raidentenshu_ESO wrote: »That is indeed true and for that reason alone I am not complaining about the micro-transactions that this game has. All that I'm complaining about is the lack of fairness. The fact that it cost you 1,000 crowns for 1 appearance change doesn't seem fair to me. Why does it cost that much crowns just to change my appearance? What if I wanted to change something minor to my character... like changing the color of my characters eyes.... it's going to cost me 1,000 crowns to do that? Or change my facial hair. 1,000 crowns just to do that seems tad bit expensive.
Here's what should happen, they should give each character a 1 time chance to change their appearance then charge for every extra change after that. I think this would be fair to both ZOS and us, especially since the character creation doesn't translate properly into what we see in game.
twistedmonk wrote: »The only way I can protest is never buy anything from their crown store.
That other MMO charges real money for name change, appearance change, and race change. And just to add a little more perspective, they also charge $50 for DLC, even for subscribers. ESO does not.
I'm a little perplexed by this 'everything should be free' mentality these days. And before you say 'in game gold', that's also essentialy free.
Just my 2c
vamp_emily wrote: »WhitePawPrints wrote: »My comment is as follows: "I WANT ZOS TO WORK AND SPEND RESOURCES (aka money) TO GIVE US SOMETHING FOR FREE (i.e. without us spending money)! HURR-DURR!"
You said people misinterpreted your words, you don't want it for "free", you want it to cost gold. 'Cause you know, ZOS employees can pay bills and stuff with an in-game currency.
I suppose that when you work you don't want a wage, right?
ZOS please charge this guy a convenience fee of $2.00 each time he hops on his mount. So you guys can put food on the table.
vamp_emily wrote: »jedtb16_ESO wrote: »vamp_emily wrote: »jedtb16_ESO wrote: »vamp_emily wrote: »Natetendo83 wrote: »Anybody who knows anything about business and economics knows that the only way for a game like this to stay profitable is to either mandate a monthly fee or monetize things like cosmetics. It's either you pay if you want to change your character or you pay a monthly fee. Pick one.
I'm guessing you don't know anything about business?
Maybe you should step out of the "MMO" sector and look at how some companies make money. You don't have to rip people off or rob them to stay profitable.
but no-one is being ripped off or robbed. the prices aren't hidden and you aren't being forced to buy anything.
and zos.... we are with you
You still don't get it. I'm assuming you never will.
getting it and agreeing with it are two very different things...
Well i don't know how everyone else feels but the people that bought crowns last week or even just a few days ago but i feel they got ripped because the crowns are on sale now. I know u can boost your ego and say "well they seen the price" .. bla bla bla.
Have a good life.
So if you go to the grocery store and purchase a bag of chips for $1.99 and a week later they go on sale for $99, you feel ripped off too?
That doesn't make a lot of sense you know. It's not like the put them on sale this week just so that you would be upset.
That other MMO charges real money for name change, appearance change, and race change. And just to add a little more perspective, they also charge $50 for DLC, even for subscribers. ESO does not.
I'm a little perplexed by this 'everything should be free' mentality these days. And before you say 'in game gold', that's also essentialy free.
Just my 2c
New generation MMO player expects everything free.
That other MMO charges real money for name change, appearance change, and race change. And just to add a little more perspective, they also charge $50 for DLC, even for subscribers. ESO does not.
I'm a little perplexed by this 'everything should be free' mentality these days. And before you say 'in game gold', that's also essentialy free.
Just my 2c
That other MMO charges real money for name change, appearance change, and race change. And just to add a little more perspective, they also charge $50 for DLC, even for subscribers. ESO does not.
I'm a little perplexed by this 'everything should be free' mentality these days. And before you say 'in game gold', that's also essentialy free.
Just my 2c
New generation MMO player expects everything free.
raidentenshu_ESO wrote: »Come on, Zos! Charging us real life money to change our appearance? To charge us real life money for changing our hairstyles because were getting bored with the current style that our avatars has already? To charge us to purchase dyes? To even go as far as to charge us real life money to change our in-game names?!?!?!??!?! Wow just WOW! How low can your company go??!??!! This is coming from someone who is subscribed to ESO Plus so I'm not just asking for a free handout because I'm financially supporting you already. This does not encourage me to further financially support your company when you do stuffs like this because it's a sign of greed. Even Rockstar wouldn't go this far below in their current golden game (GTA V/Online).
