at MOM ever lasted more than maybe an hour or so, unlike Helgrod that could take 3 or 4 hours on-level.

    That is Turbines story. It could also be down to the fact they they and WB are investing very little into the game now and capitalising on the casual experience motivated Tolkien fans. The server population in LOTRO now has shrunk considerably since they stopped producing raids. They are still making a profit but they have seriously rolled back the game in terms of population and content.

    for info the RIft has never been re-used as a skirmish, just a tiny part of the map and the mobs are completely different. The RIFT raid remains as it was for lvl 50.

    And I disagree with the raiding minority thing all of the big guilds on eldar left because they stopped raids. mine included.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • schroed360
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Hilgara wrote: »
    Difficult is ok because content is .

    No its not. The stuff that was solo content first time round is still solo content in vet levels.

    Well that is clearly not true for everyone now is it. Even you L2P types are spouting on about VR being group content.
    This wans't a comment on difficulty. It was a comment on design. Solo content (whether easy or hard) remains solo content through the vet levels by design. There's nothing to stop you grouping of course but it wasn't designed that way.

    Sorry but this is the second time I read this and it is wrong . You need to look for old inteview on veteran level. I was clearly stated that the vet zone quests were "design" for small group(2) but will be soloable. Don't want to look for the link but I'm sure of it. So in my opinion the only legitimate complain would be: giveu us "an invite to my phase tool " in order to really be able to quest with other.
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