Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

"Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

  • Porska
    Change your DNS to something other than

    Google is your friend.

    Been locked out since Friday, changed DNS been playing for over 2 hours no issues yet.
  • bleach516
    Soul Shriven
    IbarraDoug wrote: »
    Does your error code read something along the lines of, "Unable to connect to game server. Please make sure you have a valid internet connection."

    I've been having it since day 1 and it's extremely frustrating. It seems to be completely random. I've had playing times from 2 minutes to 2 hours.

    I know for a fact it's not my internet (unless Comcast Xfinity isn't valid enough for you). Elder Scrolls Online is the only game I've had an issue with playing online. If it was my internet than I wouldn't be able to play for 2 hours sometimes.

    I've tried switching between ethernet and WiFi and neither change a thing.

    I've sent in a few tickets to tech support and I just get back an automated reply (which is ridiculous considering they state clearly on their support page that it wouldn't be an automated reply).

    This disappoints me because it's a great game and I just want to be able to play it.

    I just want to know that someone at ZOS is at least looking into this issue.

    It's just extremely frustrating to feel like I'm the only one experiencing this problem with no response from ZOS that it's even been acknowledged.

    "If this forum has a moderator please pass this on to your people who operate this game and tell them that their game is broke"
  • bleach516
    Soul Shriven
    Yaden101 wrote: »
    IbarraDoug wrote: »
    My patch is still downloading. Good grief this is a huge file.

    Did playing after the patch fix anything for you guys?

    I played after the patch and I still got the error. I thought that by switching to EU servers, it would fix the problem but I got the message eventually while playing. I did, however, get more play time on the EU server of about 40 minutes compared to when I play on the NA server which is about 10 minutes. Has switching to the opposite server cause any of you guys to have more play time before it kicks you out?
    Yaden101 wrote: »
    IbarraDoug wrote: »
    My patch is still downloading. Good grief this is a huge file.

    Did playing after the patch fix anything for you guys?

    I played after the patch and I still got the error. I thought that by switching to EU servers, it would fix the problem but I got the message eventually while playing. I did, however, get more play time on the EU server of about 40 minutes compared to when I play on the NA server which is about 10 minutes. Has switching to the opposite server cause any of you guys to have more play time before it kicks you out?

    I can only play on euro server nobody speaks English Dammit
  • getmesome2
    Porska wrote: »
    Change your DNS to something other than

    Google is your friend.

    Been locked out since Friday, changed DNS been playing for over 2 hours no issues yet.

    this does not work, changed it to 2 dif ones, everything BUT ESO works
    Conquered Dreams - Aldmeri Dominion - PS4 - PVE/PVP/Trade Guild
    Conquered Dreams Forum
    VR 14 Sorcerer PVP build/DPS/Healer/Tank - 275 skill points - 50/50 in all crafts Campaign - Azura's Star
  • Scar114
    Soul Shriven
    Porska wrote: »
    Change your DNS to something other than

    Google is your friend.

    Been locked out since Friday, changed DNS been playing for over 2 hours no issues yet.

    Anyone that has had their DNS at zero's recommending "something other" is not someone to take advice from. Everyone can have a different Primary and Secondary DNS based on location and ISP. Google is your friend, yet most fail to use it to its potential and just troll attempting to be informed. You should be running a program from Google called "namebench" to find your proper personal primary/secondary.
    Edited by Scar114 on 9 August 2015 21:26
  • cvanover83
    Soul Shriven
    I hope someone loses their job over this.
  • Young_Archiebold
    FYI ZOS, elder scrolls online is a mediocre game, and even tho I like it, it wouldn't be a problem to play other games which have better service, you should start caring about your clients cuz *** service like this will cripple a company... I (and several others) will not be re-subscribing for eso+ (main reason I'm pissed) next step is ditching the game in general, its pretty bad we have to wait till your staff returns from the beach to even hear anything about this issue.
  • Basada
    Soul Shriven
    Hello there,

    We are very aware that some of you are still experiencing issues logging into the console Megaservers.
    Please visit this thread for requested info and any updates.

    We understand this is very frustrating, and appreciate your understanding and patience while we continue to dig into this issue.

    This is the same thing as asking how many people does it take to turn a light bulb. Seriously how many people giving you the same G-damn information does it take before you decide to call people in on the weekend or take resources off of watching your precious PTS server to get this fixed. You are basically telling us to go F-off until the (11th for xbox and 12th!! For ps4) before you even attempt a reset?!? Yeah time to support a different developer.
  • seraphis11
    Soul Shriven
    methinks rollback inc
    or the engineers just get the weekends off

    either way this is gonna be fun to watch
  • RogerMasseyb14_ESO
    seraphis11 wrote: »
    methinks rollback inc
    or the engineers just get the weekends off

    either way this is gonna be fun to watch

    I like popcorn!
  • Thevgamedude
    Soul Shriven
    seraphis11 wrote: »
    methinks rollback inc
    or the engineers just get the weekends off

    either way this is gonna be fun to watch

    Nah can't really rollback...considering some people have been able to play off and on, and may have gotten something like camp / werewolf bites ect.
  • devln87
    Soul Shriven
    ok i been locked out for 3 days now i been i have done everything you guys have put on here and nothing works i can log into the uk severs just fine i just want to know whats going on and not a run a round that oh we are looking into it you guys have had 3 full days to find the problem i think we all have waited long
  • Glamournutz
    Whats funny is, I have 2 PS4's, both of which I have paid for the game on for my wife and I to play at the same time... One of the PS4's will load my character with no problem (both have the same DNS setup, and router is port forwarded) the other PS4 will not. THEN i log into the assumed "bad" PS4 and again, I can load in no issues... my wifes account however will not... WTF? lol It doesnt make sense... at all...
  • trezomnar
    More communication would be great.
  • Glamournutz
    I have gotten around 4 personalized(ish) emails from the "support team" today asking about character names, and specific issues... however... my other account is still at a loading issue where is loads into Rift, then tries Eastmarch, then returns to login screen.
  • Glamournutz
    Oh and yes, I changed the DNS Server layout for both of my PS4's... with no joy on one account... but worked great on the other... soooooo yea...
  • Brightxdawn
    I have recently read reviews about this company online and apparently the employees get paid *** wages and are treated poorly. I wonder if this has something to do with the game being buggy and crashing all the time.
  • Willard
    Have not been able to log on to the PS4 most of the weekend. And when I was able to log on the game was unplayable!
  • BoozeKashi
    I haven't been able to play for 3 days now. It's a bummer i just got eso plus and i can't even play.

