ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Psychobunni
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JasonLeavey @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Is there any chance of ESO ever recognizing the player and mobs that a player out levels by a certain amount (5-10) on normal zone maps....not attack outleveled players unless the player instigates the fight?

    Other MMO's have this and it would provide players more/better opportunity to simply explore, not to mention it will give RP'ers more places to go that aren't necessarily considered breaking into now that the Justice System is in place.
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Schwierdo
    Soul Shriven
    Ok I'm pretty sure this has been addressed but as i am lazy and just skipped to the end of this thread and didn't want to read every submission...I am just curious when will more of Tamriel be open for exploration? I understand that creating the maps for these places will take a long time i was just hoping for a rough time frame for them,like let's say like Elswyre or Vvarendfel?(And for those of you who have been able to play the full year and got all the news, don't start the whole let's mess with this newb. Every PC that i downloaded the game to has fried from various hardware problems or such other unfortunate events. So i have been out of the loop i had an account since launch but was never able to play do to the a fore mentioned problems or able to check news on the game. Also how does one get to particepate in the Player Test Servers I would like to help make the game better for all to enjoy as well by offering feed back on some of the new content that is possible due to come out
  • MercyKilling
    A few questions for the next "Ask Us Anything" part of the broadcast...(answer as many as you like, or just pick one! )

    1) When are we actually going to be able to USE these achievement points we've been accumulating all this time, and what on? (Hint: I suggest dyes. Let us purchase dyes with achievement points.)
    2) Player housing, in the works? Estimated time frame? (Key word, ESTIMATED)
    3) Cosmetic modding, will it ever be a thing, or is that just a pipe dream?
    4) Okay, no auction house. Ever. (But we all know that it was said this would be a sub only game, and THAT changed, so there's still hope! ) How about removing the guild membership requirement in order to sell at kiosks?
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • randolphbenoit
    Can we unlock 'Emperor’s Regalia' costume (for Outside Cyrodiil - All Players) when we reach 10,000 Achievement points and maybe add to Crowns Store?

    Better yet than costume make it a crafting Motif!
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
    On the ESO home website it shows the classes, a short description of them, and a screenshot of what appeared to be the PvP concept art armor from quakecon in game. Is this the same armor we saw from quakecon for PvP players? If so when can we expect to see it live in game?
  • csliwinski
    Soul Shriven
    why cant i add friends...? im trying to do it and it says account not found.....

    i pressed O for the social panel then pressed E to add the friend by his user id and then again by his character name and it wont do it.....

    i even had him standing in front of me and still couldnt add him
  • Neizir
    Many people have been asking about the Console UI on PC, but will the PC UI be available on consoles for those who will be using Mouse and Keyboard?
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • Enodoc
    Neizir wrote: »
    Many people have been asking about the Console UI on PC, but will the PC UI be available on consoles for those who will be using Mouse and Keyboard?
    I don't think mouse and keyboard will be possible on console. Pretty sure keyboard has only been mentioned in relation to chat.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Shogunami
    Two questions I've been thinking of asking for some time:

    Do you have any plans to implement some sort of emote menu? Like holding a certain key to get a radial menu with emote shortcuts or categories with emotes? For example aggressive, neutral, friendly and misc.

    Also, are there any ideas for at least SOME kind of random number generation when it comes to crafting and looting? As it is now, all crafted items of the same quality have identical stats. Traits aren't really doing enough to make armor and weapons feel unique and interesting.


    bonus question: How much wood would a Wood Elf chuck if a Wood Elf would chuck wood?
    Edited by Shogunami on 17 April 2015 19:32
    "I think Orcs first turned a bear head into food because it looks amazing." -Orzorga.
  • Heromofo
    1. Will we see player housing?.

    2. Me and my mates prefer to play solo can we expect to see end game solo trials or what ever?.

    3. When can we dye our weapons and shields?.

    4. Lag is rampant especially if your trying to pvp from Australia is it possible to see a closer mega server or possible changes?.
  • Aetherderius
    Are there any plans for meeting lore-established characters?

    I've seen a fair bit of talk in EP zones wanting to meet Vivec and Divyath Fyr.
    Or a less grotesque version of Yagrum Bagarn?
  • messengerofdeath
    Soul Shriven
    Hi This question is something I feel that is very important to ask it involves the Xbox/PS4 transfer, the reason this differs from all other questions is this:
    I have purchased the copy/transfer the other day, the xbox/ps4 wont be available till the 9th of June so....
    Does this means it's copied my characters as they are now or during the time I get the xbox one release.

    The reason this question is important is because so many of my friends are looking forward to trying this out on console as some of them have never played ESO before and are big Elder Scrolls fans, soo I just came back about a week ago my chars aren't very high level because I had a big break from doing PC gaming bc my comp broke and was busy irl so I was hoping to get some game time in to level my guys up so they're ready for the big day so I can play with all my friends and help those new to ESO out with my guys all leveled up and sorted so they can create good armour for them so they can get the best of the experience and not worry about being new and failing at times due to learning their characters.
  • AH93
    When can we expect player housing?
  • Mirra_Halfelven
    Hello my questions are in reguard to the upcoming April 24th ESO Live which you guys said would be covering the upcoming console release...

    Will the console UI include features such as buff/debuff icons, floating combat text, map additions such as book &/or shard locations?

