It should be balance, right? Bolt escape has a travel distance of 15 meters.
DK's chain reaches 22 meters and cost the same as bolt escape, a sorc need two BE to get out of range fast, and two BE in a roll now cost (base)1000 magicka and 700 with ALL the cost reductions.
NB's teleport strike also reaches 22 meters, cost about the same as bolt escape, a sorc need two BE to get out the range, and two BE in a roll now cost (base) 1000 magicka and 700 with ALL the cost reductions.
Edit, as suggested:
Templar's Focused Charge and it's morphs also reaches 22 meters, cost even less than bolt escape, a sorc need two BE to get out the range, and two BE in a roll now cost (base) 1000 magicka and 700 with ALL the cost reductions.
Silver Leash (morph of Silver Bolt of Fighters Guild) reaches 28 meters!, doesn't even cost magicka, a sorc definitely need two BE to get out the range, and two BE in a roll now cost (base) 1000 magicka and 700 with ALL the cost reductions.
Either these need out right higher cost (to 1000 base magicka or stamina, just as two BE in a roll would cost a sorc), or their ranges need to be shortened to 10 meters.
Victor.Galis_ESO wrote: »I still want BE nerfed. That sorc that was spamming it 10 times in a row is now going to just do it 7 times instead... oh noes!! How is he ever going to survive a mere 7 BE ranges away?!
ThreeEyedCrow wrote: »Since Crystal Shards has a range of 28 , not sure why you are even in gap closer range to begin with.
Seems only fair ZOS. If we can't spam gap opener then why should we be forced to fight those who can spam gap closers.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »Because with a gap closer you can't outpace horses or escape from inevitable zerg of doom like you could with BE, the gap closers have only one advantage - to get into melee range quicker. They don't make you untouchable or give you the ability to get out of another players attack range at will.
The only reason the OP made this thread is because he's sad his "no skill" button got the nerf bat, not that he actually cares about this thing called balance...
davidhorstub17_ESO wrote: »block! gratz you cant be leashed/chained and cant be stunned by any gap closer. you know what cant be blocked though? the streak cc, so youre right we should prob nerf streak some more since it has no counterplay. be careful what you wish for when you have no clue what youre talking about.
stungateb14_ESO wrote: »Could of sworn that your target gets dropped once sorc cast BE/Streak am I wrong?
Seems only fair ZOS. If we can't spam gap opener then why should we be forced to fight those who can spam gap closers.
Why not give them the same nerf ... +70% and no magicka and/or stamina regen for 4 seconds?
You do realize teleport strike stuns right?
and DK has a cheap Obsidian Shard which stuns for 3 sec no questions asked, at a range of 15m, right?
you all do know your own class, do you?
it still needs a general direction, you sure don't want to BE into an enemy's open arm.plamillusionub17_ESO wrote: »Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't gap closers require a target, and BE does not?
Perhaps they could revert the changes and make BE function similar to how storm atronach does (ground target reticle), giving it a skill element and not just a spammable "get out of jail free" card. /shrug
bull crap, manipulating distance isn't part of fighting? where did you goto military school? east point?infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »
ok i,m up for them making our second gap closer within 4 seconds cost 1000 magika.... except we only need to close the gap once not spam it to flee from battle
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Well , do remember then , if they make these change to the gap closer they must NOT require a target anymore also , just like BE.
Victor.Galis_ESO wrote: »I still want BE nerfed. That sorc that was spamming it 10 times in a row is now going to just do it 7 times instead... oh noes!! How is he ever going to survive a mere 7 BE ranges away?!