    Me too. Now seriously regretting that decision.
  • BoozeKashi
    trezomnar wrote: »

    You get further than me. I select the server and then it'll cycle. The longest I have let it go before either quitting or it giving me an error is 20 mins.

    I've let it go for 3+ hours and nothing happens.
  • lolzbuckets
    So here's the trick I've found. I hit X, select the server, and then wait no more than 30-60 seconds before smashing circle until it takes me back to the main menu.

    Maybe one time in five or ten, this gets me to the character selection screen, and once I'm there, it lets me log on about four times in five.

    Issue is, I'm VR11 in the Aldmeri Dominion, and I'm trapped in Auridon. Every time I try to fast travel to anything except an instance, it kicks me off. I spent about two hours trying to teleport to Riften in various ways. Wayshrines kicked me. Paying for teleportation kicked me (and kept my gold -.-). I managed to teleport to The Blessed Crucible once, but when I tried to exit the dungeon, it kicked me. That one was interesting - I logged back on inside the Crucible, tried the door again, and it kicked me again, and when I logged on *that* time, sure I was now trapped in a dungeon I couldn't finish... I was back in Auridon. o.O

    Anyway. So I'm stuck in my starter zone. Only thing for me to do is...try to find some *** flour so I can make some...delicious, delicious bratwurst. -.-

  • Alex_
    Can anyone tell me if there is a solution already?

    Tried playing saturday again since a few weeks, and again same problems....

    Was hoping they finally fixed this ***, but still getting kicked oud. Most of the times it happens when i stand still for a minute.
  • BoozeKashi
    Nope. No solution, no news. Going on 72 hours.
  • Dancheek
    Haven't been able to go to craglorn to hand in dailies or wayrest to pick up new pledges since Friday... this is really ridiculous
  • Vashta_Nera42
    Soul Shriven
    Guys, I'm all for being patient and waiting for appropriate fixes and all- but this is just too much. And I say that as a long-time subscriber, who never voices complaints. Please verify that you're at least incorporating a fix into Tuesday's maintenance. We all know it's not on our end. That's been established, so stop throwing up smoke screens by telling us to do things on our end. If it's going to take any longer to fix, I think you owe it to us to be honest about that.
  • Pallmor
    Europe server alway work what wrong with na????/

    I'm betting it was some sort of DDoS attack on the NA server. I doubt it was a software issue (otherwise it would have effected the EU server too).
  • Skoamroth
    Soul Shriven
    Pallmor wrote: »
    Europe server alway work what wrong with na????/

    I'm betting it was some sort of DDoS attack on the NA server. I doubt it was a software issue (otherwise it would have effected the EU server too).

    If ZOS had evidence to blame all this on DDoS attacks then they would have done so already. DDoS is a pretty easy thing to prove.
  • Sithgear75
    Seems like they have the worst IT/network/tech support/customer relations team in an MMO the scope that ESO is. Way to go Bethesda partnering with ZeniMax...
    It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
  • Reeko
    Dancheek wrote: »
    Haven't been able to go to craglorn to hand in dailies or wayrest to pick up new pledges since Friday... this is really ridiculous

    Same. I'm stuck in Grahtwood with a full quest log of quests i cannot finish either! My options of things to do in this game are dwindling.
  • Jumper45
    Guys. Watch the news feed. You guys are bypassing it coming right into here without even looking. Everyone keeps yelling "Tell us something!" and they did or at the very least you know they are working on it. Its right there every time you log into the forums! Pull the cavalry back. That being said. If you can still log in but cant zone they did say teleporting to a friend is a small fix to get your character to another zone. Even doing dungeons you just have to wait for a group member to teleport first then you can teleport to them. It is by no means a fix but at the very least you can do everything you need to do. Albeit handicapped. Honestly count yourselves lucky you can log into your character and do stuff. Some of us cant even log them in lol. But yes anything that requires a loading screen will bump you. ( Some Delves and some quests that requires you to zone into a building etc. ) They are working on it before the maintenance but I wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt fixed all the way till then. Teleporting to friends does work ( allowed me to go to a dungeon with my alt.) ANY zoning will bump you. This appears to be account wide. Being able to log into only a few characters is character based ( I am only able to log into 4/7 characters)

    So if youre able to log into your mains and not a level 3 alts. Count your lucky stars man. Atleast you can play with work arounds. The rest of us get to sit here and twiddle our thumbs, play a different game or blow out the back of our brains leveling an alt in the same quests we already did.

    That being said it was poorly handled yes. But they have dev tracker. Which if you dont know will let you view their posts with ease. Doing so would have told you about the work arounds and you could have been playing this entire time. Sucks but I feel if you can log into your main youre wasting your time here because you could be playing still while the rest of us keep peeking in to see if we can even log into our NA character between blowing heads off in planet side 2.

    “All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager!
    Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!” (Portal 2)

    17 Years MMORPG Experience healing and I still havn't figured out why people stand in red circles.
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