    Seeing as the console version's UI can not be modded, features such as above would be very welcome, especailly if they are toggleable so players who want a "cleaner UI" can turn them off or on.
    Mirra Halfelven, Templar Troublemaker
    Daggerfall Covenant - PS4 NA
    PSN: Scooby_609
  • Heromofo
    Alot of us feel the benefits of subscribing are not really worth it especially because of the whole renting deal.

    So is it possible that we may see a bigger and better set of benifits for subbing?

  • Skayaq
    Will the black panther be available in the crown store before console launch, or rather before console transfer?
    Kazari-Dar, Khajiit Nightblade..........Jarkyr Storm-Blade, Nord Sorcerer .......... Dunric Amedain, Breton Templar

    Araniwen, Altmer Sorcerer..................Llirasa Andralu, Dunmer Templar...................Marzug gro-Borgaz, Orc Warden

    Calinchel, Bosmer Warden...................Jahrel-Xei, Argonian Nightblade....................Cienri Maraeud, Breton Sorcerer

    Inara Savicci, Imperial Templar...................Garoric Attilus, Imperial Dragonknight............ Maevina Tallian, Imperial Nightblade

    Ravanni-Ko, Khajiit Dragonknight..........Faevyn Ice-Heart, Nord Warden..........Nazran al-Taneth, Redguard Dragonknight
  • prototypefb
    1)are there plans of making armor 'fit' to players level once equipped? kind of level with player, become stronger as character gets higher level/stronger ?

    2)are 'low level' area delves ever be scaled to players level? atm if you miss something and go back later you get 0 loot/exp and it doesn't scale of your level.

    3)it used to be possible to 'loot containers while moving' atm after update you need to be fully stopped, it's kind of annoying, can you fix it, please?

    4) armor is breaking way too quickly now, any chance players can get slider of how fast armor breaks(more durable but also more cost to repair) or just increase amount armor can take+cost to repair

    5)bosses in public dungeons respawn way too slowly... decrease respawn time, please

    6)grouping tool is poor, it needs to be upgraded/fixed, plenty of feedback around with good ideas how

    7)critters don't take aoe damage for some reason, any clarification why they are so powerfull? xD

    8)monster respawn rates/density are poor in most higher level maps, ppl are ksing each other(me included, shocker), since this is grindfest now, add some more monsters in certain spots for grinding xD
  • Ffastyl
    While attempting to get my (heavily) modded version of Skyrim working again, I came across the Personalized Music - Add your own music to Skyrim mod on my list. I had added several dozen tracks through, so much so that I did not want to try reorganizing those tracks again! So I disabled it. Later that day I started playing ESO with the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Soundtrack in a background window and a wave of nostalgia washed over me.

    Is it possible for players to add music tracks client-side to ESO's files, in a similar fashion to the mod above?
    Is it possible for TES4's soundtrack to be added to ESO's soundtrack from ZOS's side if the above question is "No?"

    P.S. Skyrim started launching three days later, still sorting out bugs.
    Edited by Ffastyl on 18 April 2015 21:58
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Heromofo
    Is it possible to see our costumes and transmorgs get the dye treatment?.
  • KingOfSunnyvale
    Soul Shriven
    How long is the leopard mount going to be in the crown store?
  • Varicite
    7)critters don't take aoe damage for some reason, any clarification why they are so powerfull? xD

    Neutral mobs do not take AoE damage unless you have hit them w/ an ability first, making them aggressive.
  • Heromofo
    How long is the leopard mount going to be in the crown store?

    One week
  • Heromofo
    What is with the lack of content especially since it has been so long since any real dlc?.

    Crown store crap does not count lol
    Think back a year ago
    Where is spell crafting
    Where is thieves guild
    Where is the dark brotherhood?
    Where is clock work city
    Where is etc etc lol you get the point so much was promised.
  • Lhorion
    Do you know why the lag is so bad? And do you have plans to fix it?
    Other games have no lag with equal numbers in pvp. So the problem has to be somewhere in ESO.
  • Heromofo
    The debate of subscribers and opt out of ads where do you guys stand on this?
  • Heromofo
    Will subscribers get more benifits down the track?
  • Heromofo
    When will the lfg get improvements? Because atm no one really uses it as i am sure your aware of all the forum posts about it.
  • dafox187
    Will you ever add companions I think it would be a great idea I think they should have there own lvl and everything like the player that you can control giving them items to carry clothes to wear weapons to use and mounts to ride you could make them generic so we don't all have the same guy as a companion but let us name them and have some for quests some for crowns and then a mercanary manger to hire them with money

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • redsteelb16_ESO
    Can we have a difficulty setting so we can increase the difficulty of the game?

    Can you limit the number of players in each delve instance or quest instance to be more inline with the difficulty of that instance?

    Side note
    Please finish the delves!
  • Naslu
    Are there plans to raise the dungeons to veteran rank 14? maybe as selectable option in where all encounters have for example double life and doing double damage? that would instandly recycle old content into alot known but challanging new content .

    Guild Hodor
    • Marbella Ori / Temp Healer
    • Naslu / Stam Templer
    • Ordaril / Magicka Sorc
    • Allaine De Ladonia / Magicka DK
    • Gretel Witchhunter / Magicka NB
    • Lili Catani / Magicka Tank NB
    • Prince Adam of Eternia / Stam DK

This discussion has been closed.