Instead of charging us real life money for these why not allow us to use our gold to get a hair cut or to change our appearance? Heck back in Skyrim each time we want to change our appearance (non vampire) all we had to do is go to Riften in the The Ragged Flagon, and speak with the woman Altmer (Galathil), and give her 1000 gold each time we want to change our appearance. Why not do the same in this game? Each time we want to change our appearance we need to speak with a NPC, and give him/her 1,000 gold for each appearance change? Why must you charge us real life money for it?
raidentenshu_ESO wrote: »Daemons_Bane wrote: »So you want to use your ingame gold, aka get it freely.. What did you seriously expectthe company has to make a living, so we have the crownstore.. the new cosmetics are not an advantage or neccessity in any way, so of course you must pay for it.. The prices may be a little high, but wanting them for free is the rant of a spoiled mind
If they get too greedy, like now, people stop subscribing, because it does not feel right to give these people more money. They don't deserve it, because they try to "rob us blind". Do you make trades with people you don't trust any longer to have your best interests in mind and give you a fair win-win situation?
That is the real problem here. It's the amount they charge, not the fact that they want money for it. I can live with that, it's business.
But the name change, as example is in my personal opinion 20 to 25 times overpriced. At least my feeling about value says that to me. And that I can not accept.
If they would have sold packs with 8-12 tokens for the same price, I am certain they would have made a whole lot more sales in total - simply because pretty much everyone who buys something from the crown store at all, has minor flaws discovered on their characters (basically on all of them, if they are critical enough) and so it could be expected that all of those, who are interested in character apperance at all and buy from the crown store would have bought such a pack. And if pretty much all do that, it is much more revenue than if just a few do it and have to decide this for any of their characters again - it is by far easier to decide this for all of your characters, because at least one will have a flaw to be fixed if not several.
This would have been a clever marketing move - to sell this for the same price but as a pack of 8-12 tokens, and not just 1.
You know I would of been a lot more happier with just 8 tokens instead of 12. I would of proudly purchase the appearance change for 2,000 crowns for the total amount of 12 tokens in all.
I have to disagree with the OP. Having dropped the subscription, charging money for appearance changes is perfectly reasonable and that's something which many other games, eg. GW2, do.
That said, ESO's currently advertised prices for some of these services is somewhere in the crazypants region. Just for comparison, GW2 charges about $10 to change a character name, compared to $25 for ESO. Appearance change in GW2 is about $4 to $5 compared to ESO's $10.
On the flipside it looks like ESO lets you change your hairstyle, adornments and markings any time you like for free, if you own the style? That's relatively generous compared to other games and something I'd appreciate and make good use of.
So for my personal situation - being happy with my characters' appearance because I spent literally months creating and deleting characters (curse your BLEEPing once-a-day delete limit) to get something which looked good not just in the creator but out in the world - I'm very satisfied with the style parlor.
I'll be updating my client and taking a good look at it tomorrow.
The guy to whom he answered that was extremly rude for not much reason though. It's dangerous to take things out of context!
I guess we should be happy with the base game hair pack that costs just 1000 crowns that can be worn as wigs without needing to use the token...
And to people who are annoyed with these kind of threads - please have some compassion and perspective. We're not all millionaires, and for some it's really expensive. A race/name/appearance change would cost me 2 hours of real life work, and even though this price makes sense within MMO setting and ESO's general pricing, I will think twice before dropping money on it.
That's all - it's less affordable that we hoped it would be. Most people were ready to pay, there's no entitlement here, we just didn't expect it to be this much.
There's so many rude answers here that go into a different extreme...
It is not even a matter of affordable or not - it is more a matter of principle - do I want to support greed or don't I - and this is a question which comes up regardless of affordability - at least to a moral person IMO.
This said, I have changed my mind when it comes to the price of name change - I think it is very high, but then it came to mind, what if it would be cheap and people would use it to troll and grief other players with it, lots of reports would get to ZOS and GMs would have to deal with these issues. This would no longer just be a case of a database change of a name, it would actually involve action of staff, and this is far more expensive than just a database change - and so I somewhat understand the high price for name change.
And what if they also implement a cooldown of about 30 days after last change for that specific toon? I believe the price (and the situation you describe) can go down if they were to implement that functionality too.
If we're going to compare games - Guild Wars 2 also has free content updates, offers an (admittedly RNG-based) chance to get appearance change in Tyria and allows you to convert in-game currency to Gems.
We can endlessly compare games: WoW charges for all these things and a subfee, EQ2, LOTRO and STO are F2P yet offer appearance change for in-game gold.
It does not get us very far.
Many games however use a cash shop to complement their income because they lack a box price, or because they don't ask money for content updates, or because they don't have a subfee. ESO however has all of those, albeit the subfee is not imposed on anyone.
twistedmonk wrote: »The only way I can protest is never buy anything from their crown store.
Since there isn't anything to buy anyway (except the DLCs), that shouldn't be too hard.
If we're going to compare games - Guild Wars 2 also has free content updates, offers an (admittedly RNG-based) chance to get appearance change in Tyria and allows you to convert in-game currency to Gems.
True on all counts.We can endlessly compare games: WoW charges for all these things and a subfee, EQ2, LOTRO and STO are F2P yet offer appearance change for in-game gold.
It does not get us very far.
It's the only reasonable standard by which to judge. It's called free market economics. Consumers look at what's available from different vendors and at what prices and choose how to spend their money accordingly.
If I see services/items in this game which cost more than double what they do in others, I'm going to regard them as overpriced.
Likewise, if I see ESO offering things for free which some other games charge for, like hairstyle changes which I mentioned (though you have to buy the styles), I'm going to see that as generous.Many games however use a cash shop to complement their income because they lack a box price, or because they don't ask money for content updates, or because they don't have a subfee. ESO however has all of those, albeit the subfee is not imposed on anyone.
Yes ESO has an optional subscription but it being optional makes ESO effectively B2P, which GW2 also was until relatively recently. That makes it a good game for comparison in my books.
As far as subscribers go, a single month subscription will earn you 1500 crowns. Buying the regular hairstyle pack only costs 1000 crowns. So subscribe for one month and you've got enough for all the regular hairstyles plus a few of the fancier ones, should you want them.
That said, I really am not a huge fan of cash shops. Especially not in games with a subscription. But putting aside the really expensive and hopefully rarely needed race, name and full appearance change options, the parlor seems relatively generous to me - to both those who do and don't subscribe.
.That's why I try to look at the overall picture: game quality, cash shop pricing and overall business model
Of course all these things are optional, and charging for continued development is fine, but the Crown Store is not very cheap either. It rubs me the wrong way, and has me worried about how many more categories the Crown Store will have 6 months from now.
I miss the old days of MMOs where all these things and player housing were standard with a subscription model. Cash shops are just garbage as my thread from 2 years ago said.
You may have had to pay a subscription to play but you could earn all items through playing the game. When an expansion comes you may have to buy that expansion to enjoy its content. But at least thats it, you pay your way and you dont feel like theres a carrot on the stick constantly encouraging you to spend even more money.
Id rather pay for a subscription and the dlc albeit at a higher cost and receive Full game content.
I also find it hard to overly invest in vanity/cosmetic items for a game thats suffering from so many issues that have failed to be resolved. I need confidence that theres some longevity to those items.
WhitePawPrints wrote: »vamp_emily wrote: »WhitePawPrints wrote: »My comment is as follows: "I WANT ZOS TO WORK AND SPEND RESOURCES (aka money) TO GIVE US SOMETHING FOR FREE (i.e. without us spending money)! HURR-DURR!"
You said people misinterpreted your words, you don't want it for "free", you want it to cost gold. 'Cause you know, ZOS employees can pay bills and stuff with an in-game currency.
I suppose that when you work you don't want a wage, right?
ZOS please charge this guy a convenience fee of $2.00 each time he hops on his mount. So you guys can put food on the table.
Where did you pull that quote from?
With the benefit of doubt, I would presume that you intended to quote another person on this thread; however I was unable to find any post that matched your quote. Thus I believe that you have violated the code of conduct of the forums be "quoting" another user and changing the content of that quote with the intent of hostility.
If you really did mean to (mis)quote me, then you have seriously misunderstood the content of my posts.
I suppose that when you work you don't want a wage, right?
The guy to whom he answered that was extremly rude for not much reason though. It's dangerous to take things out of context!
He was not extremely rude, he asked about the console issues in a topic that was casually about Rich and how he plays the game. It was off-topic, sure, and it was a complaint, yes.
But then again, reading all of the issues console users have had since Dark Brotherhood and not receiving any developer comment on the issues, but to see a developer comment like 20 times in a casual thread - I can understand the frustration.